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Racing For Freedom

Page 13

by Bec Botefuhr

  I follow his instructions and glide through the next corner at full speed. A squeal escapes my throat and he laughs in my ear as we pick up speed and continue to take the corners smoothly. When we finally come to a stop, I spin around and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing his cheek and lips over and over.

  “You’re amazing!”

  He chuckles. “Well, if I was going to get this kind of love, I would have done it sooner.”

  I find his lips and I slide mine over them, heating them up with my desperate kiss. He groans and wraps his arms around me, pushing me back into the steering wheel and sliding his tongue into my mouth. I whimper and bite his lower lip, sucking and tasting him until we’re both panting. I want him, I want every part of him. I reach down and grip his pants, and his eyes widen.

  “Here?” he whispers.

  I nip his lip again. “Here, now.”

  I shift and with great struggle, manage to remove my jeans. I get his down just enough to give me access. I find his lips again and our kiss becomes desperate and passionate. I whimper and tangle my hands in his hair as his fingers find my heat, gently stroking me to shuddering point and then slipping his fingers out and causing me to cry out and grip him.

  “Hush baby, let me play.”

  I groan when he slides into me and uses his hands to adjust my hips. I grip the seat behind him and throw my head back, crying out his name as my first release tears through my body. He had me so on edge that it happened almost instantly. He groans and uses his hands to raise and lower my hips over him, gently sliding me over his length until he’s groaning and tensing for me too.

  “Slade, god, more…”

  He growls and throws his head back, thrusting into me so hard my back slams against the steering wheel. My hands are on his shoulders, my nails are sliding over his skin as he moves me and I find my release once more. When he finds his own release, his groans fill the car and he grinds out my name as he shudders. I let my back slump against the steering wheel as he gently drags the last of his pleasure out and then drops his head onto my belly.

  “Jesus, best racing lesson ever.”

  I giggle and slap his arm. “Slade!”

  He shifts me and puts me down on the passenger seat, then grins over at me. “You look gorgeous right now, Dashy.”

  I grin and take my jeans, giving him my best fake glare before shuffling them back on. Oh my, every touch against my skin has it tingling. Slade notices my slight moan and smirks.

  “It’s always nice to know I do a good job.”

  “Jackass,” I smirk.

  He leans over and grips my face. “Fraid’ so.”

  I giggle as he bites my ear and then I sink into him. Things couldn’t feel more perfect for us right now. Little did we know that was all about to change.


  Slade and I are curled up on the couch with Payton and Dean the night before the big race. We’re all so nervous for Slade and I, so we’re trying to find a way to calm the thoughts running through our heads. I know Payton is hoping I’ll win, and Dean is going for Slade, but it’s my own thoughts that bother me. What if I beat Slade? Will it cause a problem in our relationship? What if he beats me? Will I be angry?

  I’m happy with Slade and I want nothing to get in the way of that but I also know that winning is something we both want and one of us has to lose. I snuggle closer to him, part of me wondering if this will be the last time I snuggle with him like this. I shake the thought from my head and focus on the movie playing in front of us. Meet the fockers, funny, witty and very entertaining. Slade chuckles and it rumbles through me. I smile and hug him close.

  A loud banging on the door causes me to jump. Payton looks over at me from her position on Deans lap, and I shrug. Slade groans. “Who is that?”

  He gently moves me and stands, walking over to the door. When he opens it, all I see is him stumbling backwards like he’s tripped over. I stand up, completely dazed. What? Then I see Michael and my blood goes cold.

  “You little fuckin’ bastard, I knew it was true, I knew it!”

  “Dad,” Slade growls, hesitantly stepping forward.

  Michael raises his hand again but notices the rest of us staring at him. He lowers it and glares at me.

  “How could you fuck the competition Slade, how could you?”

  “It’s not what you think,” Slade whispers.

  “Get out here, get out here now. You’re coming with me, you’re not staying here.”

  “Dad no, I live here.”

  “You lying son of a bitch,” Michael roars, shoving Slade.

  “That’s enough!” Dean yells, storming over.

  One look from Michael has him stopping in his tracks. Even I’m not game to walk over there.

  “Get in the car Slade, NOW!”

  “No,” Slade whispers.

  “What did you say to me?”

  “I said no, I won’t get in the fucking car. I won’t because I’m done with this. I’m racing for me tomorrow and when I win, I’m branching out on my own.”

  Michael’s face turns to pure rage and he begins trembling. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll get in the car, now.”

  Something in Michael’s expression has Slade sighing and stepping forward.

  “Slade, don’t,” I whisper.

  He turns back to me and forces a smile. “I’ll be fine, I’ll see you at the race tomorrow Dashy.”

  I shake my head, feeling sickness rise. No, he can’t go with Michael. I rush forward and grip his arm as Michael storms towards the car.

  “Slade, no…”

  He strokes my cheek. “I have to win a race tomorrow Dash, and he needs me to. He won’t hit me.”


  He kisses me softly. “I love you.”

  I blink up at him and tears well in my eyes. “You do?”

  “Yeah, I do. Whatever happens tomorrow, you make sure that this,” he uses his finger to indicate both of us, “stays the same.”

  “I promise,” I whisper, stroking his cheek. “And Slade?”


  “I love you too.”


  To say I’m nervous is an understatement. I feel sick with nerves as we drive to the track the next day. This is it. This is everything. If I lose, I go back to racing locally until next year’s finals. I didn’t hear from Slade again last night, but I can’t seem to shake the sick feeling in my stomach. I’m sure when I see him this morning, I’ll feel ok again. My father grips my hand as we near closer to the track.

  “You’re going to do fine, Dash.”

  I force a smile. “I know dad, but this is everything you know? It’s the end or the beginning for me.”

  “Even if you lose, it won’t be the end. Next year will always be there.”

  I smile, even though I am not so sure if I will do all this again if I lose.

  “I know, thanks dad.”

  When we arrive at the track, it’s buzzing with people. My father walks me towards the area where my car is lined up. John comes rushing over, his face flushed with excitement. I smile at him and return the hug he gives me. It’s mildly comforting.

  “How are you feeling, Dash?”

  “I’m ok, a little nervous but ok.”

  “You’ll do great, just keep your head in the game.”

  “Is Slade here?”

  “I haven’t seen him.”

  I feel that twist in my stomach again but I squelch it and listen to everything John and my father tell me. When I glimpse Slade walking towards his car, I know something is up. He doesn’t look so flash, but when he meets my gaze he gives me a smile. I return the gesture but something in his eyes tells me he’s not ok. I excuse myself and rush over, not seeing Michael anywhere.

  “Dash, you can’t be over here,” he says in a strained voice when I reach him.

  “You don’t look so good Slade, are you ok?”

  He nods. “Of course, just a long night fighting with dad.”

  “Are you ok?”

  He nods, swallowing. “Sure, I’m fine.”

  “Why are you slouching?”

  He leans against his car, his features scrunching in pain.

  “It’s nothing, just a few bruises.”

  “He beat you!” I cry.

  “It was a few hits, I’ve had worse. Dash, you can’t worry about me now. I’m fine, I can race, it’s no big deal. I’m used to it.”

  “Slade, this can’t keep happening!”

  “Dash, today could change our lives, you have to go and get ready.”

  I stare at him, and a big part of me doesn’t want to leave him.

  “Slade are you sure?”

  He forces a smile. “I’m fine Dash, see you on the track in a few hours.”

  I kiss him softly before turning and making my way back to my car. The day is going to be long, we spend the first four hours of the morning going through the junior races and then the drag cars. Then comes the middle racing group. By the time we actually gear up for our final race, it’s three in the afternoon. I haven’t seen Slade all day, because I’ve been pulled and spoken to by just about everyone here. I’ve chatted to sponsors, had my picture taken, done interviews and barely found the time to even sit down.

  By the time I’m getting ready to get in my car for the race, I feel sick with nerves. I spot Slade just before sliding into my car. He’s leaning against his and his face is pale. Something is wrong, he just doesn’t look right. Before I can go and see him, our names are called out over loudspeaker. The crowd goes wild and I’m forced to turn my head away from Slade. I send a silent prayer up that we both make it through this.

  I can hear the roar of the crowd as I begin my warm up laps. I try to focus on the road ahead, not the screaming crowd around me. I see Slade’s car pass mine a few times and it gives me some comfort. By the time we do our burnouts in prep for the race, I’m sweating and trembling. God, I can’t believe I’m finally here. All the years of racing, all the years of pain and heartache and here I am. My dream is finally close enough to reach. I close my eyes, smiling at the memory of the first time Slade and I raced our cars together at the old beach tracks.

  “You know I’m going to let you win, Dashy.” Slade smiles.

  “That’s not fair Slade Devaroe. You can’t do that. It’s not a fair race if you let me win.”

  “I know, but the look on your face when you lose.”

  I’m sixteen and feisty as all hell. I throw my hands on my hips and snap, “Or perhaps you’re just too scared I might actually beat you.”

  He grins and points to himself. “Me, lose? I don’t think so.”

  “Scared of a girl, Slade?”


  “Then race me for real, don’t let me win.”

  He scrunches up his face, and then breaks out into a breathtaking grin. “Alright, fine, I’ll give you all I’ve got.”

  I smile at him. “You know, you’d let me win in a big race just to stop my hurt, wouldn’t you?”

  He laughs and wraps an arm around me. “What can I say, I’m a sucker for those eyes.”

  I giggle. “Let’s do this for real Slade, me and you, just us and the road.”

  “Alright Dashy, you’re on.”

  A tear pricks my eye and burns as I remember that day. Slade won, of course, and I made a big deal of it even though I was hurt. He never bragged or shoved it in my face though, he held me for hours after telling me it was such a close win even though I’d been behind him by a fair stretch.

  “Slade Devaroe and Dasha Jewel, the race that will determine one of their futures.”

  The loud voice snaps me back to reality. Jesus, I need to focus. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and then open them and lay them on the road ahead. I can do this. I have to put my love for Slade aside, I have to focus. I have to be the best I can be. When the lights show and begin to flick through, I ready my car. Remember what Slade taught you, remember those corners. When the light turns green, I surge forward. Adrenalin has my heart thumping so loudly I can hear it in my ears, even above the roar of my car.

  I glide ahead with ease, taking the first turn at full speed. Pride swells in my chest and I keep going, picking up speed. Slade’s car is right beside mine. At a point, he surges ahead and I begin to panic. No, keep calm Dash, keep calm and keep focus. I surge around the next corner, gaining speed over Slade. I accelerate, picking up the speed until I’m zooming so fast the people beside me seem like no more than blobs of colour.

  By the third lap, I’m easing into second, then first, then back again. It’s a damn close race and I honestly don’t know who’ll go over that finish line first. By the fourth lap however, Slade seems to be slowing down and taking the corners far more harshly. I feel my stomach twist again as I glance quickly at his car in my rear view mirror. Is something wrong? Or is he just backing off so he can zoom past me at the finish?

  When we hit the final lap, I can hardly breathe. I’m so excited and nervous. I’m in the lead and I’m taking the corners better than any race I’ve ever had. Focusing on the finish line, I don’t notice that my world is changing behind me. I take the last two corners and when I soar over that finish line, my squeals of victory quickly turn into screams as I see the car to my left flipping across the grass. I know that car, and my blood runs cold as it smashes against the side rails and burst into flames.

  I don’t even feel myself open my door, all I know is I’m running across the grass and I can’t hear anything but the sirens blaring in my ears. People are screaming and being held back by security. My vision blurs as I get closer and closer to the car. Oh god, please, let him be ok. When my numb legs finally get me close enough, I see they’ve pulled Slade out and he’s on the floor, his leg is already black with bruising, blood trickles from his mouth and his eyes are flickering around in confusion. He’s awake, oh god, he’s awake.

  I shove through the people, and drop to my knees beside him. The paramedics try to pull me away but I want no part in it. They continue working on him as I reach out for him.

  “Slade, oh god, Slade…”

  “Miss, we need you to move.”

  “No,” I scream. “No please.”

  Slade reaches out for my hand, his eyes are hazy and blood trickles from his mouth. I make a loud sobbing sound and hiccup as I take his hand. His skin is cold and his face is pale.

  “You won…” he croaks.

  “I don’t care,” I sob. “I don’t care, Slade, please don’t leave me…”

  He smiles weakly and then makes a strange sound in his throat. “I didn’t let you win, you did it all on your own, I’m so proud of you.”

  His eyes roll then, and I cry out, trying to reach him as the paramedics pull me back. His body jerks and suddenly he’s thrashing on the floor and people are screaming around me, shoving me out of the way as they drop to their knees.

  “Slade!” I cry.

  “He’s crashing!” Someone cries, just as everything goes black.

  Chapter Thirty One

  When I wake, I’m in a small hospital bed. I flutter my eyes, but I can’t seem to focus them. I feel someone’s hand on my face. I blink a few times and see it’s my father. I open my mouth and croak out, “Slade?”

  My father looks down at me, but his eyes are red and puffy from crying. “He’s in a bad way…he…he had serious internal bleeding. He shouldn’t have been in that car. Then he twisted his leg so badly, it’s done some serious nerve damage to it and his spine. We won’t know if he’ll walk until the surgery is over and he’s awake.”

  “No,” I sob, gripping my father’s hand. “Oh god, no.”

  “We won’t know for a while longer, until then we just have to wait.”

  “I should have known. I knew he didn’t look right this morning, I knew and…”

  “What happened, Dash?”

  I swipe my tears away. “Michael beat him. Last night…he came over to my house and saw Slade and I…”

; My father’s eyes widen. “You’re with Slade?”

  “Yes. Michael found out and he must have beaten him. It’s been going on for years. I wanted to report him after he beat m…”

  I stop short and curse as my father’s eyes widen and he stands so suddenly his chair skitters across the floor.

  “What did you say?”

  “I…I just meant…”

  “You answer me, Dasha Jewel, did that man lay his hands on you?”

  “Daddy, please, right now it’s about Slade and…”

  “ANSWER ME!” he roars.

  I close my eyes and swallow, then I grip my shirt and lift it. I know my father can see the faded bruises on my stomach. His curse and the sound of a smashing water jug confirms it.

  “Sir, you need to calm down, this is a hospital.” I hear someone say.

  I open my eyes to see my father glaring angrily at a young nurse. “Watch her, don’t you leave her alone. I’ll be back.”

  “Daddy no!” I cry, but it’s too late. He’s gone.

  I crumble and begin heaving. The nurse rushes over and gently puts her hands on my shoulders.

  “It’s ok love, it’s ok.”

  “Why am I in here?” I cry, shuffling off the bed and shoving her out of the way. “I need to be with Slade.”

  “Mr. Devaroe is in surgery and you were in serious shock.”

  “He has no one…”

  “His father was here but…”

  “Let me guess, he started getting questioned and he ran?!”

  She nods sheepishly. “Does he have a mother?”

  I sigh. “No, Slade’s mum left them when he was very young. She hasn’t seen him in a long, long time. He has no one.”

  “I promise to keep you updated, but for now you’re better off here. There are two people outside wanting to see you.”

  I nod, sliding back onto the bed and facing the wall. A moment later I hear Payton and Lucas’ voices. I sob and my body heaves as they climb into bed with me and wrap their arms around my body.

  “He’s going to be ok honey.”

  “We’re here.”

  I cry myself into an exhausted sleep, and Lucas and Payton stay by my side. I don’t know what I’ll do if Slade dies. My dreams of winning are nothing compared to my love for him…if I lose him…I’ll never be the same again.


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