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The Ocean Between Us (Benton Creek Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Delisa Lynn

  “She called me,” Sago says as we exit the car. “She took all of her stuff.”

  “I haven’t heard from her,” I spit. “Glad she made it here safely.”

  “She’s hurt, man, she called me that night. Don’t be mad. You know we’re friends.”

  “Since when did you and my ex become BFFs?” I unlock my door. “Newsflash to me.” I toss my bags on the floor. I see that all the furniture is still here, but she has taken pictures and the throw blankets from the back of the sofa.

  Walking straight for the fridge, I grab two beers and toss one to Sago. I screw the top off of mine and the liquid goodness soothes my anger. My mind is going in a million directions. I have love for Nicola and I damn sure didn’t want our relationship ending the way it did. I lean against the counter.

  “So what else did she have to say?”

  He scratches his head. “She’s pretty hurt. She had a feeling something like this would happen, that’s why she snuck and got a ticket. Just in case.”

  “She already had her ticket home?” I ask, due to the fact that I had purchased our tickets there and back in my name, round trip.

  “She had a backup plan. She said she knew once you spoke to Hendlee that it would happen. So did you beat the shit out of this Jason dude?”

  “You know I did. I was ready to kill him. He played us both. He lied to me. I was in boot camp and he writes and tells me my girl is knocked up by him. Then it takes all this time for me to see that he was a lying bastard.”

  He took my family. He took my girl, my child, and my life.

  He will pay.

  “That’s some shady shit for sure. You think he will leave you all alone?” Sago sips his beer.

  “He’d better. I need to figure out what I’m going to do. I know I have a year left and I can move from here. I just hope we don’t get sent overseas again.” I know there is always that chance.

  “You and me both. I’ve been thinking of moving back to California. My mom’s been sick the last few years and my dad keeps asking if I can move home or not.”

  “Sorry to hear that, man. You know I love your parents.” And I do, we stayed there back when we visited. That’s actually where I met Nicola.

  “They love you too! I better get going. I promised Val we would go bowling. You up for it?”

  “Thanks, man, but I need to unpack and call my parents. Call me later this week and we can meet for some drinks.” I pat his back, and walk him to the front door.

  “Oh shit, almost forgot, here are your keys. Nicola asked me to give them to you.”

  “Thanks.” I close the door behind him. She really isn’t coming back I guess. Grabbing my phone, I head toward my bedroom. I need a shower, but first there are some people that want to know I am home.

  I call my parents and let them know I’m home and safe. My mom raves about how nice it was to finally see me, and how much they love Bristol. She also apologizes about that way she treated Hendlee. I inform her that it’s fine and that I was going to call and check on my girl. I dial the number and smile like an idiot when she answers.

  “Hello?” I can hear the excitement in her voice.

  “Hey, baby, how are you?”

  “I’m better now that I hear your voice.” She sighs. “Jason came by to pick up his things. It was a little harder than I thought. It just left Bristol asking more questions.”

  “Did he hurt either of you?” I say with clenched teeth.

  “Heavens no, he was nice. He kept trying to plead his case with me, but I told him I wasn’t having it. He took his things and left. Clive and Gem were here.”

  “How is Gemma holding up?”

  “She’s doing okay. How was your flight?”

  “It was long, but good. I miss y’all already. How’s my princess?” I know she can hear the smile in my voice.

  “She’s waiting to hear from you. Hang on, I’ll put you on speaker.” I hear her shuffling the phone around. “Okay, she’s right here.”

  “Bristol, I miss you already.”

  “Daddy!” she squeals. “Did you fly on the big plane?”

  “I did. I’ll have to take you on one of those planes someday.”

  “When will you be back?”

  “Not sure. Daddy has some work to do here, then maybe next week I can come and see you.” I sigh and sit back on my bed. I hate not being there with them.

  “Can you come back that soon?”

  “I hope so, Hend,” I say honestly.

  “I miss you, Daddy,” Bristol whines. “Momma was crying ‘cause her misses you too.” She giggles. “But I telled her it’s okay, that you will be back.” My smile widens, thinking of my precious daughter comforting her mom.

  “Miss you too, angel, and as soon as I can I’ll be back. Pinky promise.”

  “’Kay. I’m going to watch cartoons now. Bye, Daddy.” She blows kisses into the phone.

  “Bye, sweetie. Love you,” I say, and she says it back.

  I hear Hendlee shuffling around taking me off of speaker.

  “She’s talked nonstop about you. I hate that you just found out about her.”

  “I now know, and we can make up for lost time. Have you thought any more about moving to the farm?”

  “Yeah. I spoke about it with Gemma. She wants to buy my house. She doesn’t want to live in Bryan’s house without him.”

  “That’s awesome, babe. I was hoping it would sell quickly. It’s a great house, I just know that Bristol will love growing up on the farm, and by the lake.”

  “Yeah, I agree. I love it there. Could we make her a room similar to hers here?”

  “We can redo the entire house. I’ll call my dad, and he’ll take care of all my grandparents’ things so we can start moving ours in. I’m going to add you to my checking account, and I want you to purchase all new furniture. We can hire a contractor if you want to update anything. Clive may even do most of the work. He’s good with a paintbrush.” I chuckle.

  “Que, you don’t have to do that. I have money from my inheritance and we have furniture here.”

  “I don’t want furniture that Jason sat his ass on.”

  “I understand. Okay, I guess all new would be great. I can leave all this here for Gemma. I would like to take Maw’s dining table and hutch though.”

  “You can bring anything of hers that you want.” Just nothing of Jason’s, I think to myself.

  “Gemma is going to pay me cash for the house. She’d taken a loan to purchase the bakery and has the money. I can deposit it into our account once it’s set up.”

  “No, you save that money for you. You were selling the bakery?”

  “I was going to follow you out there to Chicago, but since you’re coming back I’m going to keep it. Gemma has been doing some research and she thinks that we should do some menu updates and remodeling.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. I bet business would pick up with some new items. I can help with whatever I can.”

  “Thank you, that means a lot.” She sighs and I can hear her thinking.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “I…umm…was she there when you got home?”

  “Who? Nicola?” She doesn’t say anything. “No, she wasn’t here. She left my keys with Sago and took all of her things.”

  “I feel so bad, I hate that she is hurting,” Hendlee mumbles. “I know what that’s like.”

  “She left, Hend. Apparently she’d purchased a ticket before we even left, so she knew she was leaving me.”

  She gasps.

  “Sago informed me when he picked me up. Look I hate to let you go, but I really need to shower and I’m going to grab dinner.”

  “I know you’re tired. You can call me anytime, I’ll keep my phone next to me.”

  “I love you, and don’t overthink any of this. All right?”

  “I love you so much. Please let me know if this is all moving too fast.”

  “This is what should have happened five years ago, Hendlee. Ki
ss our princess for me.” I hang up the phone and head toward the shower.


  After my shower I order a pizza. Chicago has the best pizza, I’ll miss it. Flipping on the TV, I search through the DVR and see a bunch of Nicola’s nonsense shows. Who watches this stuff? Tossing the remote on the table, it dawns on me that I still have all of Hendlee’s unread letters. Unopened.

  I walk up to my bedroom and stare at the box that is marked ‘boot camp’. I remove the lid from the box, and there’re tons of letters, from my parents, friends, and other family members. I have all of Hendlee’s in a bundle, rubber banded together. I start going through the postmark dates. Putting them all in order, I open the one marked September 15th, 2009.


  How many more days until I can hear your voice? I miss you so much. I never in a million years thought that I would miss anyone as much as I miss you. I go to bed dreaming of you and wake up thinking of you. So much has happened in the three months you’ve been gone. As I said in my last letter, there’s something you need to know. I found out a few weeks ago I’m going to have a baby. I haven’t told anyone yet. Well, Gemma. She went with me to get the test, and after twelve tests showing up positive, I scheduled an appointment with my doctor. She also confirmed that I’m a little over three months.

  I’m sorry I had to tell you this way, I won’t say anything to your parents. Please call me or write when you can. I know you’re busy. Stay safe, and remember that I love you always. The baby and I will be waiting for you.



  Fuck. I got this letter the next day after Jason’s letter. Looking at the next one, it’s postmarked a week later. I quickly rip it open.


  I hope all is well, I haven’t heard anything from you. I know that you’re really busy but I want to hear your voice. I hope that you are okay with the baby. I know that we’re both young, but I promise I won’t let this interfere with your career. I think Maw knows, as I am starting to show. We will move wherever you are stationed. I can’t live this life without you in it. You mean so much to me, and this little baby will be my life, my reason for breathing. Please respond so I know that you have gotten this letter, and the last one. I love you so much. Stay safe.



  I clench my fist and fold the letter back up. I hate Jason. Fucking hate him. I open the next letter and it says about the same thing the last two say. I go to the one postmarked October 20th, 2009.


  Jason told me that he spoke to you when you called Clive. They know about the baby, by the way. He’d said that you moved on and didn’t want me to contact you. So I hope that you’re okay. I’m sorry. Not that I got pregnant, but because you will be missing out. If you ever want to know your daughter. Yes I’m having a girl. I will not keep her from you. She will know exactly who you are, and how much you meant to me over the years. I’ll show her the farm, and the lake, and remind her how special you were to me. I hope you have a nice life. Stay safe and remember, I’ll always love you.



  The fuck? He told her I moved on. Tossing all the letters back in the box, I jog back downstairs, open the fridge, toss the remaining pizza in, and take out a beer. I don’t get how someone could lie to fuck up someone else’s life. Only a sick, twisted individual would do that. Chugging the rest of my beer, I decide to call it a night. I’m tired and my mind is on tilt. I’m ready to drive back to Kentucky and wring that motherfucker’s neck.

  Chapter Eighteen

  This Is How It Should’ve Been


  This time last week, I never saw my life going as it is today. Jason came and picked up all of his belongings earlier today. Seeing him made me sick. I can’t believe I fell for his bullshit and lies. He had me fooled, that’s for sure. The only thing that hurts more is knowing that I’ve allowed him to be a part of my daughter’s life since she was born, not knowing he was the reason her father had no idea she even existed.

  Some of the things he said play back in my mind. The day I told him was the same day he told me that Quaid had moved on and supposedly told Jason he wanted nothing to do with me.

  “Hendlee, he’s moved on. He was just telling me today that he had been seeing one of the girls he was in boot camp with. I’m so sorry sweetie.” He kisses the top of my head.

  I wrap my arms around him and bury my head in his chest. “How can he move on? We’re in love…I’m…I’m having his baby.”

  He pulls me away so he can look at my face, “You’re pregnant? By Quaid?”

  Tears rolling down my face, I say, “I am. I’ve written him and told him. He hasn’t responded. At all. I don’t understand why he wouldn’t just let me know himself. We were fine when he left.”

  “Does anyone else know the baby is his?”

  “Just Gemma. I’m sure my grandmother knows. She hasn’t said anything yet.”

  “I’ll take care of you and your child. You don’t need anything from him.” He pulls me into his chest. “You deserve so much better than him, you always have.”

  Now I understand what his plan was all along. He knew exactly what he was doing. I haven’t laid into him yet, though once I calm down, he and I will have a long talk. I only allowed him to see Bristol today because she asked about him. She loves him, and she has no clue what kind of person he really is. I’m very thankful that Clive and Gemma were here with us, as I don’t know if I could’ve kept my cool.

  When I was getting Bristol ready for bed tonight, I just knew she would ask a million questions as she normally does, but she didn’t. She was excited about talking with Quaid, and she went straight to sleep. Now, I’m sitting here alone drinking wine. Gemma is in my bed, and Clive refused to leave us alone, so he’s in the guest room. I’m afraid that Quaid’s going to regret all this. Maybe it’s moving too quickly. I haven’t explained to Bristol that we’ll be moving. I honestly know that it will be better, for us. The house is huge, the land is beautiful, and the lake is stunning.

  My eye catches a photo hanging next to the hallway. It’s of me and my parents. I was around four years old. They look so happy and I am bright eyed and smiling. My arms are draped around each of their necks. I miss them so much. Although I lost them right after that picture was taken, I still remember them. Their smiles, their laughter, the way my mother’s perfume would linger when she left a room. I can still hear my daddy calling me Cupcake. That was his nickname for me. I would always giggle and tell him he was silly, that I wasn’t a cake. He would laugh and kiss my chubby cheeks.

  “You okay girl?” I turn around and see Clive standing in the doorway. His dark hair is disheveled and he’s wearing a pair of old sweats that hang low around his waist. I’ve never noticed that he has a body under all those flannels and Wranglers.

  “Yes, I’m just thinking. I’m sorry, did I wake you?”

  “Nah, I couldn’t sleep. I wanted some water. You talked to Que?”

  “I did. He called to let us know he made it home. We’re going to move into the farmhouse. Tell me I’m making the right decision?” I pour another glass of wine.

  He sighs and runs his hand over his face. “I think y’all are. I really wish you would’ve confided in me about who Bristol’s dad was. I kinda suspected, but I wasn’t one hundred percent certain it was Que, so I never mentioned it. What Jason did is pretty fucked up. I don’t think he really gets it either. He’s lost not only some good friends, but also you and Bristol. He should’ve known that it would all come out in the long run and blow up in his face.”

  “I know I shouldn’t had been so naïve…I was scared. I knew what Quaid and I shared the night before he left was magical. But I also know that he had shot me down so many times, and about all the other trolls he’s been with. I believed that he truly thought I was a mistake. I feel like such an idiot. I’ve confused my baby girl. She has always known of Quaid. I never once lied to her. Now she i
s asking questions as to why Jason can’t be in the picture. I was a little older than her when I lost my parents, and I was hurt for so long. I’m afraid I’m doing that to her.”

  “You’re a brave woman, Hend. You have been through a lot of loss in your life and you’re still standing strong. Although you’ve been with Jason, I know that you have been the one supporting your daughter. You’re an amazing mother, I’ve seen you with her. Karma is going to suck a hole in Jason’s ass. He’ll get what he deserves.”

  “Thank you for understanding. So many times I wanted to tell you that Que was her father. Then I thought why would it matter because he wanted nothing to do with us? I hate that we lost Bryan. It did bring Que back into my life though. I feel like Bryan had this all planned.” I wipe my face. My blasted tears won’t stop.

  “Yeah. I miss him so much. I worry about Gem. She’s trying to hold it all in. I promise you I’ll make her better.”

  “You’ve always been a great friend. We’re lucky to have you.” I place my hand on his. “Please look after her. Did she tell you she’s buying my house?” He grins and nods. “I’m glad she is. I would hate for someone we didn’t know to purchase it.”

  “I agree. So this means you’re keeping the bakery too?”

  “Yes. It needs a lot of work too. I’m thinking of redoing it inside and out.”

  “That sounds great. Well, I better get back to bed. Get your rest. I’ll see you in the morning, I would like to take you all to breakfast.”

  “That would be great.” He walks into the other room. I glance at the clock and know I better take my ass to bed.


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