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The Heart Will Lead You Home

Page 14

by Kristin Leedy

  “Alright you two.” He stood and planted a light kiss on his oldest daughter’s cheek. “Have a good time. Try not to get into too much trouble.”

  “Yeah, whatever dad. You know me, the regular hellion.” Her eyes sparkled as she watched her dad. This could quite possibly be the most exciting night of her life. Assuming she made it to the party without losing her nerves… and her dinner… all in Grace’s car.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Farmer Murphy’s barn was in the middle of a large pasture about ten minutes outside of the city of Edenville. There wasn’t another house for miles, just land and woods, and the occasional cow that mooed in the distance. The stars and the moon were the brightest kind of lighting other the headlights off the pickup trucks that circled around the perimeter of the barn.

  Grace had turned sixteen at the beginning of the year, and had been the lifeline for the two of them to civilization. It seemed they couldn’t remembered how they had survived before when one of their parents’ had to drive them to the mall every time they wanted to go shopping.

  So, as usual, Grace drove them the barn party and pulled to a slow creep as they approached the pasture Payton had told them to come to for the party. They obviously had the right place, Lizzie thought, because there were cars and trucks all over the place. But she had never seen anything like this in all her life.

  Lizzie gawked in silence as Grace slowly drove them over the cattle grates at the edge of the pasture and down the bumpy, sandy road that led into the field. She guessed at least sixty vehicles were parked in the field, most of them being trucks. That meant that half of DixieAcademy and probably some kids from nearby schools were there at the party that night.

  The red barn that stood in the middle of the pasture was lit up brighter than the Las Vegas strip with all the blazing headlights aimed in its direction. Just outside the barn, Lizzie noted a makeshift stage where a band made up of several Dixie boys was setting up their equipment. She wondered what kind of music they would play, and then remembered that they were at a barn party, so it would most likely be something country. Thankfully she had acquired a taste for the twangy sound of it since she had been in Edenville, otherwise she didn’t know how she was going to put up with it all night.

  Grace stuck by Lizzie’s side as they climbed out of the car, both nervous and edgy, and neither wanted to admit it. But inside they were also excited and eager to see where the night would lead them. They walked together towards the milling mass of bodies before them, each trying to absorb every little detail. Every little ounce of excitement they could cram into their brains they would, and later as they fell asleep at Lizzie’s house, they would giggle late into the night about all the things they had seen and done.

  There was laughter and shouting everywhere as people greeted other people to the party. Lizzie couldn’t help but feel a little envious. Even though Payton had invited them to come, she sincerely doubted anyone would be making them a grand welcome shout out. Grace noticed that people were grabbing drinks out of coolers in the bed of a pickup near the barn, so they headed that way to grab one as well.

  Payton, Colin, and Hank stood in a group of guys all laughing about something stupid Bud had done at spring football practice the other day. Bud’s face was beet red from the embarrassment, but he smiled and took his jabbing in stride. They had just made the switch from ribbing Bud to now Hank, when something caught Payton’s attention.

  He glanced over to Hank’s truck where all the coolers had landed for the party, and noticed two girls making there way over to grab a drink. He could tell by the fire engine hair that one of the girl’s was Grace, so he had to assume the other was Lizzie. But if it was, she looked completely different tonight.

  He studied the girl with interest, curious to know who she was. The girl had her back to him now, but her hair was down, in long lazy curls that ended just above the small of her back. From the distance he stood away from her, he could only really see a white shirt and long, long legs that were covered by a short black skirt that stopped about mid-thigh.

  Whoever she was, or if she was Lizzie, she certainly didn’t dress like Lizzie tonight.

  Colin jabbed him in the ribs, bringing him back to the guys, “What’s the matter? Never seen a girl before?” Colin smirked at his own joke and Payton gave him a sideways roll of his eye.

  “Yes, just I don’t think that one.” He nodded at the girl in question. “Come on, let’s go welcome her to the party.”

  The two set off toward the coolers, keeping the red head and her friend in view. As they neared Payton could make out more of the girl’s features, and was surprised to realize as he came within a few feet of her that it was Lizzie after all. He made his way to the cooler first, grabbed a drink then turned and caught Lizzie staring directly at him. That feeling, that sparking jolt of electricity that was beginning to become a normal but still unnerving occurrence when he was around her, coursed through him as he met her eyes and held them.

  “Glad to see you two could make it.” He smiled that lazy smile that Lizzie long ago had fallen victim to, and she could feel her skin tingling from her head to her toes.

  “I thought we nearly wouldn’t,” Grace chimed in. “Ms Fashion Model over here had to change clothes at least fifteen- ouch what was that for?” Grace rubbed the rib that had just been elbowed by Lizzie, and giggled nervously when she realized what she had been saying.

  “Thanks for inviting us,” Lizzie added, her voice a tiny nervous squeak mixed with all the other noises of the night. Her heart was pounding like a run away freight train, and she wouldn’t have been surprised if everyone within a ten foot radius could hear it slamming nervously in her chest.

  Payton sipped his drink and watched as Colin took over the conversation. Grace was instantly enthralled with him, and laughed until she couldn’t breathe at just about everything he said. He was amused with her, intrigued that she found his friend so hysterical, and for a while he just leaned back against the bed of the truck and enjoyed the show the two of them put on.

  But as he let the two of them carry on, he couldn’t help but watch from the corner of his eye the way Lizzie looked that night. She had actually put on make-up for once making her look a little older. It also made her look alive and the green of her eyes danced in the moonlight, shadowed only by the dark lashes she had made darker with mascara. He wondered briefly what it would feel like to kiss some of that red lipstick off her lips- how she would react if he did that, and then the thought was gone.

  He forced it from his mind and refused to let it resurface. He was single, and he liked it that way. For now anyway. Not that a kiss meant anything serious to him. But to her… yes, he couldn’t imagine how someone as obviously innocent as her could take a kiss to mean anything else.

  To break the thoughts running through his head he stood up to his full height and interrupted the conversation between Grace and Colin. “Well, I’m sure you want to talk with some other people here tonight as well. Why don’t Colin and I introduce you to some of our friends. I think it’s time you two met some new faces at Dixie for a change.”

  The foursome managed to push through the ever growing party population, Payton and Colin ignoring the usual stares and hellos others gave them as they sauntered through the crowd. For Grace and Lizzie, though, being ignored was the standard for them, so to now have people obviously paying attention was a little unnerving to say the least.

  They smiled awkwardly and tried not to look nervous as the curious stares followed them wherever they went. It was only natural for people to stare and wonder. After all, it wasn’t every day that two of the most popular boys in school walked through the biggest party of the year with the two least popular girls in school. As they pushed through the crowds, whispers starting flying, and before the night was over, the entire school of Dixie would know that Lizzie and Grace were the two new chosen girls.

  Of course, Lizzie and Grace wouldn’t know that. Not yet. How could they? It would b
e like waking up and realizing over night you had become a Princess. But in Edevnille, Payton Cartwright was king, however humble he may be about it. And when he chose someone to spend his time with, that person became an untouchable as well.

  Payton and Colin pushed their way up to a group of about ten guys and girls, all mixed together and laughing about something. The group looked up and welcomed the boys, and tried to not look so curious as to the two girls they had drug along.

  “Hey gang, I want you to meet two of Colin and my new friends,” Payton said as he skimmed the group before him. “This is Grace Jacobs and Lizzie Benford.”

  A round of hello’s coursed from the group.

  Colin took over the talking then. “Of course, you know Bud and Hank.” He waited for the two girls to nod their heads. He introduced the rest of the guys and then the girls. “This is Jade and Summer, and over there talking with Bud is Sellars and Lou Ann.”

  Lizzie remembered Lou Ann alright, but hoped that maybe tonight she could slip through the cracks and not get in a fight with the drama queen.

  “Nice to meet you,” Lizzie and Grace said simultaneously, both hoping their voices wouldn’t show the nervousness they felt. Something was different in the air that night. Something was happening though neither could put their finger on it. But somehow it felt special, so they both made a note in their minds to not forget this moment. They had a feeling it was going to go down in their history books for sure.

  Not long after Colin and Payton introduced them to everyone, all the boys disappeared, leaving Grace and Lizzie with the other girls. Lizzie could feel the girls silently measuring her up, so she stood tall, and held her head high, and just in case she needed to punch someone and run for cover, she fisted a hand behind her back to be prepared.

  Lou Ann, just at Lizzie feared, was the first to attack. “So, you thought you’d just show up to the party and weasel your way into my group, huh?”

  Lizzie and Grace stood quiet, waiting for the other’s to attack as well. Lou Ann didn’t wait for a response, instead she made her way across the short distance and pushed a finger right in Lizzie’s face. “Listen up girlie. I’ve got news for you. You’re nobody, and you always will be. Don’t go sticking yourself somewhere that nobody invited you.” She paused to take a breathe so she could let loose on Lizzie again when she felt someone push her out of the way and block Lizzie from her view. Lou Ann looked up to find Payton standing over her, his eyes hard and cold, his features set in stone.

  “Give it up Lou Ann. I invited her to be here tonight, and she’s welcome in this group as long as she wants to be. She’s not going to fight you, and all you’ve ever been is a jerk to everyone. If you’re going to be a bully, go find someplace else to do your work. There’s not enough room in this group for arrogance like yours.”

  Lou Ann glared at him, trying to determine if he would do anything to her, wanting desperately to rip her claws down his face, knowing that would only solidify her downward spiral in the school. Instead, she turned her back on the group and slinked off into the night to lick her wounds. She’d be back she promised herself, and there wouldn’t be room at the top for both her and Lizzie. She bide her time for now, but one day, the day Lizzie least suspected it, she’d be back and she’d get even.

  Payton turned to Lizzie and took her by the arms. “Are you okay? She didn’t hurt you did she?” He searched her face, and held her shoulders, catching hold of her eyes and holding them in place with his. She shuddered involuntarily, enjoying the thrill of sensations that pulsed through her, but not wanting to cause a scene in front of these new people.

  “I’m fine. Thanks, Payton.” She smiled weakly, wishing she had enough courage to kiss him full on the lips for coming to her rescue yet again, but knowing she wasn’t that brave.

  “Okay,” He said at last, and let her go. He moved away, back to where the guys stood talking not far away, and let her get to know the girls he hoped would take her under their wing.

  “Sorry about that,” Jade said, “Lou Ann is just a big jerk. We’ve been meaning to do something about that for a while now.” Summer and Sellars agreed.

  “So girls,” Summer asked, “Those two invited you to the party?” She nodded her head in the direction of Payton and Colin.

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “That’s nice. That Payton always has had a good heart.” Lizzie was surprised to hear the instant friendliness in Summer’s voice and felt some of her tension slipping away.

  “Yeah,” Jade added. “That’s why all the girl’s like him, you know. Well, besides the fact that he’s completely gorgeous. But I mean, seriously, where could you find a nicer guy?” Summer and Sellars agreed, and Lizzie and Grace found themselves nodding as well.

  “But don’t you think Colin’s nice, too?” Grace questioned, a little afraid that the girl’s would mock her for adding her own opinion.

  “Oh, yeah. He’s a sweetheart, too.” Jade instantly agreed, as did the others.

  “But you just can’t find the whole package like Payton’s got.” Inside Lizzie found herself agreeing whole heartedly with Summer’s words, and found herself enjoying the conversation they were having. It was different, completely different, than what she had been expecting. She had been expecting a fight, but it seemed like, after all, they would be having a good time with these girls.

  “So, Lizzie, you’re outfit is great. Where do you get your clothes?” Sellars looked at her with interest, obviously waiting for an answer. Lizzie was so shocked with the compliment that she stood dumbfounded for a minute. She finally realized she had been asked a question and stared down at her clothes, trying for the life of her to think up where she had found the outfit.

  “Uh… Oh, yeah. Grace and I found this adorable boutique about five minutes from the big mall in Clarkston. I buy a lot of my clothes there.”

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed you have great style,” Summer said, shocking Lizzie further. She didn’t realize people even noticed she wore clothes to school.


  “You too Grace.”

  “Really? Me too?”

  The other girls giggled and gave her a hug. “Honey, you’re just too cute. And by the way, how do you get your hair that bright. It’s gorgeous. Do you dye it?”

  “Oh, no!” The five of them talked on for hours, letting the time slip past them as they made new friends that night at the barn party. Lizzie didn’t even notice the blare of the band in the background or the swirl of the party around her she was so fascinated by the instant acceptance from these girls and the good time they were having together.

  She didn’t notice the buzz of whispers circling around them as the rest of the world began to realize the shift in power that was taking place in their school, or the fact that Payton watched her throughout the night, proud that she had finally found the place he knew she belonged in. She didn’t notice that he watched her with fascination, enchanted by her growing beauty and with curiosity at the woman she was fast becoming.

  Payton himself didn’t realize that each hour that past he found himself more and more enthralled by her, by her looks, by her spirit and personality. The one thing he did know was that he was happy that he had been able to help her find her new place, the place in the school and with the people she deserved to be with. He could do that for her at least, if nothing else.

  Lizzie happened to look down at her watch and noticed that it read half past midnight. Her heart leapt into her throat. She hadn’t been out that late ever! She would just bet her father was pacing the halls of the house right now, having an absolute cow that she wasn’t home. She was surprised that he hadn’t already barreled into the party and drug her home by the hair on her head.

  “Uh, Grace,” She whispered into her friend’s ear. “I hate to break this up, but we’re late and my dad is going to kill us.”

  Grace glanced at her watch and paled considerably. “Oh man, we are in seriously deep doo-doo. Let’s go.”

  “Got to go so soon, girls?” Jade asked as they got up to leave from where they had settled on the bed of Colin’s pick up.

  “Yeah. My dad’ll kill me if we don’t get home soon.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, see you girls on Monday?” Lizzie and Grace stared at each other in disbelief.


  “Great. Sit with us at lunch. We’ll be looking for you.”

  Lizzie and Grace drove home in utter disbelief. They just had the most fantastic night of their lives, and not to mention that the most popular girls in school wanted them to sit with them at lunch on Monday. Life couldn’t be better.

  It was so good in fact that not even the fact that her father reprimanded them until he was blue in the face made either one of them stop smiling for the rest of the weekend.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was the last day of school again, the last day of tenth grade, and she was thrilled that she wasn’t having to spend it reading in detention. Nope. Today she was going with Grace, Summer, and Jade to a swimming party over at Sellars’s house, and then they were all going on a summer shopping spree that night at the mall in Clarkston. If they were lucky, she might be able to convince her mom to let them see a movie there as well, and then let them spend the night over at Summer’s house.

  Yep. This summer was going to be awesome. She had grown into a fast friendship with the girls she had met at the barn party, and she had been having so much fun ever since. Even her father found it difficult to find things to complain at her about, he was so happy that she had finally found her place in Edenville.

  He was thrilled that she didn’t spend every weekend night locked in her bedroom, studying and reading and petting Skipper until his fur fell out. No, now she had so many phone calls that he’d had to give her a time limit on the phone each night, and she was busy almost every night of the week. He was ecstatic about her new life, and knew that moving them here had been the right move after all.


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