Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8

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Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8 Page 7

by GM Scherbert

  Blaze answers quickly, “Well, little girl, we are just watching out for you and the prospect who have been assigned to you will keep doing it. They won’t stop until Shadow has finished what he set out to do and you are free from your past.”

  Knowing that there is no point in arguing with him I just nod my head for a few moments before turning and walking from not only the room, but the building. Heading to Momma Irene’s house, after getting in my car I know that speaking with her and Preach about the situation is my only next step.

  ~Chapter 14


  After number four I needed to take a little time off and get myself together. He was a sick fuck and the shit that I know he did to not only my Peach but those little boys as well, really got to me. Instead of going after the next name of the list, I decide to lay low and watch over my girl. That’s what lead to the day that I caught her off guard on Irene’s porch. The day I knew she might never be able to truly be mine, that her demons might be too much for her to get over.

  Going to The Dungeon to work after the incidents at Irene’s, is the only way I can get my thoughts together. Less than three hours after I left Irene’s house I am getting a call from Blaze letting me know that my little girl had been to the clubhouse and had no problem standing up to him and Tank. “I can see why she has sparked your interest, Shadow. She is one fucking hellion, and I hope that she gives you as much sass as she had to hand out here. She reminded Tank and I of our wife.”

  Letting me also know that she was more than a little upset by the knowledge that she has had protection this last year and that I have been looking into her past. Blaze tells me that she asked to have the protection removed, but he denied her flat out. Telling her, “Not until Shadow is done with what he needs to do as far as you are concerned, little girl. Done digging into that list of yours, when you are safe from the shadows of your past, and he has claimed you the way he would like. The protection stays indefinitely.”

  Finding myself silenced by his words he is quick to add, “Don’t think for one second Shadow that me and Tank don’t know what has been going on. After meeting your little girl, it seems that Pearl has figured it out as well. And she is someone that you know will be in your business without hesitation. She was on punishment when your little girl came in and had it added to by her behavior when she showed up. It seems our little wife has a lot of issues when there are youngens around to guide.”

  Knowing exactly how Pearl can be when she finds a project or person that she would like to take under her wing I know one things for sure. “Well, I can say for sure that your wife is one of the best people that I can think of to mentor my Peach. Not only in the business of being an old lady, but for the BDSM lifestyle, also. You know as well as I do that’s the truth, brother.” It’s the only honest answer that I can give to my Prez and I don’t shy away from telling him so.

  Hearing the grunt escape his lips, his frustrated answer lets me know that he agrees. “Yea, she has come into her role better than Tank or I ever thought she would. The way she has taken some of the girls under her wing is something that we never thought would happen, but are happy that it did. But, be careful with her Shadow, Pearl will go against any and all advice and rules to do whatever she sees fit. Which has gotten her into trouble more frequently than I, or Tank can count. Treat that little girl how she should be treated, and you won’t have to deal with Pearl about it.”

  Not being able to stop the chuckle that comes, I try to cover it with a cough. “Yes Prez, I remember well enough some of those times when your wife was unstoppable.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Shadow. Aren’t you supposed to be fucking working anyway?” And with that the phone call is disconnected and I know I have brought up something that he would like to leave in the past.

  Pearl has always been one to put her nose where it didn’t belong. After the shit show that happened with Layla and her fucking stogies, then with her misguided thoughts and struggles with her pregnancy she finally came into her own with both of the men she was meant to be with. The way she has stood up and lead not only the other old ladies around the clubhouse, but the subs at The Dungeon has been a true sight to behold.

  Losing myself in work until the next morning I find myself outside my Peach’s apartment as soon as The Dungeon is closed. I know that she won’t be up for a few hours and my thoughts drift to how or when I will talk to her again. I have spent many a night sitting outside of her place, just knowing I am close to her brings me peace. These last few weeks, it is like she knows I am here watching. Sometimes looking outta the window when I’m here, seeming to look right at me.

  Most of the next two months go on in this same manner. When I am not at work, I am keeping eyes on my Peach taking over for the prospects that have been taking the shifts while I have taken care of the list. I have noticed her beginning to come outta her shell more and more and have even seen her going to lunch with Pearl a few times.

  When the thoughts of number four and the sick shit that he did are buried, I know that it’s time to get back to the list. I start my research on number three and know as soon as the weather lightens up a little, I will be heading to Michigan to get a bird’s eye view. The winter weather takes only about three weeks to end and I am in the wind again, finding number three without missing a beat.

  I find Waylon Flags Jr. without much of a problem and know that this will be a twofer. His father and him will need to be taken down together seeing that they are both so twisted up in this fucking shit. These two will take longer than any of the other seven for the simple fact that these men are fucking loaded and the security that they both have covering their asses is extensive. It takes me about six months to get a couple guys- well a new company handling security that can help out when I will need it down the road.

  Dropping their security was easy considering I had put a few allies into the mix, about three months back. After the security company that both the Flagg’s used couldn’t handle them anymore and just so happen to recommend Knights security, as in the Knights MC, my plan started to take shape.

  The Knights MC was eager to repay the favor owed to the Devil’s Iron when Blaze called it in to them those months back. Polack, Joker, and Pinch, the Knights new Prez, VP, and SOA, owed the Devil’s after we ripped that sick son of a bitch Clutch, their former Prez apart. They have been inside working with those sick fucks for six months.

  I will only have one shot at these stupid fucks and I want to make sure that everything is done right. My years spent serving our country overseas again is put into play. I know that once I have their patterns down, and have a plan together- I’ll only get one shot at taking them out. I end up spending almost a year following them, first the son then the father before I feel like I have a good enough grasp on what I would like to do to these depraved fucks.

  I wait for the weather to turn nice, much like I did when I started my hunt of these two, before making my move. As soon as it does, my plan is set to action. Tank breaks into their calendars and gives me the time frames of when they will be together. It ends up that I will be hitting them in Chicago seeing that they will be together there frequently over the next two months. My home turf gives me a little more comfort being able to have my own clean-up crew and know which of the cops on our payroll will be working the case.

  Spending the last weekend of April working, I soak up my off hours watching over my Peach. I have been away more weekends than I have been home this last year watching over these two men and I know that things have started to shift in my Peach. I have heard and occasionally seen that not only is my Peach blooming in her work, schooling, and personal life, but she has shown interest in the BDSM lifestyle. Talking with not only Pearl, Sara, Heather, and Ember but, coming in frequently on newbie night to The Dungeon. Knowing that my chance before she is comfortable enough to take her personal life by the horns, with or without me is closing, I know now is the time to hit the Flags. The sooner I can get the next names off the l
ist the closer I will be to having what I truly want.

  When Monday morning rolls around, I head into Chicago and run through the paces of my plan. Knowing the son will be here Thursday and is not scheduled to leave until Sunday, it seems to be the perfect time. Waiting for number two to go to work Tuesday, I make my way into his penthouse knowing from my pervious surveillance that he only keeps on the house staff Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

  Checking on a few bugs that I placed when I started to keep an eye out I know I only have about another hour before I need to make my way back out. Not before I make sure to riffle through not only his office for evidence of their deranged behavior, but the only other room in his house that is locked, an extra bedroom. I find this locked room to be some sort of fucked up play room. It has not only BDSM equipment inside of it, but more deranged instruments that would look more at place in a torture chamber.

  Digging through another couple drawers inside this room, I find a safe and know whatever is in here is exactly what I need. Breaking in the safe takes longer than I’d like, but some of the techniques I haven’t used in going on twenty years were rusty. Grabbing up the documents inside the safe I know instantaneously what these papers are, sale receipts. These receipts aren’t for normal run of the mill shit though, they are used to sell fucking people. Some of the markings on them takes me back to a human trafficking ring that we were sent to infiltrate in Iraq in the 80’s.

  I am not quite sure how long Rebecca was with number two, but I know she was with number three a year. Looking through the records I head to the dates around the time that Rebecca left her home and find exactly what I am looking for.



  Finding her entered into the records, I see that she was here with number two well over a year. Seeing that her father was the one to pay to begin with, leaves a hole in me. I knew that he was a piece of shit, but to sell your own child into this life, to these sick fucks is something I couldn’t imagine. That’s when my eye goes back to the second entry, her sale to number three.


  The words run through my head as it hits me, she was pregnant while she was here with him. Number two took not only her purity but got her pregnant and keep her until the girl was born and had six months of breast milk, exactly six months, sends a shiver through me.

  The thought that my Peach has a child somewhere that she has never mentioned strikes a sour chord with me. How can she not be missing a piece of herself, something that was taken away from her? How can she be so heartless when it comes to her own flesh and blood? Or has she blocked out the child and everything that happened to her when she was here?

  Knowing this child has been added to what I need to take care of. I focus back on the task at hand taking note that there were well over twenty-five other people entered into the log during the time that she was here. Some for only a day or two, but a bulk of them for months at a time. Wondering where these people were kept, I take photos of the log and put it back in its place.

  Covering my tracks, I exit the penthouse and need to see my Peach. Finding myself outside her job an hour later, I sit there needing to get my mind around the new information. I finally feel like I have a handle on myself as soon as Rebecca has come out of work for the day and makes her way back to her apartment. Calling the prospects back over, I head home finalizing my plans for numbers two and three.

  Watching two the next day I pick up on little things that should have keyed me in to the trafficking that he was doing. Being outta the game all these years have dulled my skill set it seems. The security that both he and his son have should have been a fucking red flag to me about the illegal shit they had going on early into this surveillance.

  As three pulls up to the penthouse the next night, I see the resemblance between these two and my mind wanders to the little girl. Knowing I will not leave this place on Saturday before knowing what happened to her, I feel somewhat more at peace knowing that at least I should be able to fill in one of the holes that have been ripped into my Peach’s heart.

  I get little sleep over the next two days, keeping constant tabs on one of the two while one of my brothers keeps tabs on the other. They flit about in their daily lives not knowing that these are the last days they will live.

  When Saturday rolls around, I find myself eager to be one step closer to having this list complete and claiming my Peach. Grabbing the son when he heads out for morning coffee, I dump him at the clubhouse for Tank to entertain until I have his father as well. Which happens about an hour later when number two leaves the penthouse for a meeting. Taking him to the clubhouse, I waste no time getting them into the van headed for the warehouse where they will die.

  Tank and Gun ride along to the warehouse, and help get these fuckers into place before stepping outside to sit guard. Looking at my watch I see it’s going on 12pm, giving me a little over eight hours before the cleaners will be showing up. Knowing that my brothers are outside lets me do what I need to do with little worry about anyone coming to disrupt me, which is exactly why I have asked them to stay and keep watch.

  Wasting no time, I grab up number two and start in on him, not knowing how long it will take to get the information that I need. Where the little girl that my Peach had is living. Pulling him onto a tarp that I have set up within full view of his son, I bind him to the chair. Roughing him up a little, I wait until he knows that I am serious before I say a word. As the questioning begins, he acts like I have the wrong man for a good ten minutes before his tongue starts wagging, answering every question that is asked of him. The answers start flowing especially easy when the pictures that I have of his log book come out.

  I find out the main players in his trafficking ring are. Calling in Tank, I have him check into the information before I put this piece of shit to ground. As Tank starts up his computer, I start asking him about my Peach and the little girl that she had.

  “I need information on a particular girl that you,” looking between father and son, “both had.” Without missing a beat, the son answers, “Becca? I knew that little cunt was more trouble than she was worth.” Looking towards his father he adds, “We should’ve taken that bitch out the moment she thought she was to…” Moving towards him quickly, I land a punch to his face before he is able to go on.

  “Shut the fuck up,” is growled out from his father as I stalk towards him. “What do you want to know about her? Did one of her owners finally break her? I thought I had gotten her young enough that she wouldn’t question me, because lord knows I am too old for that shit. I thought she wouldn’t question what was going on with the others, but after that little girl came from her cunt she grew the fuck up right quick. Figuring out that she was not whatever princess that she believed herself to be.”

  Looking towards his son, he shakes his head as he continues. “I thought Jr. would be able to do the job like I had taught him, but he failed me in that as well, getting rid of her for a nice price instead.”

  The rage running through me as he yammers on only increases. Holding my hand up I ask the only other question that I give two fucks about. “Where is the girl, her daughter?”

  The father looks at me and laughs. “Her little fucking bitch was dead before I sold her to Jr. She thought that because it was mine that would stop me, but she was fucking wrong. I made sure she watched from the bed, when I put that little girl down, drowning her in old bath water like the saying goes.”

  Moving my arm up towards number three the sound of my gun silences this asshole before I hear any more of his sick shit. The roar of pain I hear spilling from number three however, is like music to my fucking ears. Looking back towards him I see that my aim was dead on, he no longer has a dick to rape little girls with. The blood spilling down his legs is barely visible on his dark pants. His groans of pain start and I know that I wouldn’t be able to listen to them for long. Moving slowly towards him, I won
der if he has picked up on the fact that he won’t be leaving this fucking place alive. His pleading begins and in that second, he knows what is about to come and the smile that comes to my face reaches from ear to fucking ear.

  Laying into him, I don’t hesitate with my hits as I begin to pummel him. Hearing his father speak draws me outta the trance I have found myself in. Pulling my gun, I waste no time shooting this bastard between the eyes. Immediately I regret letting his son off so easily. The slow drip of blood that trickles down his face does nothing to quiet his father. If anything, the man is louder now, screaming about the money he will give me if I just let him live.

  Turning back to number two, I know that some of my fury will be used up on him. Thinking of all the horrors that he has done to my Peach, let alone the tens of hundreds of others will do what it needs to keep my head in the game.

  Turning to Tank I cut the distance between us, lowering my voice as I ask, “Did the information check out? I hope to fuck that it did, cause I’m not sure how much more he will be rambling on now that he knows I am serious. I couldn’t handle listening to him keep jabber jawing on about my Peach.”

  Nodding his head, Tank speaks low in response. “I can’t believe that you shot the kid like that, I mean, I looked into him and he was no fucking saint. Don’t get me wrong, he deserved to die, but if that was me I would’ve tore him limb from fucking limb drawing that shit out as long as possible, for all the lives that he has ruined. Hearing about how he told Jr. to drown that baby, his fucking baby, Jr.’s fucking sister, like it was nothing, Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck’s wrong with them?”


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