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Cooking Up Romance (The Taylor Triplets Book 1)

Page 10

by Lynne Marshall

  “Why am I not surprised? The kid’s an open book.”

  “It’s what we women do when we crochet together,” she teased, then went more serious. “You sure you need my help?”

  “Do I need to get on my knees?”

  That made her laugh, as he knew it would, which proved they were already well into the dating game. “Then sure. Why not.”

  He put his arm around her as they started walking again, tucking her near, liking how she felt. “Thanks.”

  With little need to have a deep conversation, Zack felt close to Lacy. She was completely with him in the moment, this simple yet special time together. He had no doubt, and it felt great. They’d spent all afternoon together, like a family. But having her to himself, he’d easily shifted to thinking like a man with a woman. This one special woman.

  She silently unlocked her door. He followed her inside, and as she fiddled around in the kitchen, he studied her home. The house, evidently where she’d grown up, now belonged to her. It wasn’t at all what he’d expected—a place caught in the past, left as she’d received it. Instead, it looked freshly painted and updated with comfortable furniture and a feminine touch. He liked what he saw, especially when she came into the room with a wine bottle and two glasses.

  They shared some cab and after, when their kisses and twining bodies became too confined by her icy blue couch, they had the luxury of picking up and moving to her bedroom. She suggested it, and, though surprised, without a second thought he jumped at the chance. Holding his hand, glancing sexily over her shoulder at him—which did all kinds of exciting little things to his body and spirit—she led him down the hall to the door at the end.

  Her room with cool gray walls, a queen-size platform bed in grained light wood with headboard and matching side tables, and a dark Indian influenced bedspread with pops of bright yellow here and orange there, again surprised him. Like unwrapping a present one layer at a time. He liked that about her, though he hadn’t let himself get that far in his thinking—how she lived or what her decorating tastes were. And right now, it was the last thing on his mind, yet he still noticed, because he wanted to know all about Lacy.

  The thought jolted him almost as much as the sight of her peeling her top up and over her head. Like any gentleman would, he tamped down the interfering thoughts and jumped in to help her undress.

  A meow stopped him pre-bra removal, followed by something rubbing his leg.

  “Who’s this?”

  “Daisy Mae. This is quite a compliment for her. She’s usually a one-person cat.”

  “She planning on sticking around?” he said, hands itching to unlatch her bra.

  Lacy laughed lightly. “I doubt it. Just ignore her.”

  And he did.

  Then they were naked, and Daisy Mae cleared out. After having already explored most of each other back on the couch, he laid her down on the bed, pausing, taking her all in. A sight he would definitely refer to again and again—the first time he’d seen her like that. He soon joined her on the cool sheets, marveling over her body, the touch and the heat of her skin as she covered him. Eagerly they twisted and tangled in a whole new way, and he wasn’t going to lie. He’d come on this date both hopeful and prepared for just this moment. When it came time, after they’d gotten to know each other up close and extremely personal, out of breath with desire, he leaned over the side of the bed and fished out the little foil packet from his pile of denim on her floor.

  He made a point to capture her gaze before he opened it. She nodded her clear message of yes, she wanted him. As much as he wanted her? The way he felt right then, that was doubtful. Still, her obvious consent set off a chain of mini explosions across his body before they even touched each other again.

  * * *

  Lacy rested her head on Zack’s muscular shoulder, snuggling close, still swept up in the afterglow. She’d missed this more than she knew. They’d forged a whole new universe. Heady and indescribable. Daring. Complete. Definitely that. She’d been stunned by how great they’d been together. As if they’d known each other before. It wasn’t like she and Zack had rushed into anything, yet, considering his divorce and her situation, making love after knowing each other for less than a month seemed like a whirlwind affair.

  She hoped it wouldn’t be a one-night stand. How would they face each other at work if it was? Had she made a mistake jumping in bed with Zack? How could something feel right and wrong at once? Maybe she should back off some, but he’d already asked her to help him tomorrow with Emma and a friend at the fun park. It’d be rude to back out now, and it might give him the impression she hadn’t liked making love with him. Which she definitely had. It was just the old nagging thoughts, caused by getting close to him, that had taken her by surprise.

  “You okay?”

  And he’d noticed. Time for quick thinking. “Um, yeah. Just got ahead of myself worrying about seeing you around Emma tomorrow.”

  “The only thing you need to worry about is how big my grin’s gonna be.”

  She laughed lightly, glad he’d distracted her from the prior confusing thoughts. “I think Emma’s already caught on.”

  “I’ve been that obvious?”

  “We’ve been.” She smiled at him and kissed him lightly on his nose.

  After a brief distraction, where he seemed to be thinking about what she’d implied, he took his cue and kissed her gently on the mouth.

  She hadn’t let anyone near since Greg. She’d tried dating here and there, but could never get into it. For the last five years she’d been positive there would never be anyone else. That was a topic far from being dealt with, and since she was kissing another man, a topic for another time. Right now Zack deserved her full attention, and Greg had captured hers for the five long years she’d missed and yearned for him.

  Was enjoying being in Zack’s arms a message that it was time to pick up and move forward? That didn’t mean she’d ever forget Greg, because she knew she never would. But right now, she was becoming so distracted.

  Zack drew her closer and kissed her forehead, a tender way to end the earlier passion that had torn up the sheets and nearly burned through the mattress. What had gotten into them?

  Them. This was no coincidence. Plain and simple.

  Her mouth went dry considering what she’d just done. Her surprising desire had been matched completely by his—there was no doubt they’d wanted each other. This was long overdue in her life.

  She inhaled deeply as she went over the last amazingly enthusiastic thirty minutes, and soon his mouth twitched in a knowing response. Thinking while kissing, he’d caught on.

  Over the years, she’d learned through the tough times to break it up, to keep things light whenever possible. For survival’s sake. And after letting thoughts of Greg highjack this new feeling, out of the blue she’d found a way to stop the heavy old memories from consuming her again.

  “Well, I’d say we certainly broke the ice,” she said, bringing her right smack back into their moment while daring to look at him. His hair was a poufy dark blond mess, and she could only imagine how hers looked.

  He let go a laugh and she joined him. Thankfully, it released the last of the tension that had tiptoed back between them, even though only moments before they’d been serious as pure sin and all over each other.

  “Yeah, there’s just no way to act normal around you at work,” he said, once he’d settled down from laughing and had taken her hand in his.

  “Guys pick up on that stuff, don’t they?” She was by no means an authority on such things, but she had a solid hunch.

  “No more than women,” he said, as though an expert on all things “new relationship” and the effects on coworkers.

  “Then I’m not going to make eye contact with any of your crew.”

  “Good idea. Neither will I.” They’d gone back to talking at the ceiling, but now
he slid his gaze toward her, and the instant she met it, they burst out laughing again. And it felt so good.

  “You’re right, I should be more worried about facing Emma tomorrow.”

  “Maybe she’ll be too busy going gaga over the rides to notice.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  She did, too.

  Were they being totally immature or simply comfortable with each other? She sat up, looked at him, naked, dusted with just enough blond hair over his chest and arms, looking godlike in her bed.

  “This is how I’m going to serve your crew.” With his full attention, she imitated how she’d hand off her sandwiches without looking at the customers. He laughed more. Then things went quiet. Joking around or silent, she still wanted him, and evidently the feeling was mutual. Again.

  Soon his hands found their way into her hair, gently tugging her to him for another kiss, and another and...

  She straddled him and the last edge of sheet that had yet to be pulled from the mattress was soon set free, along with Lacy’s body. All because of the smooth and amazing touch of Zack Gardner.

  * * *

  He’d had to go home—of course he did. Lacy understood, but still the thought of curling up with him and sleeping had such merit. Mrs. Worthington was waiting, though, and Zack had already been far too long overdue to use the excuse they’d been to see a late movie. Well, that was his problem. She smiled devilishly, a problem she was positive he felt had been worth it. She certainly had.

  Wow, they were compatible. Was there such a thing as overly compatible?

  When he’d kissed her good-night, she’d felt desired and valued, and knew in her gut he wasn’t using her. The man didn’t have a “user” cell in his body. She’d seen proof of his authenticity with the way he cared for his daughter.

  Had he been with anyone since his divorce? She would’ve expected as much with a man like him, but in the beginning, he’d seemed as much out of practice as her. Soon enough they’d both been on a supersonic learning curve. Wow. After initially having to do some housecleaning with old feelings, including guilt, she’d cut herself some slack and gone with the moment. Again, wow. Ready or not, she was glad to be on this new adventure with Zack, even though she still had conflicting feelings about whether it was a good idea. Sure, all the physical stuff was incredible, but would that be worth the cost if things got serious? Was she even capable of opening her heart again?

  There she went, overthinking, trying to put a cloud above her head again. “Stop,” she said aloud. “Let yourself enjoy something for a change.”

  Then she took a moment to relive the last touch of their lips at the front door, causing a warm vibration to tickle her insides and sing her to sleep.

  * * *

  Though Sunday was meant to be a PG kind of day, sex seemed to radiate off Lacy and Zack. His steamy looks behind the backs of Emma and her friend didn’t help a bit. Fortunately, it was a sunny day, so she could blame her constant blushing under his scrutiny on the heat. Such a different kind of heat.

  “Can we go on the roller coaster first?” Emma pleaded almost immediately upon their arrival through the hometown-styled gate in the huge open field.

  “If that’s what you both want.”

  “Want to, Meghan?”


  Emma and Meghan, her tall lanky friend, had evidently planned to wear jeans and matching T-shirts the color of sunflowers. At least this made them easy to pick out in the crowd.

  Maybe it was something about the carnival atmosphere—noisy crowds, the scent of kettle corn, fun in the air—that made Lacy feel like a kid again. Excited. Anticipating a good time. Until she glanced at Zack, standing in line to buy tickets for two ten-year-olds. He was the real draw, looking sexy and strong in jeans and a pale blue polo shirt with the out-of-shape collar. As her recent memory served her vividly, he was a male specimen whose picture was worthy of pinning to the inside of a school locker.

  He made her feel young and vital again, and...

  “After this ride will you go with me on the Ferris wheel?” Emma said, practically jumping up and down.

  Full-on brakes ended Lacy’s inner praise of Zack. Ferris wheel? No way! She’d cursed the invention of them since she’d been eight years old and had gotten stuck at the top with her mother, who’d been no help in calming her down. Turns out she’d inherited a fear of heights from her mom, and they’d both barely held it together for the full quarter hour they’d been stuck suspended high above the fair while the problem was fixed. Lacy had been positive they’d soon fall to their certain death, and her mother had done an extremely poor job of denying it. She hadn’t set foot close to one since.

  “Uh, maybe Meghan will go with you?” Lacy tried to weasel out.

  “They have a rule that anyone under twelve has to be with an adult.”

  “Then your dad will do it, I’m sure.”

  “But they’re two-seaters and he’ll have to go with Meghan to be nice, and I was hoping you’d go with me, so we could all go together?”

  Oh, my gosh, maybe twenty-three years was too long to hold on to irrational fear, but Lacy still wasn’t feeling the love for that big round wheel with dangling seats. How had the ungainly ride ever passed a single safety test?

  “Please, please, please?”

  Biting a mental bullet, Lacy woman-upped. “Only for you.” And to set a good example of how to overcome fears.

  “Yay!” Emma jumped and clapped, her hair, pulled into a ponytail today, looking like a pom-pom.

  “Did I miss something?” Zack showed up with a three-foot length of ride tickets.

  “Lacy’s going on the Ferris wheel with me when we all go after the roller coaster.”

  Zack glanced at Lacy and winked, and her headlights came on, no apron. How would she make it through spending the day with him without making a spectacle of herself?

  Hmm, did they still have the tunnel of love at these parks? Maybe they could sign on for the extended edition? Besides being outrageous, her thoughts made her laugh as they all walked to the roller coaster. Which helped her anxiety about the Ferris wheel some, but not nearly enough.

  “What’s so funny?” he said, taking her hand as they strolled behind the girls, who jogged toward the line for the ride as though in a race.

  “I’m just having a good time.” She squeezed his hand and, since the girls were otherwise occupied, he leaned in for a kiss, and she savored all two seconds of it. How great was this? Being at the local amusement park with her new guy and his kid.

  Zack had to squeeze in with the girls for the roller coaster ride because of age restraints, and Lacy stood outside, sun pounding on her head, watching and laughing as they made the long and slow trip up and then, in anticipation of the big drop, went over the top. Zack, with his mouth open and clearly enjoying himself, wedged between two squealing girls with eyes like something on Snapchat, nearly made her heart leap out of her chest. He was a good man. No doubt. Good in more ways than one, for sure.

  Immediately after exiting the ride Emma came running up to Lacy. “Will you go on the roller coaster with me?”


  “I love it!”

  “And Meghan?”

  “She doesn’t feel so good, so Dad’s going to stay with her.”

  How could Lacy not say yes, when Zack was racking up hero points left and right. Maybe it was time to impress him? “Okay!”

  Emma grabbed her hand and tugged her in the direction of the line. While they waited, a cotton candy vendor came strolling by.

  “Is that not the best smell in the universe?” Lacy commented.

  “Can we get some?”

  Lacy dug into her purse and bought one to share, which they went through in record time in line, the fluffy pink sugar spindles melting in her mouth, traveling directly to the pleasure center of he
r brain. Like a lab rat, Lacy’s hand kept going back to pull off more, stuffing it into her mouth, the sugary goodness causing her to mmm-mm with each bite.

  By the time they boarded the ride, the cotton candy was long gone. And whoa! Lacy had forgotten what it was like to have the bottom of her stomach drop out over and over again. Not a good combination with cotton candy in it. But Lacy powered through the ride, buoyed by the happy squeals of her seatmate. Together, they laughed and cried in a good way, screamed and hugged, and sooner than expected the ride was over. Thank goodness! As they walked off, Lacy sensed she and Emma had forged yet another bond in their new friendship. Even though Lacy had developed a case of indigestion, it was worth the reward.

  Then, Emma reminded her of the promise to ride the Ferris wheel.


  * * *

  When the day at the amusement park had ended, and Lacy had faced her old fears and conquered them—the Ferris wheel wasn’t bad at all, and it ran like clockwork—Zack took them out to eat at the best pizza parlor in Little River Valley. After the hot dog and cotton candy she’d had earlier, Lacy couldn’t remember eating more junk food in one day since she’d been a teenager. The carefree hours spent with Zack and Emma were a gift Lacy hadn’t dared to dream about in years. It all felt so good. She had the good sense to roll with it, to enjoy every moment and to savor the new friendship with a little girl and her “he’s too sexy for his old polo shirt” dad.

  Her reward was another amazing lip-lock with Zack on her doorstep when he delivered her home. Emma had fallen asleep in the car after dropping Meghan off, so they didn’t have an audience.

  He held her face and kissed her long and deep, letting her know how much he wanted her and bringing back the sensation of riding that roller coaster all over again. Wow, she could get used to this. And her little-girl self had once had the good sense to recognize him as something special right off, all those years ago.

  He was so much more than a coincidence. More like a meant-to-be.


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