Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8

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Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8 Page 10

by GM Scherbert

  Lazily running a finger up her thigh, I find her pussy and run my fingers around her, until I hear a small moan and the name Emmanuel escape her lips. When that moan has started to die down, I push two fingers deep into her. Pulling them out, I continue an assault until the moan is about to begin but stop short asking “My Peach, you haven’t answered me correctly yet. What is it that you will be calling me when we are here at The Dungeon?”

  “Papi,” comes out on a breathless whisper before I put three fingers inside and attack her clit with my mouth, until those sweet sounds are spilling from her lips again and she is screaming out, “Papi,” into the room.

  Making her come on my mouth brings a joy to me that I have not felt in these long months since I had been buried inside her tight ass. My cock is straining, but when she calls me Papi, I think that I fucking lose it. I have one hand pulling my cock from my pants and I am crawling up the bed, towards my Peach.

  Finding her mouth, a small gasp escapes her as she tastes herself on my tongue. Only driving me on, I am buried inside of her before we pull back for air. Driving deep inside her, I hold still letting her body adjust to me for only a brief time. When I feel her nails digging into my back and her legs wrapping around me, there is no other encouragement needed.

  Fucking her hard, I am not sure when the knocking started, but I finally hear it as my cock is getting squeezed tight from her orgasm, cumming deep inside her. Throwing a blanket over my Peach, I stride towards the door and throw it open without pause.

  “Blaze, what the fuck do you want. Why the fuck have you come here and interrupted me? No, interrupted us?” Seeing the look in his eyes, I am not sure if he is pissed, irritated, surprised, or what. That doesn’t last too long as he pulls me forward slamming his hand into my face.

  “Shadow, there are rules in this place for a fucking reason, and I had best hope that you, my door man, the guy that basically runs this fucking place would follow those rules without hesitation. But no, that isn’t what seems to be happening tonight, fuck the last two years where she is involved is it?”

  Looking to the bed behind me, Blaze is shaking his head before continuing on. “You are supposed to be at fucking work for fucks sake. But, here you are fucking her in a room instead. Who the fuck do you think you are? Did you seriously take her from the man that she was talking with, no getting ready to scene with, without a word?”

  Knowing where he is headed with this little speech, I drop my chin and nod my reply. Knowing that nothing I say will help or be used to explain away the driving need that I had as soon as I saw that man with his hands on her. I fucked up, and fucked up big time.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I notice that Rebecca has gotten up and is dressing herself back into her clothing. Moving towards her, his arm shoots out at me, stopping me short. “No Shadow, you won’t go to her right now. She is not yours, I don’t see a collar or ink on her so she doesn’t belong to you. You need to hear me out and we need to deal with this fucking situation. I will get Pearl to take care of Rebecca, as she has been doing these last months as well, might I add. You go and get dressed and meet me in my office.” Pushing me in the direction of my leathers, Rebecca moves towards him around the other side of the room. “Shadow, you have five minutes to get to my office.”

  And with that he turns and moves towards the door with Rebecca in tow. Her head turns around and the tears I see have me questioning what the fuck is wrong. It’s not her ass that is in trouble, it’s mine. I just can’t stop myself when someone’s hands are on her. Thinking back to the seven and the men that I have killed for her, I remember that with each man the thoughts of what they did to my Peach had me pushed to the edge.

  Maybe I will be getting some time off of work from this little fucking shit show tonight, and I will finally be able to deal with her fucking step-dad.

  Pulling on my leathers, I move quickly out the door and down the hall towards the back office. Finding the door open, I head in and see not only Blaze but, Pearl and Tank as well.

  “Where the fuck is Rebecca?” I growl out looking from one to the next.

  Pearl is the first to answer stepping towards me quickly as she does. “She’s fine, Shadow. She is in the locker room showering and getting herself together with Ember. I will head there as soon as I get a chance to speak my mind with you.”

  Looking back towards her husband’s she goes on, “You need to think about what you have been doing with that girl, Shadow. You have been burying her past for going on four fucking years. She will not want to be alone forever. I see the way that you look at her and after her and she doesn’t even know the half of it. Does she?” Staring at me, she reaches out to me, “She is starting to come into her own, not only in herself and her job, but with her friends. Asking about The Dungeon, about what it’s like to be a sub to serve a master, even about being an ol’ lady. If you want to be the one to teach her, the one to show her what the life is like before someone else gets their hands on her, you best be finishing this work, this list off. If you don’t finish up and think this through, finally claiming her, talking this shit through with her. Emmanuel if you don’t do it soon, I am afraid you will lose her, forever.”

  Nodding my head at her words, she moves past me shutting the door behind her as she leaves. Looking back at the men, they motion to the chairs in front of the desk, and I put myself in one, waiting for my Prez and VP to lay into me. Knowing that I must go to her, and claim her as my own or she will be in the wind.

  ~Chapter 19


  This thing that has been between us, these last two years has only added to my confusion having me ready to get the fuck outta town. After the first time at The Dungeon two years ago, I ran to Irene’s and Pearl came and shared so much with me, I thought that I would be able to stay away. Keep my thoughts off the man that seems to consume me. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

  I was back at The Dungeon about three months later. After spending that three months talking with my therapist and working through the trigger that forced me to run, I think I am ready. The ink that followed that episode was cathartic and helped me to be reminded that although I had been through so much, nothing has broken me, yet.

  The triggers that happen during those episodes with him at The Dungeon, each take months to work through with each followed up by some heavy therapy with Dr. Feelgood and some sort of fresh ink. When I would finally get a handle on one trigger or episode, I would head back to The Dungeon and think I was ready, but another trigger would come out. Then I would work through that one for a few months, before returning. The pattern repeating every three or four months for the next two years. Pearl or one of the other ol’ ladies would take turns watching over me the nights that I would finally decide to give The Dungeon a try again.

  Knowing that this thing between us, is not only a struggle in me, but now is affecting Shadow- I know that it is time for me to finally leave. As Shadow is in talking with Blaze and Tank, I am packing up my stuff outta my locker, with Ember sitting watch. Pearl comes in a few moments later and looks to what I am doing, nodding to Ember, “Little treasure, where is it that you think that you are going? It looks to me that you might be running away, and now when you have just started to make progress.”

  Dropping my head down, “It’s just too much, Pearl. I have struggled with this whole thing for a long time, and now that Shadow is getting in trouble by being with me, it’s time for me to leave.”

  Raising my eyes to her, I see a flash of something in them before going on. “For fucks sake it’s not like Shadow and I are even together or have even done anything outside of The Dungeon. Pearl, you know as well as I do that just because our attraction to each other is off the charts doesn’t mean that we would make it. Sometimes the world just gets in the way I guess.”

  Moving towards me she takes a seat on the bench patting the space next to her. Waiting for me to sit, she smiles and takes my hand in hers before speaking. “You have to know how much he cares
for you, Rebecca. Emmanuel is a good man and has struggled with the idea of being with you. Not because of you but because of your past.” Seeing my face drop at the memories, Pearl tugs on my hand causing my head to shoot up. “STOP it little treasure! He has never once made you feel any less about what has happened to you no matter how much time you have spent together.”

  “Pearl, he has brought up my past, multiple times and each time has not ended so well.” I say looking from her to Ember and back again.

  Ember is the next to speak. “Rebecca, this shit has been going on for years, it needs to fucking stop. We each can see the struggle in you and feel for you each step of the way. You know that we,” pointing between herself and Pearl, “have been dealt rough fucking hands in life. We have seen you overcome one obstacle after another and watched you become so much stronger as you have gone. Let me tell you from personal fucking experience, that running is not going to make anything easier.” Losing herself in thought, Pearl heads over to her, wrapping her arms around her tight before she continues. “Shadow is a good man, just like Doc, and I know that you two are meant to be together. I think it is time for you to deal with it head on- instead of this pussyfooting around.”

  “But, what if he loses his job or gets in trouble with the brothers because of me?” I say pushing more of my belongings into my bag.

  “My husbands are making sure that his shit is in order if I know them. Giving him a push to finally claim you in the way that he should’ve years ago.”

  “Blaze was so angry though, the way he spoke to Shadow. I’m not sure if you are right, Pearl.”

  The wide smile that comes to her face makes me think I might have misjudged the situation. Because she surely knows her husbands more than I do.

  “That’s where you are wrong, little treasure. My husband’s may seem like they are big badass bikers, which they are, but their hearts are even bigger than that, especially where one of their brothers is concerned. They will do anything that is needed to make sure that everyone gets exactly what they need.” Turning from me to Ember, she strokes a hand down her face, going on, “Especially, if it is something that they would like to see happen as well.”

  With that thought, my hand falls away from my bag. Looking at these women, who are both married, yet clearly have something between them, makes me think about what may be possible. That they, and all the ol’ ladies, have been through so much yet, they have all blossomed into such great people and friends to me. From Pearl and Ember, to Sara I know that these women are what I can only hope to become.

  “He has done countless things to prove that he loves you Rebecca, you might not have knowledge of any or all of them, but trust in it.” Pearl stands making her way back over to me. “Can you honestly tell me that he doesn’t make you feel? Have you sick to your stomach whenever he gets near?” A grin spreads wide as a dark gleam comes to her eye. “Have you dreaming of him every night? That he isn’t the man that you picture when you touch yourself when you wake up wet?”

  “Pearl,” the blush that comes to my cheeks is easy to see I am sure. “Of course, but fuck, I don’t know.” Running a hand through my hair, I run it against my neck rubbing the tender flesh before going on. “He touched me like no one had before. Not out of hate, violence, or malice. But, out of LOVE.” Stopping on a very tender bit of flesh at the thoughts of his hand there, cutting off my air just mere minutes ago, I go on, “He made it hurt so good!”

  The laughter I hear from not only Pearl, but Ember and now Sara, who has come into the locker room, has me knowing that they have all been in exactly the same place as I am now.

  “I know that pain,” Sara says rubbing a hand over her butt. “My husband was nice enough to give me some last night.” Smiling at the thoughts she moves over to a bench opposite me and Pearl. “Are they finally giving Shadow the talk?” She asks, looking towards Pearl.

  “Yes, well it seems that way.” Is all that is spoken before there is a heavy hand knocking at the door before a loud voice that I would know anywhere speaks.

  “Peach come out here to your Papi. These games end tonight. YOU ARE MINE!”

  ~Chapter 20


  “Peach,” is all I can say after pounding on the locker room in search of her. The Prez and VP gave me a nice stern talking to and left me with absolutely no doubt in my mind as to what I needed to do. Claim my woman, and make sure that she had no doubts in her mind who owns her. They also gave me exactly one month off as “punishment” for my behavior, and the keys to the house up on the Drive in Milwaukee that the club owns.

  I think it is more of a “honeymoon” type of vacation, cause Prez and Tank sure as shit didn’t lay into me the way I thought they would. Thinking back to the conversation all I can hear is Blaze saying, “Are you a fucking dumbass, Shadow. She has been waiting for you, doing her best to get herself right, and you have done little other than watch her from a distance.”

  “Why the fuck are you two in this shit? You sound like a bunch of little girls gossiping and shit. Leave me and Rebecca outta this. If you wanna fire me or something for my behavior tonight and the other nights than get to that shit, otherwise leave me, no, leave us the fuck alone.”

  Tank is the next to speak, but only after he takes the few steps over to where I am sitting and punches me dead in the face. “You are one dumb motherfucker, Shadow. I don’t give two fucks about what happened tonight or what’s been happening for the past two years. The only thing I give a fuck about is that little treasure that you have been toying with.”

  Standing up, I am toe to toe with this boy before I feel a heavy hand on my shoulder. “Don’t do it, Shadow. Tank might be a little outta line, but he is saying exactly what all of us have been thinking, well anyone that has seen you and her together. The fire between you two is something that only comes once in a lifetime and I, for one, am not sure why you are fighting it so much. We felt that fire the moment we were together with Pearl.” Taking his hand from my shoulder Blaze steps back, “I have had your girl in my house so many times or had our woman or one of the other ol’ ladies go to her after some shit has gone down here too many times and it needs to end. You need to claim her or let her go plain and simple.” Taking a deep breath on his gruff exhale he adds, “That is an order from your boss, your Prez, your friend, and your brother, Brother.”

  Drawing in a breath, I gotta calm myself before I speak or some shit will come out that shouldn’t. “I know that you two are trying to help, but what is between Rebecca and I is more than a little fucked up. There is shit in play that neither of you could even fathom.”

  “We know everything that has happened between the two of you. Fuck, we probably know more about your little treasure than you do. Have you not paid attention while you were stalking the poor girl? She spends more time with the ol’ ladies, at the clubhouse, and as of late in this fucking building than you do. Have you been so busy watching her and taking care of that list of hers, that you really haven’t seen the change in her? The way that she has grown into her own in all these different situations? The way that she is much more of a woman and much less the little girl that she came here to us as?” Seeing the blankness in my face, a wicked grin takes hold of him before he goes on. “You really have been too wrapped up to notice. She is gonna make a run for it if you don’t make your move, Emmanuel. She has been waiting for it and you have been too busy being her father and not being her Daddy…”

  Knowing in a, instant what he means, my mind heads to only minutes ago when I was buried inside my Peach. The sweet sound of her calling out “Papi” when I was fucking her. Remembering that, I think back to the way I have been seeing her these last few years. I’ve been so protective and treating her for the most part with kid gloves because I have been scared at what she has gone through and what might happen.

  Tank’s voice cuts into my thoughts, “Stop treating her like she’s fucking breakable, Brother. Go get her and claim her, we will take it to the brothers at c
hurch for you while you’re gone. But you better make sure that she doesn’t have a doubt in her when you return, that you have made her yours in every way- or she will leave.”

  Nodding my head in agreement, I think of my Peach leaving and my heart seizes in my chest. That can’t fucking happen. She is MINE. And I know what needs to be done.

  Throwing a hand up as I turn to leave, I give a wave before striding from the room. Stopping to change, I throw on my jeans, cut, and boots, grabbing up the collar that has been in my locker for long years, collecting dust, waiting for my Peach to be ready to wear it. I just didn’t realize that I was the one that was doing the stalling until now, when my brothers brought it to me.

  Heading to the lady’s locker room to collect my Peach, my fist comes down on the door loudly. I know that this is gonna be explosive and can’t wait to get her beneath me for the long haul. Growling out, “Peach, come out here to your Papi, these games end tonight, YOU ARE MINE!” I wait impatiently for her to come to me.


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