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Falling For Santa

Page 2

by Laura Dunaway

  Wishing I had more time between jobs, I reached the mall in record time. Snarfing down a sub sandwich for dinner, I quickly changed in the dressing room and headed out to Santa’s Workshop. My eyes instantly looked to see if Santa was there, and if so, which one. To my delight, I saw Davis, and instantly got a little more excited to be there.

  I reached the top of the stairs and took over from Josh, another one of Santa’s elves. It was extremely busy again, so no time to chat at the moment. But, when Davis saw me, he gave me a huge grin that made my insides twirl, and shouted out to the kids that his next elf was here to help. I blushed, not used to my presence being announced. When I looked back to Davis and saw the glint in his eye, I knew he knew, and that’s why he did it.


  The next hour flew by, each moment endearing me more and more to him. I had wondered if maybe he had just had a really good night the night before, being so sweet and gentle with the kids. But, being around him again, I saw that it wasn’t. It was just…him.

  There had been two kids that came through without their parents. The brother looked to be around ten, his little sister not more than three. She was scared, and clung to him, which was annoying him the closer they got to Santa. When they sat on Davis’ lap, he quickly rattled off what he wanted for Christmas, stayed put for their picture, then hurried off. When he called for his little sister to hurry up after she quietly told Santa what she wanted, Davis asked him if he could have a moment with her. The boy shrugged and looked out at the mall, not too interested in what Santa wanted to say to her.

  “Hey sweetie,” Davis started. I leaned in closer because I was having a hard time hearing what he was saying. “I know how scary it is being surrounded by so many people and sitting on Santa’s lap. Do you want to know what used to help Santa when he was little and got scared?” The little girl stuck her thumb in her mouth, and nodded. Davis smiled under his large white beard and continued. “I used to sing different Christmas songs in my head, and remind myself how brave I was. I tried to remember that other kids were nervous too, and that it was okay. We all have different feelings and it’s good to find things to help us feel better.” As Davis spoke, the little girl started to relax, leaning into his chest a bit, her eyes never leaving his face. When Davis finished, she still didn’t say anything to him, even when he set her down. But when her brother turned around and took her hand, she gave him a small wave as they walked away.

  That was a moment I’d always remember.

  After a minute, it hit me that no children were coming, making it an extremely rare moment to catch our breaths. Davis sat back and wiped his forehead with a handkerchief, more than likely burning up in that heavy Santa costume. Suddenly, an idea popped in my head.

  “Hey, do you need some water?” I asked him.

  He looked over and nodded. “Yeah, that’d be great, thanks. But don’t take long, the kids will be running up any minute.”

  I nodded and rushed to the closest fast food stand next to the workshop. I told them I needed a cup of water for Santa because he was burning up. The girl behind the counter chuckled, handing me the Styrofoam cup full of ice and water.

  Luckily no kids had come by in my short absence. Reaching the top of the stairs, I handed Davis the cup. He took it with a grateful smile.

  “Thank you so much, Elin,” he told me after taking a few gulps. “It’s really hot in here tonight. Are you okay? Do you need a few sips?”

  Startled, I shook my head. I wasn’t expecting him to offer to share his water. “Oh I’m fine, but thank you.” As soon as I said it though, I wanted to smack myself. Sharing the same cup that those full lips were just on would have been the most exciting thing in my day, hell, my year.

  “Your loss,” he teased as he gulped down some more water, looking into my eyes the whole time. “I mean, this is exceptionally good water here.” He made a show of swallowing the last sip loudly, then wiping his chin with his hand. Nothing else had my attention but him; it was like he put me in a trance. His eyes were staring at me, his Adams apple bobbing as he swallowed, and his large hand moving over his chiseled chin.

  I did need some water, but not because the temperature in the mall was warm.

  When he raised one of his brows, I wiped my palms on my leggings. It was getting a little warmer. Trying to come up with something to say, all that came was, “Yeah, you seem to be enjoying it.”

  He let out a huge laugh, then set down the cup on the floor beside him. He dipped some of his long fingers in the water, and took off his Santa hat. He then ran those fingers over his forehead, letting some droplets fall down his face. Finally, he ran his hands through his hair, and quickly replaced the hat back on his head.

  “Are you sure you’re not too warm in here, Elin?”

  Was he genuinely concerned, or was he trying to tease me? Either way, he was lighting me on fire. Deciding he was really just being kind, I smiled and shook my head. “I’m fine, thanks.”

  “Okay. Thanks again for grabbing me this water, it was just what I needed.”

  “You’re welcome, it was no big deal.”

  Before he could respond, the sound of a stampede interrupted, telling us more kids were coming up the stairs. A family of four kids was first, the youngest holding onto his mother for dear life. She tried to do all she could to get him to sit on Davis’ lap, to no avail. The older kids were whining to let him stay with her, which only caused the child to cry even more. Before the mom could say anything, Davis looked up at her.

  “Why don’t you join us and with your little guy there? I understand how intimidating Santa can be to little ones but if mama still holds him, it may help.”

  The mom beamed and nodded. She went over next to Davis, and kneeled down with her child. The little guy was still nervous, and turned his head when Davis spoke to him, but they got a really cute picture and the older ones got to enjoy their time with Santa.

  As I watched them walk away, my heart melted even more by Davis. How did a man this attractive not have a cocky bone in his body? Most of the good-looking guys I’d known in the past had been, but he didn’t seem to be one of them. I guess it was possible he put on a good act, but deep down I knew that wasn’t the case. My gut was shouting at me that he was completely genuine, making me not doubt that one bit.

  Usually I welcomed the end of my shift but tonight, it only made me disappointed. While we hadn’t been able to talk a ton, it was more than enough for me just to be around Davis, especially after his show with the water. My heart was still pounding, and I swooned constantly, it was a huge rush just being around him.

  Unfortunately though, I still felt pretty awkward, as well, not trusting myself to hold a decent conversation when the time actually came. A guy like him had to have a girlfriend, or crap, maybe even a wife. My little crush was pretty stupid, really, but what girl wouldn’t have one on such an amazing guy?

  He seemed to be the whole package. Looks that melted panties, gentleness with kids, and from what I could tell, a great sense of humor. Just those thoughts had me feel the heat spread throughout my body, and I knew it was time to get myself under control. Determined to act nonchalant with him, I gathered my courage and started to clean up.

  “Hey,” his deep voice said, sending shivers through me.


  “Hey,” I replied, still wiping down the handrails. Trying to distract myself seemed the better option than just turning around and standing there.

  “Another crazy night, huh?”

  I spared a glance at him, and felt my resolve slip a little seeing him looking right at me. His eyes seemed glued to me, and it didn’t surprise me to feel my palms start to sweat and my heart accelerate even more. He had something about him, something that instantly drew you in, under his spell. I was sure that I was one of many girls he had this effect on.

  Clearing my throat, I responded. “Yeah, seems to be the norm around here. Christmas brings out so much excitement and craziness. It’s hard to believ
e it’s even that time of year again.”

  He took off his Santa hat and ran his hand through his messy yet perfect hair once again. “I know, wasn’t it just last week?”

  When he ran his hand over the stubble on his chin, I couldn’t look away. This time I was closer to him and could see his nails were clean and trimmed. On his wrist was a silver and black watch with a big face surrounded by diamonds, or what looked like diamonds. The sleeve of his red coat inched up a bit, showing just a hint of the darker blond hairs covering his arm. Usually that wasn’t something that I thought was sexy, but on him, everything was.

  Composing myself, I remembered to answer him. “Ha yeah, seems like it.”

  He shifted on his feet, still looking at me. “So, where do you work full-time?”

  His question reminded me that we needed to find a replacement Santa, and I groaned. Apparently that amused him, because he let out a soft chuckle. “I didn’t mean to cause you discomfort,” he told me.

  I shook my head, causing some of my hair to fall in my eyes. Pushing it behind my ear, I saw him watch the movement. “No, it’s not that,” I started. “I work at a daycare center and your question reminded me that we need to find a new Santa to come for the kids on Santa Day next week. Unfortunately, The Santa we usually have fell and broke his hip. Jane, my boss, is stressing out because she is sure it is too late to book anyone else. I’m sure we’ll find someone to volunteer; it’s just hard until we do.”

  He didn’t say anything for a minute, causing me to wonder if he’d zoned out on my rant. I stood there feeling awkward until he finally spoke.

  “What day next week? What time?”

  That wasn’t what I was expecting him to say. Instead of asking him why, like I wanted to, I just shifted my feet and replied.

  “It’s on Friday, at ten o’clock.”

  He seemed to ponder that for a minute. For a brief second, it made me wonder if he was considering playing Santa for it, but I pushed that thought aside quickly because there was no way. It was only when he spoke that told me that had been exactly what he’d been thinking, and it still took me by complete surprise.

  “I’ll do it.”



  When you think about it, I shouldn’t have been surprised, but for some reason I was. There was no way he just said he’d play Santa for our Santa Day. But by looking at him, there was no doubt. The sincerity in his eyes, and the slight smile on his face, told me he meant it.

  But not wanting to put him out, I shook my head. “No, you don’t have to do that. You said you have a full-time job too, I don’t want to interfere with that.”

  Something passed over his face, a look that seemed to say I was making too big a deal out of it. But before I could say anything, it was gone. He took a step closer to me.

  “I appreciate you thinking of me, but I promise you, it’s not a problem. My job is, flexible, and playing Santa at your work would make me happy. I obviously have everything needed,” he said with a laugh, pointing to his big red suit and waving the wig, beard, and mustache he carried in his hand. “So, please, it would be my pleasure to help you, and the kids, out. What do you say?”

  There was no way I could tell him no to anything after this. Just when you think there was no way this guy could get any better, he does. But before I fell at his feet telling him an empathetic yes, I told him I’d need to quickly call Jane to make sure she hadn’t found anyone else.

  I’m sure he could hear Jane’s excitement through my phone. She told me to tell him a huge yes and a huge thank you, that she didn’t know how she’d ever repay him. When I heard his laugh, it confirmed that he had indeed heard her reply. I let Jane know I’d relay her message, and that he was happy to do it, then hung up. Turning to face him, he spoke before I had the chance to.

  “Looks like I’m all set to play Santa, huh?” His grin was so wide; it made his eyes squint a bit. I had no idea who this guy was, but everything about him called to me. He had no idea what kind of effect he had.

  “Looks that way,” I replied, shuffling my feet. I was burning up in my flannel elf costume, but was in no rush to go change, as that meant walking away from him. But looking at him more, he had to have been even hotter than me, in that gigantic furry red suit.

  “Listen, I’m sure you are eager to go change. Let me write down the name and address of the daycare center for you before you go.” I looked around in the small closet by his throne for something, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

  “There’s this great new invention, the cell phone,” he teased, showing me his in his hand. “Just tell me, and I’ll type it in. Or, better yet, text it to me.”

  Text him? That entailed exchanging phone numbers. I felt myself get excited, did he really want my phone number, or was he just being nice? I mean, I could just tell him so he could type it in, then be done with it but…

  “Elin, are you with me?” Hearing his voice dragged me out of my ramblings. Instead of succumbing to my analysis, I decided to go with it.

  “Sorry,” I responded with a laugh. “Um, my cell phone is in my locker here. Should we go change then meet back here in a few minutes?”

  He nodded. “Or,” he then said, “we could meet at the entrance to the changing room since there’s only one.”

  Blushing, he stated what I was too nervous to say. Yes, there was only one changing room, but for some reason it made me feel silly to suggest we meet in there. Luckily, he was fine with it, so I should be too.

  I was.


  “Oh yeah, that’s right. Okay, I’ll just meet you there in a few minutes,” I answered.

  A few minutes later, I was back in my regular clothes, and had brushed out my messy hair. I reapplied some lip-gloss to my dry lips, and shut the door to my locker. Walking out, I saw him sitting on the bench just inside the entrance, looking at his phone. He was dressed in grey slacks, white button down shirt that was open at the collar, and black dress shoes. His dark blond hair was combed back in its usual messy waves, and his long lashes fanned over his cheeks as he looked down.

  He was so utterly beautiful it literally stopped my breath.

  “There you are,” he spoke as he looked up. Patting the space next to him, I begged my heart to stop beating so fast as I sat down so close by him. His scent immediately caught my attention; he must have put something on after he changed. It was intoxicating, reminding me of a sharp woodsy fragrance, with a hint of pine. I loved it; it was my new favorite scent.

  “So, what’s your number?” he asked, looking at me. He typed the numbers in as I recited them, then continued to do something as I sat there. A minute later, my phone vibrated in my hand, making me look down. A number I didn’t recognize showed, along with a text message.

  Hey, this is Davis. Now you have my # as well.

  When I looked back up at him, he was still looking right at me, then smiled and nodded to my phone. “And there’s mine,” he stated. “Text me the details of this Santa Day, and I’ll be there.”

  All I could do was nod; the man had me completely tongue-tied. My throat was dry, and my whole body felt tingly. Buying some time to pull myself together, I quickly entered his name in my phone, and saved it in my contacts. Once that was done, I took a deep breath, praying he couldn’t see the affect he had on me.

  “Alright,” I finally replied. “I will. And you’re sure you won’t get in trouble with your day job right?” For some reason, I still worried about it. The last thing I wanted to have happen was his risking anything, and having it be my fault.

  He let out a soft chuckle, and put his hand over mine. I froze; the jolts of his unexpected touch sending me into overdrive. I looked down to see our hands on my lap, unable to look away. Even when he answered me, I still looked at his hand over mine.

  “Elin, it’s fine. You worry too much; it’s not good for your health. I wouldn’t offer if it interfered with anything. I want to do this, please stop worrying.”

bsp; His voice didn’t have any teasing to it, he was completely serious. I chewed on my lower lip, trying to work away my anxieties. Davis was so attractive; he was completely sincere, completely sweet, and very funny. He was terrific with children, and wanted to help them, help me.

  I needed to relax.

  Finally looking up at him, I nodded once again. He still kept his hand over mine as he looked back at me, a small tug pulling up the corner of his mouth. “Sorry,” I softly spoke. “I just have a hard time accepting help, and you look like you’d be a really busy man. But I won’t ask you again, and I do look forward to you helping us out. Thank you.”

  His lips formed another small smile as he squeezed my hand and let go, making me immediately miss his touch. “Don’t apologize,” he responded, pushing a strand of my hair away from my face. He was looking so intently at me, like he was seeing things about me no one else had. It made me shiver, the feeling so intense. “I appreciate your concern for my staying out of trouble, but it’s all good. There is nothing I’d rather do than be there for you and the kids on Santa Day.”

  Nothing could move me from that spot, not even if a tornado blew through. His aqua-blue eyes captivated me, his words soothed me, and his scent relaxed me. My crush on Davis was deepening, and there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop it. I didn’t even want to. There was nothing more I wanted than to feel everything he was making me feel at that moment.

  “The kids will adore you,” I told him, finally finding my voice again. “You are so good with them.”

  He sat back against the wall, his hands resting in his lap. “Thanks, I really enjoy playing Santa and giving them that thrill of it, of believing in the whole spirit of Christmas. It’s so fleeting you know? It seems like kids are finding out the truth about Santa so much sooner these days. But for even those who know, it’s still a high playing him, and giving out that magical feeling of the holiday.”

  I found myself wanting to know more about him. Who he was, where he came from, how he got to be so perfect. But I wouldn’t ask much, or hint at getting together outside of the mall. It wasn’t who I was, never had been. Call me old-fashioned but if a guy had any interest in me, he needed to make the first move, show that first interest. And right now, I had no idea if Davis even thought of me past being a girl he works with.


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