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Page 23

by Lea Barrymire

  She nodded, snuffling back the tears that threatened to cascade down her face. She looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes and saw the same pain reflected there. She nodded. “Okay.”

  Before she completely fell apart, she pulled him down for a quick kiss, then she bolted out the door. Rushing to the truck gave her a moment to collect her shattered heart. This wasn’t goodbye. She refused to believe that. She’d go back, settle her crappy life in Philly and move. If she had to find another job, she would, but she wasn’t going to give up her men. Fuck what everyone else thought of her decisions.

  Those thoughts helped. She laughed at her own pep talk and climbed into the truck. Brent was coming down the porch steps as she buckled her seatbelt. She looked up at the house and Jared was staring at her with such longing that she nearly ran to him again.

  “He’ll be okay, you know. He’s the strong one. You can call him when we get to the airport,” Brent whispered as he climbed into the cab. She nodded but didn’t take her eyes off Jared. He might be the strong one but he had the same fear on his face that she felt icing her chest.

  Jared watched the truck wind down the road. He stayed staring at the road for a long time. Blank, forlorn emptiness filled his heart and head. Knowing he’d be alone for days had sweat breaking out on his palms. What was he going to do to fill the time? He’d go to work but the hours after would drag without anyone else in the lodge. They’d left him. What if Brent found he liked having Arin to himself better than sharing? What if they never came back?

  He smacked his forehead. “That’s stupid and you know it, and now you’re talking out loud to yourself. Get a grip.”

  He grinned. Okay, first thing to do was to get a plan together for the “welcome home” dinner and night when Brent and Arin came back. That would keep him busy for a few hours at least.

  His thoughts were broken by the shrill ringing of the lodge phone. Jogging into the office, he grabbed the handset. “Hello. Four Oaks Lodge.”

  “Hello. This is Michael Walters. Arin’s father. I’d like to speak to her.”

  “I’m sorry, sir, but she just left. You could try calling her cell phone.”

  “I did that already and it went straight to voicemail.”

  Jared waited for a moment. When her father didn’t continue, he cleared his throat. “I could call Brent and get her that way? He’s driving her to the airport now.”

  “I just bet he is,” he grumbled. “Fine. I need to find out what flight she’s arriving on. I don’t want her trying to rent a car and driving to her apartment alone.”

  “Um, sir. Brent is flying with her to Philly. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to see you, but she won’t be alone.”

  There was a moment of silence before her father growled, “You’re one of the bastards sleeping with her, aren’t you? The other one is flying home with her? Shit. I was hoping she’d get away clean and I could help pick up the pieces. You two are some sick creeps to take advantage of her moment of weakness and get her all wrapped up in more emotional garbage. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”

  Anger tore through Jared. He tried to keep a grasp on it, taking a deep breath before speaking. “I understand your anger, but attacking me or Brent isn’t going to solve anything. We love her.”

  “Bullshit. You don’t love her. Just like that asshole Robert. Letting her think you care just to get her into bed. Using her when she’s just ended a horrible relationship. You two should be castrated. She doesn’t need more trouble, and you two couldn’t leave her alone.”

  “Hold up. We’re taking advantage? You don’t know us from Adam, but let me tell you something. We love her. Both of us do. We’ve been the ones keeping her calm, making her smile, bringing her out of her funk since she kicked that asshole out of her life. Where the fuck were you? Her own father didn’t step in and beat the ever-loving shit out of him? If she were my daughter and I saw the pain and abuse that she’s suffered, I would’ve done something to save her. You did what? You let her go, walked away. She’s told us about the lack of contact, how much she’s missed you. If anyone deserves to be bitched at, it’s you, Mr. Walters.”

  Rage shook him to the core. How dare this man accuse them of anything? Fear crowded in. What if her father could sway her? She loved him and might listen to him over Jared or Brent. What if her father talked her out of coming back to the lodge?

  “How dare you speak to me about that? She made the decision to stop calling. I tried—for years I tried to keep in contact with her. I even swallowed my anger at how Robert treated her just so I could see her. She walked away from me. I love her dearly and I will not allow a pair of conquest-chasing asses to hurt her. I’m done sitting back and watching her life fall apart.”

  Jared heard the pain in the other man’s voice. “Look. I can’t convince you of our intentions over the phone. All we’re going to do is keep throwing anger around. If you need to get in touch with Arin, I’ll give Brent a call and pass on your message. But Mr. Walters? We do love her and we aren’t planning on stepping back. We’re going to pursue her and let her know how deep that love is. I’ve had a lot taken from me throughout my life and she’s one part I’m not giving up easily.”

  “I nearly lost my daughter once—I’m not doing it again. There’s nothing you can tell me that I haven’t already heard from that asshole.”

  “We aren’t him.”

  “That’s what you say.” Her father sighed. “I need to get going if I’m going to meet her at the airport. I’d like to call her. Could I have the other one’s phone number?”

  “His name is Brent,” Jared growled. “I’ll give you his number only because I know Arin would want to talk to you. But we’re discussing this further.”

  He rattled off Brent’s cell number and wasn’t surprised that her father hung up without another word. Jared stared at the phone. He had a strong urge to race to the airport and be on that plane with Brent and Arin. Brent would need him as an ally and he feared the pull her father had. He debated for two heartbeats. Then he was racing up the stairs and into his room. He grabbed a duffle bag and threw some clothes into it. He didn’t even really pay attention to what he was shoving into it. What he didn’t pack he could buy in Philly.

  Slinging the bag over his shoulder, he ran for the office, grabbing his cell phone, charger and netbook. He’d call his boss on the way to the airport. He hoped there was a seat left on their flights. If not, he’d find a way. He needed to be in Philadelphia when Brent faced her father. Glancing into the living room verified that nothing was on. He locked the door and raced to his truck. Sensible behavior be damned. He needed to be with Arin and Brent. And they needed him.

  * * * * *

  Exhaustion slowed Arin’s steps. It’d been a long day of hopping flights and wandering airports. Having Brent with her had been a blessing. He’d kept her together, handling all the little things that life seemed to throw at her. She’d slept on the flight from Atlanta to Philadelphia and the grogginess hadn’t slipped from her brain yet.

  “Come on, darlin’. We’ll go rent a car and go to your apartment.” He’d taken her hand as if it were something they’d done a million times, and the feel of his strong fingers twined with hers gave her the strength to slog through the airport.

  They didn’t talk much while they waited for their luggage. He seemed to understand that she needed time to prepare herself for whatever she’d be facing. She’d fought with her father on the way to the airport. He’d insisted on picking her up in Philly, but she wanted to go to her apartment without him in tow. She’d heard the strained anger when she’d mentioned Brent and wasn’t ready to watch them argue. She knew it was coming. Brent’s jaw had clenched while she’d tried to keep her father calm. Dealing with her dad could wait. A bath and some food were needed first, but they needed to get to her apartment for either of those things.

  Once their bags were gathered and he shooed her ahead while carrying them all, she headed toward the rental counters. They hadn’t ha
d any luck renting anything through the internet. She’d hoped there would be something available at one of the agencies. If not, she’d give in and call her dad.

  Just before she entered the line for Enterprise, a familiar grin caught her eye from a bench. She blinked, shook her head and looked again. Jared, smug as usual, sat with a paperback novel propped on his lap. He stood and strode to her, grabbing her around the waist and hoisting her against his chest. She buried her forehead against his neck, gripping his shirt in her fists, and couldn’t stop the tears from sliding down her face. He’d come for her. Both of them had.

  “Hey, don’t cry Arin. God, I didn’t want to make you cry. What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head but couldn’t answer him without wailing. Sucking in a few deep breaths and reveling in his scent, she got a grip on her emotions. She sniffled and mumbled against his shirt, “Nothing’s wrong. You came for me. No one’s done anything like that for me in so long. I’m tired and missed you. Thank you.”

  “Oh babe, you’re going to make me cry and no one wants to see that. Come on. I have a car already. I want to get you home for a shower and some food.” Jared’s voice was tight even though he tried for a joking tone. They’d all had a rough day.

  Arin leaned back and wiped at her eyes. She smiled up at Jared, then back at Brent. Both men flanked her and she knew right then and there that she’d be going back to Montana with them. She couldn’t give them up—wouldn’t.

  “Come on. Let’s go check on my apartment and I’ll treat you guys to pizza and beer.” She grabbed each of them by the hand and looked expectantly at Jared. “Lead on, good sir.”

  They both looked surprised but pleased by her affection. Her poor boys had been mistreated. All three of them were healing from something. She silently promised herself that she’d make sure none of them suffered any longer. With a little more giddyup in her step, she followed Jared through the lots of cars until they found his rental. Throwing a prayer to the heavens, she climbed in and entered her address in the GPS.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The shrill sound of Abby’s ringtone roused Arin. Sleepily she threw her arm out to find the offending device and turn it off. Her hand landed on a sheet-covered chest. A grumpy Brent thrust her phone into her hand and she grinned.

  “What, Abs?”

  “Well, good freaking morning to you too. What’s the deal? You couldn’t call me to tell me you’d actually made it home or anything?”

  Arin yawned. “Sorry. We got in and crashed. What the hell time is it anyway?”

  “We? As in you and the hotties? Whoa, Arin. Dish, girl.”

  “No. Too early. Call me in an hour. Love you, Abby.” Arin pushed the “End” button before her friend could keep chattering on about sandwiches and men. She pushed herself up and softly laughed. The three of them had piled onto her queen-sized bed and it seemed she’d taken the lion’s share. Jared was on his side, one leg hanging off the edge and his hand jammed down between the frame and the head of the bed. Brent wasn’t in much better shape. Her heart squeezed. She loved them so much.

  “You’d better not be laughing at us. Not before coffee anyway.” Brent’s voice was deep and gravelly.

  “I’m not laughing. I’m chuckling.”

  “Well whatever it is, it’s too early for it.” He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her more tightly to his body.

  “I have to get up. I’ll make coffee.”

  Wiggling finally did the trick and she slid off the bed. She wasn’t looking forward to the day, but having her men there made it easier to face. Her men. She sighed. If she had her way, they definitely would be hers.

  Her phone rang again and a shot of icy fear shot through her. It was her father. She braced her emotions and grabbed her cell.

  “Hi, Dad. What’s up?”

  “I’m on my way over. I have Jason with me.”

  The warning was clear in his voice. He was coming to take on Jared and Brent, and Jason was his backup. “Hand the phone to Jason for a minute.”


  “Because I haven’t talked to him in months and I’d like a little social time before you get here and start huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf.” She knew she was being snarky.

  “Fine. Here.”

  There was a pause and a bit of muffled noise. “Hey, sis—what’s shakin’?”

  Relief buckled her knees. She dropped to the foot of the bed and tears filled her eyes. “Hey, Jase. God, I’ve missed you.”

  “I missed you too. Don’t cry. I can hear it in your voice.”

  She sniffled and smiled. “Sorry. I haven’t had my coffee yet. Um. Did Dad tell you why he’s so angry?”

  “Yeah. But why don’t you tell me?”

  “I kicked Robert out last week. Then I went on vacation and fell in love with two wonderful guys.”

  “Pretty much what I was told too.”

  So he was being cryptic. This was good. “Do you believe me that this isn’t a mistake?”

  “I want to see for myself. Then if you need me, I’ll be there for you.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, she ran a hand through her hair. “Thanks. It means a ton.”

  “Yeah, well, you already did it for me.”

  And she had. When Jason had confessed to being gay and their father had gone crazy, she’d been there for him. Through his tears and anger at how their father had reacted, she’d given her support. She loved her brother and it didn’t matter at all to her whether he loved women or men. She just wanted him to be happy.

  “Thanks, Jase.”

  “Welcome. We’ll be there in a few.”

  “We’ll be ready.”

  She closed her phone and sat for a moment. Her mind whirled with different scenarios. Could she get her father to understand? She didn’t want to lose him but she wasn’t giving up her shot at happiness either. She loved Jared and Brent too much to walk away from them.

  First she needed the boys up and dressed. Having her dad show up and them all still in bed was a bad way to start things. She turned to find both of them staring at her, concern and wariness etched around their mouths.

  “My dad and brother will be here in a few minutes. I think we need to get up. I’m going to hop in the shower, then I’ll make some coffee.” She stood and headed to the bathroom. With a decision made, she felt better able to handle the coming hours.

  “Arin.” The edge to Jared’s voice had her turning slowly. “Do you want us to leave so you can talk to him?”

  “No. I want you here. I need you to be here.”

  Brent nudged Jared before speaking. “We just want it to be easy on you, darlin’. We’re not trying to leave you to the wolves or anything. We’ll stay if that’s what you want. We want to meet your dad, even if he’s pissed at us.”

  She nodded and turned, unsure whether she felt happy that they were thinking of her needs or pissed that they thought she’d want to take on her father alone. She stripped quickly and climbed into her tub. A fast shower would help get her mind set and wake her up enough to deal with her family.

  Absently she shampooed her hair, running strategies and comments through her mind. What would be the best way to get her father to understand? Her track record surely wasn’t the best. Perhaps getting Jason to talk with them would help. He’d see how wonderful the men were.

  “Got room in there for me, babe?”

  Watching a very naked Jared step into her tub short-circuited her thoughts. He moved to stand behind her and reached over her to adjust the shower head. His chest pushed against her back and she groaned. “We don’t have time to fool around.”

  “I’m just showering with you. Killing two birds with one stone, you know?”

  “What’s the other bird? Me?”

  He chuckled and her nipples pebbled. “No. I wanted to talk to you. Let me wash you while I chat.”

  He grabbed the bar of soap out of the holder and held it while wiggling his brows. Arin couldn’t help but laugh. Sh
e turned back to face the shower wall, giving him her back, and pulled her hair over her shoulder.

  “Brent and I saw the look on your face when you headed in here and we were afraid you’d taken our comments as reluctance. We want you happy, babe. If it would make things easier on you for us to leave, then we’ll leave. If you want us to stay, we stay. Whatever you need.”

  His words and soapy hands helped to relax her. He rubbed warm, sudsy palms down her back and around her hips. She rocked back against him, silently begging for more. He obliged by running his fingers over her belly and up her ribs. She moaned when he circled her heavy breasts. Before she could beg for more, Jared stepped away from her back.

  He groaned behind her. “Damn. I almost forgot we weren’t supposed to be messing around. Let me wash real quick and I’ll get out.”

  She would’ve laughed if she hadn’t been just as turned on. But he was right. She edged around him, giving him the spot under the water. “Wash quickly. I’ll try not to touch you.”

  Jared moved with the efficiency born of being a male. He soaped from his head down and rinsed, taking a few moments to complete his shower. He turned back to her, handed her the soap and took her lips in a scorching kiss. Wet hands grabbed the back of her head as his tongue invaded her mouth. She moaned, pushing on his chest.

  “Stop. This isn’t helping,” she gasped when he pulled her more tightly against his chest. “Jared. God. I’m going to combust right here. Go get dressed.”

  He grumbled before swooping down and kissing her one more time. When he stepped from the shower she was sucking lungfuls of air into her chest and contemplating a quick masturbation session to cool the lust strumming her clit. The only thing that stopped her from reaching between her legs and relieving the ache was the wonderful smell of coffee that came on the steamy breeze. Coffee at that moment was more important than getting off.

  * * * * *

  “So, those are the two, huh?”

  Arin looked over her shoulder and couldn’t help the smile that curled her lips. Brent and Jared sat around her small kitchen table, laughing at something Jason had said. They looked relaxed but she could tell by the number of times they looked up and caught her eye that they were nervous.


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