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Sidney’s Triple Shot [Apache Crossing] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Lori King

  “Please tell me you did not fuck our bartender.” Xavier frowned at Tyce. Noah was surprised to see lust on his oldest brother’s face, too. Apparently, all three of them were interested in Sidney. Well, isn’t that just the shit, he thought to himself. This whole thing is about to get messier. Noah wasn’t about to give her up to either one of them, and hell, it wasn’t like they hadn’t shared a woman before.

  “Nah. She didn’t let me get that far. Man, I couldn’t help myself. When she came out of the bathroom finally, she looked like she was scared of me, so I pulled her up into a hug, and the next thing I knew we were all over each other. She tastes fucking amazing.” Tyce plopped down onto one of the barstools next to the kitchen island, running his fingers through his messy hair. “I’m not sure how I’m going to keep my hands off of her when I see her again.”

  It was slightly unnerving for Noah to see Tyce so wrapped up in a woman. Tyce never had woman trouble. Tyce only had boyfriend and husband trouble after he slept with the woman. Noah couldn’t even count how many times his brother had suffered a black eye or a bloody nose after a one-night stand’s significant other found out about him.

  “You better keep your hands off of her. I’ve spent some time with her over the last month, and my instinct tells me that she’s a good person, but she’s hiding something. Until we know we can trust her, nobody should be touching her. I don’t like that she would sneak around in the bar after hours without asking first. Something is going on, and I’m going to find out what it is.” Xavier stood and crossed the kitchen to dump his coffee out in the sink.

  “Xavier, let’s be clear. I don’t report to you, so don’t treat me like I do. There are sparks between her and me, and I’m going to see where it leads. You didn’t see her eyes and smell her heat. She wanted me, and I want her so much I’m hard as a rock right now thinking about it.” Tyce had the look of a man on a mission, and Noah knew that he wouldn’t back down.

  Fear and apprehension crept into Noah’s chest. He felt more chemistry with Sidney than he had ever felt with anyone else. This girl filled a hole in his chest, and he wasn’t willing to just give her up to Tyce. Over the years Tyce had flitted through women, loving and leaving more than Noah could count. Noah had been with his share of ladies, but he preferred to have some sort of emotional connection with them, even if it was only a slight one. Now suddenly Tyce was dead set on having Sidney in his life. Well, he was going to have to share her, or get the hell out of the way.

  “Only if I don’t get to her first, asshat,” Noah snapped, glaring across the kitchen at Tyce. “You knew I wanted her when I hired her, and here you are molesting her after hours. You need to leave her alone. She’s actually a good woman, and she deserves a good man. I intend to be that man, so back off.”

  “Fuck you, Noah. You don’t get to just stake a claim on Sidney. She isn’t your property. If she wants me, then she can have me. Again, and again, and again…” The vein in Tyce’s temple was throbbing with his anger, but Noah was ready to beat his ass if necessary.

  “Both of you shut up. Now, I’ll grant you that she is hot. Damn hot…” Xavier paused to adjust stance before continuing, “But I have never seen you two fighting over a woman. Share one maybe, but not fight each other for one. It isn’t worth it, so cut this shit out.”

  Noah and Tyce continued to glare at each other, and the tension was tangible in the room. How were they going to figure out who was going to pursue her and not kill each other?

  Xavier huffed at their continued silence. “Noah, you’re on the schedule for the early shift, so get yourself together and get to work. I’m going to go in a little early. I think we need to run a search on her. If she is running from the law, we’re going to have to turn her in. No matter how hot she is. Get that through your heads right now. Tyce, you get some sleep because you are scheduled in at six, and you haven’t even been to bed yet. We will talk about this more later.” Xavier set his cup in the sink and stomped out of the room, not even waiting for his brothers to follow his instructions.

  Tyce shot the middle finger at Xavier’s back as he walked away, and Noah rolled his eyes. Leave it to Xavier to be the reasonable one. He was right. They were fighting over her like animals, and at this moment none of them had that right. Well, Noah would have to move faster than his brothers if he wanted to get a taste of the luscious Sidney Rowe. With a small smile on his lips, he headed for the shower so that he could get to work early. If he remembered right, Sidney was on tonight’s schedule, too, and Noah was determined to get her attention.

  Xavier felt rattled inside. His own desire for Sidney left him feeling completely off-balance after hearing that Tyce had tasted her. He had been half-hard ever since he first laid eyes on her. She was tall for a woman, and she had the longest fucking legs he had ever seen, and he had always been a leg man.

  Their first meeting, he almost came in his jeans like a high-school kid. When he found her fumbling to reach a bottle of liquor on the shelves, he had had to force himself to take his hands off of her hips and walk away from her. Her soft, fruity scent tormented his dreams lately, but he had planned on getting to know more about her before he made a move.

  Usually when he wanted to know more about someone that was reluctant to share, he just had a background search done by one of his military buddies. With Sidney, he found himself delaying his search in the hopes that she would eventually open up to him.

  Now that he knew his brothers wanted her, too, he was angry and frustrated. He was eight years older than she was, and he doubted that she would choose his kinky desires over Tyce’s model-like face or Noah who was charming, romantic, and closer to her age. He needed a woman who had a submissive side in the bedroom. He wasn’t a 24/7 Dominant. He craved his lover’s trust. For him it was about them trusting him enough to submit their body to him so that he could make sure that they achieved the most pleasure possible. Unfortunately, his desire to dominate tended to overwhelm some women. Others only seemed to want it for one night of kinky play, and not for a lifetime of passion.

  For a moment he let himself imagine that Sidney would be open to exploring the D/s lifestyle. He could picture her on her knees in front of him with her hands cuffed behind her back and his cock shoved deep in her throat. Lust slammed into him hard at the mental imagery, and he groaned out loud. There was no way he could shut down that desire.

  He kept telling himself that he wasn’t even sure he was interested in playing nice with the secretive woman. His gut was rarely wrong, and in Sidney’s case, it told him that she was hiding something. He had watched her in the bar, and she constantly kept her back to the wall and avoided working the tables on the floor at all cost. She seemed leery of men when they hit on her, but she was a serious flirt when the big tippers came in. Her eyes darted around her constantly, and any loud noise made her jump. It was such an unusual contrast in personalities that if he hadn’t spent time with her he would have wondered if she was bipolar.

  Instead, he just knew that the woman had secrets, and he wanted to know what they were. All he had to do was figure out how to shut out the fact that just being near her made him hard as a post, and he was sure he could get to the bottom of her mysterious behavior.

  He thought about what Tyce had said. Sidney was horny and clearly attracted to Tyce. What if Xavier gave her another option and at least let her know that he was interested? What if she actually did choose him? He wanted her smiling at him every day, like she had when he had helped her off of the stool.

  His brothers might be a challenge. Even if she chose Xavier, it wouldn’t just erase Tyce’s and Noah’s attraction to her. Thoughts filtered into his brain about how much better it would be to just share her. The three brothers had shared women before, but never for more than a night of sex. They lived in a community that was very open to alternative lifestyles, so they had explored various avenues of pleasure, but the desire to live in a poly relationship was never there for him.

  A ménage was how Xa
vier figured out he was a Dominant in the first place. One of their first nights on leave together while they were in the Marines, a young woman had propositioned Tyce and Xavier. They had taken her back to her place and shared her between them. Later, they had another encounter with her, but this time they included Noah. Xavier found that he wanted to be the one in the director’s chair, even to the point of sitting back and playing voyeur when necessary. It was important to him that he was the one making sure she received what she needed to reach her pleasure, but he also needed her submission to be to him first, in order to receive the most pleasure himself.

  The idea of sharing Sidney probably should have turned him off, but instead his cock grew even harder as he stood under the tepid water of the shower. He could picture her tied spread-eagle on his bed with Tyce’s cock fucking her mouth while Noah pounded her pussy.

  He could almost feel her long legs wrapped around his hips. Tyce would slide into her tight little ass, and she would suck off Noah’s cock. The fantasies were endless. He squeezed a blob of conditioner into his grip and began stroking his aching cock. Leaning against the shower wall, he jacked himself off while he imagined thrusting into Sidney’s tight ass himself.

  She would beg him to give her release, moaning and writhing under him. Or maybe she wouldn’t, maybe she would be patiently awaiting his pleasure, allowing him to rub his hands over her fleshy ass and up through the wetness between her thighs. She would definitely be wet for him, drenched in her own arousal. He would grip a handful of those gloriously full ass cheeks and then spread them wide so that he could watch his cock as it sank into her. Even if she was a controlled submissive, once she felt him impaling her on his dick, she would moan and press back against him.

  He could see himself thrusting in and of her tight sphincter while her body bowed in front of him, until the moment that she screamed his name as her body shuddered to orgasm underneath him.

  Xavier cursed as a powerful orgasm hit him, and he shot cum into his own hand. His legs were trembling a little bit while he washed himself off, and he was stunned at how quickly a few fantasies about Sidney Rowe brought him to his knees.

  Mentally fortifying his own determination while he dried off, he made the decision to find out everything he could about Sidney Rowe. She would have no secrets from him, and then he was going to convince her that he could help her, so that maybe, just maybe, he could keep her too.

  A twinge of irritation rippled through him. It wasn’t like he had a shortage of women to sleep with, but rarely had he met one that made him feel so protective and aroused at the same time. His need to dominate her was overshadowed by his need to hold her and make her happy. He knew in his heart that she was in some sort of trouble, and he wanted to be the one to get her out of it, with or without his brothers’ assistance.

  Sidney was shaking with nerves when she walked back into the bar at six for her shift. She wondered if Tyce had told anyone about last night. She also wondered if he had spent the night hot and aroused like she had or if he had forgotten about her as soon as she was out the door.

  It was more likely that he forgot about her. He was used to women throwing themselves at him anytime he was on stage.

  Why would one skittish woman grab his attention? She would have to appease herself with the one hot make-out session. There was absolutely no way that it could be repeated.

  Sidney shivered as she imagined Robert finding out about Tyce, and what he would do to her. Robert didn’t like to be bested, and even though she hadn’t seen any trace of him in the seven weeks since she left him, she wouldn’t put it past him to still be looking for her. He made it clear on her voice mail that he wasn’t done with her yet.

  In the back of her mind, she knew that he would kill her this time if he found her. Never mind the fact that it was his fault she miscarried their baby, and that the night she left him he had been screwing another woman in their bed. That wouldn’t matter to Robert at all. There was no way that he would take a chance on her running again, and he hated to be embarrassed. That’s what he would think of this whole thing. He would think that she had intentionally embarrassed him, and that would be enough to sign her death warrant.

  Well, that can’t happen, she thought to herself. Even if he did track her down after three weeks of crisscrossing the country, she wouldn’t give up without a fight. Feeling more determined and confident in herself, she quickly changed into her uniform in the bathroom and stowed her purse and street clothes in her locker. Still feeling a little nervous about facing Tyce again, she took a deep breath and headed for the front.

  As she rounded the corner from the employees’ lounge into the back hallway, she ran smack into a wall of muscle and almost fell backward. The only thing that held her upright was a thick arm that wrapped around her waist and a hand planted firmly on her butt. She looked up into the concerned face of Xavier Dawson, and all of the breath whooshed from her lungs. The man looked like he must live in a weight room, and the intense blue of his eyes was mind-blowing when paired with his granite jawline and short dark hair.

  “Are you okay, Sidney? Sorry about that, baby, I didn’t see you coming.” He frowned down at her, but he held her gently. For just a second she thought she saw his eyes light up with something else, before she dropped her gaze away to stare at the wide expanse of his navy blue T-shirt.

  “I’m good, thanks, Mr. Dawson. I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” She pulled away from his chest, trying to step back to put space between them, but he seemed reluctant to let her go. She thought she even felt him grip her ass a little harder before he suddenly released her to step back a few inches.

  “I’ve told you before, it’s Xavier, and it’s no big deal. I’m just glad I caught you.” He smiled as he watched her, and she couldn’t help but fidget under his intense gaze.

  “Yeah, thanks, Xavier. I better get out to the bar. It looked like Kara was pretty busy.” She hesitated, waiting for him to move from the doorway. When he didn’t move, she looked up, meeting his searching gaze.

  “Actually I was looking for you. Come on back to the office, I want to talk to you for a minute. Kara will be okay by herself. Noah is out there with her.” He turned and walked toward the back office without waiting for her response.

  She stood frozen in place until he reached the office door and turned back to her. He raised his eyebrow at her pointedly and waited. Following his unspoken demand, she quickly hurried past him into the small office.

  She had to bite back a moan when she was faced with the same desk that she had almost had sex on the night before. Images from her encounter with Tyce flooded through her brain, causing her breasts to swell and her clit to throb. Steeling her mind against her body’s reaction, she crossed her arms under her breasts and turned back to Xavier with a stubborn tilt to her chin.

  Xavier stood with his back to the door and his arms over his chest, watching her. She was clearly nervous, and maybe just a little bit frightened. The defensive gesture of her arms wrapped tightly around her middle told him how uncomfortable she was. He wondered if she realized how it pushed her breasts tighter into the halter top. He wanted to reach out and help her release them from their confines, just to see if they were as soft as they looked. There was no way she would appreciate that gesture at the moment, and he had a few questions to clear up with her first. He gestured to the small sofa, and when she didn’t move to take a seat, he growled in irritation.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, for God’s sake. Relax.”

  After another moment of hesitation, her body settled into the sofa, but he could see in her expressive eyes that her mind was racing a hundred miles a minute. Determined to get some answers from her before she took off on him, he spoke.

  “Do you like working here, Sidney?”

  Her eyes darted to his, and then away, and he watched her throat contract as she swallowed hard before she answered. “Yes, very much. Why?”

  She sure was a jumpy thing. He had spent the
afternoon running a background search on her, finding out a lot of things that concerned him. The Social Security number that she had listed on her application was that of a seventy-eight-year-old man who had died a few weeks earlier. He also knew that she had recently been hospitalized, but he didn’t know why just yet. His guess was that she was hiding from someone.

  Xavier shifted to lean back into the couch a little more before he continued. “Are you uncomfortable right now?”

  She instantly turned bright red, but she still didn’t answer him. Her fingers twisted in her lap, and the pulse in her throat was racing. Her lips were pressed into a tight, silent line, and her throat twitched as she swallowed hard again.

  “Is it because of what happened last night with Tyce?”

  “You know about that? I should have known that man couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Fuck a duck. Look, I’m sorry, Mr. Dawson, it shouldn’t have happened.” She jumped up from the couch, pacing the small space, all the while twisting a lock of her hair tightly around her finger. Her eyes drifted to the closed door like she was looking for an escape route. “I think that this would be easier if I just get my things and leave quietly.”

  “Sit down,” he snapped in his toughest Dom voice. “My name is Xavier, don’t forget again. Now, you aren’t going anywhere.”

  She sat down next to him instantly, with shock written all over her pale face. He had to bite his lip to hide a pleased smile when she dropped her eyes to the floor again and held her breath. Oh, yes, Sidney Rowe is definitely submissive, he thought gleefully. All of his mirth disappeared when her eyes darted back up to his, and he saw genuine fear there.

  “Listen to me, baby. You don’t have anything to be afraid of. I would never hurt you. Yes, Tyce told me about last night. My brothers and I don’t keep secrets from each other, and other than being a bit jealous of his role in the events, it doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is the fact that you are keeping secrets and sneaking around.” He shifted his muscular bulk until he was facing her with one arm thrown over the back of the sofa and his knee propped up on the cushion, pressing against her naked thigh. Just that minor touch electrified his skin, and he drew in a deep breath when she started to fidget again. “You will not be leaving quietly or otherwise. You’re a good bartender, and you clearly need help even if you are too proud to ask for it. And for the record, you need to quit cursing. It’s very unattractive hearing nasty words come out of such a sexy mouth.”


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