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Hart Of Vengeance: A Danielle Hart Novel (Book 2)

Page 20

by Gregory Sanders

  "It's a humbling experience, is it not?" The Emperor asked Danielle.

  "What is, Your Excellency?" She asked in return.

  "To see all of those people standing below, waiting for you to lead them," Glars'n replied. "To feel the weight of leadership on your shoulders. I feel it every time I address the people. I thought that at some point in time, the weight would get lighter, but instead, it only gets heavier as I gain a deeper understanding of what it means to lead. To give orders that forever change the lives of my people. Orders that dictate where Dominion resources are used. Orders that send ships and soldiers out to battle, knowing that some of them may never return. It puts things in perspective. I am not a great man. I am an ordinary man that has been given a great task. If I succeed at my task, my honor is increased with my people. If I fail, it is the people that pay the price of my failure."

  "Yes, Your Excellency," she answered, "it is indeed humbling. I never wanted to lead anything other than my squadron. I don't want to lead this people now. A good leader would be focused on telling this crowd words of encouragement, but my every waking thought is about killing No'tok for all the pain he has caused me." She sighed. "I'm not a leader, K'oron is. He is respected and feared by all that encounter him. He has a wise mind that sees beyond the moment, and allows him to make decisions that benefit all. He has a kind heart that cares for those under his leadership. He brings out the best in those around him. Especially me. He has helped me to rise up and do thing that I didn't know that I could do. When he found me in that prison cell on the Perseverance, I had all but lost hope. No'tok had raped me, beaten me, and left me for dead in that cell. I thought I was going to die there, and I didn't care anymore. Then K'oron was put in the cell beside me. He had no intentions of staying there, and he offered me the chance to escape. He had only seen me in the med bay on No'tok's ship. He really didn't know me. Yet, he offered me hope and a chance to escape and live. That is what a leader does. A true leader inspires people to greatness. I am no leader."

  The Emperor smiled and patted her shoulder. "Danielle, those are the same kinds of things he says about you." Before Glars'n could say anything else, K'oron and Paige arrived.

  "Are we ready?" K'oron asked Danielle.

  "As much as we ever will be," she replied.

  K'oron nodded. "Then let us begin." He stepped forward into the sunlight and began to address the crowd. "Today we are gathered to mark the start of the united fight against the Legion. The Legion is a powerful group made up of people from all races and walks of life. These people believe that the only way they can bring peace to the universe is to take away your free will. They think they are smarter than you, and that they can make decisions for you better than you can. They have made their way into the governments of the Protectorate and Commonwealth at the highest levels. They even placed an agent in our government, until Legate Th'arn was discovered for the traitor he was. When he was of no use to them they sacrificed him. The Legion see you and me as pawns that they can move around as they want in their game of universal conquest. To date, they have been very successful at maneuvering all of us the way they wanted to."

  He paused to let the crowd have a brief moment to think. "However, that ends now. Starting now, we fight back. The Legion has built a new warship that has capabilities the likes neither of our fleets has before encountered. In response, we have built two new ships that combine the technology of the Commonwealth and Dominion, Th'warzin's Wrath and Creator's Justice. The Legion now occupies the highest positions in both the Commonwealth and Protectorate. Regent Zhang Zhi is a member of the Legion. Prime Minister Gaelon is a member of the Legion. Gaelon is also a member of the Legion's leadership body called the Triumvirate. We must take the power of these two nations out of the Legion's hands. We will use our new ships to launch a mission to find and recover the Queen that should rightfully be ruling the Commonwealth. This Queen has spoken before with our Emperor, and she can be a friend to the Dominion. We will help restore her to power, and bring down the Legion puppet, Zhang Zhi." Cheers erupted from the Terrans in the audience.

  K'oron held up his hand for silence. "After we return the Commonwealth to its rightful ruler, we will turn our attention to freeing the Protectorate as well. All citizens of the universe have the right to live in a world where it isn't a crime to think for yourself. With the Emperor's blessing, we will begin using the world of Crat'zul and it's orbiting outpost as the birthplace for our alliance against the Legion. This world is close to the border zone of all three nations and will be open to all ships that wish to aide our cause. The Alliance fleet will operate under the direct leadership of Whitley Paige of the Commonwealth. She has been instrumental in the development of our new ships and has aided in creating the designs to build more. In recognition for her contributions to our fight, she has been granted honorary citizenship in the Dominion, and has been bestowed with the Imperial rank of Warmarshal." More cheers arose, this time from both sides of the crowd. "These are turbulent times we are faced with. May the Creator guide our thoughts and may Th'warzin strengthen our souls. Down with the Legion!" He shouted with a clenched fist raised in the air.

  "Down with the Legion!" The crowd echoed back, raising their fists as well.

  "K'oron!" It was Admiral Hawthorne. "The Poseidon would like to be the first ship to volunteer ourselves to the cause. With the Warmarshal's approval of course."

  Paige stepped forward. "Admiral Hawthorne, it would give me great pleasure to welcome you and your ship to the Alliance Fleet. We are honored to have you all."

  The crowd began to disperse, and K'oron and Paige walked back toward Danielle and Emperor Glars'n.

  Danielle hugged Paige and smiled. "Congratulations, Warmarshal."

  "Thanks, I guess," Paige replied. "I really didn't need any fancy titles or positions. I'm glad to help in any way that I can."

  "You deserve it, Warmarshal," the Emperor smiled. "You have given us a fighting chance against these monsters. I can think of no one better suited to lead this new fleet. The rank of Warmarshal is only given during times of battle, and only then to an officer that must outrank every other officer for the purpose of chain-of-command decisions. The Dominion has not bestowed this rank in over two hundred cycles. As K'oron said, these are turbulent times."

  "Indeed," K'oron agreed. "Now we must design our plan of attack. Danielle, you have more knowledge of the royalty of the Commonwealth. Where would we find the Queen?"

  "Actually that is pretty easy," Danielle replied. "When the heir-apparent is born in the Commonwealth, they are injected with a mildly radioactive substance so that their location can be picked up from orbit in the case of a kidnapping. Each member is injected with a different isotope so that they have unique tracking markers. I can work with someone in the Odyssey's science group to get a tracker built. We can then pinpoint her location and extract her. The real problem is that Mars is made of domed cities, and the entry points to the domes are carefully guarded. I'm pretty sure all of my access codes have been deactivated."

  "Mine too, I'm sure," Paige concurred.

  "We got in before," K'oron reminded Danielle, "when we were trying to stop the assassination. We just went through the airlocks used by shuttle traffic."

  "True, but that was before my codes were dead," Danielle replied.

  "What if you used a small ship to fly through while one of the big commercial transports enters?" Paige asked the group.

  "That might work," Danielle considered. "If we use K'oron's ship. It has sensor dampeners and camouflage that may prevent it from being scanned. The only problem would be the engine readings. They'll pick up the second engine signature."

  "Only if we are using the engines," K'oron smiled. "What if I attached our ship to the hull of the larger ship, then powered down the engines?"

  Danielle grinned at the V'drellian. "That should get us in. How many people can we squeeze into your ship?"

  K'oron pondered the question. "If we use one of the new ships to
get us to Martian orbit, probably twelve. They will have to stand though, which will make the trip rather rough. In order to not be detected by the ship we ride in on, we will have to attach to it during its entry into the Martian gravitational field. It will be shaking some anyway from the gravitational force, so it shouldn't notice the slight jar when we attach. For those standing in our smaller ship, the ride will be most uncomfortable."

  "We're going on a covert mission on an enemy world," Danielle responded. "Comfort is a luxury." K'oron nodded his agreement.

  "So, it sounds like we have a plan," Paige concluded the discussion. "I'll get the troops ready."


  No'tok looked over the attack strategy for Mars that Gar'loz had submitted for approval. I would have thought such an attack the actions of a madman, but Gar'loz has taken everything into consideration. Gar'loz had timed the attacks precisely. The could hit a shipyard with one volley of shots from a camouflaged position, and be on their way to the next target before the Commonwealth could respond to the first attack. He had even allowed a secondary target of the shipyard framework in case there wasn't a ship docked when they arrived. When this is over, I will give him command of his own ship.

  "Does my plan meet with your approval, Admiral?" Gar'loz asked. The look on his face the same as a son wanting the praise of his father.

  "It is a good plan, Gar'loz," No'tok replied. "How soon can you be ready to carry it out?"

  "In less than one Morgalan sun," Gar'loz answered. "I will launch a camouflaged probe to make one orbit of the planet to scan the shipyards for ship activity. Then we can lock down our targets and be ready to commence the attack."

  "Excellent," No'tok nodded. "I am looking forward to this. "I want to watch the Terrans scramble in panic before we crush them."

  "If you will excuse me then, Admiral, I will begin the launch sequence for the probe," Gar'loz saluted and then left No'tok's office.

  No'tok smiled. Soon this world will belong to me. I will succeed where our ancestors failed. I will build a new empire. Not in the name of V'drell or Th'warzin, but in my own name!


  This new ship is amazing! Danielle was walking around the bridge of the Th'warzin's Wrath in awe. The overall design of the ship was still very much V'drellian in nature. The floorplan was almost identical to the layout of the Strak'zar that she and K'oron had spent time on. The Commonwealth influences were more subtle, but there. Especially here on the bridge.

  The first change that was noticed was the addition of a new bridge officer station. Commonwealth ships have separate stations for weapons and sensors. V'drellian ships combine those roles. The combination of the two jobs was logical for a ship designed primarily for exploration and occasion combat. However, combat was the role that this ship focused on. By separating the roles of sensors and weapons, it allowed an officer to focus all of their attention on one task, not two.

  The other obvious change was the addition of a large array of quantum computers and a holo-core directly behind the command chair. Somehow Paige and her team had come up with a way to install an A.L.I.C.E. system on the bridge. Although annoying at times, ALICE could be a tremendous asset during combat. As an artificial entity connected directly into the ship's primary systems, she could take over various roles on the ship as needed, even weapons and navigation in the case of crew distress. Danielle hoped that it wouldn't come to that, but felt better knowing that the option was there. K'oron and the other V'drellians were still getting used to the talking holographic head.

  "Major Hart," ALICE spoke as she walked by, "I have a question."

  "What is it ALICE?" Danielle replied to the glowing face.

  "How do I address Commandant-General K'oron?" The automated system asked. "I was not programmed with the concept of V'drellian duel ranks, and when I addressed him earlier as Commandant-General, he scowled at me. I did not mean to offend him."

  Danielle laughed. "Just General is fine, ALICE. Oh, and you didn't offend him. He scowls a lot anyway. Don't take it personally."

  "I cannot take it personally, as I am not a person," ALICE replied using perfect computerized logic. "I just did not wish to cause him or the other V'drellians onboard any awkwardness."

  Danielle smiled at the holographic woman. "V'drellians respect a job well done. You should earn their respect in no time."

  She stood beside the holo-core and watched the bridge activity from the upper rear platform. There were both V'drellian and Terran officers assigned as bridge officers, and so far, everyone was getting along nicely. It seems there is hope for our people to work together after all.

  As she glanced around the bridge, she noticed S'ryn, talking with the ship's doctor who was seated in one of the two chairs reserved for non-bridge officers that might be on the bridge. S'yrn, who had volunteered to join this mission as an Order cadet, was taking her job assisting the doctor very seriously. Older cadets were allowed to accompany ranked officers on missions to learn firsthand the truth of battle. Although Danielle was initially against the idea, K'oron had persuaded her to let S'ryn come. The cadet had been made an acting Bosh'tok, which was the equivalent of an ensign in the Commonwealth Fleet. Her primary task was to train as a medical officer with the Terran doctor on board. Dr. Martin Santiago was excited about the opportunity to train one of the V'drellians in Terran medicine, and the chance to learn about the V'drellian culture.

  She then let her eyes fall on K'oron, who was sitting in the command chair. He was slightly leaned forward, with his right elbow braced on the chair arm, and his chin resting against his loosely clenched right fist and thumb. He was watching everything on the bridge as well, but not with a sense of keen interest, but one more of alertness. He's in 'leader' mode now. She smiled. He looks so comfortable sitting there, as though it's all he's ever done his entire life. He's a natural leader. He must have felt her staring at him. He turned around and looked directly at her and gave her a slight smile before turning back to face forward.

  "Major?" Her wandering mind was brought back to focus. A Terran was standing beside her holding a tablet. His collar pins indicated that he was a Senior Chief, Armory, which meant he ran flight operations for fighter craft. He offered her the tablet. "Muster report for the fighters, ma'am. We have six Lancers and thirty-two Zero-Cal fighters if I'm saying that right. All are combat-ready."

  "It's Xyra'kal, Chief," she replied with a smile. "The language takes a bit getting used to, even with the nanobots translating. Thanks for the status report." He saluted, then he left the bridge.

  She walked down the steps to the main bridge area and took a seat in the First Officer's chair next to K'oron.

  "It's a strange feeling," he said quietly to her. "To be in control of a ship, but not actually controlling the ship. I think I prefer to have my own hands on the control console."

  "You're not a pilot, you're a General," she reminded him. "You place is to oversee the operation of the entire ship, and to make quick decisions in combat."

  "I'm hoping we can avoid combat," he replied. "I prefer stealth. I want to get us in and out with as little commotion as possible."

  "We crossed the border without issue," Danielle responded. "We were close enough to Sentry Command to get a visual on it. Yet, we received no transmissions and saw no fighters launched. I think it is safe to say that they didn't see us."

  "Navigation," he addressed the V'drellian officer seated at the helm. "Time until we reach Mars?"

  "A little under two khats, General," the navigation officer, Gor'bal, answered.

  Three hours. Danielle converted the time in her mind. Then we will extract the Queen and get her safely away from Zhi and the Legion's minions.

  "Tactical," K'oron stopped as shook his head. "Sensors, I want to start scanning for the Queen as soon as we are in orbit."

  "As soon as we have a location, we launch?" Danielle asked.

  "Yes," K'oron replied. "As soon as we have a location we move out."


  Peterson looked through the rifle scope at the mansion inside the high-walled grounds of the Tatsuda estate. She had counted seven guards patrolling the grounds. She noticed two lookouts on the roof as well. Dang! He's ready for a war! Did he get tipped off that we were coming? She put the thought out of her mind. The Chief personally vouched for every person here.

  Chief Clawson had assembled the strike team that was preparing to hit the estate from people he trusted from various divisions of the police force. He wanted to lead the raid himself, but Chen explained that if the Chief was personally on site, the entire police force would figure out that something big was about to happen. Clawson had sent orders for these selected few to be on 'special assignment' reporting directly to him. Such task forces were not uncommon. He would often form such a group to take down a drug operation or theft ring.

  Peterson handed the rifle back to Sgt. Scott Hawkins, commander of their tactical operations team, and the man that Clawson put in charge of leading the raid.

  "A lot of firepower for a house," Peterson said. "Even for someone with close ties to the palace."

  Hawkins nodded. "I thought the same thing. I've had eyes on this place since the Chief first told me the plan. At first, I thought they had learned of our attack, but the guards don't act like their anticipating a fight. More like they are prepared if something does happen. I think Tatsuda has had these guys in place for a while now."

  "Prepared for the possibility of being discovered?" Peterson asked. "Or just paranoid?"

  Hawkins shrugged. "Could be neither, either, or both. All I know is that it will make this harder." The two cops walked away from the window they had been looking out of and returned the rest of the group.


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