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Morgan, Nicole - Intimate Persuasions [Intimate Temptations 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 13

by Intimate Persuasions [Siren Classic] (lit)

  Ann was washing dishes and loading them into the dishwasher when she heard the screeching tires in the driveway. She instantly dried her hands and raced to the front door. But it opened before she got there and in stomped Quinn. Full of raging fury.

  “Quinn, hi…what are you doing home? I thought you had to—”

  “Shut up!” He shouted at her.

  Ann’s mouth flew open in surprise. He had never spoken to her so rudely before. “What’s wrong? Are you upset?”

  He let out a guttural laugh then looked at her. “Upset? No. God, no. Why would I be upset? I mean hell, it’s not like you and my brother have been keeping fucking secrets from me or anything.” There! Stew over that!

  “Secrets? Quinn what are you—” She was confused by his accusation.

  This time Quinn really did laugh. “Oh, so he didn’t tell you he was going to tell me. Well, I guess the jokes on you now, because I know.” When she looked down he stalked over to her and raised her chin to meet his steely gaze. “I know everything!”

  No! Derek swore he wouldn’t say anything. Why didn’t he believe her? She had known that if Quinn knew about her true feelings she would lose him. And now he knew. He knew she was in love with him and her worst fears were coming true. They hadn’t talked about commitment. And it was more than obvious from his reaction to the news that he didn’t want one either.

  Ann blinked back the tears. “Quinn, please. I’m…wait, no. I’m not going to say I’m sorry, because I’m not.”

  If she had hit him with a two by four, Quinn couldn’t have been knocked more off balance as he was at that moment. He figured she would cry. He even figured she would try to deny it. Maybe even beg him for another chance. But to hear her stand there and say that she wasn’t even sorry. How dare she! He had given her everything that was his, including his soul. He loved her more than anything. He silently thanked himself for never giving into his need to tell her his true feelings.

  “Quinn, don’t just look at me like that. Say something.”

  “Say something? What in the fuck do you propose that I say?”

  This time the tears did come. “I don’t know. I just…Quinn, everything that Derek said was true. And I can’t change how I feel. When you love someone, it just is. You can’t turn it off.”

  His shock had intensified. She was in love with Derek? “You bitch! Get out of my house! Now!”

  Ann felt his fury. The anger in his voice reverberated with every word that he spoke. “Quinn…please.” She was down-right sobbing now and she didn’t care. She loved him. She actually let herself believe that he cared for her and that maybe one day he might even love her as much as she loved him. How could she have been so wrong? Did the thought of her loving him disgust him so much?

  Quinn had started to walk away when he heard her plea. “You stupid, ignorant bitch. You expect me to be okay with this? You disgust me!” And with that he slammed the bedroom door.

  Ann fell to the floor. She was crying so hard her entire body was shaking. Eight weeks. She had had eight weeks with him. It wasn’t enough. She knew it. She knew he could never love her. He was too handsome, too smart and too damn sexy. There were plenty of women out there that could probably offer him much more than she ever could. She was a hostess in a restaurant for Christ sakes. She was nothing.

  Quinn listened to her tears on the other side of the door. What right did she have to cry, he thought? What right did she have to feel any amount of pain? He was the one that was hurting, he was in pain. He stayed there, leaning against the door and listened to her sobs. Why was she still crying? He couldn’t stand it any longer. When he blinked, a tear escaped and trailed down his face. Stop crying, he silently told her. It was killing him to hear her cry.

  Quinn squeezed his eyes shut to stop the flow of tears. “Baby, please don’t cry,” he whispered. But she didn’t hear him and she didn’t stop. Quinn fought everything inside of him to keep from going to her. He shouldn’t care. He should hate her, despise her. But he didn’t. He loved her. God damn it. He loved her so damn much.

  Finally, Ann had stopped. Quinn looked at his watch. Forty five minutes. She had cried for forty five minutes and he had stood there and did nothing. He could hear her moving around. What was she doing? Then he heard her keys. She was leaving. No, don’t go, he wanted to shout to her. But he knew he couldn’t. She was quiet again; then he almost jumped out of his skin at the sound of her voice on the other side of the door.

  “Quinn.” Her voice was barely audible. She sounded hoarse and sickly. “I’m leaving. I’ll come back tonight to…get my things.” She sniffled.

  Was she crying again? Annie, please don’t cry.

  “I just wanted you to know that, well I…I meant what I said, about how I felt. I love—” She was interrupted by the sound of more tires screeching in the driveway. She ran to the door and opened it. Derek.

  “Ann, thank God. You didn’t have your phone with you. I’ve been trying to call you.” He had been so frantic while he dealt with that dick O’Reily, who set the world record on how long it takes to write a damn speeding ticket. “I talked to Quinn and—”

  Whap! Ann slapped him with every amount of pain that she felt. His stupid meddling had caused this. “I hate you! How could you tell him? You swore to me you’d never tell.” She didn’t wait for an answer. She just ran to her car and sped away.

  Derek rubbed his cheek. Fuck. Shit. Damn. They weren’t the most creative words. But they adequately described the clusterfuck that this afternoon had turned into. He could have gone after her, but he knew that it would make no difference. Until he cleared things up with Quinn, nothing was going to get fixed.

  So he took a deep breath and walked in the house. He closed the door and looked up to see his brother standing there, tears streaked down his face. “Oh shit. You’ve been crying.”

  Quinn wanted to rage at his brother, he wanted to tear him to shreds. But he knew it would do no good. If Ann had really cared for him, she wouldn’t have cheated on him. He turned from his brother and went to the kitchen.

  Derek followed him, “Quinn, you need to listen to me.”

  Quinn ignored him, reaching for his bottle of Jack Daniels and a shot glass. “Go to hell.”

  “Quinn, you’re wrong. I never slept with her.” There. If he wouldn’t let him explain he would just have to let little pieces of the truth spill out into the conversation.

  Quinn turned and looked at him. It helped a little to hear it, but it didn’t much matter. Because while he was in love with her, she was in love with Derek.

  “I guess I should thank you, but I’m not feeling too cordial right now. Seeing as how she’s in love with you and all.”

  This time it was Derek’s turn to be shocked. “What?”

  “You gonna make me repeat that?” Quinn screamed the question.

  “Wait. This doesn’t make any sense. Why on earth do you think she’s in love with me?” What in the hell was going on?

  Quinn turned to face his brother. With new tears escaping his eyes he said, “She told me.”

  Derek shook his head in bewilderment. “What?” He knew for a fact that Ann was desperately and hopelessly in love with Quinn. Why on earth would she have told Quinn that she was in love with him? But within that question was his answer. She wouldn’t have. No way would Ann have told him that.

  “What exactly did she say?” Derek demanded.

  Quinn looked at his brother, seriously reconsidering his position on murder. “I can’t believe you’re going to make me go over this again.”

  Derek reached into Quinn’s refrigerator and pulled out two beers, handing one to his brother he said, “Yeah, well I am gonna. Because I might have screwed up today, but I have a feeling you did too. So sit down, drink your beer and tell me everything she said.”

  Quinn sat in the chair opposite his brother and popped off the lid. Taking a big swig, he glared at his brother. “She said she couldn’t turn her feelings of love off. She s
aid that when you love someone it just is. Or something like that. Fuck, I hate you!”

  Derek took the verbal attack in stride. Because in a matter of minutes he knew that Quinn would be looking at himself in the mirror and uttering those same words. “She said when you love ‘someone’?”

  “Yeah.” Why was he even sitting here talking to his asshole of a brother?

  “So, at what point in your educational background did you start mixing up the word ‘someone’ with ‘Derek’? Just wondering, because the ‘someone’ she’s in love with is you.” There. Put that in your pipe and smoke it you hot-headed jerk.

  Quinn set down his beer and stared at his brother. “What?”

  Derek nodded. “That’s what I went there to tell you. She and I have become good friends working at the restaurant together.” Derek held up his hand to shut him up. “She confided in me. She’s been in love with you almost since the beginning. But she always had this paranoid delusion that you would get tired of her. She lived everyday in fear that you were going to dump her for someone else.”

  “What?” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “I know. Look, you know she’s only had two boyfriends. Not a lot of experience for someone her age. She’s still young, at heart I mean. She assumed that if she cared about you too much, or showed you how she felt, that you would go running for the hills. After you kicked her out, of course.”

  “But, I…I told her you came to see me. I told her that I knew everything. She didn’t deny it, she accepted that I knew.” This didn’t make any sense.

  “Right. She thinks I told you that she was in love with you. And that she was afraid to lose you.” Derek watched the horror creep across his brother’s face when realization had hit.

  “No! Oh shit! Derek, I was horrible to her. I called her a bitch. Oh fuck. What have I done? Where did she go? Do you know where she might have gone? I have to find her.” Quinn was already getting up from the table.

  “Hang on. There’s something else you have to know.”

  Quinn stopped in his tracks. “What?”

  Derek took a breath, knowing that this might be more shocking than everything else. “I think Ann’s pregnant.”

  Quinn dropped into the chair in disbelief. He shook his head for several minutes with his mouth hanging open, and then slowly turned to his brother.

  “So, if I understand you right, the woman that I love, the only woman that I’ve ever loved, is pregnant with my child. She loves me, so much that she is riddled with anxiety over whether I’ll leave her.” Quinn took a breath. “And to help her through these things that she’s going through I scream at her, call her a bitch and tell her to get out.”

  Derek shook his head. “Yeah man, that pretty much covers it.”

  “Holy hell. What in the hell is wrong with me?” Quinn dropped his forehead to the table. Too much shocking information all at once was not good for the soul.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ann didn’t know where she was. She just drove and drove until she was lost. She kept replaying everything that happened when Quinn had gotten home. She couldn’t believe the cruel words he had used when he found out she loved him. He called her a bitch. He knew how much she hated when men called women that. Did the idea of her loving him make him so angry that he would want nothing but to hurt her?

  She saw a small hotel on the side of the road and pulled off to see if they had any vacancies. She knew she had told Quinn she would be back tonight for her things, but there was no way she could go back there tonight. She was tired, her head hurt and the pain she felt in her chest was unbearable. Maybe she would go back tomorrow night.

  She got out of her car and headed for the front office. There was an old man behind the counter and he turned away from his television to face her when she entered. He gave her a concerned smile. She knew she probably looked like hell.

  “Do you have any rooms available?”

  “Are you all right, Miss?”

  It was then that Ann saw her reflection in the window. She looked worse than hell. There were mascara streaks staining her face. Her eyes were beyond puffy and swollen. She actually looked like she’d been punched in the eyes.

  “I’m fine. Thank you though. Do you, have a room I mean?”

  “Sure. Ah, do you need to talk to someone? I could get my wife. She’s in the back fixing us supper.”

  Ann smiled at the sweet man and his kindness. “No, thank you really. I just want a bed and a hot bath. And maybe some dinner. Are there any restaurants around here?”

  He shook his head. “Do you like spaghetti and meatballs?”

  “Yes, actually I do.”

  He reached up and handed her a pen and a paper. “Fill this out. We’ll need to see an ID and a credit card, but you can pay cash if you want when you check out.” He leaned closer to her and whispered, even though there was no one else in the room. “The wife gets a little pissed when people leave without paying. So we started taking down card numbers.”

  She nodded. “I understand.”

  “Okay well, you fill all that out and I’ll be right back.” He disappeared into the backroom.

  Ann filled out the registration card and hesitated when it asked for her address. It made her sad. She just went to the bank yesterday and ordered some checks with Quinn’s address on them. She told herself she was being silly, but she had a bad feeling that she was jinxing herself.

  Ann had just dotted the last I and crossed the last T when the sweet old man came back out from the back room. She couldn’t contain her grin when she saw the food he was holding. And following behind him was a lady much larger than him. It almost shocked her for a moment. He was probably only 5 feet tops and she was easily 5 1/2 feet and had packed on a few pounds more than her husband over the years.

  “Is this her? Oh my dear, look at you. You just look dreadful.”

  The man nudged his wife. “That’s not making her feel better.”

  “Of course. I’m sorry dear. Is it a man? Is that what has upset you so?”

  “I told you she said she doesn’t want to talk about it,” he told his wife.

  “It’s fine, and thank you for the food. I assume that’s for me.”

  “Indeed. Listen I’m Marilyn Bates and this here is my husband. No—” He quickly interrupted her.

  “Let’s just leave her be,” He told her, giving her an evil eye.

  Marilyn rolled her eyes. “Oh for heaven’s sake. Would you get over it already? It’s not that big of a deal.”

  Ann was curious. “What’s not that big of deal?”

  “His name,” she said, “It’s Norman, Norman Bates.”

  Ann couldn’t help it. She burst out laughing. “Norman Bates? Are you serious?”

  He nodded up at her. “I’m afraid so. If you notice the sign outside just says Motel. We thought The Bates Motel would be bad for business.”

  Ann kept laughing. “Oh my God. I can imagine the people in the city and county office when you applied for your business license.” She laughed harder.

  Her laughter was contagious because now they were all laughing. In a funny voice Ann continued, “So, Mr. Bates, it says here you would like to run a roadside motel. Will that be with or without the dead bodies?”

  Their laughter continued into the night as she ended up staying and eating dinner with the fun couple. She went to her room to wash up first, but had gone right back to join them for one of the best spaghetti and meatball dinners she had ever eaten.

  It was now 8 o’clock. She knew Quinn would be at the Roadhouse. It would be safe to go back and get her things now without having to hear anymore of his hurtful words, but she didn’t want to go back yet. The Bates’ had given her directions to get back to the main highway, so she could go whenever she wanted to. The only problem was that all she really wanted was Quinn. Despite everything he had said and how much he had hurt her, she still loved him. And she knew it wasn’t going to be easy getting over him. Actually, if she was
completely honest with herself, she knew she wouldn’t ever be able to get over him. She would love him forever.

  Ann tuned on the water to the bathtub when she realized that she didn’t even have a cell phone. That, of course, made her realize that she had absolutely no one to call. No one to reassure that she was all right and safe. She knew Derek would probably be worried about her. But she didn’t really care. She was furious with him for meddling in something that he swore to keep a secret. Sure, it was Quinn that had actually hurt her. But if Derek hadn’t have stuck his stupid nose in their business she would still be there right now.

  So what if he didn’t love her. She could be happy without his love, as long as she had him. She shook her head as she dipped her body slowly into the bath. That wasn’t true and she knew it. She did love Quinn, but she needed his love, too. That’s what all her nervousness had been about. She needed him, all of him. All or nothing.

  Like it matters now, she thought. It was over, he didn’t love her and that was that. She laid her head back against the tub and closed her eyes, wishing she could change it from happening. A stray lonely tear slid down her cheek. She already missed him so much. Oh Quinn, I love you.

  * * * *

  Quinn paced the living room. He hated that he wasn’t out there helping Derek look for her. But he couldn’t take the chance that she would come home and he wasn’t there. He could leave a note. But there was no way that he could possibly put down on paper the turmoil that he was experiencing right now. She was out there somewhere, pregnant, hurting, and probably crying her eyes out and it was all his fault. And he knew it. The phone finally rang and he jumped for it.

  “Hello, Annie?”

  Derek sighed on the other end. “No bro, sorry. It’s me. I was just checking in. Any word yet?”


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