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Stolen Kisses with Her Boss

Page 9

by Susan Carlisle

  Her dazed look met his, revealing she had been just as affected by their kiss as he was. “I think you need to go before we forget my brothers are just down the hall.”

  Her brothers. He continued to hold her and leaned his forehead against hers for a moment, struggling to get his raging libido under control. Gazing deep into her guileless eyes, he muttered, “I guess you’re right. When I’m around you I forget about everything else. I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t hold an X-rated show at your front door.”

  She gave him a sad, understanding smile and stepped back. “I would appreciate that.”

  “So, dinner Friday night?” Sean hoped to coax her away from he responsibilities long enough for them to find some uninterrupted time together.

  “What about the grant?”

  “With your help tonight I think I’m making real progress. I can take one night off. Anyway, I need to clear my head some.” He ran his finger along her chin and whispered, “I think you’ll make a nice distraction.”

  “I can’t honestly say I’ve ever been called a distraction before.” Her eyes sparkled.

  His gaze didn’t leave hers. “Well, if you haven’t been it’s the guy’s problem, not yours. You’re a distraction for me all the time.” He gave her a quick kiss on the lips, afraid to linger any longer. “So we have a date?”

  “I can’t. Rick has games on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.”

  “Then how about Wednesday night?”

  “I guess I could do that.”

  “I’ll be here at five thirty. Wear something comfortable.” Sean picked up his bag. “Thanks for the delicious meal. Good night.”


  CYNTHIA COULDN’T BELIEVE she had a date with Sean. Her life had become surreal. Never in a million years would she have guessed when she heard his sexy voice for the first time that she would be going out with him. A heavenly voice for weeks was now a flesh-and-blood man who wanted to spend time with her. She was going to make the most of it while it lasted. If nothing else she would have some great memories.

  Usually all her efforts went toward the boys so she hadn’t gotten a new outfit in ages but she went shopping. Sean had said casual so she had settled on a royal blue shirt and a pair of fitted dark pants that stopped just above her ankles. For shoes, she selected flats. It had been months since she’d had the money to have her hair done but she splurged and had her hair trimmed and shaped. It now bounced and flowed around her face and shoulders. With the addition of a touch of makeup to her eyes and cheeks then some gloss to her lips, she felt better than she had in years about her appearance.

  She was ready to go when the doorbell rang on Wednesday evening. Resisting the urge to fling the door open, she calmly walked down the hall. Sean looked more handsome than ever. Dressed casually in a cream shirt under a wool V-necked sweater with jeans, he looked the perfect date right out of the pages of a romance novel. If she didn’t get control of her infatuation she would be in trouble.

  “Hey. You look incredible,” he said as he stepped inside.

  Warmth washed over her. She loved being complimented by him. Not many of those came from her brothers. “Thank you.”

  Sean lifted her chin with one finger. “You know, a blush is a rare thing of beauty. It looks good on you.”

  Cynthia didn’t know if his statement was true but she sure enjoyed hearing it. “You don’t look half bad yourself. Very dapper in a casual way.”

  He grinned and bowed slightly. “I do try. Are you ready to go?”

  “I am. Let me just get my jacket.” She turned and headed down the hall.

  When she returned Sean looked over her shoulder. “Are the guys around?”

  “Nope. Rick is at some friends’ and Mark is at his new job. Why? Do you need them for something?”

  He stepped closer and her pulse rate zipped into high gear. “I just wanted to know if we were alone.” He gathered her into his arms and his lips found hers. The urgency in his kiss had her body humming, racing to join him. Seconds later he released her and stepped back. “I’ve been thinking about that since last Sunday night and couldn’t wait any longer. I think we should go before I decide to stay here and take advantage of the privacy.”

  Trying to catch her breath, she said, “I guess we should go.”

  Was she ready for their relationship to go to the next level? Did she know him well enough? She certainly wanted him badly enough. Could she survive another broken heart? So caught up in her fantasy and infatuation with Sean, was she thinking straight?

  What she did affected her brothers as well. They seemed to like him. Did they mind her having a boyfriend? Would they be hurt if she and Sean were to break up? Her brothers had already lost so much. What if they became attached to Sean? If she had the power she wouldn’t let anyone hurt Mark and Rick again. She had to be careful for all their sakes who came into their lives.

  Sean held the car door open while she got in before he went around and slipped gracefully into the driver’s seat.

  “So what do you have planned for tonight? I hope I’m dressed properly.”

  He looked her over as if he were feasting on the most wonderful meal of his life. “You know you look beautiful.”

  Cynthia warmed under his appreciation.

  Backing out of the drive, he added, “I thought we would see if we could find a good view of the city. Maybe watch the lights go on. Then have a little dinner.”

  “That sounds wonderful.” Anything she did with Sean appealed to her. She enjoyed his humor, appreciated his devotion to his patients and his profession, but most of all she liked that he made her feel as if she were the center of his world. She’d not had that since her parents had died. As a sister or a stand-in parent, or just as the person who had to make sure everything was done, she had had little me-time in years. She’d never thought it a burden but on occasions the need to let go had nagged at her. Tonight, she planned to do just that, and with an amazing man by her side.

  She found Sean’s inability to organize and his rather economical way of living endearing. The smart, sexy, intelligent man had a foible. It was nice to know the perfect man she’d assembled in her mind was human. She could relate to that person.

  As Sean made his way through traffic and up the mountain highway Cynthia watched as the statue of Vulcan grew larger. The huge iron man stood on the highest point in the city. She had always been fascinated by him. He was a major landmark in Birmingham and had been for all her life. It was a central mark by which people distinguished where they lived. North or south of Vulcan.

  Sean continued winding around the mountain until he turned off the main highway and drove up Red Mountain to where Vulcan stood.

  “This is a great place for a view of the city, but isn’t it closed?” she asked.

  “It is. But I have a patient who’s a security guard here. I called in a favor. He’s going to let us go up and have a look.” Sean pulled into a parking spot in the almost deserted lot. The only vehicle there was a small older-model pickup truck.

  “That sounds great.” Cynthia should have known that Sean wouldn’t plan a typical night out. “Once again you have surprised me.”

  “How’s that?” Sean helped her out of the car. He lingered over letting her hand go, giving her a fuzzy feeling of pleasure.

  “I thought you were the kind of guy who would take a date to a fancy restaurant. Show her how suave you are.”

  “Are you disappointed?” He sounded as if her answer really mattered.

  Cynthia smiled. She liked the element of the unexpected he offered. “Not in the least.”

  An older man with tufts of white hair on his head, wearing a gray uniform, walked toward them.

  Sean shook hands with him. “Cynthia, I’d like you to meet Luther Murphy. Luther, this is Cynthia Marcum.”

  The man nodded to her. “Nice to meet you, young lady. Any friend of Dr. Donavon’s is a friend of mine. Dr. Donavon did me a great service a few years back. I was getting where I couldn’t hear my wife. Most people would like that, but me, I missed hearing her complain. Dr. Donavon got me all set up so now I hear every single word she says.”

  Cynthia couldn’t contain her laughter. “How long have you been happily married?”

  “It’ll be forty-five years next month,” he said with a toothy grin.

  “Wow, that’s impressive.” What would it be like to find a man she could love for so many years? She glanced at Sean. Could he be that one? He made her feel things she’d never experienced before. Wasn’t sure she was prepared to feel again.

  They walked over to a small door in the tall red-brick foundation that Vulcan stood on. Mr. Murphy opened it to reveal metal stairs that spiraled upward. He left them there.

  “If we want the view we must work for it,” Sean said from behind her. “Do you want me to go first?”

  “No, I will.” She took the lead.

  Sean chuckled. “I figured as much.”

  She looked back at him. He was almost at eye level with her. “That’s kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. You like to be in control.”

  “So we’re going to get personal here?” He held her gaze.

  “I think what I’ll do is keep walking.” Cynthia headed up the steps again. “Did you know that Vulcan was built for the 1904 St. Louis World Fair?”

  Sean’s voice echoed in the space. “Yes. Did you know that he’s the largest cast-iron statue in the world?”

  Pausing, she glanced back at him. “That I didn’t know.” She started up again. “This is a hard one. What was the point of picking a Roman god to represent Birmingham?”

  “By your lofty tone you don’t think I know the answer.” He sounded indignant at the thought. “For your information, it was because of the area’s mineral deposits. There’s a large amount of iron ore in the area.”

  She smiled back at him. “Very good. Since you’re so smart, what’s Vulcan holding in his raised hand?” It took him so long to answer she began to think he might not know the answer.

  “That would be a spear,” he said triumphantly.

  She grinned down at him. “Now for bonus points. What’s in the other hand?”

  A minute went by before he said, “Okay, you’ve got me there. What is it?”

  “A hammer. It’s on top of an anvil,” she proudly informed him.

  “That’s right. Where did you get all this knowledge?” There was a little huff in his voice from the climb.

  Her foot clinked as she took another step. “I did a report in the sixth grade. Got an A-plus.”

  Sean chuckled. “I would bring you to the one place you knew more about than me.”

  “Don’t worry. I don’t think you’re less of a man for it.” She stopped and waited for Sean to join her on the upper landing.

  As he did he pulled her against him. “I wouldn’t underestimate me there.” His mouth found hers as his hand came around her waist. Her heart jumped into overdrive and she hung on as his hot and sure tongue commanded her mouth. Just as quickly he let her go, leaving her wanting more. Sean had more than proven his point.

  He opened the door and stepped out onto an observation deck. She followed on shaking legs that had nothing to do with their climb. They now stood at the top of the foundation and at the feet of Vulcan.

  “I haven’t been here since I was a child. I have to admit I’m really looking forward to this.” She looked out over the expanse of the city with awe.

  Sean said, “I’m glad. I was hoping you’d like it. I wanted to do something a little different.” He shook his head. “But I hadn’t counted on all those steps.”

  “The view is worth it. Come on.” She took his hand and gave it a little pull.

  Sean didn’t let go as they made their way around on the narrow viewing walkway. She stopped again to look out at the panorama of the city in early evening. Only a few lights were on. Sean came to stand beside her.

  “My mom and dad brought me and my brothers up here. I remember being scared and Daddy holding my hand as I made my way around. I was glued to the side of the wall until Mama took the other hand. I felt secure then.” She had great memories of her parents. Missed them so much.

  “You really had a great relationship with your parents, didn’t you?” Sean said quietly beside her, his arm coming around her waist.

  Her head leaned against his shoulder. “I did. I miss them daily.”

  “I don’t have memories of anything like that.” His tone was sad and dry.

  She looked at him. He seemed troubled, as though he had said too much. “Are your parents alive?”

  “Oh, they’re alive and well.” He gave her hand a tug. “Let’s walk on around and see what downtown looks like.”

  “This is unreal.” She looked out at the tall buildings sitting in the valley of mountains.

  Sean said, “You just wait for a few more minutes and I think you’ll be even more impressed.”

  “Is that what you’re trying to do, impress me?” The fact he might care enough to try was empowering.

  “Would it matter if I was?” Sean’s voice had grown deeper, raspier.

  She looked at him. “I do kind of like the idea.”

  His arm came around her waist again and they watched as darkness grew. The mountains beyond became dark silhouettes against the pink-hued sky. The sun slowly kissed them and disappeared. And lights in the city below blinked on. Some white with the occasional red and blue here and there.

  “This is breathtaking,” Cynthia said in awe.

  “Yes, you are.” She glanced at him, but he captured her look with the desire blazing in his eyes.

  Cynthia swallowed hard and managed to turn back to the view. She would think about what Sean’s passionate gaze and statement meant later. “How did you discover this?”

  “I came up here to visit Mr. Murphy one evening and he brought me here.”

  She needed to keep the subject on a topic to keep her head clear. “So you make a habit of coming here?”

  “No. This is the only time I’ve been back.”

  He’d never brought another woman? This was special between the two of them. She liked the idea he hadn’t shared this with anyone else.

  “I think it’s time for us to go down and have dinner,” Sean said in a low voice as they approached the doorway.

  “Where’re we going?” Cynthia stepped through the door and headed down the stairs.

  “Do you have to know everything?” he teased.

  She stiffened her shoulders and used her best annoyed voice. “Well, not everything.”

  “You’ve been looking after your brothers for so long that you need to know everything about everyone all the time. Why don’t you just let go some and live a little?”

  He made it sound as if she couldn’t. She would show him. “This is from the man who doesn’t drive a sports car, has the bare minimum in his office, and seems to work all the time.” She straightened her shoulders. “I assure you I can do surprise.”

  He chuckled. “Ouch. That hurt. But we’ll just see how well you do surprise.”

  They slowly descended the stairs. A few minutes later they came out of the stuffy space into the cool evening. Mr. Murphy’s truck was no longer in the parking lot. Sean reached into his pocket and pulled out a small flashlight and then locked up. He directed the beam toward a path leading over a grassy slope. They walked over to it and down toward an outcropping of trees. There among them was a picnic table with a blue checked tablecloth covering it with a small candle flickering in a jar in the center. On the table sat a picnic basket.

  Cynthia had never seen a mor
e charming setting. Romantic was an understatement. She was overwhelmed with the thought he had put into their evening.

  “Come on. But be careful.” Sean’s hand remained firmly on her elbow as he led her to the table. He helped her to sit on the bench, then went around to the other side. Opening the basket, he pulled out three plastic containers of food. A bottle of wine and two glasses followed. Another couple of containers appeared to hold slices of pie. Lastly, he removed napkins, utensils, and two plates. Sean placed a plate in front of her, then handed her a cloth napkin and a fork.

  “I didn’t think I could be more impressed but you’ve managed to do it.” She was overwhelmed. He’d gone to a lot of trouble just for her.

  Sean sounded pleased. “I’m glad. I was afraid my organizational skills might scare you off.”

  “You are worried about me being frightened off?” Why would he be afraid she wouldn’t want him? From what she could tell he was almost perfect. She couldn’t imagine why he might be insecure.

  “A little bit,” Sean was slow to admit. He took the bench across from her.

  “So you put all this together all by yourself?”

  “Not exactly.” He started opening the plastic containers. “Truthfully, I called the local café where I often eat and they put it together.” He put up a finger as if to punctuate his statement. “But I did tell them what I wanted.”

  Cynthia grinned. “No matter where it came from, I can tell you went to a lot of effort. It’s wonderful. I appreciate it. I’m honored.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” He placed some fried chicken on her plate then on his. The next container held potato salad and out of the third came corn on the cob that was still warm. He brought out a small bag from the basket that had two rolls in it.


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