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David's Debt (First Wave Book 11)

Page 10

by Mikayla Lane

  “Are we ghosts?” David whispered.

  “No, but the dark realms are where lost souls are and what you call ghosts inhabit it. Night Walkers don’t exist here, we manipulate the energy of the realm. Our power is great in the dark worlds. Now watch,” Dizarion stated.

  David turned his attention back to the full-color man and was surprised to see him standing over a woman sleeping on a couch. She was also a darker gray color and was a stark contrast to the full-color man who stood in front of her. As the minutes ticked by, David was beginning to wonder why they were there when he saw the man take a deep breath.

  David rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing things when a shadow popped out of the man’s back. Dark hands gripped the man’s shoulders while a head began to appear between his shoulder blades.

  “What the fuck?” David whispered in shock, looking at Dizarion to see if he could see the shadow as well.

  He wasn’t sure which surprised him more, the shadow coming out of the man or the way Dizarion’s eyes began to swirl with darkness as tiny pinpoints of light beamed in their depths.

  David turned back to the man when he heard a whisper of sound and was surprised to see the gun in his shaking hands as the guy pointed the weapon at the sleeping woman.

  “You have to do something,” David whispered, taking a few steps towards the man.

  “Stop!” Dizarion roared.

  David halted immediately and turned to see Dizarion’s hands thrown out in front of him as his eyes swirled with an odd darkness mixed with tiny points of light. He could feel the power and energy swirl around him and noticed the shadow attached to the man’s back turn towards Dizarion and begin to struggle. Shadowy fingers clutched at the man’s back, and the creature shrieked in rage.

  The guy’s body shook violently as the color began to fade from him then reappeared stronger than before. It was then that David realized Dizarion was fighting the creature possessing the human male. He watched in awe and fascination as Dizarion fought the shadow being as a dark, heavy energy swirled around them like a maelstrom.

  Suddenly it all stopped, and David watched as the man’s color completely faded to the same dark gray as the woman. The guy looked at the gun in his hand and let it drop to the floor with a thud before he hit his knees and pulled the woman into his arms.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry for everything. I don’t know why I was doing it! Forgive me,” the man choked out.

  David couldn’t believe what he’d seen and turned to Dizarion for answers when the Night Walker grabbed his hand and they were both back in the ship. He heard a loud snap and everything was back in full color again.

  David stood and looked around, touching himself and the walls to make sure he was back in the real world before he turned to Dizarion in shock.

  “What the hell?” Was all David could manage to say.

  “In the dark realms, those infected by evil cannot hide from our power. The energy you traveled is the same that Tiernan and Jodi use. My power will not enable me to take you to the dark realms of other worlds, which is where they are now. I could only show you this one and the task the Night Walker’s face,” Dizarion explained sitting down at a table near his leader.

  “What happens to the evil? Do you just chase it away?” David asked, wondering where the shadow creature had gone.

  Dizarion shook his head, blinked out for a moment and returned with a cup of coffee.

  “We eradicate it. If we did not, the evil would only move on to infect another being, possibly on another world, causing us to expel it over and over again. This is not like in a religious text where it’s expelled but still, lives in a Hell-like place. If they are seen by us in the dark realms, they’ve already been given a death sentence by the One God. It is our duty to erase their existence. The exception is the lost souls. They appear like us in the dark realms and still have a chance at finding the light,” Dizarion explained.

  The Night Walker could feel David’s shock and concern and waited for the questions he was sure the man had. He didn’t have to wait long.

  “My son . . . Tiernan, commands that realm? His task is to hunt and kill those things? What about Tristan? I thought that was what he did?” David asked in exasperation, more confused by the dark realms than ever.

  “Tristan commands the light realms and sees the evil that hides among those who try to invade those in the light energy. Tiernan commands the dark realms and sees the evil trying to drag the innocent to do evil. It’s a hierarchy. Evil hides more easily in the dark, but the more power they attain, the more they can access the light realms. If they escape the Night Walkers, it is up to Tristan and the Light Bringers to give them justice,” Dizarion said, still feeling David’s confusion like a heartbeat in his energy.

  “I don’t understand why Tristan can’t just get them all himself. Why is there even a need for Tiernan if Tristan is so powerful?” David asked, rubbing a hand down his face.

  Dizarion snorted and shook his head as he grinned at David.

  “You’re looking at it all wrong. We’re like magnets. Tristan commands the positive energy side, but can’t travel the negative. It is Tiernan who commands the negative side, but he cannot travel the positive. You can’t have one without the other, but neither is good or bad. Both must be neutral and rely only on their duty.” Dizarion smiled as he felt understanding dawn on David.

  “So the light and dark are neutral. Both can have evil travel among its realms, and it’s the Light and Dark Warrior who keep the evil from disrupting the energy balance in their particular realm?” David asked, hoping he had it right. Trying to figure this all out was beginning to fry his brain.

  “Now you get it,” Dizarion replied with a smile and nod.

  “For fuck’s sake, I’d be schizophrenic too if I saw or heard evil all the time,” David muttered.

  Dizarion chuckled and nodded his head in agreement.

  “We meet the lost all the time and try to help when we find them wandering in the dark realms. But we can’t remain with them, and the next time they’re drawn into the dark the evil just reattach itself to their energy. It is a continuous struggle,” Dizarion admitted.

  “That’s what happened to Jodi, isn’t it? One of those things attached itself to her and made her act the way she did,” David whispered, wondering how hard it must have been for his wife to fight such a creature.

  Dizarion nodded his head sadly.

  “It is why I wanted to show it to you. The entity that was feeding off Jodi was taking her power and energy and becoming stronger. Much more so than the one we just faced. It is a sign of her strength and love for Tiernan and you that she fought as long as she did.” Dizarion could feel David’s pity for his wife radiating from his energy.

  It may have been a shocking wake up call, but Dizarion knew that it would only help the family to heal if David knew what Jodi and Tiernan had been through. And what their duty was.

  “So the light and dark realms are like alternate universes that exist alongside what we call reality?” David asked.

  “Yes. Many realities exist alongside others in each world. Some call them different dimensions or timelines, and there are those that can even see the veils that shroud the realms from those who exist in the physical world. What we speak of with the realms is the hidden worlds within worlds. That which cannot be seen by those who exist only in the physical realm,” Dizarion explained.

  “Is that why I can’t see them either? Even with my Prime abilities, I’ve never experienced anything like being in the dark realm,” David admitted. He was still a little creeped out by the shadowy world he’d seen.

  “It is in your mind. A conditioning that occurs when you’ve lived in the physical world for an extended period of time. Most see glimpses of the realms as children and are told by well-meaning parents that what they see isn’t real. After a while, they lose the ability to see that which exists all around them and focus only what is in front of their faces in the physical. It is mostl
y the hybrids who retain the ability to see the hidden.” Dizarion observed David as he spoke, trying to ensure the man understood what he was telling him. Time was running out, and the Dark Warrior’s father needed to be able to help.

  David’s mind conjured up his own childhood and the times he was convinced he’d seen something under his bed or hiding in the woods outside of his home. He couldn’t help but wonder how many times he’d glimpsed another realm. Then he looked around the ship and shivered at the thought of the dark spirits going through them as they traveled.

  “Man, that’s some scary shit,” David murmured as he looked around and tried desperately to see the hidden worlds within his own.

  Chapter Ten

  David had been watching Jodi and Tiernan sleep for hours trying to process everything he’d learned from Dizarion when he saw his wife begin to stir. His breath caught in his throat as her incredible dark eyes looked at his for a moment before she blushed and looked away.

  “Do you want some coffee?” David offered, not knowing what else to say at the moment.

  “Yes, please,” Jodi murmured as she moved the cover from her and placed it more securely around Tiernan. “Thank you for the blanket.”

  David handed her a cup of coffee as she walked over to him and tried to ignore the energy that snapped between them.

  “I remembered how you always got chilled when you were asleep. Dizarion said it’s because your energy leaves your physical body when you travel the realms. I didn’t want you to get cold,” David admitted.

  He was still fascinated and a little confused about how the realms worked. Seeing and feeling the dark energy as he traveled it with Dizarion had been exhilarating and frightening because of what he knew Jodi and Tiernan faced when they did it. But knowing it existed alongside them at all times was more than unsettling because he couldn’t see it and it made him feel helpless. David pushed aside his thoughts and concentrated on his wife.

  Jodi sighed and took a sip of her coffee and David could feel the tension in the air but wasn’t sure how to fix it. Unwilling to give up on restarting their life together, David continued to try and draw her out.

  “If you’re hungry, I can make you something with the replicator. In fact, I should probably give you a quick run through of the technology we use,” David offered, hoping that Jodi’s curiosity would overcome the nervousness pouring from her energy.

  “Thank you, but I’m OK with coffee. Tiernan told me that you came to us within hours of his call. I’m glad you did. I don’t know how much longer I could have held out against the voices and darkness clouding my mind.” Jodi’s voice caught in her throat, and she took a quick sip of coffee.

  David’s heart broke at the pain and grateful energy rolling from his wife, and he glanced over at Tiernan to make sure he was still asleep.

  “Of course I came. I never stopped loving you, Jodi and if I had known about Tiernan or what was happening to you, I wouldn’t have left. Nothing could have dragged me from either of you,” David whispered as he walked over to her and gently ran his hand down her arm.

  He heard Jodi’s ragged intake of breath and saw the slight shudder of her shoulders. David took the cup from her hand, set it on the nearest table and pulled her into his arms.

  “Shh, baby. I know it’s all a mess and your emotions are raw. I can honestly say that I understand how you’re feeling. I don’t think I’ve stopped being overwhelmed, shocked, or hopeful since I met Tiernan. We need time. That’s all I’m asking for. Just time to learn about the people we are now, and the incredible son we’re going to raise,” David whispered, grateful that his voice didn’t break.

  David smiled when Jodi nodded against his chest, and her arms tightened around his waist. He couldn’t stop himself from giving her a squeeze, loving the feel of her in his arms again. His mind ran through the past, and he remembered how beautiful they’d been together and hoped they could have that again. Her next words only encouraged him.

  “Right now, I don’t think I know who I am anymore. My life has been a half truth, and I need to get to know the whole me. Night Walker and beast species.” Jodi pulled slightly away from him, and her intense dark eyes looked up at him.

  David smiled down at her, keeping his hands loosely around her waist. A rush of happiness ran through him when she didn’t move completely away from him.

  “I know. Trust me, I was floored when I found out I was a Prime. I’m still amazed at what I’m learning about my abilities and what we are,” David admitted, giving her a small smile.

  His grin only widened when he saw her mouth quirk at the corners. It wasn’t a full smile, but it was encouraging to see. Especially when her dark eyes twinkled at him before Jodi blushed and looked away.

  “I’m pretty sure there is some Prime power in me as well. The son of Tiernan’s beast is pretty strong. It was reassuring to know that the only sane thoughts in my head sometimes, came from him even if I didn’t know it at the time,” Jodi admitted, looking away from David as she spoke.

  David chuckled to try and ease some of the tension he could feel in his wife when she spoke of being consumed by the dark voices.

  “I think it’s a good thing you got the son of his Prime beast and not the ancient in there now. I gotta say, I’m feeling some pity for Tiernan’s future mate,” David teased and was rewarded with Jodi’s tinkling laughter.

  “How does that work if he has two beasts? Which one releases their offspring into the mother’s brain? What if he finds another hybrid like us?” Jodi asked, worrying her lip between her teeth as she looked at their sleeping son.

  David had always thought she looked adorable when she did that, and he couldn’t help but pull her closer to him.

  “I’m really not sure how that would work. I know of only one other child with two beasts, Dare and Balduen’s son, and he’s a healthy and happy boy,” David said, trying to reassure his wife.

  “Can he ever really be happy?” Jodi asked with concern bleeding from her energy. “Tiernan is so powerful, and in the dark realms he’s so intimidating and radiates a strength that draws the evil to him. He’s like a beacon in there the same way evil is to us, only he sucks them towards him. One moment he appears as this innocent little boy, but when the evil comes towards him, he turns into the Dark Warrior and dispatches them before they can flee in terror. It’s . . .”

  David could tell it was hard for Jodi to accept not only what she could do but what Tiernan was meant to do. He understood exactly how she felt and led her to another couch in the lounge area and sat down beside her. He held her hand and looked into her fathomless eyes.

  “It’s shocking. There’s really no other way to describe it. I still can’t wrap my head around everything, but I’m going to do my best to try. For both of you.” David squeezed her hand gently when he saw Jodi fighting back her tears.

  They sat in silence for a moment while David gave Jodi some time to compose herself and control the riotous emotions bleeding from her energy. He reveled in the fact that buried among the chaos was an underlying thread of hope and love. He could work with that.

  “Maybe now would be a good time to show me some of this technology. I could use another cup of coffee,” Jodi admitted with a small smile.

  David chuckled and gently pulled Jodi to her feet before he led her to the small kitchen/dining area. They spent a good hour playing around with the replicators and taking a tour of the ship and its capabilities. When they returned to the kitchen area, they were startled to see Tiernan sitting at the table eating pancakes.

  “When did you get up?” Jodi asked with concern as she rushed to her son and kissed the top of his head.

  Tiernan shrugged and shoveled another fork of food into his mouth and chewed quickly.

  “I was starving. I need to adapt to the energy use of this form, so there is enough left for me to do my job,” Tiernan stated in such a mature way his parents looked at one another in surprise.

  David sat down beside his son and wa
tched him eat with an efficiency that he’d only seen among other military personnel. When Tiernan cleaned his plate, he looked up at Jodi with swirling eyes.

  “May I please have some more?” he asked.

  “Of course, baby,” Jodi agreed and gave him another kiss before she went to the replicator and ordered more pancakes.

  “We can make sure you eat before you go to sleep if that would help you,” David offered, wishing there was a way to assist in Tiernan’s mission.

  “Yes, that would help a lot,” Tiernan said before he dug into the plate Jodi set in front of him.

  David saw the confusion on Jodi’s face and also wondered why she appeared fine from her travels in the dark realms, but Tiernan looked exhausted.

  “Tiernan, why are you so tired? Is there something we can do to help?” David had to know if there was a way he could ease his son’s mission. He hated feeling useless.

  Tiernan slowly shook his head as he shoveled more food into his mouth and chewed quickly.

  “The two beasts take a lot of energy. Although the dark energy feeds me when I’m in the realms, this growing body consumes a lot of it as well. I need food more often than most humans to do my duty,” Tiernan explained and put another forkful in his mouth.

  “Do you get any rest at all?” Jodi was afraid the child was going to crash hard if he didn’t slow down.

  “Don’t worry, Mom. If I eat before bed and have a big breakfast when I get up, I’ll be fine. I just need to learn how to regulate my energy use better. I will discuss it with Tristan later.” Tiernan’s adult words were a stark contrast to the small leg kicking back and forth playfully under the table and the impish smile he flashed to his parents.

  David and Jodi were silent for a moment while they processed what their small son had said. David finally cleared his throat.

  “We’ll definitely make sure you eat properly then,” David agreed. “Is there anything else you need us to do?”

  Tiernan smiled as he chewed and shook his head.

  “Nah, you guys are doing pretty good at the parent thing. Did Dad tell you he and Dizarion were in the Terran dark realm? He understands what we do now, even if he thinks he doesn’t,” Tiernan said with a chuckle.


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