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Fringe Benefits

Page 11

by Sandy James

  Nate’s smile dropped to a deep frown. “There’s not a single thing about you that’s clumsy. You’re graceful and strong and you damn well know it. This is about you not trusting me enough to give me this one meal, this one night, to show you that I’d never let you get hurt.”

  His accusation hit her hard. Added to all the things the Ladies had said at lunch, the conclusion was obvious. Dani didn’t trust Nate—at least not yet.

  He was offering her a chance to change things. All she had to do was give in.

  For once, she listened to her heart and not her head. “Fine.” She closed her eyes. “We’ll do it your way. So have at it. Blindfold me.”


  She opened her eyes so she could give him an exasperated glare. “Really. You want me to show I trust you by letting you lead me around like Stevie Wonder—”

  His victorious grin was the last thing she saw before she closed her eyes again.

  Nate gently put the black material over her eyes and tied the ribbons behind her head. “Too tight?”

  “No,” she replied, feeling a cross between fear and excitement when she realized the blindfold did an excellent job of blocking out everything. Not even a sliver of light could enter. “Now what?” It was no wonder that her voice quavered.

  Her hearing seemed heightened, his shuffling footsteps telling her he’d moved behind her. His arms snaked around her waist and he pressed his front against her back. A moment before his lips brushed the sensitive skin of her neck, she felt his hot breath and inhaled the spicy scent of his cologne.

  With a content sigh, she dropped her head to the side.

  * * *

  Nate hadn’t expected her to surrender without a fight, but the resistance she’d given had been token at best. He nuzzled her soft skin as he brushed aside her silky hair and kissed and licked her long neck.

  She shivered and let out a mewl.

  Damn, she pleased him more than she could know. This wasn’t easy for her, to give him the privilege of guiding her through their meal… and what he planned after. He wasn’t about to disappoint her when she’d given him her tentative trust.

  “Now what?” she asked in a whisper.

  “Now, we enjoy dinner.”

  Moving in front of her, Nate took her hands in his and walked backward to lead her to the barstool he’d pulled out. He’d set their places at the bar, knowing if he fed her on the couch, he’d probably jump her before the meal ended. No, the kitchen was safer. For now.

  “Up we go.” Hands on her waist, he lifted her.

  Dani’s hands clutched his biceps, her grip tight enough to reveal her fear. Yet she didn’t let out a squeal, only allowed herself to be plopped onto the seat.

  Nate turned her stool so she faced the bar. “Let me get our dinner ready.”

  She delicately sniffed the air. “Mmmm… it smells wonderful.”

  “Good. I spent quite a bit of time making some special things for you.”

  While he assembled their plates, she kept tossing out theories on what he’d prepared. He neither confirmed nor denied her guesses, enjoying her nervous chatter. He set their plates next to his barstool, poured two glasses of wine, and then took his seat.

  “I’m gonna make a mess if I try to use a fork,” Dani said.

  Nate grabbed her wrists only a moment before she would have put her hands in the middle of her food. “No fork, baby. I’m going to feed you.”

  Her lips dropped to a frown. “I’m not a baby.”

  “That wasn’t what I meant, and you know it.”

  “Oh, I know what you meant. It’s you who doesn’t get it, Nate. I’m not anyone’s ‘baby.’ I’ll never be anyone’s ‘baby.’ Got it?”

  This was a battle he was willing to lose, and he couldn’t really blame her. The term did seem a bit demeaning now that he thought about it. “You win.”

  “Thanks for understanding.”

  “So what endearments am I allowed?” he asked.

  She thought it over. “You know… I’m not sure.”

  “Well, then, no ‘baby,’ but the rest we’ll just play by ear. Let me know if I hit on one you like.” He picked up one of the small pieces of the appetizer. “Now open up. I made something unusual to start us off.”

  It wasn’t a surprise when she didn’t immediately comply. Dani was never going to be a woman who gave anyone, even someone who loved her, blind obedience. “I’m allergic to—”

  “Pineapple. I know. I checked with Beth to be sure I didn’t use anything you didn’t like or might be allergic to.”

  She cocked her head. “That was very thoughtful.”

  He let out an exasperated sigh, one she’d heard often from many people.

  She reached out for him. “That came out wrong. I just thought it was a little above and beyond what most men would’ve done.”

  His hand grasped hers. “I keep telling you, Dani, I’m not like most men.”

  Holding tight to him, she put her other hand on his arm, sliding it up to his shoulder and then his neck so she could finally brush her knuckles against his cheek. “Lesson learned.”

  He kissed her fingers and then put her hands back on her lap. Then he picked up the food again. “Open up, Dani. Trust me, you’ll like this.”

  A few heartbeats passed before she opened her mouth.

  Nate put a dainty piece of the appetizer in her mouth. She chewed, an appreciative hum coming from her lips.

  “Is that Gorgonzola?” she asked after she’d swallowed.

  “You’ve got a good palate. Here’s another bite.”

  This time, she parted her lips without being asked.

  Feeding Dani was so damned erotic. Each time she opened her mouth, Nate had to close his own eyes to block the sensual image. Her lips were so full, so sexy. Every now and then, her tongue would dart out to lick away bits of food from those lips or the corners of her mouth. Even imagining the things she could do to him with those lips and that tongue had his cock hard and aching.

  She fawned over the portabella mushroom with the melted Gorgonzola, a dish his stepfather had taught him to prepare. It was a good thing Mark was a good cook since Nate’s mother could start a fire just by boiling water. Nate had taken to the skill, and now he enjoyed coming up with his own creations, some of which he now shared with Dani.

  “That’s amazing,” she said after he fed her the first bite of the entrée. “Portabella mushrooms. Gorgonzola cheese. Filet mignon. You must’ve spent a month’s salary on this dinner.”

  He’d probably spent more than he should have, but he wasn’t about to tell her that. “Ah-ah-ah. You’re not supposed to be worrying about anything tonight. Remember? Let me do the worrying for both of us.”

  His own appetite was forgotten as he focused on pleasing Dani, putting small bites of the food he’d lovingly prepared into her mouth and savoring each of her startled and appreciative expressions.

  Dessert almost pushed him over the edge. Nate swiped his finger through the meringue on the coconut cream pie and then said, “Open your mouth, sweetheart.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “Sweetheart?”

  “You said you weren’t anyone’s ‘baby.’ Figured I’d try ‘sweetheart’ this time.”

  After a few seconds, she smiled. “That might work.”

  “Well, then… open up, sweetheart. I have a special treat.”

  A smile played over her lips before she slowly parted them.

  Desire punched him in the gut so hard he let out a harsh breath.

  “Are you okay?” Dani asked. “You sound like someone hit you.”

  “So your hearing’s become more acute? Interesting.”

  “You didn’t answer my question. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Now here’s dessert.”

  She opened her mouth and let him put his meringue-covered index finger inside. Then her lips closed around it. Her hands rose to grab his wrist, and she started licking his finger like some sweet treat. It didn’t take
much imagination to picture her savoring his cock in the same manner.

  With a seductive smile, she released his wrist. “More, please.”

  He’d had enough play; it was time to move to the main event before he gave in to his licentious thoughts, ripped off her blindfold, and carried her upstairs.

  Without warning, Nate scooped Dani into his arms and carried her to the sofa. “Do you trust me?”

  Although she had to think it over, he took no offense. This wasn’t easy for her—that much was plain. She’d come so far in such a short time, but he meant to push her a little further.

  He set her down and then sat at her side. “Time for the hard part.”

  Her lips bowed into a pouty frown. “Not sure I like the sound of that.”

  “I promised you, I won’t hurt you. Do you trust me? Or…”

  She turned to face him, her hands fumbling until she found his arm. “I trust you, Nate.”

  Taking her hand in his, he lifted it and brushed a kiss across her knuckles. “Then we get to play a little game.”

  Dani’s hand trembled as she pulled back. “What happens in this little game?”

  “We learn about each other.”

  * * *

  Shivers ran over her skin, and heat pooled between her thighs, making Dani squirm with desire. How odd that she couldn’t see a thing—his handsome face, that delectable dimple, or his charming smile—yet she wanted Nate with a bone-deep need.

  The sound of his voice was tattooed on her brain; the scent of his cologne was branded on her heart. In her mind’s eye, she could see his deep blue eyes, his blond hair, the lean muscles of his body…

  That morning, he’d asked why. She knew damn well what he was asking, but she couldn’t find the words to explain something she wasn’t sure even she understood.

  Why? Why was she ready to start exploring a connection with Nate? Because Nate had opened her eyes. Because the Ladies had opened her eyes. Because she started thinking of him as something other than one of the teachers in her department or her tenant or a younger man.

  “For the first reward,” he said, his voice deep with what she believed was yearning, “you need to tell me one thing that you’ve done that no one else knows.”

  Her heart started slamming in her chest as her brain scrambled for some lie that would make her look good in his eyes. “Um… I… I…”

  Nate squeezed her hand. “No thinking about it. Just blurt it out. I want the truth, Dani. Not something you think I want to hear.”


  His lips touched hers for a kiss far too brief for her tastes. “You open up to me, and I’ll give with equal measure.”

  Why couldn’t she believe him?

  This trust stuff was the hardest thing she’d ever done, more difficult than losing her virginity or facing a classroom full of students for the first time. Both of those events seemed like a cake walk compared to having to bare her soul to Nate Ryan, to tell him things she’d never told anyone, even the Ladies.

  Then she suddenly understood. She’d worn figurative masks her whole life, especially in those earlier events, those events that had terrified her. She’d put on a face to show people only what she’d wanted them to see to hide her fear, her vulnerability. Instead of a frightened virgin, she’d revealed only confidence. Rather than show her students that she was intimidated by being a real teacher, she’d shown only a tough-as-nails leader. Now, because she feared Nate and the way her feelings for him were growing, she was still hiding behind the same kind of mask.

  And that was why he’d chosen the black silk that now covered her eyes.

  “Fine,” Dani said, her voice full of conviction. “I sing show tunes in the shower. Every single time.”

  She could almost see the grin on his face as she enjoyed his warm chuckle.

  “I do,” she insisted. “And I’m absolutely tone-deaf, so I imagine it’s unbearable for anyone to hear. I’ve never told anyone that.”

  His lips were suddenly on hers, and she quickly pushed aside the initial surprise and enjoyed the kiss. He took his time, leisurely stroking her mouth with his tongue, and when she tried to lean closer, he moved away.

  She frowned. “That was my reward?”

  “You didn’t like it?”

  “I didn’t say that. I just told you a deep, dark secret, so I expected something… more.”

  He took her hands in his. “It was a secret, but hardly deep and dark.”

  “You promised equal measure,” she couldn’t help but point out. “So now tell me something you’ve never told anyone.”

  “Last night, you had me so wound up, I had to masturbate or I’d never have gotten any sleep.”

  When the man told a secret, he didn’t hold back.

  “And I thought about you the whole time,” Nate added.

  Her face felt as if it were on fire. “About me?”

  He put her hand against his cheek and then nodded. “You were naked, by the way.”

  “How could you picture me naked when you’ve never seen me without clothes?”

  “I have a very vivid imagination.”

  The heat spread down her neck, and she had trouble catching her breath.

  “Tell me this, Dani,” he coaxed. “Have you ever touched yourself while you thought about me?”

  She wasn’t about to answer that question. Shit, it would be easier to just strip off her clothes and stand there in the middle of her great room stark naked. Her body was easy to reveal; her secrets weren’t. “Nate…”

  In one quick move, she found herself sitting on his lap. He rubbed his chin against her forehead before he rained kisses over her face and down her neck, making her shiver in pleasure. His tongue tickled her collarbone. “Tell me, sweetheart. Did you want me as much as I wanted you?”

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  “And did you touch yourself the way I had to touch myself to ease the ache?”

  “Yes.” Her dilemma had been every bit as bad as his, and had she not pulled out her trusty vibrator, she’d never have slept a wink.

  Telling him hadn’t been nearly as bad as she’d feared, but that didn’t mean she could speak quite as brazenly in the future.

  Or could she?

  He nibbled lightly on the sensitive place where her neck met her shoulder. “That wasn’t so hard, was it? To tell me the truth should never be hard.”

  “It was hard.” Her voice was a whisper as tears stung her eyes.

  Nate cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. “It’ll get easier. In time. I promise.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “That sounds so romantic.” Beth let out a happy little sigh. “What happened next?”

  Dani wasn’t sure why she’d waited so long to talk to Beth after Nate had blindfolded her—almost two weeks of pretending everything was status quo through lunches that seemed interminable. When Beth had stopped by her classroom after her last class, Dani had finally found the words to talk to her best friend.

  She’d been unnerved in a way that she wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to. Nate was demanding a kind of intimacy that she’d never known before. Physical, she could handle. This emotional intimacy would be the death of her.

  “Romantic?” Dani shook her head. “Try terrifying.”

  “It doesn’t have to be terrifying,” Beth insisted.

  “But… but…” Throwing her hands up in frustration, Dani said, “He wants me to share everything.”

  Beth didn’t appear at all fazed. In fact, she seemed hard pressed to suppress a grin. “And that’s bad?”

  “Bad? Shit, Beth. I don’t even know if it’s possible.”

  “It’s quite possible, I assure you. I share so much with Robert. I think he knows me as well as you do. Maybe even better.”

  Dani knit her brows, having a difficult time understanding two people being that open with each other. “You don’t have any secrets?”

  “I didn’t say that, but there isn’t much I hide from him.
” Then Beth’s cheeks grew ruddy. “Maybe there’s one important thing…”

  “I knew it! So tell me all about it.”

  Beth shook her head. “Not yet. But soon. I promise. Right after Robert, you’ll be the first to know.”

  After rolling her eyes, Dani let out a sigh. “You can’t tell me? Or Robert?”


  “Then how in the hell can you expect me to bare my soul to Nate?”

  “Do you like him? I mean really like him?”

  “I… I think so.” That wasn’t the truth. Dani did like him. Really liked him. If she was going to start being open, perhaps she should begin with her best friend. “Yeah, I like him. Shoot, I might even be falling in love with the guy. And if that isn’t stupid, I don’t know what is.”

  Beth cocked her head. “Why would falling for Nate be stupid?”

  “Because I’m his boss,” Dani replied. “Because I’m a bunch of years older than he is.” And because I’m bound to get my heart broken.

  “Tell me this—how did you feel when he was feeding you?”

  “That question is every bit as scary as the ones Nate was asking.”

  Beth’s face lit with a smug smile. “Well, then, answering me will be good practice for dealing with him.”

  Although the question was frightening, coming up with the answer was easy. All Dani had to do was work up the courage to say the words aloud.

  “C’mon, Dani. What do you have to lose… except a guy who might be your Mr. Right?”


  “Wonderful? Do you mean wonderful you could lose him?” Beth asked.

  “No, I mean having him feed me felt… wonderful.”

  * * *

  “Hey.” Nate leaned back against the wall next to Dani.

  “Hey.” She’d grown accustomed to him popping out of his room most passing periods to help her keep an eye on the students as they dug through their lockers or palled around with their friends. Locker bank duty was one of her least favorite parts of teaching, but having Nate there made it bearable. The worst part of being out with the kids during their five free minutes between classes was watching the boyfriends and girlfriends who treated the end of each passing period as though they were parting for the rest of their lives.


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