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Mommy Heiress (Accidental Dads #2)

Page 16

by Linda Randall Wisdom

  He caressed her breasts, finding them silky and full against his palms, the nipples peaking as he rubbed them gently with his thumbs. But it was her moist and inviting mouth that tempted him the most. He couldn’t stop tasting her. Her mouth opened under his, her tongue curling around his in silent invitation as their bodies strained to get even closer.

  With her help, he slid off his briefs and pushed them off the bed along with the quilt. Pillows were shoved to one side as they stroked and touched each other with increasing intensity.

  Cori moaned as Ben’s mouth covered her nipple, coaxing it to life. He drew it deep into his mouth, wrapping his tongue around the nub. At the same time, his fingers delved deep within her. He muttered with satisfaction at finding her moist and pulsing around him.

  “So hot,” he murmured, finding the tiny nub with his thumb and rubbing it gently. “We’re going to be very good together, Cori. We are going to have the ultimate experience here because we’re going to be together all the way. You’ll never feel alone again.”

  The skepticism she tried to hide from him told him she wasn’t used to a man wanting her to have an equal amount of pleasure. How could a man not see how naturally responsive she was? He couldn’t wait to watch her explode in his arms.

  He made love to her mouth as his fingers also made love to her, and when she started to quiver under his touch, he moved over her and thrust deeply. The moment he buried himself inside, he felt the tiny explosions around him, her tight grip on his shoulders and the beautiful sound of her moans against his mouth.

  Ben wanted to rear back and shout his feelings for Cori. He wanted the world to know she was absolutely perfect, that she was meant solely for him. They moved together as one, Cori’s face buried against his shoulder as he strained to bring her to that peak again. To return to that heaven.

  Cori had no time to think. All she could do was feel as one sensation after another built up inside her until she thought she couldn’t handle any more. She tried to close her eyes as if she could block some of it out that way, but it only magnified the heat racing through her veins. She opened them again and found him looking down at her with an energy that should have frightened her if she hadn’t felt that same intensity.

  “Ben,” she whispered just as bright lights exploded around her.

  Cori felt as if all her bones had turned to liquid. She lay in Ben’s arms, her head resting on his chest as the dim light bathed them both. She was so relaxed she seriously thought about going to sleep for the next week. She felt Ben reach under them, pull the sheet out and then cover them up. Her eyes were just closing as she watched his hand reach out and snap off the lamp. By the time the room darkened, she was sound asleep.


  CORI FOUND HERSELF ALONE in bed when she woke up. Before she had a chance to feel lonely she saw a glass of orange juice on the nightstand and a note propped up against the glass.

  [u143]Went out for a run to regain my energy level. Drink your juice. I’ll be back soon to check your pulse.[qlDr. Ben[qr She laughed softly and immediately reached for the glass. Once up, she noticed Ben’s T-shirt still lying on the floor. She pulled a pair of panties out of the dresser and tugged his shirt on, relishing the security it afforded her.

  As she went through her routine in the bathroom, she couldn’t help but think of last night. The sights and sounds of the accident—and how Ben’s tender lovemaking somehow made them all bearable, made her feel so safe. Just the memory brought a warm smile to her lips.

  When she made her way into the kitchen, Ben stood just inside the doorway. His T-shirt and shorts were soaked with sweat and tiny rivulets trailed down his face.

  “I’d ask if you had a good run, but it looks as if I don’t have to.” She suddenly felt an attack of shyness as she realized she wasn’t all that conversant in morning-after etiquette.

  Luckily, that didn’t deter Ben. He walked over until his chest touched hers. He kept walking, forcing her to back up until her hips bumped against the small table.

  “Good morning,” he said with a faint smile on his lips. “How do you feel?”

  “Hi.” She managed a faint answering smile. “I’m fine. Thanks to you.”

  Ben grasped her by the waist and hoisted her onto the table. He nudged his way between her knees, forcing them apart.

  “Would you like to try that again?”

  Cori’s eyes widened. “But we—”

  “But we what?” He nuzzled the soft area on her throat where her pulse pounded madly.

  She giggled as his morning beard rasped against her skin. “Ben, we’re in the kitchen!”

  He looked up and around. “Yeah, we are. So?”

  “And I’m on the table!”

  “Are you uncomfortable?” he asked, now nibbling on her ear.

  She wrapped her arms around him and resisted the urge to wrap her legs around his. “No.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” he teased, running his hands up under her shirt. “Hm, isn’t that my shirt?”

  Cori found it difficult to speak. “Yes.”

  “Maybe I’ll want it back.” He pulled it upward and let out a wolf whistle when he bared her breasts.

  “Ben!” she shrieked, pulling the shirt back down and trapping his hands at the same time. “What if someone comes by?”

  “Then they’d definitely believe we’ve been getting it on since you came to town, wouldn’t they?” He settled for running his hands across her midriff and down over the slight rounding of her tummy. He kept his hands cupped over it.

  Cori couldn’t help it. She found a playful Ben irresistible. “You are so bad.”

  His wolfish grin sent shivers along her spine. “And you love it.”

  That grin was her undoing. She pulled off his shirt, grimacing at the damp feel. “You’re not exactly morning fresh, you know.”

  “I thought sweaty guys were a turn on.”

  “Not for everyone.”

  Ben pulled back slightly. “Maybe I should consider a shower.” He stopped when he saw that siren’s look in her eyes.

  “Maybe I should make sure that you get the job done right. After all, it must be difficult to reach your back.”

  The water was soon running and the click of the shower door sounded just as Ben, not so innocently, commented, “Cori, speaking as a doctor, I can tell you that what you’re washing isn’t my back.”


  BEN WAS WHISTLING as he let himself in the clinic. He almost ran upstairs to change his clothing before Ella arrived. The last thing he needed was an interrogation from his eagle-eyed nurse about the previous night’s activities. He was grateful his beeper hadn’t gone off. Luckily, the only patients who’d remained in town were those who only suffered minor injuries. Everyone else had been considerate enough to remain healthy overnight.

  “Benjamin, are you up there?” Ella’s voice traveled up the stairs.

  He quickly shrugged on a shirt and began buttoning it up as he trotted down the stairs.

  “Where else would I be?” He tucked his shirt in his jeans and fastened his belt. “I thought I told you not to worry about coming in this morning.”

  “And I told you I wouldn’t have you fouling up my filing system.” She crossed her arms in front of her and stared at him.

  Ben stared back. “What’s wrong?”

  “You didn’t get any rest last night, did you?” She shook her head, clucking her tongue. “Charlotte said she saw you out running this morning. After the night you put in, you would have been better off sleeping than getting all that exercise.”

  “Surprisingly enough, exercise can be very restful.” He walked on ahead of her to his office.

  “All that running can’t be good for a body,” she said more to herself than to him as she followed.

  “Actually, it’s very good for a body.”

  “Are you sure we’re talking about the same thing?”

  Ben grinned since he knew she couldn’t see his face. “I’m sure we are.”
  He shrugged on a lab coat while Ella brought in the appointment log. As part of their routine since that first day, they went over the day’s appointments first thing in the morning while Ella fixed coffee and brought out pastries.

  “My daily run also lets me eat one of these without guilt,” Ben told her as he chose a raspberry danish.

  “And I suppose you checked on Cori last night, too.” She set a filled coffee cup in front of him.

  “I wanted to make sure she was all right,” he said carefully. He remembered Ella’s three grown sons used to call her the “all-knowing one.” He knew he’d better tread lightly before she ferreted out the truth.

  “And was she?” Ella took the chair across from him. She sat back with her mug in one hand and a lemon danish in the other.

  “The night’s events had naturally unnerved her.” He ate with more diligence than usual. “Cori had never seen anything like that. Unfortunately, most of the people in this town have. Otherwise, she was just fine.”

  Ella sighed and shook her head as she recalled another bad highway accident that had happened the previous winter.

  “If there’s one thing you can say about this town, it’s that we’ve always come together in times of need,” she said softly.

  “True.” He sipped his coffee. He leaned back in his chair and propped his feet on top of his desk. “Anything major today?”

  “Just the usual.” Ella read from the appointment log and made comments on each name punctuated by Ben’s observations.

  “There will also be a few from last night in today,” she said. Then the phone rang and she picked it up. “Good morning, Dr. Cooper’s office.” Exasperation crossed her face. “Marge, you know we’re not open yet. Yes, I answered. Fool me. Just a minute.” She put the call on hold and turned to Ben. “I’ll take it out front.” As she opened the door, she turned back. “By the way, you might want to make sure that collar stays straight. Otherwise, people are going to see that hickey on your neck.”

  Ben guiltily slapped his hand against his neck.

  “Dammit, Ella!” he growled as the chuckling nurse closed the door after her.

  Ben had to laugh in spite of himself. “No wonder her boys walked the straight and narrow. They wanted to live.”


  “I HAVE TO GIVE YOU CREDIT. You never stop,” Cori commented from her perch on top of the examination table where she sat kicking her heels against the side. “And you’re much cuter than Marcus Welby.”

  “Thanks, I guess. Now stop with the compliments and read off those numbers so we can get this over with.” He was taking inventory of each supply cabinet and Cori had volunteered to help.

  She looked down at the sheet of paper in her lap. “Gauze bandages, one inch wide,” she began.

  For the first time, Ben had difficulty in concentrating. He knew it had to do with Cori looking so delectable in her short denim skirt.

  Once they finished he walked over to her with the intention of helping her off the table. She had already put the inventory sheets to one side and gazed at him with devils sparkling in her eyes. That should have been his first warning.

  “Now,” she purred, grabbing hold of his lab coat lapels and pulling the coat back. “Let’s talk about giving you that much needed physical.”

  Ben’s grin threatened to split his face. “Doctor, I’m in your capable hands.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The Williams Farm

  “Has it been any easier working with Mrs. Timmerman?” Denise asked as she and Cori puttered in the kitchen. Denise had put Cori to work making a green salad while she hand-cut French fries. Ben and Stan were out back, each holding a can of beer as they discoursed on the best way to fire up the barbecue.

  “I think she’s finally believing that I just might have a brain. She actually complimented me. Said with a lot of hard work I might actually make something of myself,” she said wryly. “Then I found out she recommended I be hired on for the fall semester as a paid aide. I was floored. They even said there was no problem about the baby coming in November.”

  “That’s wonderful!” Denise gave her a one-armed hug. “Believe me, from her that’s high praise. Nobody can fault her. She’s a wonderful teacher and the kids really do love her.”

  “I never thought of myself working with children, but considering everything, it might be a good idea.”

  Denise glanced out the window. “We’re in luck. It looks as if the men were able to get the fire going without blowing up anything.”

  Cori’s gaze fluttered toward the window with a trace of alarm written across her face. “I didn’t think barbecues were dangerous.”

  “It is if Stan’s starting it up.” She chuckled. “The last time he started up the barbecue, he used too much starter. The flames flared high enough to singe his eyebrows and burn the front of his hair. Ben told him he better have medical help standing by from then on.”

  “At least I only burn food.” Cori observed her efforts with a critical eye. “How does that look?”

  “That’s fine. A lot prettier than when I make a salad.” Denise looked at Cori with puzzlement. “You’ve never really cooked before, have you?”

  “Not at all,” she cheerfully admitted. “My father has a cook who looks and acts like a prison warden, but cooks like a dream. I once went down to fix myself some peanut butter and crackers and she acted as if I was going to turn the entire kitchen upside down and even threatened to quit. I never went down there again.”

  “I’d call you a poor thing, but it just doesn’t fit,” Denise said without malice.

  Cori dried her hands on a dish towel and carefully folded it over the towel rack. “Poor little rich girl, that’s me. A father who was always too busy making money to think about me. There were never vacations. Only business trips. Then I suddenly turned into an adult and he realized he couldn’t pack me off with a nanny and tutor anymore.

  “Now I realize there was no way I could have renovated that house and turned it into a bed and breakfast with any success because I didn’t have any experience in that area, so I would have been a failure once more. I’m only hoping I won’t blow it with junior here.” She patted her round tummy, which was skillfully hidden by the empire waistline of her white eyelet dress.

  “People see the expensive clothes and the self-assured way you handle yourself and forget that you’ve been thrown into entirely new territory. And not just the baby,” Denise said. “Have you ever thought about calling your father?”

  “Every day,” she said honestly. “But there’re things I need to work out in my mind first. Luckily, the school has decided to pay me a small wage and I have a place to stay.”

  “Could the one thing you need to work out have something to do with Ben?”

  Cori wrinkled her nose. “You could tell, huh?”

  Denise burst into laughter. “Of course I could! The man looks at you as if he wants to drag you off somewhere.”

  “I’m falling for him,” she admitted, feeling the need to confide in someone. “And this isn’t like any other time for me. This time I feel great—but I also feel horrible.”

  “Yeah, I always thought falling in love was like having the flu.” Denise walked over and hugged her. “I wouldn’t worry. I’m sure everything will come out fine. Ben wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Hey, ladies, aren’t you gonna join us out here?”

  “We’re on our way,” Denise called out. From the refrigerator she pulled out two bottles of flavored seltzer and handed one to Cori. “I guess we better get out there and make sure they keep the fire in the barbecue pit.”

  Cori followed Denise outside. With the hot sun beating down, she was glad for the visor shadowing her face. As they reached the men, she found herself unable to keep her eyes off Ben.

  Even dressed in cutoffs, T-shirt and battered running shoes, he looked good. He watched her every step of the way with a look that she recalled seeing the night before. She began to wish they
were alone again. Ben had been called out in the middle of the night because Mr. Bowman overindulged in his favorite meal of corn beef and cabbage and was suffering from a massive case of heartburn. He crawled back under the covers around dawn and proceeded to show her the best way to wake up. Just thinking about it made her flesh tingle. Her secret smile brought a sly look to his face.

  “Do you see that expression on his face?” Denise whispered to her. “I’d say you have the man completely under your spell.”

  She looked surprised. “Really?”

  “Don’t you realize the extent of your power?” She shook her head. “Honey, I wish I had half your looks and appeal. When I’m pregnant I’m miserable to live with and have puffy ankles the whole time. While you stand there looking as if you stepped off a magazine cover.” She glanced down at Cori’s ankles. “I bet they won’t even have the nerve to swell. How far along are you now?”

  “Five months. I look down and feel as if I swallowed a watermelon.”

  Denise shook her head. “Wait a few months. Then you’ll see that watermelon.”

  “What lies about me did Denise tell you in there?” Ben asked, draping an arm around Cori’s shoulders as she came up to stand at his side.

  She tipped her head back so she could see his face without her visor obstructing her vision. “Holly Miller?”

  He tossed his head back, groaning loudly among his friends’ laughter. “What kind of friends are you?” he accused.

  “Hey, leave me out of this.” Stan held his hands up in mock surrender. “You should have known Denise would bring up that story.”

  Cori studied Ben out of narrowed eyes. “I imagine Lucia was very happy to have the sheriff bring you home after finding you and your girlfriend skinny-dipping out at that lake.”

  “I was grounded for a month and Holly’s parents told her if she even talked to me she’d be sent away to a boarding school,” he replied.


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