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Gemini of Emreiana

Page 5

by Kristen DaRay

  We moved on to the next sign, Vérigolé. Their symbol was a sideways S that had an arrow through it. Full of lust, they could attract just about anyone. It was a pheromone that their body released. They too had an extra sense: attraction. If you were around someone you were attracted to, they knew it. Some Vérigolés worked as love prophets, so that Emréians around the planet would find their true love. Some of the Vérigolé women, though, worked as harlots. I found it sad that even on other planets some men still didn't want true love. They still preferred sex and lust over one thing that could actually make them happy.

  "Véreigolé's also can overcome the bonding process, which allows them to love others without too much emotional attachment."

  "What do you mean bonding?" I asked in confusion.

  "You will learn about that later." Aaronmon stiffened. I knew he was keeping something from me, but I let it go.

  I questioned myself. Could you be destined to be with someone outside of your own species? Kyle was human. I was Emréian. What would a Vérigolé tell me about my true love? I had to break away from this thought. There were some things I was just not ready to know about, things that could hurt me emotionally.

  "So what about Ominus?" I asked Aaron.

  "Ominus are very special. Before you, they were the newest evolved of the Emréians. They can move objects with their mind and create force fields. A lot of them are really good with mechanics. Their biggest weakness is that their power uses up their strength. They can steal energy from other power sources to help regain their strength."

  He drew out their symbol, which was a swirl with rays coming from it, some shorter than others.

  I had to admit, at this point, I was feeling kind of weak. Everyone else had these active powers; however, all I could do was feel others feelings, which didn’t do me any good. I guessed I didn't excel in the better end of the gifts. Of course, nobody knew what that was.

  "Why am I new breed?" I asked.

  "We don't know. There are some things that even the most advanced civilizations have not been able to figure out. When Ominus was discovered, we believed that it was an evolved Emréian breed, designed by nature to keep the species alive. Perhaps, it has something to do with you living on Earth. I don't know. But it happened," Aaronmon said.

  "Great, even as an alien species I'm a freak," I huffed.

  "Perhaps a miracle." Aaronmon smiled. Somewhere there was a scent of vanilla and cinnamon that tickled my nose.

  "What kind of cologne do aliens wear?" I asked.


  "I always keep smelling this same cologne around you."

  Aaronmon shuffled away from me on the couch. I could feel him become uneasy.

  "It smells good, don't worry."

  "Thanks." He smiled slightly.

  Aaron then moved on, teaching me about Emréiana. I learned about different animals and plants that resided there. He taught me about the cities. I even let him tell me about the coven that resided in each city. Not that I would be taking a role in politics any time soon.

  I had to admit, I was fascinated to learn about a world outside of Earth. At first, I had been fearful, scared to know that something like me existed. I knew Aaron felt my excitement as he told me the stories about Emréiana; I didn't even try to hide it.

  By six o clock, though, I decided that I wanted to go out to the Star House Coffee and see which of my friends were there tonight. I went ahead and texted Kyle to meet me there. Mainly because, even though there were some things cool about Emréiana, I knew it would change my life with them. I wanted to enjoy every minute with them I could. I remembered how yesterday Aunt Trish said the Bremoir would be looking for me. If they found me, they would destroy anything to get to me, even if I didn't take the throne. I was hoping that day would never come, but I wouldn’t hesitate to keep my friends safe. Everything was starting to seem so real to me that I didn't know what I would do if I actually had to leave them behind. It occurred to me that they would never know I was leaving, and when I did leave, they wouldn't know what really happened to me.

  The only downside was that Aaronmon wouldn't allow me to go to Star House Coffee alone because of the possible danger of the Bremoir.

  "Look nothing bad ever happens here in Alice. Trust me, I think I am safe."

  "Nobody is safe if the Bremoir are around. Not even the smallest of towns." Aaronmon frowned.

  "Carson, he is right. It was wrong to let you grow up this way. You are completely unaware of the danger you're in." Trish walked up to me and put her arms on my shoulder. "I let you live without knowing the truth, because I didn't want you to live your life out in fear."

  "Well, now you want me to fear every time I want to go out? I can't just live my life sheltered or have a body guard with me every time I leave the house."

  "Look, just take Aaronmon with you, please," Trish said with a smile. As much as I wanted to be furiously mad at her, there was no way for me to be. It wasn't just because my empathy was channeling her serenity, but because she had been there for me my entire life. She had been my parent growing up. She was there for my parent teacher conference and when a boy broke my heart. She lied to me because she had to, but I could feel her guilt for lying to me all this time.

  "Okay, he can come with, but he has to promise to get along with Kyle. They didn't exactly hit it off earlier today." I could see Aaronmon grinning at me.

  "Yes, well, I was a little surprised to see that you had chosen a human partner."

  "English, Aaron. It’s boyfriend."

  "I studied about those relationships. So, you don't plan to bond with him?"


  "He means marry." Aunt Trish shook her head.

  "Is that the same bonding you were talking about earlier?" I asked Aaronmon.

  "Yes, and no." Aaronmon stiffened.

  "What does that mean?" I asked them both.

  "It's complicated." Aaronmon wouldn’t look me in the eye.

  "Perhaps. We haven't discussed that far into the future." I turned away to the kitchen counter, looking like I was busy putting stuff into my bag.

  Neither of them said a thing, but I knew something was up. I could feel Aaronmon become bitter, and Aunt Trish was as nervous as a skittish cat. I didn't feel like asking, though. I decided to let it go.

  "Okay, so let's just go," I said pulling Aaronmon out the door, and then calling back out, "Bye Aunt Trish!"

  When we pulled up to Star House Coffee, we could hear Cheap Thrill Deville playing Wish You Well. They were an amazing bluesy type rock band, and it was hard not to catch myself singing along to their catchy tunes.

  As Aaronmon and I walked up to the door to pay our way in, I could see Kyle and Meagan waving at us. Scratch that. Meagan was waving at us excitedly, and Kyle was just kind of smiling at me.

  D.J., who also went to our school, took our money and drew smiley faces with their tongues sticking out on the top of our hands. There was no drinking at the Star House Coffee, but it did get us in to see the band play.

  When I walked in, I instantly channeled everyone's emotions. I took in a deep breath. Aaronmon leaned in next to me ear and whispered, "Just focus on my emotions."

  I focused on his calm and peaceful emotions. I wasn't sure if he was really this calm or if he was just really good at keeping his emotions at bay, but either way it was working. Or at least it was until I could feel Kyle's jealousy.

  "Hey guys. Aunt Trish asked me to bring Aaron along so he could get to know some class mates," I lied as I slid in next to Kyle. He smiled tensely at me.

  "You can sit next to me, Aaron." Meagan beamed at Aaronmon. I thought she was dating Nate? I could feel her attraction to Aaronmon turning into a full blown erotica. No, no, I am supposed to be focusing on calm and peaceful Aaronmon.

  "So, how are you feeling?" Kyle picked up my hand.

  "A bit better." I smiled at him.

  "Yeah, you scared us all." Meagan leaned in. “Good thing Aaron came to the rescue.” />
  “Yeah,” Kyle said dryly. It became quiet at the table.

  “You should be grateful that she didn’t hack all over your shirt, Kyle.” Meagan laughed.

  I forgot about that. I realized that was how he got to go home early.

  "So how's the band tonight?" I changed the subject.

  "Good as usual. I hear that some type of talent scout is supposed to be looking at them next week." Meagan smiled with enthusiasm.

  "Here in Alice? Why would any scout come to such a small town?"

  "No, back in Bama where they are from."

  "Ah." I nodded my head. The conversation had died as quickly as it started.

  "So, Aaron, where do you live here in Alice?" Meagan nudged him on the shoulder. Kyle tensed up, and I held my breath. He was staying with us, but I didn't want Kyle to become any more jealous than he already was. Why he would be so jealous, I didn't know.

  Aaronmon held my glance. He knew that I did not want him to blow this whole evening. However, he and I both knew there was no other answer, because he didn't even come with parents. Aunt Trish was listed as his guardian on his school paper work; I found out earlier in the car ride over.

  "Well, my family still lives in Canada. We are family friends of Trish and Carson, so I am crashing with them until further notice." There it was. I could already feel the intensity coming from Kyle. Deep breaths, focus on calm Aaronmon, I thought to myself. I looked over and saw Kyle staring at his glass of water.

  "Why did you move to America so late in the school year? I mean, that just seems so strange." Then just like that Aaronmon's peaceful manner had vanished and had been submerged in awkwardness. I could tell he hated being asked a lot of questions, especially ones that he had to come up with lies about. Of course, Meagan didn't know what she was doing; she was just curious. However, it was putting Aaronmon and me in a tough situation.

  Between Meagan's curiosity and Kyle's jealousy, I was trying really hard just to focus on Aaronmon's feelings. Only, his weren’t any better at this point.

  "I think I’m going to go get a smoothie." I jumped to my feet.

  "I think I will, too." Aaronmon stood up quickly. Probably to save himself from Meagan's question.

  I walked over to the counter and ordered a strawberry and banana smoothie from Dana.

  "I think I want to try one, too." Aaronmon leaned into the counter.

  "I can tell you it's better than that Pur juice thing Aunt Trish was serving earlier today.”

  "Hey, that is a very good Emréian drink back home."

  "Have you even tried any Earth food?" I pointed out.

  "Okay, pizza is pretty good, but burgers look like they walked out of a slaughter-house. I actually did live here on Earth for three years or so before I came to Alice. I was studying."

  "I didn't know that." I raised my eyebrow.

  "Well, you have only known me since yesterday."

  "I guess there is that." I laughed.

  My laughter started to disappear when I felt Kyle's emotions pulling closer to me. He actually felt ashamed.

  "Hey can I talk to Carson?" Kyle tapped Aaronmon on the shoulder.

  "Yeah," Aaronmon consented and walked back over to the table.

  "I've been a jerk." Kyle studied the floor.

  "Yes you have," I said holding a straight face. "But, I still love you. What has been your problem, anyway? We already went over this. Aaron is a family friend. He is living with us. Plus, he is a good guy." And he was.

  "I don't know what's wrong." He sighed and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry."

  He was lying. His feelings were all kinds of confused, and I couldn’t figure them out. I decided just to let it go.

  Dana came back with both mine and Aaronmon's smoothies.

  "That will be eight fifty," she said. I laid a ten on the counter and waited patiently for her to get the change.

  When we got back to the table, I could feel Meagan crushing hard on Aaronmon. Not that it mattered to me, but I could tell he was not at all into it. I couldn't even focus on Aaronmon's feelings anymore because he was so awkward. Not wanting to get over flushed, like I did at lunch today, I tried to focus solely on myself.

  That was when it happened. Nate walked into the coffee shop. Instantly, as I saw him gaze over at Meagan, who was flirting really hard with Aaronmon, hurt washed all through him and through me.

  Meagan saw him as well. All I felt from her was anger. I realized that something must have happened between them when they were going to talk after school.

  "Meagan, what happened between you and Nate?" I asked quickly. Everyone at the table looked at her.

  "Gosh, Carson, thanks for being so discrete about it." Her discomfort was easy to channel.

  "I'm sorry, but I can tell something is up."

  "Seriously, I don't know how you always do that, but it is getting annoying." She rolled her eyes. I wasn't worried, though. It wasn't hard to see, even with empathy, that she wasn't angry at me. She was hurt by Nate. Everyone knew Meagan liked to be known as the strong one. "He, uh, said he didn't want to start a relationship so late in the school year. He said he didn't realize he was going to like me so much and knew we were both moving away for college. He wanted to spare us getting hurt. So what? I'm over it."

  I knew better than that. She had a crush on Nate for years. Even though my empathy wasn't as strong then, I could still tell how much she liked him, and I knew for certain that he had liked her and still did.

  "Oh, I'm sorry," was about all I could say to her. I knew how disappointed she was.

  "It's not like it matters. I mean, he is right. I’ll be moving to New York and he’s moving away to Texas."

  I didn't say anything. Kyle and I were not going to have that problem. Well, that was unless I really did have to leave the planet. I sunk into my seat. What would I do if I had to leave Kyle here on Earth?

  "I mean, how can he have had such a good time, but not be sad at all at what could have been?" Meagan fiddled with the straw in her cup.

  I knew better. Nate was just as depressed about the idea of not getting to date Meagan.

  "I'm sure he is." I could feel that he just didn't want to get hurt, but he already was hurting. "I'm sure he is just protecting you and himself from getting hurt in the long run."

  "Then why did he have to go and ask me out?" She crossed her arms.

  "Just curious to know?” Kyle spoke up. “He knew it wouldn't work out, but he likes you. He wanted to experience being with you just once." He and Aaronmon had been quiet the whole time, listening to the conversation.

  I wasn't exactly sure what happened then, but I started doing something weird with my empathy. Not that the empathy wasn't weird enough, but this was definitely new.

  I was busy concentrating on Kyle while everyone was talking about what would happen if Meagan landed in Broadway plays. His feelings were so confused, and I was trying to sort them out. I could feel Aaronmon, knowing what I was doing, warning me to stop. I had been going at this all night; I could handle it. Both of their feelings were clashing in my mind, my soul. I tried to push Aaronmon's out of the way and focus on Kyle's. Aaronmon was getting on my dang nerves trying to butt in. Only, that's when it happened. Kyle started getting irritated at me!

  Kyle released my hand and rolled his caramel eyes.

  "Would you stop!" Kyle said. He looked confused right after he said it. It was like he was surprised himself.

  "What the frick?" I asked. It was as if he actually got mad at me! I looked over at Aaronmon who seemed confused as to what had happened.

  "I.. I don't know. I just got irritated for a second. I don't know." Kyle smiled weakly.

  When I pressed on his feelings, the only thing I could feel was how confused he was about what just happened.

  Somehow, I had managed to press irritation into him! Kyle picked up my hand again and smoothed his thumb over my pressure point. He was back to normal, but still confused. Aaronmon was sitting quietly across the table with h
is lips pursed together.

  Could I do it again? I concentrated on Meagan and tried to push this awkwardness I was feeling onto her. It didn't take long. She started shifting in her seat and got quiet.

  "Umm, well, okay. I think I might go and see if I can catch the band before they leave." Meagan got up from the table, and Aaronmon darted me a look.

  "Yeah, I think it’s about time to call it a night." Kyle slid out of the booth and stretched.

  "Yeah, I guess so," I added.

  "I'll meet you out in the car." Aaronmon nodded his head towards me. I nodded back.

  "Hey, I really don't know what happened back there." Kyle scratched his head.

  "I know. Don't worry about it. There are some things, these days, that just go without explanation." I smiled.

  "Yeah, I guess so."

  I was a little startled to find that Kyle wasn't really surprised by my own inside joke. Things these days had been so strange, I guessed it made sense.

  His warm hand caught mine, and he steered me towards the door, slightly brushing his side against mine.

  "Night guys." He nodded towards D.J. and the other guys at the door.

  "I can't believe we’re almost graduating." He sighed. "It seems like just yesterday I was picking on you at the playground."

  "Yeah, well, back then picking on girls was flirting," I teased.

  "Yeah, I guess I didn't expect for you to kick my butt either." He laughed.

  "Nah, I was just flirting back." I smiled as we reached the car.

  "I love you." His words came out as a whisper as his lips brushed mine.

  "I love you, too." I leaned the rest of the way in, pressing his soft lips to mine. My heart started to swell with anxiety as I realized how much I’d missed him the past two days. Kyle was always there for me no matter what. I always told him everything, and now my most life changing secret was being kept from him. I now knew that there was only one thing I needed to do. Somehow, someway, sometime soon, I had to tell him what was going on with me. I had to convince him to come with me if they made me leave Earth.


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