A History of Japanese Art
Page 38
1919 - "Genshi Shintō no saiji to sono shakai ka" 原始神道の祭祀と其社会化 (Rituals of primitive Shintoism and their socialization). Tōa no hika.ri東亜之光 14/10/11 (October, November).
1920 - Shintō Kigenron 神道起原論(Treatise on the origin of Shinto). Tokyo: Daitōkaku 大鐙閣 (English title on the cover: essay on the origin of Shinto).
1920 - "Rinjubutsu hohoyake Amidazō to Dokuzaikan" 臨終仏頬焼阿弥陀像と贖罪観(The burned face image of the Amida coming to greet the believer at the moment of death and the view of redemption from sin). Gendai Bukkyō 現代仏教 (April).
1921 - "Narachō no shakyō to geijutsu" 奈良朝の寫経と芸術(Hand-copied sutras and the fine arts of the Nara era). Kōkogaku zasshi 考古学雑誌 2, 11/7.
1921 - "Narachō shakyō no okugaki ni tsuite 奈良朝写経の奥書について (Concerning the provenance on Nara era hand-copied sutras). Kōkogaku zasshi 考古学雑誌 11/10 (March).
1921 - "Wagakuni jisharyō no seishitsu to sosen suhai 我国寺社領の性質と祖先崇拝(Characteristic of our country's shrines and temple domains and ancestor worship). Rekishi chiri 歴史地理 38/6 (December).
1922 - Nihon minzoku shisō no kenkyū 日本民族思想の研究 (Research on the philosophy of the Japanese people). Tokyo: Daitokaku.
1922 - "Daifushi ni arawaretaru zaiakukan to sono kachi" 大祓詞に現はれたる罪悪感と其の価値 (View of sin and its significance as seen in the words of the grand purification ceremony). Meiji seitoku kinengakkai kiyō 明治聖徳記念学会紀要 17 (April).
1922 - "Wagakuni jōdai no insho ni awaretaru shakai soshiki" 我国上代の印章に現はれたる社会組織 (The organization of society as seen in seals of our country's antiquity). Tōa no bi 東亜の美 6l7/5.
1922 - "Waga kaiheki shinwa ni arawaretaru shūkyō shisō 我が開闢神話に現はれたる宗教思想 (Religious thought as seen in our country's mythology on the origin of the world). Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 17/9, 10, 12 (September, October, December).
1922 - "Seccho 'Nihon minzoku shisō no kenkyū' ni kansuru Harada kun no hihyō o yomite" 拙著「日本民族思想の研究」に関する原田君の批評を読みて (A reading of the criticism by Mr. Harada [Harada Jirō, 1873-?] of my 'research on the philosophy of the Japanese people'). Jinja kyōkai zasshi 神社協会雑誌 21/12 (December).
1923 - Bukkyō bijutsu to jōdai bunka 仏教美術と上代文化 (Buddhist art and ancient culture). (Bunka sōsho 文化叢書 vol. 22). Kokushi Kōshūkai 国史講習会
1923 - "Genshi shakai no okeru shūkyō" 原始社会に於ける宗教 (Religion in primitive society). Chūō shidan 中央史檀 6/1 (January).
1923 - "Wagajōdai no ibutsu ni arawaretaru shijin juni shiju no igi" 我国上代の遺物に現はれたる四神十二支獣の意義 (The significance of the four deities and twelve animals as seen in relics of our country's antiquity). Chūō shidan 中央史壇 6/3 (March).
1923 - "Nihon minzoku no saisho no kami" 日本民族の最初の神 (The earliest deities of the Japanese people). Jinja kyōkai zasshi 神社協会雑誌 22/5 (May).
1923 - Genshi jidai gō 原始時代號 (Study of the primitive age), published in: Chiūō shidan 中央史壇 6/1 (January) and Rinji tokubetsu zōkan gō 臨時特別增刊號 (April). Reprinted in book form in 1925, with the title Genshi jidai no kenkyū 原始時代之研究 (Research on the primitive age), vol. 1, 2. Edited by Kokushi Kōshūkai 輯国史講習会 . Tokyo: Yūzankaku.
1924 - Co-authored with Miyake Yonekichi (1860-1929). "Insei jidai no kuyō mokuroku" 院政時代の供養目錄 (Lists of Buddhist offerings during the cloistered government period). Teishitsu Hakubutsukan Gakuhō 帝室博物館学報 4.
1924 - Starr, Frederick. 1924. Sekai jinshu monogatari 世界人種物語 (Stories of strange peoples) .Tōkyō: Kōseikaku Shoten. Translated into Japanese by Tsuda Noritake.
1925 - "Kashu Daigaku to Shikagono Feiruto Hakubutsukan" 加州大学とシカゴのフィルト 博物館見記 (A record of what I saw at the University of California and the Field Museum in Chicago). Kōkogaku zasshi 考古学雑誌 15/3 (March).
1925 - Jindaishi to shūkyō shisō no hattatsu 神代史と宗教思想の発達 (The development of religious philosophy and the age of the kami). Tōkyō: Naigai Shobō 内外書房.
1925? - Early Shinto and the Japanese nation with special reference to the coming enthronement ceremony. Tokyo?: publisher unknown.
1926 - New York University Department of Fine Arts : Introduction to the Buddhist art of Japan by Noritake Tsuda of the Imperial Museum of Tokyo: Metropolitan Museum of Art classroom B fifteen Tuesdays beginning February 2, 1926, at 8.00 P.M. (Cardstock broadside sheet, owned by the New York Historical Society).
1926? - The Sho-so-in: the art treasure house standing since the 8th century in Japan. (Text of a lecture given at the Japan Society of American, New York).
1927 - "Beikoku no kokka shigi to kyoraku shugi" 米国の国家主義と驕樂主義 (Nationalism and egoism of America). Tōa no bi 東亜の美 23/7.
1927 - "Shakason no kōtan to kanjō ni awaretaru fumetsu no kannen" 釈迦尊の降誕と潅頂に現はれたる不滅の観念 (The concept of immortality as seen in the birth of Shakyamuni and the ceremony of sprinkling water on the head of a devotee). Shūkyō 宗教 21/2 (March).
1927 - "Taima mandara gaijin Amida jusan kanzu so no kenkyū" 当麻曼陀羅外陣阿弥陀十三観図相の研究 (A study of the thirteen Kannon images in the border friezes of the Taima mandara) Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 14/2 (April).
1927 - "Taiyō suhai to shūkyō kannen no hattatsu" 太陽崇拝と宗教観念の発達 (Sun worship and the development of religious concepts). Minzoku 民族 215 (July).
1928 - "Nihon wa shinbijutsu no chōwa seru risō no kuni" 日本は眞美術の調和せる理想の國 (Japan is an ideal country that is in harmony with the true art). Tōa no bi 東亜の美 23/9.
1928 - "Chōan san nen no sekibutsu Amida Sanson" 長安三年の石仏阿弥陀三尊 (Stone images of an Amida triad dated to 707 [Changan 3]). Kōkogaku zasshi 考古学雑誌 18/2 (February).
1928. - "Beikoku no kokka shugi to waga kokutai" 米国の国家主義と我が国体 (American nationalism and our national policy). Meiji seitoku kinengakkai kiyō 明治聖徳記念学会紀要 29 (April).
1928 - "Nara no totto wa sumiru ni arasaruka" 奈良の頭塔は須弥山にあらざるか (Are the earthen mounds in Nara a representation of Mt. Sumeru?) Kōkogaku zasshi 考古学雑誌 18/5 (May).
1929 - "Amidano raigō zu to no shakai teki kachi" 弥陀の来迎図とその社会的価値 (Amida Raigō pictures and their societal value). In Miyake Hakushi koki shukuga kinen ronbunshū 三宅博士古稀祝賀記念論文集 (Collected papers celebrating the seventieth birthday of Professor Miyake Yonekichi). Edited by Otsukashi 大塚史学会編 Tokyo: Oka Shoin.
1929 - "Amida Jōdo no enbō to sono shakai teki kachi" 阿弥陀浄土の遠望とその社会的価値 (A distant view of Amida Jōdo and its societal value). Gendai bukkyō 現代仏教 63 (July).
1930 - "Hōodō no shin kenkyū" 鳳凰堂のと新研究 (New research on the Phoenix Hall). Published in three parts, in successive issues of the journal Kokka 國華 473, 474, 475 (April, May, June).
1930 - Hōodō no kenkyū. 鳳凰堂の研究 (Research on the Phoenix Hall). Tōkyō: Okashoin.
1930 - "Kirisuto, madana oyobi tenkoku no zuzō to sono hyoshō" キリスト,マタナ及天國の圖像とその表象 (Representations Christ, Madonna, and Heaven and their symbolism). Kōkogaku zasshi 考古学雑誌 20/2 (May).
1931 - "Amida Jōdo no shiko taru sogen to sono shakaiteki igi" 阿弥陀浄土の至幸たる荘厳とその社会的意義 (The supreme Buddha Amida of the Pure Land sect and his societal significance). {Shin) Shūkyō (新)宗教研究 8/2 (March).
1933 - "Wagakuni bijutsu no hansen o nobete geijutsu no shakai teki shimei ni oyobu" 我が国美術の変遷を述べて芸術の社会的使命に及ぶ (Speaking on the ch
anges in our country's fine art, touching on the mission of art in society). Meiji seitoku kinen gakkai kiyō 明治聖徳記念学会紀要 39 (March).
1933 - "Atarashiku minoashitabijutsu no igi" 新しく見直した美術の意義ぎ (The significance of the new way of looking at art). Chūō bijutsu fukko 2中央美術復興第二号(September).
1934 - Synopsis of the History of Japanese Art. Tokyo: Board of Tourist Industry Japanese Government Railways.
1934 - "The Decorative Painting of Japan in the Momoyama Period." Parnassus 6/1 (January): 18-21.
1935 - "Ema no kigen oyobi sono kinyokuzu ni tsuite" 絵馬の起源及び其禁欲図について (Concerning the origins of ema [votive pictures] and their relationship to abstinence). Kōkogaku zasshi 考古学雑誌 12/2 (October).
1935 - Handbook of Japanese art. Tokyo: Sanseidō. Second edition published in 1936 in Tokyo by Sanseidō and distributed (?) by Dodd, Mead, & Co. in New York; reprinted in 1937, 1938, and 1941. Reprinted also in 1937 by G. Allen and Unwin, London. 1935 - Interpretation of the Feminine Beauty in Buddhist Painting. Short unpublished manuscript or booklet (Owned by the Freer-Sackler Library, Smithsonian Institution).
1937 -A B C of Japanese Art. Tokyo: Board of Tourist Industry, Japanese Government Railways, Toppan Print Co., Ltd.
1937 - A study of Sonographic Representations of Buddha Amitâbha and his Paradise. An essay prepared in Japanese under the patronage of the scholarship fund of the Imperial Academy of Japan. Reprinted from the commemoration volume, edited by Katō Genchi titled: The Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Meiji Japan Society.
1937 - Text and garden selection by Tamura Tsuyoshi, translation by Tsuda Noritake. Gardens of Japan (in series: the Japanese arts through lantern slides). Tokyo: Kokusai Bunka Shinkōkai.
1937 - Text by Noma Seiroku, translation by Tsuda Noritake. Japanese Sculpture: (In series: the Japanese arts through lantern slides, vol. 2. Tokyo: Kokusai Bunka Shinkōkai.
1937 Saisei itchi no hongi 祭政一致の本義 (The origin of State Shintō). Tokyo: Kyōbunsha.
1939 - Ideals of Japanese Painting. Tokyo: Sanseido. Reprinted in 1940.
1941. Co-authored with Qinyuan Cao. Riben di Kongzi sheng miao 日本的孔子聖廟. (Confucius temples in Japan). Published in China by: Guo ji wen hua zhen xing hui 國際文化振興會
1941 - Seikatsu bunka to bijutsu. 生活文化と美術 (The culture of daily life and art). Tōkyō: Kasumigaseki Shobō.
1942 - "Taikoku bukkyō no shujusō" 泰国仏教の種々相 (Various aspects of Buddhism in Thailand). Kōkogaku zasshi 考古学雑誌 32/2 (November).
1946 - "Shajiryō no enkaku to Wagakuni sosen sūhai" :社寺領の沿革と我国祖先崇拝 (History of shrine and temple domains and ancestor worship in our country). Rekishi chiri 歴史地理 38/6 (June).
1949 - "Nihon nōgyō shinwa no kenkyū 日本農業神話の研究 (Research on myths in Japanese agriculture). Chūō shidan 中央史檀 8/3, 9/1 (March and July).
1951 - "Risoteki heiwa no sekaisei" 理想的平和の世界性 (The universality of the ideal of peace). Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 127 (October).
1952 - "Shinto no kokunaisei to sekaisei: tennōsei no kako to shōrai" 神道の国内性と世界性-天皇制の過去と将— (Nationality and the universality of Shinto-The emperor system of the past and future). Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 133 (December).
1953 - The History and Art of Nikkō. Chiba City: Shintō Bunkakai (Shinto Bulletin 2).
1953 - "The Chinese Philosophy and Religious Ideas Expressed in the Designs of Han Mirrors Exhumed from Japanese Protohistoric Burial Mounds and How Such Ideas were Related to the Ideal of Early Japanese Nationalism." In Proceedings, 4th Far Eastern Prehistory Congress: 247-259.
1954 - The Ise Grand Shrine and Periodical Ceremony of Removing of its all Shrines. Chiba City Japan: Shinto Bunkakai.
1955 - ラングドン・ウオーナー氏の人と功績 (Mr. Langdon Warner, the man and his distinguished contributions). Tokyo Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan bijutsushi 東京国立博物館研究誌 (English title: Museum) 54 (September): 30.
1959 - "Senso naki heiwa to dai san seishin kakumei" 戦争なき平和と第三精神革命 (Peace without war and the third spiritual revolution). Shintōgaku 神道学 (May).
1960 - "Zusetsu no Nihon bunka to tennōsei" 図説の日本文化と天皇制 (The Emperor system and Japanese culture illustrated by religious art). Shūkyo kenkyū 宗教研究 162 (March).
1961 - "Tennōsei no arikata to seigi no heiwa" 天皇制のあり方と正義の平和 (The future of Japanese emperorship and the justice of peace). Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 166 (January).
Undated. Buddhist Art and Estheticism in Japanese Life. Unpublished manuscript (?), owned by University of Wisconsin, Madison.
1976,1985 - Handbook of Japanese Art. Rutland, VT: Turtle (reprint of the 1936 edition).
1976 - Co-authored with Miyake Yonekichi (1860-1929). Gokurakugan ōjōka 極楽願往生歌 (Songs of praise for rebirth in the Buddhist paradise). Tokyo: Benseisha. 勉誠社 (Reprint with new title of 1924 article, "Insei jidai no kuyō mokuroku."
1990 - Sỏ tay nghê thuât Nhât Bản (in Vietnamese). Hà Nôi: Khoa hoc xã hôi (Reprint of original 1935 edition of Handbook of Japanese Art).
2009 - A History of Japanese Art From Prehistory to the Taisho Period. Rutland, VT: Tuttle. (Reprint with new title: Handbook of Japanese Art).
A Short Bibliography: Books written in English
Allen, M. R.: Japanese Art Motives. Chicago, McClurg, 1917.
Anderson, W.: The Pictorial Arts of Japan. London, Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1886.
Anderson, W.: Japanese Wood Engravings. London, Seeley, 1895.
Anesaki, M.: Buddhist Art in its Relation to Buddhist Ideals with Special Reference to Buddhism in Japan. Boston and N. Y., Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1915.
Anesaki, M.: Art, Life, and Nature in Japan. Boston, Marshall Jones, 1933.
Anesaki, M.: History of Japanese Religion. London, Trubner, 1930.
Audsley, G. A.: Gems of Japanese Art and Handicraft. London, Low, Marston, 1913.
Audsley G. A. & Bowes, J. L.: Keramic Art of Japan. 2 vols. London, Sotheran, 1875.[Popular edition in 1881.]
Audsley, G. A.: The Ornamental Arts of Japan. 2 vols. London, Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1884.
Averill, M.: The Flower Art of Japan. N. Y., Dodd, Mead, 1930. [Reprint.]
Ball, K. M.: Decorative Motives of Oriental Art. N. Y, Dodd, Mead, 1927
Binyon, L. and Sexton, J. J. O'Brien : Japanese Colour Prints. London, Benn, 1923.
Binyon, L.: Painting in the Far East. (3rd edition, revised.) London, Arnold, 1923.
Blacker, J. E: The A. B. C. of Japanese Art. London, Stanley Paul, [date of publication unknown.]
Blacker, J. E: Chats on Oriental China. London, Unwin, 1919. [4th Impression.]
Bowes, J. L.: Japanese Marks and Seals. London, Henry Sotheran, 1882.
Bowes, J. L.: Japanese Pottery. Liverpool, Howell, 1890. Bowes, J. L.: A Vindication of the Decorated Pottery of Japan. Liverpool, 1891. [Printed for private circulation.]
Brockhaus, A.: Netsukes. (Translated from German by M. E Watty) London, Allen & Unwin, 1924.
Brown, L. N.: Block Printing and Book Illustration in Japan. London, Routledge, 1924.
Bureau of Religions, Dept. of Education: Handbook of the old Shrines and Temples and their Treasures. Tokyo, Dept. of Education, 1920.
Conder, J.: The Floral Art of Japan: being a second and revised edition of the Flowers of Japan and the Art of Floral Arrangement. Yokohama, Kelly and Walsh, 1899.
Conder, J.: Landscape Gardening in Japan. Yokohama, Kelly & Walsh, 1893.
Conder, J.: Supplement to Landscape Gardening in Japan. Yokohama, Kelly & Walsh, 1893.
Cram, R. A.: Impressions of Japanese Architecture and the Allied Arts. Boston, Marshall Jones, 1930. [Reprint.]
Cutler, T W.: A Grammar of Japanese Ornamen
t and Design. London, Batsford, 1880. Department of Interior (compiled by): Japanese Temples and their Treasures (Kokuho Gwajo). 3 cartoons. Tokyo Shimbi Shoin, 1910.
Dillon, E.: The Arts of Japan. (4th edition.) London, Methuen, 1922. [Little Books on Art Series.]
Dresser, C: Japan its Architecture, Art, and Art Manufactures. London, Longmans,Green, 1882.
Fenollosa, E. E: Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art. 2 vols. (New and revised edition with Petrucci's notes.) London, Heinemann, 1913.
Fenollosa, E. E: An Outline of the History of Ukiyo-ye. Tokyo, Kobayashi, 1900.
Ficke, A. D.: Chats on Japanese Prints. London, Unwin, 1916. [Second impression.]
Fukukita, Y.: Cha-no-Yu. Tea Cult of Japan. Tokyo, Maruzen, 1932.
Gookin, E W.: Descriptive Catalogue of Japanese Colour-Prints. The Collection of Alexander
G. Mosle. Leipzig, Mr. Mosle, 1927.
Gookin, E W.: Japanese Colour-Prints and their Designers. N. Y, Japan Society, 1913.
Harada, J.: The Gardens of Japan. London, Geoffrey Holme, 1928.
Harada, J.: English Catalogue of Treasures in the Imperial Repository Shōsō-in. Tokyo, Imperial Household Museum, 1932.
Huish, M. B.: Japan and its Art. (Third edition, Revised and Enlarged.) London, Batsford, 1912.
Imperial Household Museum (complied by): An Illustrated Catalogue of the Ancient Imperial Treasury called Shōsō-in. 2nd edition, revised. 3 vols. Tokyo, Shimbi Shoin, 1909.
Jackson, J.: A Glimpse at the Art of Japan. New York, 1876.
Japan Society,London : Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Arms and Armour of Old Japan, Held by the Japan Society, London, in June 1905. London, Japan Society, 1905.
Japanese Government Railways: An Official Guide to Japan. Tokyo, Japanese Government Railways, 1933.
Joly H. L.: Japanese Sword Fittings. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of G. H. Naunton, Esq. London, Tokyo Printing Co., 1912.
Joly, H. L.: Legend in Japanese Art. A Description of Historical Episodes, Legendary Characters, Folk-lore, Myths, Religious Symbolism, Illustrated in the Arts of Old Japan. London and N. Y, John Lane, 1907.