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Unraveled (The Monroe Family Book 5)

Page 9

by Nicole Dykes

  “It’s been a long time since we’ve had sex. I wasn’t sure if maybe you were bored or what?”

  His forehead crinkles, still acting totally confused. I feel crazy. “You are anything but boring. Honestly, I could use you being a little tamer if anything,” he says before looking at the computer on his desk. “Oh, I have a meeting in ten minutes, Alex.”

  I lean down and kiss his neck above his buttoned-up collar and the knot of his tie. “I can work with ten minutes.” I’m so pathetic in this moment.

  I feel the laugh in his throat. “I’m sorry, Alex. I need to prepare for the meeting and can’t go in looking like I just had sex.”

  This is unbelievable. I stand up slowly and straighten out the jacket before tying it around my waist, mechanically. I’m frozen by the situation. I can’t get my fiancé to have sex with me. Never a problem I thought I would have.

  He kisses me on the nose before sending me on the way. He might as well have just patted me on the fucking head.

  I drive back to my place really slowly, praying that Shriller is in his room or maybe out with the guys or something. When I reach my apartment, I see that I have no such luck as Shriller turns around from sitting on the couch.

  His eyes take in my appearance and he looks over at me with questioning eyes. “Didn’t go well?”

  That’s an understatement, but do I really want to go there?

  Chapter 16



  uck, Alex looks good. Way too good. I’m almost positive that she’s naked under that jacket. I mean girls don’t wear trench coat style jackets for any other reason, do they? Not to mention it’s May. I have to admit I was a little jealous when she left here, knowing she was going to that fucktard that doesn’t deserve that sort of treat.

  Now looking at Alex though, it doesn’t seem like it went all that great. She’s not sporting that freshly fucked look.

  I expect her to flip me off or tell me to ‘fuck off’ and go to her room, but instead she drops down next to me on the couch. She’s way too close to me, looking like she does. She sighs and finally answers my question, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  I shake my head. “Right. So what happened? You get about halfway there and turn around?”

  Alex stands up and goes into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of wine and pouring herself a glass before sitting down again. “Seriously Shriller, I don’t know what you’re talking about. How was your appointment today?”

  Ah, smooth. Not happening. “Nice deflection, but seriously. Did you go to his office and do the naughty secretary thing?” I look at the make-up on her face, it’s a little heavier than she usually wears it and her hair is up in a lose bun, easy to yank out so it falls down. “Or maybe a seedy hotel for a little cop and prostitute thing?”

  I wag my eyebrows at her and she stares at me with her painted mouth slightly agape. “Why the hell would it be a cop and a prostitute? Wouldn’t a cop just arrest a hooker?”

  I shake my head, “Clearly you aren’t skilled in roleplay. Disappointing.” I joke and then explain., “The cop is supposed to arrest her, but instead he just has to have her. So he just tears her clothes off and fucks her right there.”

  She snorts and takes a drink from her wine glass. “Wow. You’re ridiculous. Why are you so interested anyway? If you are that horny I’m sure you can find some little nitwit at a club to help you out.”

  I lean back into the couch, my legs already propped up on her glass coffee table. “I don’t fuck if it’s going to be subpar and these fucking casts would hinder me. So I just have to live vicariously through my friends.”

  “Afraid word would spread that you are bad in the sack?” she asks, smiling.

  “Hell yeah, girls talk. I’m not an idiot.” She snickers at that and I ask, “So what happened? How far did you get because clearly nothing good happened.”

  “And how do you know that?”

  “Because your lipstick is still perfect and so is your hair. A chick comes to you wearing nothing under a trench coat you destroy her in the best way,” I answer, leaning in a little closer to her face and watch her eyes widen at my answer.

  She licks her lips, subtly and I move back, giving her some space. “For the last time, I am not naked.”

  “Then why do you still have your jacket on and why did you have it on in the first place?” I shoot back.

  “Shriller, why are you so obsessed with what I have on under the coat?”

  I shrug, not really sure why, but trying to play it cool. “I just know you’re lying. The Alex I know would fucking own it. I don’t know who this shy chick is.”

  That seems to ignite a small fire inside of her. “I’m not shy and I’m not lying.”


  She glares at me for a second and seems to be warring with herself before she stands up and sits her now half empty glass on the table. “I’m not bullshitting, asshole. You want proof?”

  Before I can get an answer out, she undoes the belt. My heart is close to exploding from pounding so fast. She pulls the coat open and reveals the sexiest lingerie I’ve ever seen in my life. Black and hot pink matching panties and bra. Her tits are spilling out of the top of the bra and the panties have a little bow on the front to remind guys of the present inside. I take in her sexy fucking curves, where her waist pinches in and flows out at her hips. Tattoos on both of them. Well fuck, I can’t move or speak.

  I don’t get a nearly good enough look before she ties the belt again and sits down in a huff. “Happy?”

  I hear her question but I’m still in a daze. She nudges me in shoulder. Luckily, it’s my left one. I finally snap out of it. “Sorry. I needed a minute.”

  I feel like a horny teenager that just saw his first half-naked girl and my cock is up and ready. I just hope she can’t tell what is going on in my shorts. Of course, can she really expect any other outcome from that tiny peep show. One thing about Alex: she can’t back down from a challenge. I may have used that to my advantage, but I don’t feel as bad about it as I should.

  I clear my throat, trying to get a grip. “So, what happened? How far did you get before you chickened out?”

  “I didn’t chicken out. I went to Stephen’s office. I went inside.”

  “And?” I ask. She’s right. I’m way too interested in all of this.

  She lets out a puff of air, staring right into my eyes. No shyness there. “And…I walked right over to his desk and took control. I ripped open my coat and straddled his lap while he sat in his office chair.”

  My mouth is dry as I listen to the details, our faces intensely close. Wondering how far she will go. “And?” It’s all I can get out.

  She huffs again and then turns back to looking straight ahead instead of at me and lays her head back into the couch. “And nothing. Okay? He was almost horrified. He had a meeting and told me I don’t have to get dressed up to get his attention.”

  What the fuck is wrong with this guy? “So, he just let you leave? Totally untouched?”

  She sits up and grabs her glass again, taking a big gulp before slouches back into the couch. “Yep.”

  “What the fuck is wrong with him?” The question from my thoughts earlier just slips out.

  Instead of looking pissed off she just shakes her head slowly. “It’s like he’s not attracted to me anymore.”

  “Alex, that’s fucking crazy. No guy in his right mind wouldn’t be attracted to you, especially dressed like that.” I gesture to her getup.

  She turns her head to look at me again. “He hasn’t touched me for three months, Shriller.”

  Pretty sure my eyes just bugged completely out of my head. I don’t want to make her feel worse, but three months! “Three months? Seriously?”

  “No, I’m lying about that because it’s so awesome,” she replies sarcastically.

  “Well, why? That makes no sense.”

  “You’re telling me,” she shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t kn
ow, he’s just really focused on work.”

  I shake my head. “You went to him. Dressed like that, spread your legs, straddled his lap and he didn’t throw you down on his desk and fuck you senseless? Sorry Alex, but something is up with that.”

  “He had a meeting.”

  “Fuck, I don’t care if he’s meeting with the president himself. No one would turn that down.”

  Alex looks more defeated than I’ve ever seen her and it pisses me off. “I don’t know, Shriller. Maybe it’s not every guy’s thing.”

  “Sex? Trust me, it is.”

  She shakes her head, “No. That fantasy.”

  Pretty sure she’s wrong about that too. “Maybe he’s gay.”

  She looks at me like that is the most ridiculous thing she’s ever heard. “He’s not gay. We’ve had sex several times before.”

  I shrug, “So there have been married men with kids that come out. Is his family like ultra conservative? You could be a beard, Alex.”

  “You’re an idiot,” she says flatly.

  I laugh, “Hey, shit happens. Or maybe his cock doesn’t work.”

  “That’s what Brooke said and you’re both wrong.”

  “How can you be so sure. You’re on three months of no sex,” I point out.

  “Because I felt it today. That’s not it.”

  I nod and scratch the growing stubble on my chin. “Hmmm…. okay, so then he’s fucking someone else.”

  I can tell my casual tone pisses her off. Maybe I should have said that differently? “No, he’s not. Just like I told Brooke, I know that he isn’t that type of person. He would never do that to me.”

  “Alex, come on. You’re a smart girl. He’s got a smokin’ hot chick like you, but he hasn’t touched you for three months. He’s always at ‘work’.” I use quotation marks in the air to emphasize that maybe he isn’t actually at work, using one hand since the other is currently in a sling.

  She rubs the back of her neck. “He’s not cheating. I just need to figure out how to fix this and soon.”

  I laugh, “Horny, Alex?”

  “It’s been three months, Shriller. I’m dying here.”

  We’ve always been able to talk about sex. Really, Alex has always seemed more like a dude when it comes to this shit, but hearing her admit she’s dying to be fucked is doing crazy shit to my brain. Okay, maybe lower down on my body.

  So I do what I do best. “Well, you know Alex your good friend, Shriller is always available to help you scratch that itch. If you need it that bad my door is always open,” I joke.

  Her hand drops from her neck and she turns to look into my eyes. “You’d do that for me?”

  I search her eyes and tone for any hint of sarcasm. I swear she looks dead serious. “Of course.” I try to make it sound like I’m still joking, but even I’m not sure.

  She leans forward, her nose almost touching mine. “You’re a good friend, Shriller. Offering to help out a friend who is aching for cock.”

  I can’t read her and I’m not sure where this is going. My head and my dick are at war and then I see a small twitch of her lips.

  “You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?” I ask.

  She rolls her eyes and scoots back away from me. “Of course I am. I have a fiancé, Shriller. I would never cheat on him.”

  Well fuck. I’m really losing my touch here.

  Chapter 17



  he next morning, I really don’t want to get out of bed. When the hell did my life get so complicated? My fiancé doesn’t want to fuck me, but I’m pretty sure that if I wanted to last night, I could have had Shriller.

  I laugh at that thought. Thinking about that moment last night, fucking with Shriller’s head. Yeah, I definitely could have had him. He’s a guy though, they are supposed to be horny and ready. At that moment, he wasn’t thinking with his brain.

  I hop out of bed and dredge into the kitchen where Shriller is sitting at the kitchen bar, shirtless as always. He tilts his head to me with a goofy grin. “Mornin’ Sunshine!”

  “Fuck off, Shriller,” I grumble.

  He just chuckles at one of my go to responses. “Well that answers that question.”

  I start to make my morning smoothie and look over at him from across the bar. I’m not sure why I even bother asking because I’m sure it will piss me off. “What question?”

  “Whether or not you had a little vibrator party last night to relive some of that built-up tension. Or are you more a classic, ‘use your fingers’ sort of girl?” He makes a motion with his fingers. “Either way, you’re still pissy, so I’m guessing not.”

  I lean forward on the counter so I’m closer to him. “Shriller, we’ve known each other for quite a while and during that time, I’ve gotten the impression that you really like your balls right where they are.”

  He laughs at that and drops his hand. “Very true. Spectacular placement.”

  I roll my eyes, trying to hide my smile and then I notice the bottle sitting in front of him. Before he can grab it, I do and hold it up, “What is this? You using moisturizer, Shriller?”

  He takes the bottle back. “My manager had it shipped to me. Apparently, it’ll help with the scar.” He points to the red scar on his forehead. It really isn’t that big or even noticeable now.

  My forehead crinkles. “For that? Seriously, are you turning into a chick on me?”

  “Gotta keep my face pretty if I ever want to book another modeling gig.”

  I scoff at that. We all gave him a really hard time when he started modeling a year or so ago. It makes sense though, he’s always been gorgeous in a tattooed and pierced type of way and definitely doesn’t lack confidence. He’s not a Calvin Klein runway type, mostly racing magazines. “I’m sure that the scar just makes you sexier.”

  His lips turn up in a smirk, “Oh Alex, you think I’m sexy?”

  Man, he’s been really flirty lately. Even more than normal. The boredom must really be getting to him. “I said sexier. Not sexy.”

  He laughs, “Nah, you think I’m sexy. You totally want to do me.”

  I shake my head, using my best irritated face. “No, anyone can be sexier. It just means that the scar may add a little something to that ugly mug.”

  He chuckles at that. “I’m gonna go with you want my bod.”

  “Whatever.” I finish making my smoothie and sit on the bar stool next to him. “So how was your appointment?”

  He shrugs. “It was fine. Not much I can do right now. Can’t put much pressure on my knee yet and can just stretch my shoulder. Basically, a waste of time.”

  I shake my head, “Not if you want to get better quickly.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He says waving me off.

  I stand up, “I’m going to go call Stephen and get ready for work.”

  “Oh, ask him how his meeting went for me.”

  I flip him off as I walk down the hallway to my room. I can’t believe I told Shriller everything about my relationship last night. That’ll give him enough ammunition to use against me for a while.

  I take a quick shower and get ready for work. When I’m satisfied with my look I sit down on my bed and call Stephen.

  He answers on the third ring. “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  I smile at the sound of his voice even though I’m still pissed at him from yesterday. “Good morning. Are you busy?”

  Stupid question. “I’m in my office about to meet with a client, but I have some time to talk. Are you okay?”

  “Of course. I just thought I would call you before I go into work.”

  “I’m sorry about yesterday, Alex.”

  I want to tell him it pissed me off. I want to ask him what the hell is going on. Why he didn’t tear that lingerie off of me and throw me down on his desk. Instead I just say casually, “It’s okay. I know that you’re very busy right now.”

  My heart and my brain are screaming at me right now. Calling me a pansy. I just don’t want drama. I w
ant a grown-up relationship.

  “I’m not too busy for you, Alex. I just need to make partner and I’m so damn close.”

  “I know you are and I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thank you. Speaking of that, in about two weeks there is a dinner at the country club for all of the potential partners. They haven’t come right out and said it, but I think it will be the final test to see who is truly ready. We are supposed to bring our significant others, and I would be honored if you would join me.”

  The country club is one of my least favorite places. It’s so stuffy and full of snobs, but for him, I’ll go. “Of course I will.”

  I can tell he’s smiling on the other side of the phone. “That’s great news, Alex. I took the liberty of picking out a dress for you.”

  “You what?” I ask a little taken aback.

  “Well, this is a really important dinner, Alex. I’ve selected a beautiful, elegant dress and had it shipped to you.”

  Wow. He can’t even deliver it himself, I think bitterly, but again I bite my tongue. Maybe Shriller is right. Who the hell have I become lately? “You really didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to. Trust me. You’ll love it. It’s a little different from what you are used to, but believe me you’ll fit right in.”

  That’s something I’ve been avoiding for a long time. I was great at just blending in all of my life before I went to college and had enough of that shit. “Thanks. I guess.”

  Either he isn’t picking up on my hesitation or he doesn’t care. “Well, I have to go. My client is here. Maybe we can have dinner soon.”

  “Sounds great. Have a good day.”

  “I love you. Soon every part of our lives will fall into place.”

  That single statement scares the hell out of me.

  Chapter 18



  hree weeks after my surgery, Jax and I walk into Alex's apartment and I toss my keys onto the table she has by the front door. Jax makes himself at home and grabs us a couple of beers before we both plop down on the couch.


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