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The Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England: A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century

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by Ian Mortimer

  medical knowledge, 55, 76, 191–94, 210. See also dissection; humoral theory; surgery

  medical practitioners. See physicians; surgeons

  medicinal stones, 118, 119

  medicines, 22, 154, 207, 211–13

  Mediterranean Sea, 17, 124, 135, 136–37, 141, 199, 201

  Melbourne Castle, 242

  Melton Mowbray 241

  men-at-arms, 38

  menagerie, 18

  Mendicant Orders. See friars

  menstruation, 117, 200

  merchant adventurers, 71, 72

  merchants, mercers, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23–24, 42, 43, 52–53, 57, 63, 68, 72, 88, 89, 93–94, 104, 114, 129, 136, 148, 175, 178, 197, 228, 266

  mercury, 94

  merrils, 264

  Mersey River, 152

  messengers, 12, 24, 62, 70–71, 132–33, 161, 185, 192

  metal, 12, 95, 165, 257

  brass, 23, 95, 147, 150, 151, 153, 162, 164, 165, 166, 200, 249

  bronze, 23, 149, 158

  copper, 158, 164

  iron, 93, 95, 138, 150, 152, 158, 159, 162, 163

  latten, 150

  lead, 152, 156, 267

  pewter, 149, 151, 266, 267

  steel, 93, 121

  tin, 34, 93, 158. See also gold; silver

  metheglin, 175

  Mezières, Philip de, 301

  Michaelmas, 222

  midwives, 56

  Milan, duke of, 71

  miles. See units of measurement

  military orders. See Knights Hospitaller; Knights Templar

  military service. See warfare

  milk. See dairy products

  miners, 164, 170, 176, 302, 304

  mills, 31, 170, 242

  mining, 34, 209

  Minot, Laurence, 277

  minstrels. See musicians

  mints, 18, 97

  miracles, 74–78, 271

  Mirfield, John, 192–93, 207

  mirrors, 118

  monasteries, 14, 23, 32, 34, 41, 43, 45, 67, 70, 88, 144, 145, 152–54, 186–89, 201, 210, 221

  guesthouses, 16, 153, 161, 186, 187

  infirmaries, 186, 207

  lavabos, 197

  misericords, 187, 188

  refectories, 186–89. See also specific examples

  Monk, John, 227

  monks, 45, 46, 71, 103, 112, 119, 152, 153, 186–88, 197, 201–2, 207, 276

  moon, the, 133, 136, 192, 211–12

  Morris (a servant of Edward II), 64

  mortars. See cooking utensils

  Mortimer, Joan (d. 1356), countess of March, 265, 273

  Mortimer, Roger (d. 1326), lord of Chirk 296

  Mortimer, Roger (d. 1330), Earl of March, 19, 63, 155, 235–36, 239, 241, 265, 300

  Moscow, Grand Duchy of. See Muscovy

  Moulsham, 226

  mules. See horses and ponies

  mummers, 180, 253–54

  murage, 130

  murder. See crime

  Murimuth, Adam, 82

  Musard, Malcolm, 240

  Muscovy 71, 72

  Musgrave, Thomas, 225

  music, 67, 247–51, 254

  musical instruments, 48, 249, 251

  bagpipes, 249, 267

  bells. See bells; citóles, 249, 251

  clarions, 249, 251

  cornets, 254

  crumhorns, 250

  drums, 251

  fiddles, 248–49

  flutes, 149, 249

  gittern, 249, 251

  harps, 149, 248–49, 251

  horns, 249, 255, 259

  hurdy-gurdies, 249, 251

  nakers, 249, 251

  organs, 249

  pipes, 53, 249

  psalteries, 249, 250

  rebecs, 53, 250

  recorders, 249, 251

  sackbuts, 249, 251, 254

  shawms, 249, 251, 254

  tabors, 250

  tambourines, 149, 249

  trumpets, 248–19, 254

  whistles, 249

  musicians, minstrels, 12, 53, 141, 161, 189, 198, 248–19, 274, 304

  musk 65, 118, 198

  mustard. See spices

  myrrh, 200

  nails, 23, 93, 98, 138

  Nájera, 209

  names, 86, 193

  navigation, 123–25, 136, 140

  Nazareth, archbishop of, 44

  needles, 23, 93

  needlework, 164

  Neith Cross, 206

  nets. See hunting

  Neuss, 310

  Neville, Ralph, 155

  Neville’s Cross, battle of, 45

  New Bridge (Oxon), 125

  New Year presents, 82

  Newark 93, 214

  Newarke Hospital, 154

  Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 11, 218, 225, 252

  Nicopolis, 71

  nightingales, 65

  nightwear. See clothes

  nine men’s morris. See merrils

  noblemen, noblewomen, 10, 14, 45, 52, 59, 65, 69, 71, 80, 81, 87–88, 95, 103, 104, 118–19, 130, 134, 141, 143, 152, 174, 181, 211, 213, 235, 241, 279

  bathing of, 197

  clothing, 106–14

  diet, 179–85

  hunting, 259–61

  jousting, 255–58

  position in society, 38–43

  residences, 154–63

  Norfolk 33, 85, 240, 295, 304

  Normandy, 45

  North Curry 304

  Northampton, 11, 17, 124, 252

  Northamptonshire, 33

  Northumberland, 34, 81

  earl of. See Percy, Henry

  Norway, 71, 294

  Norwich, 11, 93, 252, 299

  bishop of, 45

  Cathedral, 269

  diocese of, 296

  Nottingham, 11, 133

  Nottinghamshire, 200, 202, 214

  nudity 119, 120

  numerology, 192–93

  nunneries, 47, 58, 60, 67, 297

  Nunney Castle, 303

  nuns, 45, 152, 202. See also Dominican nuns; Poor Clares

  nursing, 58, 117, 154. See also wetnurses

  nutmeg. See spices

  nuts, 93, 182

  almond milk, 173, 181

  almonds, 141, 177

  walnuts, 172

  oak, oaks. See timber; trees

  oaths, 65

  oats. See grain

  offal, 13

  ointments. See cosmetics

  Okehampton Castle, 155, 303

  old people, 58, 168, 175–76, 296. See also longevity

  Oldham, Robert, 165

  olive oil, 118

  onions. See vegetables

  opium, 200, 214

  oranges. See fruit

  Order of the Bath, 197

  ordinances. See royal household; town ordinances

  ordination, 70

  organized crime. See crime

  osiers, 163

  Ospringe, 154

  outfangenthef, 227–28

  outlaws, 132, 221, 226, 241. See also crime; criminals

  oxen, 31, 32, 48, 85, 116, 173, 287

  Oxford, 11, 55, 67, 88, 126, 284, 293

  Priory, 269

  Oxfordshire, 124–25, 165, 260, 308

  oxherds, 105 oysters. See fish

  packhorses. See horses

  pageants. See plays

  pages, 101

  painters, 12

  palaces: bishops, 16, 19, 143

  royal, 83, 84. See also Westminster Palace

  pannage, 130

  Panoti, 73

  pantlers, 159

  pantries, 148–49

  parasites, 162, 198–99, 201, 209

  pardoners, 54, 76

  pardons, 241

  Paris, 12, 77, 106, 107

  university of, 191, 193

  parish churches. See churches parliament, 17, 19, 40–1, 47, 80, 81, 109, 121, 220, 232, 235–36, 238, 296

  House of Lords, 40–41, 236, 244

  knights of the shire, 40–41, 69
br />   Members of, 64–65

  Merciless (1388), 245

  parlors. See solars

  parrots, 106

  paupers, 66, 143, 145, 167, 183. See disc beggars; vagrants

  pavage, 94

  pearls. Seejewels

  pears. See fruit

  peas. See vegetables

  peasantry, peasants, 10, 36, 48–51, 58, 65, 116, 121, 123, 143, 163–66, 170, 172–75, 198, 203, 249, 278, 305

  Peasants Revolt, 4, 19, 51, 56, 15, 235, 245–46, 278, 280, 292

  peddlers, 144

  pelterers, 21, 22

  Penrith Castle, 303

  Penshurst, 156

  pepper. See spices

  Percy family 34

  Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland, 296–97

  perfumes, 21, 117–18, 198

  perry 175

  Persia, 276

  Peterborough, 202, 296

  Petrarch, Francesco, 284

  pewter, 149

  Philip IV of France, 44, 247

  Philippa, Queen, 66, 106, 109, 113, 257, 275

  philosophers, 77

  phlebotomy. See surgery

  Phoebus. See Gaston Phoebus

  phoenixes, 74

  physic. See medical knowledge

  physicians, 22, 43, 52, 68, 77, 101, 160, 177, 191–95, 200, 207, 210–15, 266, 280. See also Arderne; Chauliac; Gaddesden; Galen; Hippocrates; Mirfield; Tyngewick

  pickaxes, 135

  pickles. See preserves and pickles

  piepowder. See courts

  Piers Plowman. See books

  pies. See cooking

  pigs, 8, 21, 22, 93, 99, 167, 170, 172, 178, 204, 227, 233, 238, 285, 304

  pigs bladders, 212. See also meat; swine killers; swineherds

  pikes, 256

  pilgrims, pilgrimages, 12, 66, 69–70, 71, 180, 265–71, 276, 287–88

  accommodation of, 152–53

  pillory, the, 79, 95, 216, 253

  pillows. See beds and bedding

  Pinch Me, 261

  piracy See crime

  Pisa, 82, 83

  Pisan, Christine de, 58

  pitch, 118

  pitchers. See ewers

  plague. See diseases

  plates, 149, 158, 228 dishes. See also trenchers

  playing cards, 264

  plays, 231, 233, 252–55, 263

  Pliny the Elder, 72

  plowing, 49, 173

  plowmen, 105, 116

  plowshares, 23, 116

  plumbers, 209

  plums. See fruit Plymouth, 11, 71, 126, 293

  poaching. See crime

  pockets, 118, 229, 301

  poetry, 80

  poisons, 118, 209. See also herbs

  Poitiers, 209

  Poland, 140

  politeness. See manners and politeness

  Polo, Marco, 276

  Polyckronicon. See books

  pomegranates, 94

  Pomeroy family, 34

  ponds, 22, 34, 174, 184, 188

  ponies. See horses

  pontage, 94

  Pontefract, 133

  Poor Clares, 45

  poor, the. See beggars; paupers; vagrants

  popes, 44, 70. See also Benedict; Boniface; Clement; Urban

  population, 36, 203–4, 293–95

  dying in plague, 202–3

  literate, 67–68

  monastic, 47–48

  religious, 48

  rural, 31, 34–35, 294–95

  urban, 11, 17, 23, 24, 52, 293. Seealso immigration

  porpoises, 184

  ports and harbors, 34, 71–72, 94, 130, 135, 138–41, 184, 185, 233, 245

  private wharfs, 149

  Portugal, 71, 72, 83, 135

  posse comitatus, 220

  postmodernism, 289, 290

  pots. See cooking utensils

  pottage. See cooking; fruit; meat

  poulterer, 161

  poultry, 92

  capon, 99, 177, 182

  chicken(s), 30, 76, 90, 98–99, 140, 173, 181, 261, 304

  duck(s), 173

  mallard, 177, 182

  geese, goose, 30, 168, 172–73, 177, 184

  barnacle, 188

  hen(s), 32, 141, 177, 182, 304

  peacock, 182

  pullet(s), 172

  swan(s), 168, 181, 304

  turkey(s), 168. See also cock-fighting; wildfowl

  Prague, 71

  preachers, itinerant, 12

  pregnancy 38

  Premonstratensian Canons, 46, 255

  preserves and pickles, 172

  orange, 177 (citronade)

  Prester John, 72

  prices. See inflation

  priests, 9, 34, 48, 67–68, 69, 115, 210, 245, 251, 260, 266, 280. See also abbots; archbishops; bishops; chaplains; monks; nuns; priors; rectors; vicars

  prioresses, 60, 286

  priories. See monasteries

  priors, 42, 46–47, 280. See also specific priories

  prisons. See gaols

  privies. See latrines

  prophecies; political, 76–77

  prostitutes, 102–3, 180, 192, 198

  prostitution, 20, 198, 244

  Provence, 83

  Prussia, 71, 72, 199

  Prye, Roger, 224

  public health. See sanitation

  puffins, 184

  Pulteneyjohn, 156

  punishments, 61, 139, 222, 244. See also deodands; executions; fines; gaols; pillory; stocks

  purses, 93, 97, 118

  Quadrivium, 67

  quays. See ports and harbors

  Queenborough Castle, 84, 155, 303

  queens. See Anne; Isabella; Margaret; Philippa

  quicklime, 118

  quoits, 263

  rabbits. See coneys

  Raby Castle, 155

  Radcot Bridge, 125

  raisins. See fruit

  Ramsey Abbey 227, 296

  rape. See crime

  rats, 21, 168

  Reading Abbey, 296

  receivers, 160

  rectors, 42, 203 beneficed clergy 241, 243. See also priests

  recycling, 30

  Redesdale, 34

  reeves, 48, 50, 51, 219

  regnal year, the, 83

  relics, 74, 268–71, 276

  religious fervor. See spiritual devotion

  rents, 99, 149, 227, 304

  respect. See manners and politeness

  Rheims, 106, 107

  rhetoric, 67

  Rhine, the, 179

  rhinoceros, 74

  rice, 168, 177

  rice flour, 181

  Richard I: Life of. See books; sea laws of, 139

  Richard II, 3, 17, 19, 20, 71, 83, 97, 106, 110, 111, 113, 132, 133, 155, 254, 278, 288, 301

  Richard of Wallingford, 83

  riding, 4

  rings, 64, 118, 119, 228, 254, 288

  Ripon Cathedral, 270

  rivers, 18, 22, 28, 31, 125, 128, 135, 167, 174, 184–85, 190, 198–99. See also bridges; Fleet; fords; Mersey; Severn; Thames

  roads, 21, 24, 34, 72, 125–28, 131–32, 143, 154

  diversity of, 127

  repair of, 127, 130, 135, 302

  Roman, 126. See also alleys; highways; pavage

  Robert of Gloucester, 80

  robes. See clothes

  Robin Hood. See books

  Rochester, 296

  bishops of, 45, 262, 270

  bridge, 128

  Cathedral, 268

  Rockingham Castle, 242

  Roët, Katherine de. See Swynford

  Roët, Philippa de, 284, 288

  Rome, 12, 37, 44, 71, 77, 79, 266, 267

  Romney Marsh, 27

  roofs. See shingles; stone; thatch; turf

  roses, rosewater, 65, 146, 171, 197

  Roxburgh, 257

  royal armories, 120

  royal council, 167

  Royal Courts of Justice. See courts

  royal household, 40, 101, 12
7, 160–61, 186, 213, 304

  ordinances for, 307

  royal mints. See mints

  royal palaces. See palaces

  rubbish. See sanitation

  rubies, 118, 119

  rudeness, 82

  rugs. See beds and bedding

  rushes, 10, 93, 146, 163, 180

  rushlights, 10, 146, 182

  Russell, John, 298

  Russell, Margaret, 57

  Russia. See Muscovy Rutland, 33, 218, 241, 295

  Rybothe, Island of, 276

  rye. See grain

  sacrists, 186

  saddlers, 232

  saddles, 132

  saffron. See spices

  sailors. See mariners

  salaries. See incomes

  Salerno, 194

  Salisbury, 11, 17, 18, 84, 224, 296

  bishop of, 228

  Salle, 240

  Salome, dance of, 251

  salt, 23, 90, 93, 171, 173, 177, 181, 183, 185 brine, 212, 228

  salt cellars, 158, 159, 228

  sanctuary, 220, 235, 244–46

  Sandin, 73

  sanitation, 7, 13, 17, 21–22, 23, 24, 127, 146, 153, 165, 166, 191, 196–97, 201, 209, 231

  onboard ship, 139. See also baths and bathing; cleaning; diseases; latrines; parasites

  Santa Croce, 271

  Santiago de Compostela, 71, 266, 267

  sapphires, 118, 119

  sarcasm, 63, 254

  satin, 17

  saucerers, 162

  saucers, 158

  Savage Company, 242

  Savage, Roger, 242

  Saxon letters, 81

  scabbards, 119

  scaffolding, 15

  Scandinavia, 26, 139

  schism. See Great Schism

  schoolmasters, 68

  schools, 58, 67–68. See also education; universities

  science, scientists, 77

  Sciopods, 73

  scissors, 10, 118

  scolds, 231, 234

  scotale, 251

  Scotland, Scots, 3, 34, 35, 37, 38, 44, 70, 72, 120, 123, 126, 136, 155, 220, 277, 296

  Marches of, 61, 257

  screens passage, 148

  scriptoria, 16

  scriveners, 12, 68. See also clerks

  scrofula. See diseases

  Scrope, Geoffrey le, 242

  scurvy. See diseases

  sea holly, 200

  sea, the, 15, 135–36, 139–42, 184, 265. See also Baltic; Mediterranean seafood.

  See fish

  seals (authentication devices), 88–89, 149

  seals (sea mammals), 184

  secretaries, 161. See also clerks

  Selby Abbey 296

  Sempringham Priory, 46, 242, 255

  sergeants-at-arms, 52, 101, 160, 304

  servants, 13, 21, 43, 50, 52, 61, 62, 64, 80, 101, 104, 105, 117, 130, 134, 140, 146, 147, 149, 153, 156, 159, 161, 164, 176, 181, 183, 185, 187, 198, 213, 231–32, 245, 254, 261

  service, bonds of, 29, 49–50, 52

  seven deadly sins, 67

  Severn River, 184

  sewers. See sanitation

  sexual intercourse, 55–56, 64, 65, 200, 227, 287. See also crime; prostitution

  sexual prejudices, 54–59, 287. See also women

  shawms. See musical instruments

  sheep, 10, 25, 27, 29, 93, 167, 173, 228, 285

  lambs, 105, 173, 176


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