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Stolen Kisses with Her Boss

Page 7

by Susan Carlisle

  At her use of his first name the woman’s head jerked up and her eyes filled with interest. The receptionist looked her over as if she’d never really given her any thought the other times they’d met. Once again, she seemed to dismiss her as unimportant. Apparently she didn’t see Cynthia as competition material.

  Raising her nose slightly, the woman said, “Dr. Donavon is with a patient.”

  Disappointment filled Cynthia but this trip wasn’t about her cow-eyed crush on Sean. Cynthia handed the packet of reports to the woman. “I understand. I don’t need to disturb him. Please make sure he gets these reports right away.”

  The woman nodded and went back to what she had been doing.

  Cynthia refused to look down the hallway in the direction of Sean’s office as she made her way out of the lobby. She was in her car buckling in when there was a rap on the driver’s side window. Her heart jumped in her chest as she jerked around. Sean stood there.

  He indicated for her to roll the window down. When she did he said as if disappointed, “You weren’t going to say hi?”

  Her pulse raced from her excitement at seeing him. “I was told you were seeing a patient.”

  “You could have waited.” He sounded disappointed. Leaning down so his face was in the window, he said, “Are you hungry?”

  He was close. So very close. What would he say if she traced his lips with her finger? “Hungry?” Absorbed in thinking about his lips, she wasn’t really listening.

  “Yes. Hungry. You know, food, stomach making noises. Five o’clock somewhere.”

  Cynthia blinked and came back to the real world. The man had put a spell on her, turning her brain to mush whenever he was around. “I know what it is. I just wasn’t sure why you were asking.”

  He grinned. One of those “nice guys in wolf’s clothing” kind. The type where a girl should run but couldn’t because she was afraid that she might regret it. “I wanted to see if you’d like to grab some dinner with me. I missed lunch. My surgery case went longer than expected.”

  Cynthia tingled all over. Sean was asking her to dinner. “I guess I could be interested in dinner.”

  He chuckled. “You’re not going to dare act as if you might like me, are you?”

  Cynthia gave him a syrupy smile. She had to play it cool. Not let on how keen she was on the idea. That was the problem: she liked him too well. So much so, she could be swept away by him. “I have a feeling that if you had the upper hand you’d take advantage of it. Then I’d be in big trouble.”

  Sean leaned in closer. His face inches from hers. “You know, Cynthia, sometimes it’s fun to live dangerously. You do believe in fun, don’t you?”

  She did. Danger she wasn’t so sure about. Her heart wasn’t something she played with. And she had no idea where all of this was going. It took her a moment to answer. “I do. But I also need to know I won’t get hurt while I’m having fun.”

  “It’s just supper, not a long-term contract,” he said softly.

  Cynthia took a moment to give that some thought. She wanted to go so why was she holding back? There hadn’t been a man in her life in a long time and now a nice one wanted to take her out. Why wouldn’t she take a chance? “I guess I could. I’d have to sit in traffic at this hour to get home anyway.”

  He straightened a little, just missing the top of the door. “So what you’re saying is that sharing a meal with me is just a step better than sitting in traffic.”

  She smiled. “Now you’re trying to put words in my mouth.”

  “So what’ll it be? Me or the traffic?” His eyes dared her to agree.

  Truthfully it wasn’t a hard decision. Sean would win every time. “I’ll have supper with you.”

  He grinned and gave the door a thump with his palm. “Great. Come on back inside and we’ll go in my car. I’ll drop you back here when we’re done.”

  Sean waited while she rolled up the window, got out and locked the car. Together they walked back to his office building.

  For once Cynthia wished she’d taken more time with her appearance. It had been so long since she’d been on a date the idea seemed almost foreign. Still, she could hardly contain the anticipation bubbling up because Sean had gone to the effort to catch her before she’d left the parking lot.

  His receptionist’s eyes widened then narrowed as they walked past her. Cynthia was tempted to give her a gloating smile but didn’t.

  In his office Sean went behind his desk and removed his lab coat, draping it over the back of his chair.

  “I don’t think your receptionist likes me. I just got the evil eye. Methinks there’s a story there.” Cynthia studied him. She wouldn’t appreciate being a part of Sean’s harem.

  Sean glanced up from the papers he was putting into a stack on his desk. “Nothing you should be worried about.”

  “I don’t need to step in the middle of something.” She had enough complications in her life. Didn’t need to get involved with a womanizer. Her heart had been broken once and she had no interest in having that repeated.

  Sean stopped what he was doing and came around the desk. “To put your mind at ease we went out a couple of times. As friends.”

  Cynthia angled her head at an angle and gave him a skeptical look.

  He quirked his mouth. “Okay. I thought friends. She wanted more.”

  “So what do you want from me?” Cynthia was rethinking going to dinner. Maybe they should just remain employee and employer. She needed this job, no heartache. He already had the ability to give her that. Was she willing to take that chance? To have him disrupt her ordered life?

  Sean moved closer, not into her personal space but near enough to take one of her hands. “Friends, at least. More, I hope. Look, I’ve already discussed and explained more in order to get you to go out to dinner with me than I have with any other woman. Trust me. Let’s just get to know each other and see what happens.”

  Maybe it was time for her to stop worrying all the time and have some fun for a change. After all, she was the one who believed in it. “Okay.”

  “Great. Let’s go.” He smiled and let her step out of the door ahead of him.

  * * *

  Sean directed her down the hall to the back of the building. As they passed his nurse he said good night and asked her to see that the office was secure.

  Running through a slow but steady rain, they quickly climbed into his car. Cynthia laughed and pushed at her hair as if trying to put it into some sort of order. He rather liked her less polished look. The tight-skirt, glossy-lipped, shiny-jewelry-adorned women paled in comparison to Cynthia’s fresh-faced, meet-life-head-on personality. It had an appeal that pulled at him. “There’s a nice place not far from here where we can get a good meal.”

  “Sounds perfect. You know your car isn’t at all what I pictured you driving,” Cynthia said as she buckled up.

  He gave her a questioning look. “How’s that?”

  “I don’t know. I always pictured you as a sports car kind of guy.”

  She had been imagining him? “Where did you get that idea?”

  “Your voice.” She looked out of the windshield instead of at him as if she’d said more than she had intended to.

  “My voice? I didn’t know you could tell what kind of car a person would buy by their voice. Is that a new medical discovery?” He started the car.

  Cynthia looked at him. “No. More like dream therapy.”

  Sean gave that a thoughtful nod. This conversation was getting interesting. “Been dreaming about me, have you?”

  She vigorously shook her head, her hair covering her face. “No, just my overactive imagination, which had put surgeon, good practice and bachelor into an equation and come out with hot red sports car. You can tell math is not my strongest subject.”

  He backed out of
the parking spot. “So you had me figured as a cliché. All your information may be true but you also forgot to figure in loans for medical school. And not every doctor feels the need to live extravagantly.”

  “I guess they don’t. But I wasn’t thinking that practically.”

  “Are you disappointed?” He waited with anticipation for her answer. For some reason it would hurt if she was.

  “No. I’m not so shallow as to base my friendship with someone on the type of car he drives.”

  “That’s encouraging to know.” Sean pulled out into the street, a sense of relief washing over him. He wouldn’t be interested in any woman who was only concerned about how much was in his wallet. As far as he was concerned that was another get rich scheme. More than one woman had thought he was their way to the good life. The latest being his receptionist.

  “I know what you mean.”

  He glanced at her. “That sounds like there’s a little bitterness in that statement.”

  A soft contrite sigh came from her. “I guess there is.”

  “Despite being a surgeon whose patients are asleep during most of his interaction with them, I’m a good listener.” He really wanted to know what was behind her reaction. Somehow he believed it had something to do with Cynthia’s hesitancy at them becoming more than doctor and transcriptionist.

  “I had a boyfriend. It was pretty serious. We were talking about getting married, then my parents died. I had my brothers to be concerned about. It wasn’t long before he’d had enough and was gone.”

  “That must have been tough.” If nothing else the timing was poor. When she’d needed support the most she’d been let down. No wonder she was so suspicious of his actions. But even if they started dating he didn’t see their relationship becoming too involved. He wouldn’t be around long enough for her to depend on him.

  “Yeah, it was,” she said in a flat tone.

  They were quiet for a few moments as he worked his way through traffic.

  Suddenly Cynthia cried, “Oh, no. You’ve got to take me back to my car.”

  “What? Why?” Had she forgotten something? Was she in pain?

  “I forgot about Rick’s game tonight. I’ve never done that before.” She pulled out her phone. “I can just make it if I hurry.”

  Sean was relieved that it wasn’t something serious. “Doesn’t he have other games he’ll play?” Why was her seeing a basketball game so important?

  “This is his senior year. I’ve not missed one.” She looked around anxiously as if she was in a panic to get to her car.

  “Surely you have time for a quick dinner? We’re almost to the restaurant.” He’d gone to such effort to convince her to eat with him. He couldn’t help being disappointed she’d rather go to a high-school basketball game instead of spending time with him.

  “I’m sorry but I really must go. Rick expects me to be there. He has no one in the stands to support him if I’m not. Don’t you remember how important it was to have someone rooting for you?”

  He couldn’t. The few times his parents had had the money to let him be a part of an afterschool activity they hadn’t ever shown up to see him participate. They had always been having meetings to get people to join their various business ventures. There hadn’t been time to watch him play ball. If they had attended they’d spent their time trying to recruit people to join them. No, he knew nothing about the support Cynthia was talking about.

  “No. My parents weren’t very good at that sort of thing,” he said in a neutral tone.

  She looked at him for a moment before quietly saying, “I’m sorry. Supporting each other is what my family does. No matter how small the event. I have to go. Rick will worry if I’m not there.”

  Twisting in his direction, she added, “Sean, I’m truly sorry for bailing at the last minute.” Briefly she touched his arm. “Hey, why don’t you come to the game with me? I can get your dinner.” She smiled. “Hotdog, fries and popcorn.”

  “As appetizing as that sounds, I’ve got to work tonight.” The food didn’t sound that appealing but he sure would miss spending time with her.

  She waved a hand. “I need to make up for running out on you. How about coming to dinner Sunday night?”

  He shook his head. “I wish I could but I have this grant hanging over my head.”

  “Bring the work with you and we’ll spread it out on the table, look at it on the laptop. I’ll see what I can do to help you. I’ve done enough of the reports for it that I think I have an idea of where you’re headed.”

  “I don’t know.” Still, he was tempted. He wanted to get to know her better and she was offering help he needed. Maybe he could accomplish two things at once.

  “You’re afraid I’m a bad cook, aren’t you?” Cynthia’s look was piercing.

  He grinned. “Well, maybe a little.”

  “I’ll tell you what, if you don’t like my cooking... I don’t know what I’ll do. But I do wish you’d come to dinner. I feel horrible about this.”

  Her eyes were begging him to agree. “It’s not necessary but a home-cooked meal does sound appealing. Okay. And I’ll bring work along. I’m not going to turn down good help.”

  After he’d heard her story about her ex he was sure he would lose any chance he had with her if he didn’t take this in his stride. A few minutes later he pulled up next to her car.

  A broad smile lit Cynthia’s face and she planted a quick kiss on his cheek. When she pulled back she appeared shocked. Hurrying out of his car, she said in a rush, “Great. I’ll see you at seven.”

  Sean watched as she pulled out of the lot. He couldn’t deny feeling put out at her dropping him to go to her brother’s game. Nothing in him or his background gave him a basis to comprehend that type of devotion. Still, he had to respect her commitment to her brothers even if he thought it was a little over the top. What would it be like to have someone care about him with such devotion?


  TWO EVENINGS LATER Sean showed up at Cynthia’s house right at seven. To avoid looking too eager, he arrived on time even though he’d been looking forward to her dinner all day. He’d spent more time anticipating his date with her than he had on the looming grant deadline.

  There was still so much to organize. He hoped Cynthia would be able to make sense of the tangle of information he was trying to get in order. After asking her to help him he realized that he didn’t even know where to have her start. All he knew to do was bring what he had and let her have at it. With the deadline looming he was afraid he would be putting in several long days ahead.

  That afternoon he’d sent her an email.


  Looking forward to dinner tonight. Can I bring something?


  A few minutes later the reply had come back.

  No—just yourself.


  When was the last time he’d been interested in a girl who was equally interested in him? Not his money or position? He liked the idea that he alone was enough for Cynthia. But was that really true? He didn’t know her well enough to state that as fact. Still, the idea it could be true made him feel something he hadn’t in a long time. Wanted.

  The porch light was on and the house looked welcoming. He’d become so used to going home to his dark house that the idea someone was expecting him pleased him. He climbed a couple of steps and knocked on the door. Seconds later it was slung open by a younger man who Sean hadn’t met before. He surmised that the man must be Cynthia’s middle brother, Mark. Sean suppressed his disappointment that Mark wasn’t Cynthia. It would have been nice to have a chance at another kiss.

  “Hey, man, you must be Sean. I’m Mark. Come on in,” Mark offered. Sean stepped inside. “Cyn’s in the kitchen buzzing around. You must be a pretty big deal. I haven’t seen her this excite
d since her prom night.” Mark pushed the door closed with a slap.

  He headed down the hall and Sean followed. So Cynthia was acting out of character because of him. Interesting.

  An amazing smell wafted to his nose. If he had to guess it was roast beef. His stomach reacted to the pull of his favorite meal. His mother used to fix it on his birthday. It didn’t matter if they were in dire straits at the time or not, she saw to it each of her children got their favorite meal on their birthdays. He had all but forgotten about that.

  Mark passed the kitchen entrance and continued down the hall. Cynthia turned away from the sink and smiled when he entered the kitchen. Sean returned the smile as he set down his bag with the grant material in it. If he got that kind of welcome every time he went home, he wouldn’t spend nearly as much time at the office.

  “Hey.” There was a touch of pink on her cheeks.

  “Hi. I did as you said. I came empty-handed.” He stepped closer, looking over her shoulder.

  “That’s what you were supposed to do.” There was a little nervous wobble in her voice. Tomatoes, lettuce and a cucumber sat in the sink.

  “What’re you up to?”

  She looked at him. “I’m surprised that a man of your intelligence wouldn’t recognize salad fixin’.”

  “There you go starting with the smart mouth. You should be careful about talking to me like that. I might not offer my help.” When had he ever teased a woman in the kitchen? When had a woman he was going out with offered to prepare him dinner? In the short time he’d known Cynthia he’d experienced a number of personal firsts.

  “Since you offered to help...” She stepped back, bumping into him.

  Sean reached for her but she scooted away. Opening a drawer, she withdrew a small cutting board. “How about you slicing the tomato and cucumber?”

  It had been some time since he’d helped in the kitchen but he was game if it meant being around Cynthia. “I can do that.”

  She handed the board to him and pulled a knife out of a wooden block on the counter. “Here you go. I’m going to check on the roast. It should be almost done.”


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