Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8

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Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8 Page 9

by GM Scherbert

  As the last words slip outta my mouth, Rebecca bolts up and outta the bed. “Fuck you, Shadow. Don’t fucking talk to me about things that you know nothing about. You don’t get to sit there and ask me anything about her. She is none of your concern and neither am I for that matter.” Grabbing up her lingerie, she is trying to rush from the room before even putting them on.

  As she reaches the door, I am barely able to slam it shut before she makes her escape. Glancing down at her, I see nothing but anger and hatred in her eyes, and I’m not sure where this night went wrong. “Peach, calm your ass down. I don’t know what happened right there that has you so fucking upset, but I can tell you that there is nothing for you to feel…”

  Cutting me off she growls out, “You don’t get to tell me how to feel.” Moving her hand wildly between the two of us she goes on, “This thing between us is nothing. Just because you think you know me, that you have looked into my past, and know what it was like for me with those fucking men. You are fucking wrong, and just because you’ve had your dick inside me, doesn’t give you, as it shouldn’t have with the others, any other ownership over me. Now get the fuck outta my way.”

  Grabbing up for the door again, I slam my arm against it stopping her, throwing the lock closed as I go. “That’s where you are wrong my little Peach. I have owned you for years. Since the first time I saw those brown depths haunted with memories from your past. Since that first time that we touched and I felt that jolt between us. Since the first moment I slipped inside you in that fucking dirty ass gas station bathroom, I know that I had found something. Something that I didn’t want, something that I wasn’t looking for. Something that wasn’t ok.” Moving my hand up to her face, I grasp a strand of hair tugging lightly on it before going on, “Don’t deny this thing between us.” Dropping my voice, I back myself up against the door, putting myself between her and the exit, “It won’t end up going well for you.”

  Moving her head up, her eyes pierce through mine as they meet, the anger I saw in them only moments before is gone, replaced now with nothing except for fear. Without missing a beat, she screams “Halt” loudly bringing the hall monitor to the door in mere moments. As he opens the door, Peach slips behind him making her escape from me, her past, and whatever this thing is between us.

  ~Chapter 17


  The feeling of Shadow inside me, taking me how he wanted is something that I will never forget. When he sank deep inside my ass I only lasted moments before I started to feel something that I can only express as flight. It was like I was outside of my body, absolutely fucking beautiful. Memories that will last in my mind as I touch myself, as I fuck myself in the days to come.

  When Shadow mentioned Lilly, I’d barely regained consciousness from that bout of amazing sex. Him speaking about the little girl that I lost, blaming me for what happened, for not keeping her safe, or even acknowledging to anyone that she was real, was just too fucking much for me. I try my best to put her to the back of my mind. I haven’t spoken about her to anyone- not even the OB-GYN when they spoke to me about the fact that I had given birth. Asking me non-stop for an hour about where the child is. Thankfully Irene was not with me, well in the exam room with me at that particular appointment, giving me some privacy for that one thing.

  Shadow has no right to talk to me about the things that happened during all the years that I was gone. As I get up to make my way from the room, Shadow rushes towards me, holding the door closed to me. I panicked as he forced himself against the door and I had no exit, something snapped inside of me and I called the house safe word, without hesitation.

  Sneaking past the large hall monitor that opened the door at my scream, I head directly to the locker room. Changing quickly, I make my escape, but know better than to go home, he will just show up there. I head to the only other place that I have called home in years.

  It’s going on two in the morning as I pull up to Momma Irene’s house which is dark as hell. Cutting the engine of my car, I’m not sure if I should be heading somewhere else, when first a hallway light, then the kitchen light, and finally the porch light goes on. Swinging the door open, Preach stands wide in the frame, and cuts the distance to me. Opening the driver side door, he wastes no breath on talking, scooping me up and carrying me into the house.

  Before I register what’s happening, Irene is in the room, on the phone. Tears start following as I think again about the past. About the man that I can’t keep my thoughts off of. The men that have come before him. The man that hurts me with his words. The men that I am starting to put behind me. The only man I have ever wanted to be buried inside me. The men that have made my present so harsh. The man that won’t leave my thoughts.

  Hearing a female voice pulls me outta my thoughts of him and the seven. Sitting up, I adjust my clothing and hair before getting up and barely making it to the doorway before I see who has shown up and is on her way down the hall to me, Pearl.

  “Oh, little treasure, what has happened to you?” Pulling me close we make our way back to the bed and sit together for long moments before she speaks again. “I got a call from Irene after I was already on my way over here. Shadow had called and let me know what had happened and knew that you would need to speak to someone.”

  Tenderly rubbing a hand over my back, she waits for my tears to stop before going on. “Shadow only told me bits about what was happening when you used your safe word and ran outta the room. Rebecca, please tell me what happened. I can’t help you if I don’t know what has happened.”

  Continuing to rub my back, I am lulled into such a sense of peace and comfort I think that I would tell this woman anything. Instantly making me wonder how many children this woman has, because she has such a caring nature.

  Drawing in a deep breath, I start at the beginning. Speaking to her about not only my father, the other seven, but about Shadow and the feelings I have for him. I feel drained when I finish, and wonder how long I have been talking.

  Looking to Pearl, I see a slow recognition come to her face and wonder what she is thinking of. The stories I have shared are anything but happy and she can’t possibly relate to me. She has the love of not only one but two men. The way they care for her is evident in all things. I might not have seen it the first time I met them at the clubhouse over a year ago. But, since that time I have had the joy of watching them interact on many newbie nights at The Dungeon. The love, trust, and honesty that they share leave me to question her knowing look.

  A questioning look must cross my face as Pearl speaks. “Oh Rebecca, we have all gone through shit in our lives that we wish wouldn’t have happened. Shit that has scared some of us so much,” pausing briefly she runs a hand over a few of the butterfly tattoos that I have added these last few months. “Some scars are inside, some on the outside as you well know. They’ve served to make us stronger and test our will to not only live, but survive and thrive. You are not alone in any of the things that have happened to you even though sometimes, I know, that it feels like that. And you need to make sure those memories, those scars don’t get to you, don’t tread on the path that you are currently setting yourself on.”

  Nodding my head in agreement, I know that this woman has lived through so much. Wondering at what it might have been, I don’t even get to ask the question as she starts in on her past.

  “My first husband was not a nice man,” raising her eyes from mine she continues on. “When I found him dead, he left me with two small children to raise on my own. After a few years of that, I met Abraham and fell hard for him. Coming into the BDSM world as well as being an ol’ lady, letting him own me was something that I fought against. Hard enough that a few of the lessons I learned brought me to the realization that all things are not as cut and dry as some might think.”

  Her face drops as her memories slowly spill forth, “One of the club girls didn’t take a liking to me with Tank, setting me up for a hard fall.” Taking a deep breath, she goes on, “Layla, had me raped and be
aten by her brother and another man, which Abraham mistook for rough sex- during a party that was to celebrate him claiming me.” A tear slowly slips from her eye as she continues, “Leaving me to the men, he ran from the betrayal he thought happened and didn’t return for months. The same night of the rape and beating, I found out that I was pregnant.”

  “Over the next months, Layla had my children taken from me one night. That same night she had thoughts of taking me out, but I taught her a lesson, with a tire iron, she would long remember. Although, I’m not sure how long forever turned out to be for her.” Smiling at the thoughts, Pearl speaks again, “By the time that Abraham returned, I had fallen for Marcus and kneeled down before him as my Master.”

  Reaching a hand over to me, lightly stroking my cheek, she goes on. “But, my heart could not settle for only one of them to love when faced with them both. I struggled with myself at the realization, and ran from my feelings. After we had finally come back to each other, and knew that they were each an owner of my soul another tragedy struck. A vehicle that I was in with Ember and our children was driven off the road. Our baby boy, Rebel came to us early and I,” more tears are now falling as she quietly speaks, “lost my ability to have more children.”

  “He’s one hell of a fighter though, much like his daddies, pulling through with no complications.” Looking again at the tattoos covering the burns, she meets my gaze. “You see, little treasure? Each person has a map to their lives, we all need to make sure that our previous path doesn’t dictate our future course.”

  Speaking up at the revelation, “That’s what happened tonight.”

  “Yes, from what Emmanuel told me, I was guessing as much. Did it have to do with the sex?”

  “The sex, no, he is the only man that I have ever wanted to be with. Wait, Emmanuel?”

  The laughter that next spills from Pearl is almost contagious. “I forget how little you two truly know about each other. How little time you have spent with each other. Someday, little treasure, that will change.”

  Pushing up off the bed, she moves towards the door, “Emmanuel is Shadow’s real name.” And with that she opens the door and makes it a few steps before throwing back over her shoulder, “It will be something watching the two of you come together. And I for one look forward to it. For now, please do call and we will get together and talk more, whenever you’d like.”

  The light streaming into the room lets me know that it is long since my bed time. Getting up I make my way to Irene and give her a tight hug before putting myself back together and heading home. As I get into my car I know that he is there behind me, following me, the peace I usually feel is still there, now however there is confusion as well.

  This confusion comes and goes many times during the next two years. Seeing Shadow, no Emmanuel face to face, but every few months. Finding ourselves in much the same situation each time with misunderstandings and transgressions coming between us before we are able to talk. My fears mix with his doubts.

  I find myself struggling to learn more about this life, more about this submission that I have only just began. It leads me to The Dungeon and the men and the women that have found it so rewarding. Each and every time that I think I might have found someone to help, someone to teach me, a man that I think I could learn from, he is there. Taking me from the man and showing me a side of him that is almost tender before he says something that triggers my flight.

  Pearl has been a constant companion after these instances. Coming to help me each time I run, each time I can’t keep it together long enough to work it out with him. Sharing herself with me, and in turn her life, and the lives of a lot of the ol’ ladies in the MC.

  Another constant companion after these instances are my doctors. Each time I find myself face to face with Emmanuel, I think that this will be the time that we are finally going to be able to get through the shit. But no, months go by and the cycle repeats. Like the last two years, knowing that he is there watching me, but not talking with him hasn’t been strange enough. Knowing he brings himself to the forefront, fucking me into submission, into sub space, but then just fucks it up, again.

  These things must change, I must be able to move forward from here. With or without Shadow, I must learn how to go on and not only survive, but strive in my skin. With or without Shadow, I must be able to learn more about myself. With or without Shadow, I will learn more about not only myself but this life. With or without Shadow, I will learn more about my submission.

  With or without Shadow, I will do just that, even if I need to leave this place to do it.

  ~Chapter 18


  After the first incident at The Dungeon, it took my Peach months to come back. During that time my watchful eye was still on her from afar. And in days when it was too much for me to watch or I needed some sort of a break, I would watch her step-father. Number one is little more than a drunk, working these last fifteen years at the same factory job, first shift. From what I have seen, his life involves little other than work, a stop at the tavern, then a stop at the liquor store before he is finally home.

  When my Peach finally comes back to The Dungeon, she has been to her psychologist more than usual and I am guessing that she had worked through whatever it was that drove her off. She also has new ink covering one of the scars that mare her gorgeous body. After that, a pattern seemed to form between the two of us.

  She would come every few months, I would get jealous at something, taking her to a room, fucking her, then we would fuck it all up in one way or another. Or something that we were doing would trigger a memory from the seven and she would leave without a word. Never getting it right, well not until about two years later. Four long years after I first laid eyes on my Peach.

  That night I was unlucky enough to be working the front door. I was taken back seeing her so close, for the first time in months. It was longer this time, almost six months, since I had seen her. The last time we were together I tied her up, and caned her ass after seeing the fresh ink covering her. Over what I can only guess were slices from a knife, she has tattooed: I II III IV V VI VII each inside of an intricate infinity sign. I wouldn’t have acted so harshly to her if I hadn’t noticed the ink and known what it was there for- but once I saw it I couldn’t help but take control and show her that those men, the seven mean nothing.

  Coming in with Pearl, Tank, and Blaze had me wondering though. I know that Pearl will Domme Ember but I didn’t think that my little Peach would be the same. As the night went on though, I found that those thoughts were wrong, Pearl was not here with my Peach, but more so as a buffer. For me!

  Rebecca found herself talking with a man I knew little of, I quickly find myself in Blaze’s office with no rhyme or reason other than wanting it to stop. Asking for the man to be removed from the premise, Blaze laughs as he answers. “Shadow, you know as well as anyone that she is free to speak with, scene with, or fuck anyone that she would like. Don’t come in here demanding that things happen you know damn well will not happen.”

  Looking between me and the monitors that are on his desk he goes on, “Go back to the door. When you get done with your shift tonight, go speak with the girl- hear her out and for fucks sake actually listen to the words that she is saying. You have waited so long to stake your claim, if you wait much longer she will be in the wind brother. She has been spending so much time with not only Pearl, but all of the ol’ ladies as well, and if the gossip is to be believed, your little Rebecca is thinking about making a move. She has been here with us for going on four years, brother, that’s a long time for her to wait. I know some of that time she needed to heal and I don’t blame you in the least for giving her that, but four fucking year’s man it’s too fucking long. You need to figure your shit out and right quick if you want her.”

  Nodding my head, I turn and make my way from the room, walking through a dimly lit hallway, I can’t help but notice the same man who was with my Peach earlier tonight. He has a sub pushed up against a wal
l and his hands are moving down her flesh towards her ass. That’s when I notice the butterflies, and only see red. Pushing this man away, I have Rebecca up over my shoulder in a moment. Moving towards an open room down the hallway, I faintly hear the man trailing after us. Turning, the look of murder on my face must be enough of a warning for this man to back the fuck off, because he stops dead in his tracks and turns the fuck around at that one look.

  Dropping my voice low, I growl out at her, “You are mine, Peach. I might not see you every day or be with you in the ways that most are, yet. But you are mine and I will not tolerate another man touching that which is mine.”

  Closing the door behind us, I lock us in before making the short walk over to the bed, and placing her down on it. Running my hands down her legs, I can’t help but appreciate the extra weight that she has gained these last months. I couldn’t stop thinking about her the first time I saw her with those haunted brown eyes and she was rail thin. Now though she is rounded and soft and those eyes are less haunted.

  Running my hands back up her legs, a shiver runs over her body as I do so. Reaching her panties, I stop to slowly strip them down her body, inhaling her scent as I go. Pushing her legs apart, I leave my hands rested on her thighs, not being able to stop myself from a taste, she just smells too damn good to pass it up, even if my cock is straining my leathers.

  “You smell so sweet my Peach, I have to have a little taste of you. Scream out my name when you are coming on my tongue.” Swiping my tongue over her drenched heat I can’t help but grunt at her taste. Looking up to her I see in her eyes the answer to my question but want to hear the words. “Let me hear you, my Peach. Will you be screaming out my name like I have told you?”

  “Yes, Shad...” cutting her off I am quick to correct her. “Not Shadow, not to you, never again to you. We are past the time for these things and I am not going to settle for less than what I want.” Running a finger down her thigh the light touches are a sharp contrast to the hard slap I then land. Watching for long moments as her skin starts to color and flush with my handprint. “I’m Emmanuel in most things to you from here on out. But, in this” running my tongue over her again I make sure that I have her eyes when I finish my thought. “In this, you will always and forever call me Papi and nothing else. This is the last time that we do this little dance, my Peach. After I sink into you tonight, you are mine and I don’t give a fuck what anyone has to say about it. This shit between us these last two years, this dance we have been doing when you come into The Dungeon, when I fly off the handle seeing you with another man, when I fuck you, when you submit to me that dance must end. You might not know much about this lifestyle and you might not be there yet, fuck I don’t think I am ready either. But, you will know that I own this body, and you will thank me for everything that I see fit to give to you.”


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