Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8

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Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8 Page 6

by GM Scherbert

  Two weeks later I am making my final trip to Cleveland, and find myself thinking about my Peach. Wondering how this man who seems a simple and easy-going guy could have wronged my Peach.

  Lying in wait outside his apartment I watch him for one final night before grabbing him. Making my move before he is even out the door on his way to work the next day. I thought about staging a scene at his work sight, but my wandering thoughts at needing to know how this man got Rebecca. Finding out what happened between them gets the best of me. Forcing him to call-in, I buy myself a day to get out the information I want to know out of him.

  Prez has already reached out to a club here in Cleveland, so clean up will be easier and dealt with by them. Leaving me to get on the road again as soon as this SOB is dealt with.

  Not wanting to waste time, I start the questioning and number four quickly gives me the answers that have lingered with me. He swears that he freed Rebecca from a horrific monster. That he was her savior until he couldn’t keep her anymore and found himself having to give her up. He tells me that he would have never done anything to hurt her or bring her pain, she was his little dove. I find his words almost believable until I notice his eyes wandering towards a stack of tapes and I get the feeling that this shit is about to blow the fuck up.

  Grabbing up one of the tapes, I find the one labeled little dove with a date on it and make my way towards the TV.

  Putting the tape in, I hit play before thinking and the scene that plays out is something that I couldn’t imagine. This man, which he won’t be for much longer, with what seems to be a bible preaching to a boy, who is no older than ten or twelve, about the sins of the flesh. Not wanting to see what I can only fear is coming I keep my eyes plastered on the TV. After a few moments of preaching, this bastard takes his pants down forcing this young boy who now has tears streaming down his face to suck his cock. Speaking of God and repentance the whole while.

  Looking from him to the tape I see the fear in his eyes before turning my head back to the TV. As the scene plays out, I see Rebecca come onto the screen. My Peach is strapped to a chair with a blank look on her face looking on as this fucking bastard violates this young boy, repeatedly. As the camera zooms in on her, I see track marks lining her arms and instantly know that this man is the reason that my Peach is sitting there so blankly. He doped her up to make her a participant in his sick fucking games.

  Not needing to see anymore, I turn the TV off before turning back to number four. He starts to speak before I am able to connect my fist to his jaw but is only able to get out a few words. “See I told you I would never hurt my little dove. I only needed her to witness the…” and with that last word this sick fuck has said his last word. My hatred for what he has done to not only my Peach but to that little boy boils over and the rage takes me.

  Coming back to myself a little while later, I find number four dead, his neck snapped and dick shoved down his throat. I think that might still be too easy of a way for him to have died. Thinking back, I try to recall if he was still alive when I cut his dick off and can’t recall, but I find myself hoping to fuck that he was. Chuckling at the hope that he could have died choking on his own cock.

  Using the burner, I call the club that Prez put me in touch with and let them know that the cleaner is needed and that it might be a little more of a mess than I had previously thought. Within minutes a few members show up at my location and we set about disposing of any trace of me. Their Prez lets me know that this sick fuck has been on their radar for a while, but they have never had any evidence to take him out.

  Telling them about the tapes, they seem to think it’ll be no fucking problem to justify what has happened here to the cop they got in their pocket. Grabbing up the ones labeled little dove I head towards the door after thanking these men with words, along with a large sack of cold hard cash that I had fetched off of my bike. Placing the tapes into my saddle bags knowing that I will destroy them as soon as I fucking can, not wanting them to come into the wrong hands before that. My thoughts drift again to my Peach, and all that she has been through.

  ~Chapter 13


  After that incident at Momma Irene’s house, she had no problem telling me exactly what was going on. Well in so much as to the who and why of the feelings that I get about people watching me. She let me know that Shadow has been looking into my past and has found some troubling things that have made my safety a concern for him. When he found this out almost a year ago, he asked Blaze about protection for me. I have had someone following me since then. I am outraged at the thought of someone watching and following me without my knowledge. I go straight to the source that day right after I learned of it and found myself in the middle of the Devil’s Iron clubhouse.

  I must have been expected or some shit because I had no trouble getting in and I even recognized a few of the men, and women who were there. The first of which is the woman that lives next door to Irene, Sara. She makes her way over to me and the smile that brightens her face is beautiful.

  “Hello Rebecca, fancy seeing you here.” Throwing her arms around me, she squeezes tight before pulling back. “I’m guessing you’re here to speak about Shadow and your little,” nodding towards a young man that has just entered the room she goes on after a giggle spills from her lips, “shadow.” The laughter that now rolls outta her is consuming and brings a smile to my face. “Shadow hasn’t been around much lately, well here anyway, I still see him at The Dungeon, when Gun lets me go that is. I’m guessing today is no exception so you won’t be able to speak with him.”

  “Yes, well it seems that I need to speak with,” thinking back to the talk I just shared with Irene I try to remember the name with no luck. “Fuck, I can’t even remember the name of the guy I need to see.” Running a hand over my hair, I let out a frustrated growl at the realization.

  “Oh, you need to speak with the Prez, Blaze. He should be back in his office with Tank, maybe even Pearl.” Moving a few steps away from me, she turns back when my feet don’t start trailing after her. Tugging on my hand snaps me outta the thoughts that I momentarily got lost in and begins my movement with Sara down the hall.

  Reaching a door, Sara knocks only pausing briefly before we hear a gruff, “Come in.” Stepping into the room, the scene laid out before me is something that shocks me. Sara nods her head toward the situation, and gives me a brief hug before turning closing the door behind her as she goes.

  The room is large and seems to be some sort of office. As I take in my surroundings, I see two men and a woman in the room. The woman is older than me by maybe fifteen or twenty years, she is kneeling next to the oversized desk and almost completely nude. While the men, one of which appears to be older than the woman, and the other must be only five or ten years older than me are across the desk from each other discussing something, fully clothed.

  Wondering at the situation that I have now walked into I find it hard to put words together losing myself in thoughts as to what it is that I have walked in on. Looking between the three people, I feel the panic start to creep in knowing I need to focus. Finding a picture to the side of the desk on the wall, I see these same three people surrounded by three children and instantly know that this “family” is nothing to be scared of.

  “Rebecca, it is nice to finally be able to meet you.” The older of the two men says, coming around from behind the desk. On his way around, he pauses next to the woman, placing a hand under her arm, raising her to her feet. Grabbing up something from next to her, he hands it to her continuing on his way towards me. Finding my focus switching between him and the woman who is smoothing down a dress over her hips, I don’t notice the other man has moved closer as well.

  Discovering myself face to face with these three, I search their faces and instantly feel the domination in each of them. Dropping my eyes down, I feel my chin following before a soft hand is on it raising my focus again and my senses are overtaken by the sweetest smell of lavender.

g towards the men, I see them nod before she speaks. Reaching a hand out to me she takes a lock of hair in her fingers as she speaks, “Oh my, I see why Shadow was taken with you so quickly. You are truly a little treasure.” Pausing briefly her hand falls away before she continues on. “I’m Pearl by the way, these two are my husbands.” Pointing first to the older man, “This is Blaze,” then nodding to the other she drops her hand, “and that one is Tank. They can answer any and all questions you might have about the men that are following you.”

  Moving slowly to a chair on the other side of the room, stretching her body much like a cat as she goes, she stops before settling herself in. Turning back around she adds, “but if you ever find yourself in need of answers of a different nature” looking between the two men and back to me, “maybe about what happens here at the clubhouse, or about being an old lady, or even The Dungeon- please do let me know.”

  “Pearl,” is growled out from both men as she gets comfy in the chair. The older of the two, Blaze continues on. “You haven’t even settled the score from your behavior at The Dungeon last weekend, or your other transgressions these last three weeks. Do you really think that you acting like that is going to get you what you want?”

  “Marcus, it’s not like…”

  “Master,” is snapped out from him silencing her quickly. “I will not have you thinking that you can top either of us. And the way you are acting shows me as much as I need to know. Do turn and face the wall, Pet, you don’t need to be part of this and you should do well to remember that.”

  With that she moves the chair slowly to face the wall and then settles herself back into it. Wondering about the dynamic I am seeing there must be a small smile coming to my face because when I turn back to the men, they both are shaking their heads at me before the younger one speaks.

  “Rebecca, you will do well to remember that anything that goes on between us, our wife, Blaze, and myself is what we all signed up for.” Nodding towards the woman now curled up in the chair facing the wall, “She is acting like nothing more than a spoiled brat right now. She knows better than to act the way she has since you have come into the room.”

  Moving closer to me, he goes on, “We know you are new around here and to this lifestyle, but I think that you have seen more than your fair share of shit. If what Shadow has talked to us about is only a few of the situations that you have been exposed to since you left home I can only imagine how we,” pointing between the three of them, “look to you.”

  Wondering at his words about Shadow and why he would tell anyone especially these men, about what has gone on in my life, has me adding to my dislike of him. “I don’t know why Shadow would speak of me to you at all.” Taking a deep breath, I rub my hands together and steady my nerves before going on, nerves that I have been building slowly since my return from my years with the seven.

  “He definitely doesn’t know what I have gone through and neither do you.” Straightening my back, I look squarely into both their eyes before going on, “Shadow should keep his mouth shut. What has happened to me in the past, is neither here nor there and is not why I am here. I am here to find out why you have men following me.”

  The men’s laughter has me thinking that my words have met deaf ears. Seeing Pearl’s head pop up over the back of the chair and a loud hush sound come from her lips, the laughter is cut off quick. She only shakes her head before turning back and slinking back down onto the chair.

  Turning back to the men, they have silenced themselves and have a more somber look. “Sorry Rebecca,” Tank says, looking towards me. “That little fire you just showed us explains exactly why Shadow has been so taken with you. We always thought that he would never find a woman to settle down with. It has been well over a year since he has taken a woman or sub and we just got a glimpse at the reason why. Long nights at The Dungeon are not always the best for a man- but we are happy that he is so taken with you.”

  “I’m sorry if this sounds dumb, but what the hell is The Dungeon and why do you keep speaking about Shadow liking me? The last time I saw him he talked about how used up I was and how no man would want me in that state, let alone speaking to me about liking me or wanting to be with me. I just want to know why there are men following me.” Looking towards these men, I see their faces drop as they soak in my meaning.

  “Rebecca,” Blaze says, making his way in front of me. “Most of those questions will need to be answered by Shadow. A few of them I feel like you need answers to now.” Gesturing to the chairs in front of his desk I move towards them sitting myself in one before he goes on. “The Dungeon is a BDSM club that Shadow, well the Devil’s Iron runs.” A shocked look crosses my face and Blaze misreads it in a second, “Oh sorry, it’s a bondage club and-“

  Cutting him off I say sharply, “I know what BDSM is- I have had enough of that sick shit in my life during the years I was gone, you can skip the explanation and get to the point.”

  Tank’s answer is swift, “Little girl, don’t mistake the shit that has happened to you with what goes on at The Dungeon. We don’t sell, trade, or barter people.” The look on his face is serious as he goes on. “Everything that happens in our club is consensual and nothing goes on that we wouldn’t approve of. Let alone that everything that happens is between adults and not children of only 16.” Placing a gentle hand on the back of the chair I find myself in, he lowers his voice before going on. “The shit that has been perpetrated on you is far from that. That is one of the reasons that we have the prospects on you.”

  Seeing the question in my eyes he continues on, “While Shadow is looking into the list we need to make sure that those that could want you silenced don’t come looking for you.”

  “What do you mean while Shadow is looking into what? What list is he looking into?” As realization hits I find myself reaching for the piece of paper that has been with me every day for the better part of six years. Rubbing the paper between my fingers I lose myself in a full-blown panic attack with my thoughts lost on number three before I know it.

  Dropping to the floor, I lose myself in thoughts of the time that the list was only three names long and number three found it. The first of only two times that anyone’s eyes except mine were on it. As the memory takes me, I feel soft arms come around me and smell lavender surround me once again.

  Number three had me doing everything for him: not only all the household chores: making all his meals, cleaning the house, washing and pressing his clothes, but he demanded me to bathe him, suck him, stroke him, wipe him, EVERYTHING. Much like his father, number two did, within the first day I was there.

  After only a couple hours with him, I had gotten enough information that I could add his name to the list, right after his father, number two. Knowing he was not a good man, yet wondering how bad of one he was.

  My mind couldn’t find peace most days at number threes house. He would make sure that I was never unaware of where I was or to whom I belonged. Sometimes beating me to remind me of this. It was on the first such occasion that he found my note, the list of names.

  The first time I felt rebellious towards number three, about five days after I had come to him, was when he asked to use me as a urinal. I refused him quickly and he had no problem using his fists and feet to remind me that I had no choice in the matter.

  Stripping me outta my barely there clothing after the beating left me unaware that the list had slipped from my hiding place in my waist band. The moments of silence, waiting for him to penetrate me was all I had. Only that didn’t come- not until later that night at least. What came was cold water, thrown on me then screaming began. The screaming was what keyed me in to the fact he found the list.

  When the beating began again and I heard the door and the voice of his father echo through the house, I thought that I wouldn’t survive the day- but I was wrong- just like I had been so many times before. That beating the two of them gave me left me hanging on by a thread, but the sex that they forced on me after that pushed me over the e
dge. Then to add to my shame, they both used me as the urinal, like number three had wanted to at the start anyway.

  I tried to end my life after that day and would have keep at it until I finished the job if number three had not found something that I held dearer than my own life.

  Momma Irene

  He must have found my step-dad and therefore my old life. Within a week, he had pictures of my old house and the old neighborhood as well. He had photos of Momma Irene attending a funeral. When I looked closer at that photo- I saw the twinkle in number threes eyes as I did it and it was only then that a wicked smile took over his face.

  “I knew you would recognize her.” Moving a step closer he raised his hand to the photo pointing out the open casket and only then did I realize whose funeral this was, Irene’s husband. “It’s so sad when someone we love dies in such an unexpected way. I mean, Irene’s heart isn’t much healthier than her husbands was, right? I hope to fuck something don’t happen to her like it did to her husband.” Running a hand through my hair, he tugs sharply on the end before bringing my eyes to his. “You’d hate that too I’m sure, right Becca, I would hate for you to keep trying to hurt yourself- when the only person that will end up paying is Irene.”

  Tears started to fall at his last mention of her. If there was one person in my life that didn’t deserve what this fucker could do, it was Irene. That’s when I knew that killing myself was no longer an option. I had to endure this so that Irene was safe and nothing further would happen to her. And endure I did, number three had me for almost another year before he finally tired of me and handed me off.

  Snapping myself outta those thoughts, I bring myself back to the here and now and the men in front of me. “The list has nothing to do with Shadow,” rambling to myself I go on. “I don’t even know how he would remember the names. He only had it for a little while and that was well over a year ago.” Focusing again on the task at hand, my eyes focus on Blaze as I go on. “That’s neither here nor there though. I came here to find out why you had someone following me and to get it to stop.”


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