The Ocean Between Us (Benton Creek Series Book 1)

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The Ocean Between Us (Benton Creek Series Book 1) Page 4

by Delisa Lynn

  Tossing my blanket to the side, I roll out of bed. Just as I am turning on the shower, I hear my phone. Running back to the bedroom, I stub my big toe on the door jamb.

  “Fuck,” I mumble. Finally reaching my phone, I see that it’s an incoming Skype from an unknown number.

  “Hey, sweetheart, I don’t have long. I just needed to see you. Hear that sweet voice.” Quaid’s long locks are now shaved and his scruff is gone.

  I try holding back the tears but they roll out of my eyes anyway. “God…I miss you so much.” I giggle like a five-year-old in a candy store. “You haven’t written me.”

  “I know, babe, it’s been busy. I will tonight though, promise. I have to go. Just know I miss you and think of you 24/7.” He blows a kiss and I pretend to catch it. “Love you, Hend.”

  “Love you! Please be careful.” And just like that he’s gone.

  Climbing in the shower, I finally get the cry I’ve needed. I think about my parents, my Paw, and Quaid. Everyone that I love leaves me in one way or another. I can’t lose him too.

  Chapter Seven

  Pictures Aren’t Working


  It’s been a little over a month since I’ve seen my girl. This has been the longest we’ve not seen each other. The very short Skype call only teased me. I dream of her, wishing I could hold her in my arms. Looking at her pictures every chance I get is getting me through my time in boot camp. I’ve decided that after I’m finished, I’m going back for my girl. I have to. If you’d asked me a month ago if we had a future together, I would’ve laughed. Knowing that she’s agreed to leave Benton Creek to be with me makes me one happy dude.

  “Castings, what has you grinning like an idiot?” Sago asks. He’s my bunkmate. He’s from California and I swear he’s a surfer; a pretty boy. “It’s that girl, isn’t it?” He smacks me on the back.

  “Yeah, Hendlee Ann.” I pull my boots on. “I just spoke with her.”

  “Bet she misses that country twang of yours, cowboy.”

  “Whatever, surfer boy.”

  After pulling his shirt over his head, Sago asks, “Does she have any hot friends? I’d love to meet a country girl.”

  “Yeah. You shoveling cow manure? I don’t see that.”

  “I know how to shovel shit.” He pretends he has a shovel and is working hard.

  “You’re too much, man. We’d better get out on the ground, you know we can’t be late.”

  They are pretty tough on time around here. Actually, they’re tough on everything. I knew they’d be strict, but not this strict.

  Today we’re going out on a ship for diving lessons. I follow Sago and another mate to the ship. We suit up with our dive gear, and get ready for our first water encounter. We have been conditioning for the last week, which is basically running and jumping through barrels and climbing ropes.

  “Can farm boy swim?” Sago asks.

  “I wouldn’t be here if I couldn’t.”

  “Yeah, I just like giving you shit.”

  “It’s all good, surfer boy.” I place my snorkel in my mouth and do as I am instructed.

  My body hits the cold water. Looking down, I see fish beneath me. I laugh to myself as I swim farther down in between all of them. My mission is to retrieve the small anchor that is attached to a box at the bottom of the ocean they showed us last week. I know that I can do it; the thing is, can I do it in the allotted time? When I reach the anchor, Sago is right next to me. Both our hands reach for it and together we pull and bring it up off the box it’s attached to. We both swim up, and once my head pops up out of the water and I see that I am inches away from the boat, I hope like hell that we made our time goal. I see Commander Basco looking at his timer.

  We place the anchor on the deck and I start removing my gear, saying a silent prayer that we met our goal. Standing tall in front of our commander, we wait for him to give us the word. He studies us both as he walks around each of us.

  “Good job, boys. Your goal was six hundred seconds. You’ve reached your goal, with a finishing time of five hundred and sixty eight seconds.” He shakes both of our hands and we grin.

  “Thank you, sir,” I say.

  We head back to change our clothes. Next will be the hurdles. The weather isn’t as hot as it is back home. It may just be that it’s almost August and the weather is starting to change. Once back to my room, I change into a pair of sweatpants with the U.S. Navy logo embroidered down the leg. I pull on a Navy logo t-shirt and a pair of white sneakers. Sago and I meet everyone back in the main quarters and get ready for a workout. I know one thing—this is a lot harder than shoveling cow shit, that’s for damned sure.


  Today was long, and exhausting. We just had dinner, and when I get back in my room from the mess hall, I’m going to write my girl. When I reach my bunk, I pull out a pad of notebook paper and a pen.


  Today was a very long day. So glad I was able to see your smiling face. I wish I could hold you right now, hear your soft giggle, and feel your warm hands. I promise you, as soon as I can, I’ll be back, we can make this work. I was so scared to tell you how I felt, to claim you before I left. I knew you would be there, waiting for me. I didn’t want to put you through that. But I am so glad that we were able to finally admit our feelings for one another. Do you know how many times I wanted to tell you? So many times…but I was scared. Your friendship means the world to me. Knowing you love me as much as I love you makes this journey a hell of a lot easier.

  We just finished dinner, I sure miss my mom’s cooking already. My bunkmate Sago is from California, he’s a cool dude. He and I were on all of our missions together today also. He started calling me ‘farm boy.’

  I better get ready for bed, I have to be up at four in the morning. I hope to hear from you soon, sweetheart.

  Love Always


  Folding the letter, I place it in the small white envelope and seal it shut. Sago has the bottom bunk, so I climb up to mine.

  “Hey, farm boy. Tell me about your girl.”

  “She’s amazing. We’ve been friends all our lives. She has the greenest eyes, and long blonde hair. We actually just hooked up the day before I came here. I didn’t want her there waiting for me. I also didn’t want her with anyone else. That’s selfish of me, isn’t it?”

  While I know deep down it is, I can’t stomach knowing that someone else could have her.

  “Not selfish. At least I don’t think anyways. Hey what you do you think, Nestle?” he asks one of the other guys.

  “You had me at blonde hair.” He chuckles. “I would’ve made sure I made her mine before I left too. You’re good people, Castings. Now go to sleep, you two sound like teenage girls.”

  We all laugh and I close my eyes and fall asleep thinking about my girl.

  Chapter Eight

  How Much Longer Will I Miss Him?


  It’s been a few weeks since the Skype call from Quaid. I received a letter a few days later. But I miss him something fierce. His boot camp was supposed to last nine weeks, but he started a new program and was going to be gone at least nine more weeks. Life in Benton Creek just isn’t the same. I’ve spent every single day with him the last thirteen years, and now that he isn’t here, I feel as if a piece of me is missing. When I lost my parents and moved here, he was my first friend, and he has always protected me. Sitting on my bed, I pull out the notebook and pick up a pen. I need to write him. There is so much I need to tell him. I wish I could do it in person.


  It’s been three months, and I miss you so much. I have to admit, I’m glad you gave me the car. Your dad has been coming into the bakery and leaving me extra tips for gas money. I told him I didn’t need his money and he just laughs. Things here have been pretty much the same. Clive is, well, Clive. Gemma and Bryan finally hooked up. Jason has been hanging around a lot. We all went to the lake last week and it was so weird with you not being there. Jas
on had to bait my hook. You know I love fishing but hate the baiting. Maw sends her love. I can’t wait to see you. I also have a huge SURPRISE for you! I’ll tell you when we speak. There’s a lot we need to discuss.

  Love Always

  Hendlee Ann

  I seal the envelope and run it to the mailbox, wanting to get the letter in before the postman comes. After dropping it in the mail, I decide I’ll go to see Quaid’s parents. I haven’t been to their house since the day Que left. On my way, I stop at MayBells. I’ve been craving a chocolate malt. When I walk in, I see Jason and none other than Alison sitting at the counter. I walk up, not saying a word. I’m going to get my shake and get the heck out before they stop me.

  “Hendlee, what are you doing out here?” Jason says, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

  “I was in the mood for a chocolate malt.”

  “Yeah, same here,” Jason says. “Hey, why don’t you catch a movie with me tonight?”

  “That’s okay. I’m pretty tired and just came to enjoy a malt and go home.”

  “You know she’s a prude, Jas. Why bother?” Alison pipes up.

  “Yeah whatever.” I roll my eyes. “Can I please get a large chocolate malt with whipped cream and extra cherries?” I ask Mark, the guy behind the counter.

  “You sure you’re okay? You look a little pale.” Jason rubs his hands down my back.

  “Totally fine, just haven’t eaten much today.” I pull a five dollar bill from my purse and lay it on the counter. Mark places my malt in front of me.

  “Thank you!” Picking up a straw, I start sipping the chocolaty goodness. This has to be the best chocolate in the state.

  “Sure you don’t want to hang?” Jason winks.

  To get him off my back, I say, “Sure. Just for a little bit though, I’m really tired.”

  “You look beautiful, as always,” he leans in a little too close to tell me.

  I squirm away from him. “Thank you. So what’s been up with you?” I ask, pretending to be interested, though lord knows I’m far from it.

  “Been working and stuff. Hey, I wanted to write to Que. Would you happen to have his address? How much longer until he comes home?”

  “Sure, I’ll write it down for you. He should be home in a few months. I can’t wait.”

  I smile just thinking about Que’s arms around me, him kissing me and telling me that everything is going to work out.

  “You love him don’t you?” Jason asks, and I see that Alison’s interest in our conversation is piqued.

  “He’s been my very best friend for as long as I can remember. He has been my first everything,” I say a little loudly so whore-face can hear. “He was my first friend here, after I moved here with my grandparents.”

  “Hey now, what about me? We’ve been friends for a long time. Do you remember when Joey Mongaro spit green apple gum in your hair? I beat the crap out of that fucker.”

  “Oh my gosh, how could I forget that!” I laugh. “I had to get my hair trimmed. It was awful. Thank you for beating him up. He’s never talked to me since that day.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t like him much anyways.”

  “Me either, he’s an ass. He comes in the bakery from time to time, but Gemma or Maw waits on him. Crap, I better get going. I’ll see you later.” I stand and he grabs my arm.

  “Can we go out this week? I get off early on Tuesdays. Maybe we can catch a movie or hang out in town down by the water?”

  “Text me later, I’ll see what I’m doing.”

  He accepts that, and hugs me. I give a sarcastic wave to Alison. I’m sure he is going to go fuck her now. I think the male population of Benton Creek has had her.

  Chapter Nine

  Letters Are Deceiving


  I stare at the words on the paper. Hendlee says she has a surprise for me. Looks like her boyfriend Jason already beat her to it. I called Clive today. Jason was there and filled me in on his and Hendlee’s relationship. She also mentioned that they went fishing and he baited her fishhook for her. What in the actual fuck? They know where I am, and they’re going to do this? I always knew he was slime, and to step in on my girl while I’m here just proves how low he really is. Being here, I’ve done a lot of thinking, and I had planned on moving wherever she wanted to. I wanted to spend my life making her happy. Now I’m done.

  “Sago! Did I hear you mention a bar earlier?” I ask.

  I’ve never gone out with my shipmates before.

  “Yes. You have to leave the ship, my friend.”

  “I know, I’m having a bad day. I need to get out of here. I found out that one of my buddies swooped in on my girl. I haven’t heard the words from her, but he told me over the phone. She also mentioned him in a letter.”

  Just thinking about it pisses me off even more.

  “You’re kidding me. Let’s go. You can’t drink since you aren’t of age, but if you really need a strong drink, one of my dudes at the bar will hook us up.” He smacks me on the back.

  I hurry up and change my shirt and throw on some jeans.

  I just can’t believe the two of them. Why did she wait for me to be her first if she was just going to fuck him once I left?

  Walking off the ship, we head for the bar Sago was speaking of. I haven’t even thought about another woman since the night I spent with Hend. Hell, all the nights I’ve ever been with other women, I’ve thought of her. No matter who it was, Hendlee is who I imagined it to be. Tonight I want to find someone and forget about everything I just heard, and her.

  “What are your plans after our time is up?” a shipmate asks.

  “Not sure. I was heading back home for a while, but I think I’ll stay here.” I’d heard that I could sign a six-year contract, which would keep me very busy. Busy enough to stay the hell away from Benton Creek and everyone there.

  Sago’s voice booms as we enter the bar. “Look at all the ass over there.” He grins like a Cheshire cat. “Aren’t you glad you’re a single man tonight, Castings?”

  He laughs as he heads toward the women. And that’s exactly what they are, older women. Women that are dressed in very short dresses and have on gallons of make-up. Not all of them, though. One catches my eye. She has long black hair that flows down her back. She has on jeans with a pair of brown leather boots. She laughs at something her friend whispers to her. When she looks my way, I give her a wink.

  She winks back and whispers something back to her friend. I turn around so I don’t look like a creeper watching them. I continue to listen to the other guys, my mind trying to focus on everyone that’s around me. I’m on my second Coke when I feel a tap on my shoulder. When I turn around, I see the dark beauty I was watching earlier.

  “Hi, I’m Marley.” She reaches for my hand.

  “How you doing? I’m Quaid.” I shake her hand.

  “Are you apart of the Navy ship?” She scoots closer, running her hand up and down my arm.

  “Yes, I am. And you?”

  “I live around here. I just got into a huge fight with my boyfriend, and my friends thought I should come mingle. I saw you looking at me earlier, and thought I’d come mingle.” She giggles, nervously.

  “Well how about we have a few dances, and get to know each other better?”

  I take her hand and lead us to the corner where a few others are dancing.


  I stare at the envelopes that keep coming in for me. I’ve received not one, but ten letters from Hendlee in the last month. Looking through them, it’s like she sends one every other day. I start to toss them on the table and notice one from Jason and rip it open. I need to know what this prick has to say. As I read the words, my stomach churns and I feel bile rising in my throat. I cannot believe either of them. Crumpling the paper, I toss it into the wastebasket. I take all of the other mail and shove it under my mattress. This just helps me make up my mind. There’s no way I can watch the two of them together and now after reading this, my mind is made up.

; The U.S. Navy has become my new home. I’m going to take the extra classes for training. Opening my door, I see my commander himself.

  “Sir, Commander Cruise, sir,” I say, placing my hands at my sides.

  “Castings, have you changed your mind since we last spoke?” he asks, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

  “Yes, sir, I have. Sir, I would like to sign up for those commander classes.” I stand tall, and don’t even second guess my words.

  “You do realize that you will have to spend at least the next six years as an enlisted sailor, correct? You’ll be sailing around the world, also likely deployed to Afghanistan.” He holds my stare.

  “Sir, yes sir. I’m aware and I’m ready for all of that.” I don’t even blink as the words leave my mouth. I’m ready to start my new life wherever the Navy takes me.

  “I’ll get the paperwork started. I’ll have to speak with the captain and we’ll go from there. I don’t think you’ll be sorry about this, you’re a good man, Castings.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Chapter Ten

  Changes Are Arising

  Five Years Later


  It’s been five years. Five long years since Quaid Castings has stepped foot in this town. He hasn’t written or called in those five years either. After Quaid left, I was heartbroken. Our night together wasn’t supposed to change anything. But it did. I’m not sure what happened. His letters stopped after a few months. His calls never came and all of my letters went unanswered. The only reason, I knew he was still alive is because of his parents and Clive. They informed me that he knew that I’d moved on. I never truly moved on until he had given me no other choice. He is all I thought about, and wanted. I’m reminded of him daily when I look into the whiskey colored eyes of my four-and-a-half-year old daughter, Bristol. She was the greatest thing he ever gave me. She is my piece of him, she is my everything now.


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