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Young Widows Club

Page 6

by Bridy McAvoy


  “Sorry, thought you might prefer me to help you with these.”

  “You haven’t won yet.”

  “True, but you can’t blame a guy for trying.”

  “Don’t push your luck!”

  The second she said that she knew she’d made a mistake and, sure enough, his hands moved to her waist and pulled her back against his hard dick.


  “Don’t be silly, that didn’t hurt.”

  She didn’t bother answering and drew the cue back to line up ready to shoot. One of his hands dipped down between her legs and she felt him pinch the tender skin there just below her pussy, right as her arm snapped forward to take her shot.

  Of course, the sudden stinging pain made her jump and the shot was almost an air shot, but she clipped the top of the white, rolling it a couple of inches to the side.


  He chuckled, but remained where he was, not letting her straighten.

  “Not fair. I want to take that again.”

  “You can if you want, but what do you think will happen if you do? You should have conceded when you had the chance.”

  She stepped forward to escape the pressure on her ass and pushed down with her arms, forcing herself upright. Robert backed off a few inches and when she turned to face him he merely smiled at her.

  “Tell you what, double or nothing.”

  “In what way?”

  “I take the next shot, and if I then run out the rack, I get to claim both pieces of underwear. If I don’t run out, then the rack is yours.”

  Angie considered his idea for a moment and couldn’t see a real down side to it. The white was even more fully behind the nine-ball than it had been when she’d attempted her shot. She couldn’t see any chance of him potting it from there, let alone going on to win the rack.

  After another moment’s thought, she nodded her acceptance.

  “Thought you might.” Robert moved past her, his arm brushing against her left breast, then, picking up the white, moved toward the other end of the table.



  “Not fair. That’s not what we said.”

  “I’m sorry. I thought you called it ball in hand for a foul, and your last shot was a foul.”

  The enormity of how he’d hustled her opened out in front of her. Her somewhat alcohol-befuddled state had made her forget the rules she’d stipulated at the beginning of the game.

  “Still not fair. I fouled because of what you did.”

  “Not stipulated, sorry.”

  A moment later he bent over his shot, rattled the six into the pocket and achieved perfect position on the seven. A minute later, with practiced ease, he potted the nine-ball and, laying his cue down on the table, stood away from it, beckoning her to move to him. Angie’s face burned with embarrassment as she watched his gaze roam up and down her body as she walked across the ten feet that separated them. Robert smiled at her, in a gentler way than the more normal leering grin he’d used for the last hour or so. Angie tried to control her breathing as she approached the man who was about to remove her last items of clothing, her last vestiges of modesty.

  She swallowed convulsively, trying hard not to let him see how nervous she was. It was time to pay up, after having taken the sucker bet to double up after making a foul shot, even if he had interfered with her taking it. His smile remained on his face as she came close to him and then wrapped her arms around his waist, squeezing her body against him. His hands dropped, just as they had earlier, to wrap around her back, and she felt him start as he noticed how nervous she was.

  “You’re trembling.”


  He held her close with one hand, the other rising to cradle the back of her head, ruffling her hair in a considered gentle motion. She forced herself to relax in his arms, knowing all that was happening was delaying the inevitable moment. Robert must have felt when she stopped trembling because he used his hands to turn her through a half–circle, then wrapped his arms around her midriff, pulling her back in to him. She could feel his cock pressing against the crack of her ass and feel the buttons of his shirt press against the naked skin of her back. He lowered his face and touched his lips to the soft flesh of her neck, and she shivered, but the trembling, the nerves, didn’t start again. She bit her lip to control her reactions and leant her head to one side, allowing him greater access to her skin. He nuzzled harder and she closed her eyes, trying to abandon herself to the moment.

  His hands started moving again, one of them dropping a little lower to cradle her soft belly, the other inching higher until the edge of his thumb touched the underside of her breast. Robert continued to kiss her neck and she lifted her arms above her head, then wrapped them around the back of his neck, an action that he took to be one of surrender. His left hand rose to cup her breast through the thin lace, just holding it as he bit down on her skin.

  “No hickeys!” she murmured as her body responded to the stimulation of his touch. She tensed as his right hand dropped to touch the front of her panties, paused, then continued south to cup her mound. She arched her back as his hand came into contact with her mound, thrusting her breast out into his palm. Robert lifted his mouth from her neck and she turned her face up toward him, tilting it back as he bent to kiss her upturned lips, the contact sending a powerful jolt through her nervous system. His hand left the front of her panties and moved out to her hip. A finger slipped inside the waistband and, as his tongue teased her lips demanding entrance, she felt him start to drag the panties down past her hip and onto her thigh. She parted her lips to admit his tongue, then moaned into his mouth as their tongues met. His hand left her breast and moved down to her left hip, pulling that side of her panties down until she could feel the lace was rolled in a ring on her upper thighs, leaving her pussy bare and open to the air. Despite her virtual nudity, she felt hot, her skin flushing red—this time with desire as he continued the slow process of undressing her, of removing her last items of clothing. With her panties at half-mast, his right hand returned to her mound, cupping her thin landing strip before descending in search of the secret opening below. His left hand snaked between their bodies and she arched her back, allowing his fingers to reach, and then deftly flick open the catch holding her bra together.


  His lips had left hers as he watched the bra fall away from her breasts, baring her nipples. Instead of grabbing for them, as she’d expected him to do, his hand descended and he used both to push her panties even lower on her legs. She shifted in her stance, knowing he needed her help to free the scrap of lace and, a moment later, it whispered down over her stockings, falling on top of her stiletto shoes.

  Robert lifted his hands to her shoulders and turned her to face him. She opened her eyes and looked up into his. She was surprised to find the level of tenderness she saw there, and didn’t try to stop him as he enfolded her in his arms. She melted into the embrace as his lips sought, and found, hers once again. As the kiss grew more passionate, her arms rose, wrapping around the back of his neck, one hand behind his head, pulling his lips in to hers.

  She moaned under his kiss as his hands descended onto the uncontested bare orbs of her ass, pulling her mound tight against his erection. She moaned again as he pulled them apart, tracing one finger past her clenching anus onto the tiny area of sensitive skin between that and her slit.

  She kicked her feet clear of the now useless panties and allowed him to half-drag, half-carry her toward the nearest couch, their lips locked, her arms still entwined around his neck.

  His hands were everywhere, now caressing her butt, now her back or the back of her neck, or worming between them to cup and caress her breasts or tweak her nipples. Angie could feel her desire rising, peaking as he continued his remorseless progress, although he still hadn’t touched her pussy itself.

  She felt him spin around and then the touch of fabric against the backs of her knees,
realizing they were now in front of the couch where he intended to do the dirty deed. She swallowed hard as he broke the kiss and opened her eyes to find him watching her face intently. She knew her cheeks were red, as were her neck and chest, and she knew her ragged breathing betrayed the fact this wasn’t from embarrassment; not this time.

  “I want you, Angie. Right now.”

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. The hard erection digging into her stomach told her the same thing without words. He slowly pushed back against her upper body and she dropped first to a sitting position on the couch with him leaning over her. He continued to push on her, propelling her into a semi-reclining position. Her legs automatically parted, allowing him to move close to her and he took advantage of the situation without bringing his full weight down on her. His lips touched the hollow of her neck and she tilted her head back, granting him better access, and groaned as his lips left a trail down her chest onto her breasts where they captured her left nipple. Her hand rose from the couch to grasp the top of his head and pull him into harder contact, and she felt him peel his lips back and gently bite down on the turgid nipple. Her back arched and she shuddered under the stimuli as his teeth bit one nipple while his finger and thumb played with the other one. Letting it go, he slid down her body, trailing kisses across her midriff to her belly button and then passed it onto her stomach. Realization hit her of what he intended to do next, but his hands swept underneath her thighs and lifted her legs out to the sides.

  She groaned as his lips touched her landing strip and she gave herself over to the feeling as his mouth moved onto her slit. Robert planted a kiss just above her clit and she waited for him to move onto the tiny nub, but instead he moved to one side and kissed her again, deliberately missing the most sensitive spots. She felt his breath as he lifted his face past her slit to kiss on the other side of it and then moved lower. He kept up this routine, moving down and down her body without ever touching the outer lips of her pussy, concentrating on the sensitive skin to either side, just breathing on the prize in the middle.

  Angie writhed as she tried to bring him into contact with her lips, her hands clenching at the cushions of the couch, then groaning in misery as he moved further away from her pussy onto the smooth skin of her inner thighs.


  He lifted his head and looked up at her through lust-lidded eyes.

  “Please… Don’t tease…anymore…”

  “Oh, but I like teasing…”


  He chuckled as his mouth returned to her thigh, the laughter reverberating through her flesh, and she let go of the couch, dropping both hands to the top of his head but unable to exert any pressure. After a moment, her hands fell away to the sides again as he continued to nibble at her flesh. In sheer desperation she brought her hands back to her own body and cupped her breasts, feeling her hard nipples trying to burrow into the palms of her hands. She thrust her hips upward into his face and he seemed to take pity on her. He left the flesh of her thigh alone and burrowed his head forward, his tongue reaching out and licking her outer lips. She squealed from the contact, unable to control her reactions as her fingers dug into her breasts. The sensation as his tongue moved up and down her slit after such an age of teasing was indescribable, and words failed her as she moaned again and again. He thrust his tongue between her outer lips and twisted it against the inner ones. She could feel herself opening out for him and spread her legs as far apart as she could.

  Her hips left the seat of the couch as he moved upward and ran his tongue across just the tip of her clit. She screamed as he pushed his nose against it and bared his teeth to nip the sensitive flesh of her pussy lips. Then he drew back and she panted for breath waiting for the next assault, but it didn’t materialize. She opened her eyes and looked down her body with heavy-lidded eyes to see him looking up at her, watching her hands as she played with her own breasts, tweaking her nipples between her fingers and thumbs. She stilled, waiting for him to either resume or speak to her, but he stayed silent watching her, waiting for her.

  “What… What’s wrong?”

  He smiled. “Nothing, nothing at all, but I don’t want you to cum too soon.”

  “Why? Why not?”

  “Because I want you to savor…I mean, really savor the experience.”


  He moved forward again, and she allowed her head to fall back as he put his hands back under her legs and rotated them up. They described a vee, her feet pointing toward the ceiling, and she couldn’t help but think how obscene it looked for her to still be wearing her stockings and stilettos in such a situation. Rather than look at her feet, she closed her eyes and once again abandoned herself to his touch. He let go of her legs and she kept them there, now hoping he would use his fingers as well as his mouth and Robert did as she wanted without her having to beg him to.

  She shuddered as he used two fingers to spread her pussy lips apart, opening her for his tongue which speared between them. She gasped as he ran his tongue up the length of her slit and rolled it around her clit. Her heart hammered in her chest and her breathing grew more and more ragged as he continued his assault. She tried hard to concentrate on the physical pleasure, disregarding the situation she was in, but it wasn’t easy. Two or three times she felt her own thoughts about spreading her legs like this for her dead husband’s boss dampening her ardor, only for his renewed attack on her pussy driving such thoughts from her head once again. The see-saw of her emotions took its toll as her body screamed for release.

  One finger entered her, pushing knuckle-deep between the folds of her lips, then pushing further still as her back arched and her hips lifted to greet it. A second finger joined it and Robert began to saw them in and out of her, sending pulses of energy racing through her system. She moaned constantly now, a low guttural sound that seemed to echo through the huge downstairs room. She clutched at the top of his head as he lowered his face back to her pussy, lapping at the juices leaking from her, with a tongue that seemed to have a life of its own.

  He used his thumb to mash against her clit as a third finger joined the two already inside her and his mouth returned to the uncontested territory of the flesh of her inner thigh. Angie couldn’t hold it back any more and she went rigid, her voice peeling off the walls as her scream echoed around the room. Her body shook and shuddered as the orgasm rocked through her, again and again, until she collapsed back onto the couch, spent.

  Sobs racked her body and tears rolled down her cheeks as memories of her marriage surfaced in her confused mind. Suddenly Robert was there, lifting her, turning her, until he was sitting on the couch, holding her with her head cradled against his chest, her body curled under his arm as she cried and wailed out her sorrow and loss.

  Angie didn’t know how long she laid like that, cocooned in his arm, but when she pushed against him gently to get him to allow her to sit up, she could see his shirt was soaked from the tears she’d shed.


  He placed one finger under her chin and lifted it so she could look up into his face. “It’s okay.”

  “No, I mean it. I’m sorry, it must have…it must have spoiled it for you.”

  Robert shook his head. “Silly. It’s fine. Do you always cry when you cum like that?”

  She shook her head in turn. “No, it’s wrong. I shouldn’t react like that. It was just…the first time…”

  He looked at her wide-eyed. “You mean that’s the first time since the plane crash…? You’ve never, well…?” He looked flustered, but after a lengthy pause carried on. “You’ve never masturbated, even?”


  “Not even once?”

  She shook her head and tried to lower her eyes, not really wanting to have this conversation. His hand returned to her chin, tilting her head back so she couldn’t look away, her eyes captured by his gaze.

  “No, it kind of felt like a betrayal of his memory.”

  He shook his head. �
��I’m so sorry.”

  She grabbed his hand and held it tightly. “No, don’t be sorry. It was like a dam bursting, I guess. I’m all right now.”

  “You are?”

  Angie forced herself to smile and released his hand. “Yes, I’m fine.” She felt kittenish, playful even, so she licked her lips and arched her back under his hand, thrusting her breasts into his chest. “Besides, I think it’s only right I return the favor.”

  It was his turn to look confused, but she made her point clear by running her hand down onto the front of his trousers. Earlier, when they’d been playing pool he’d been rock-hard, and she assumed that had been true while he’d been eating her to such an explosive orgasm. Now, though, despite cradling her naked body, he was only half-hard, her display of emotion having wilted his ardor.

  “He probably deserves some attention. After all, you’ve kept him locked up all night.” She giggled and felt his cock pulse under her hand. Her other hand moved to his lap, pulling at the belt buckle on his trousers, and when it wouldn’t come loose with only one hand she brought both to bear, pulling the belt free and then undoing the button at the top of his zip fly. She giggled as she lowered the zip, feeling him grow ever harder under her touch and slipped a hand inside his black boxers.

  “Ooh… Someone wants to come out and play.”

  Robert chuckled and lifted his hips, providing her with enough slack material to free his cock from his boxers. Angie shifted her weight lower on the couch, allowing herself more room to maneuver.

  “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” The throatiness of his whisper told her he didn’t really want her to stop, despite his words, and she surprised herself with the answer.

  “Oh, but I do, and I do want to.”

  She pushed the waistband of his boxers down and his cock appeared before her eyes. She almost bent double to reach it with her mouth then decided to move to a more comfortable position. She wriggled out from his embrace, stood, half-turned, then lay down on the couch full length, aware his eyes tracked her every move. She was also intensely aware of how her butt projected upward as she lay flat, and knew his eyes would be drawn to the arresting sight, especially when she deliberately hollowed her back to make the curve more pronounced. Meanwhile, as his hand came to rest on her upturned rump, her face moved closer to his crotch. From close range she could see his prick was average-sized, no bigger and certainly no smaller than Darrel’s had been. The stray thought about her late husband brought a catch to her throat and she fought back the reaction as her hands got busy again. Once more, he lifted his hips from the seat, his hand leaving her butt for a moment, allowing him to push his slacks and boxers down onto his thighs as she helped. It provided her with unfettered access to his cock and balls.


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