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Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Boyfriends [The Dirty Dozen 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Marla Monroe

  They took a quick shower where he bathed her and she bathed him. She realized he had more ink on his back. It was a massive wolf. It was amazing. She wanted to spend some time looking at it, but they were on a schedule, evidently, because he kept hurrying her up.

  “You can look all you want later, baby. I’m hungry.”

  Carly laughed and popped him on the ass. He returned the favor and she leaned against him. She had a feeling he would know how to give a good spanking as well. She really wanted more time with them. She guessed it would all depend on if they asked for her phone number or not. She already had Drew’s, but she wouldn’t use it. As a rule, she didn’t throw herself at men.

  They dried off and dressed before going downstairs to the kitchen. Drew had the table set and was just pouring an omelet out of the skillet onto a plate when they walked in the room.

  “Here you go, Carly. I hope you like southwestern omelets.” Drew handed her the plate.

  “Love them, thanks.” She took her place at the table. She looked up to find them staring at her. “What?”

  “Dig in, baby. It will get cold if you wait on us.”

  She smiled and took a bite. It bit back. She smiled. “This is good,” she praised.

  Drew grinned. “Glad you like it. I wasn’t sure if you would like it hot or not, so if you hadn’t, I was going to let Ranger have it and fix you a milder version.”

  “It’s great. Hurry up and fix yours so you two can eat with me.”

  They finished brunch, and though she tried to help with the dishes, they hurried her out of the kitchen into the den.

  Drew suggested a movie. “We have just about anything you can think of. Most of them are action, but we have a few chick flicks.” He grimaced when he said it.

  “I’d love to stay, but I have to get ready for work tomorrow. If you’ll tell me the address, I’ll call a cab.”

  “No way,” Ranger said. “We’ll take you home. You’re not going home in a cab.”

  “Really, I don’t want to take you out of your way.”

  “It isn’t out of our way. You came home with us. We’ll see you home. Are you sure you can’t stay for another couple of hours?” Drew asked.

  “I better not. I had an unbelievable time.”

  She smiled and wrapped her arms around Ranger. She went up on tiptoe and kissed him. He deepened the kiss, delving into her mouth with his tongue and drawing her closer into his embrace. Then Drew was pulling her into his arms. His kiss was just as intense. When he let her go, she had to hold on to him to keep from stumbling.

  “Any chance you’ll let us have your number?” Ranger asked.

  She smiled, and after hesitating for all of an instant, she nodded. “Sure.”

  They didn’t bother writing it down. Instead, they programed it into their phones. She was hopeful that it meant they really would call her again.

  “Let me get on my boots, and we’ll head out,” Drew said. He jogged up the stairs, leaving her alone with Ranger.

  “Thanks for a really wonderful night, and morning,” she said.

  “The pleasure was all ours. Believe me.” He hugged her.

  He still had her in his arms when Drew walked back down the stairs.

  They led her back through the kitchen to the washroom and out the garage door. This time, she rode with Ranger.

  “Okay, where do you live, baby?”

  Carly gave them her address and explained where it was. They seemed to know the area. She held on tightly to Ranger as they took to the interstate. When they pulled up outside her apartment building, she felt her stomach clinch. She hated saying good-bye knowing there was a good chance she might never see them again.

  “We’ll call you, baby,” Ranger said as he stowed her helmet in his saddle bag.

  They both kissed her good-bye, then sped off when she waved them off. She sighed and unlocked the door. She wasn’t a bit surprised to see her message light blinking. That would be from her friend, Lisa. She quickly dialed her number.

  “Thank God you’re okay. I was so worried about you leaving with that guy.”

  “Why? I’ve gone home with men before.”

  “Yeah, but usually you have your own car. I didn’t like the fact that you had no way to leave other than to call a cab,” Lisa said.

  “Well, I’m home safe and sound. I’ll talk to you tomorrow at work.”

  “Oh no you don’t! You tell me all about it.”

  “I’ll tell you two things. Then you’ll have to wait for the rest tomorrow.

  “Fine. What?”

  “Ménages are fun, and they asked for my number.”

  “Ménage! I didn’t realize there were two of them. Don’t you dare hang up on me, Carly!”

  But she did. She really didn’t want to talk about it right then. She wanted time to remember it and enjoy the memory before it got picked apart by her friend.

  * * * *

  “Hell, I didn’t want her to go home so soon,” Drew complained once they were back at home.

  “Think that means she isn’t interested in a repeat?” Ranger asked.

  He hoped not. She was the first woman he’d been with that had enjoyed his harder side. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from taking her without Drew being awake. He’d taken a chance that he rarely took. There was always the possibility that he would hurt someone without meaning to. He never had, but he knew it was in him. He was his father’s son.

  “Naw, I think she really had to get back home. She probably had a specific time to call her girlfriend or something to be safe. Women do that nowadays.” Drew flipped through the channels on the TV.

  “Fuck, I can’t get the feel of her out of my head.”

  “Know what you mean, man. I’ve never come that hard in my life, Ranger. She’s potent stuff.”

  “I fucking hate that we’ll be working the next three weeks at that office-building rehab outside of town. You know we’ll be working the weekend with it.” Ranger didn’t want to wait that long to see her again.

  “Ah, hell. I forgot about that.” Drew tossed the remote onto the coffee table between their recliners.

  “Think we should call her this week sometime and let her know we’re going to be out of the area?” Ranger asked.

  “Let’s wait and see how the work turns out. We might be off on Sunday. If nothing else, we can take her out to lunch and a ride.”

  Ranger liked that idea. Something not sexual would show that they really liked her and weren’t just in it for the sex. He stilled in his chair. Since when had he ever been in it for something other than the sex? What was going on with him?

  “I really like her, Ranger,” Drew said after a while.

  “Yeah, me, too.”

  “When’s the last time we actually took a woman out on a date, Ranger?” Drew asked.

  “Hmm, it’s been a long time. I think it was when we were seeing Rachel before she got married.” Ranger had liked her okay, but it had been Drew who’d been halfway in love with her.

  Ranger went along with him because it was all about Drew being happy so that Ranger could sponge off of him emotionally. He didn’t believe he could be happy. He really didn’t think he could feel much of anything, but maybe he was wrong. He’d felt contentment with Carly earlier. He couldn’t remember ever feeling anything like that before.

  “I think she’s someone I could spend more time with, Ranger. What about you?” Drew looked over at him. “Do you think you would be okay with that?”

  “Yeah. I would be just fine with that. I like her.”

  “Good. Then we’ll pursue her.”

  Chapter Five

  Carly sighed. She glanced at her phone for the hundredth time, wishing, willing it to ring. It didn’t.

  Friday had come and gone with no word from the guys. Now it was five on a Saturday evening and still no word from them. Had they gotten the phone number wrong in their phones? They knew her name, and it was in the phone book, so that ruled that out.

; Face it, Carly. They weren’t impressed enough to call you for a second date. Not that you had a first one to begin with.

  She sighed and gave up on her phone vigil. Flopping on the couch, she kicked off her shoes and contemplated her choices for the night. She could read a book, watch a movie, or go out to one of her favorite haunts. Nothing sounded good to her, though. She had really looked forward to a repeat of last weekend with Ranger and Drew.

  Her phone rang and she nearly broke her neck trying to reach it.


  “Did they call?” Lisa demanded.

  “No.” She heaved out a giant sigh.

  “Hell, I’m sorry, Carly. Want to go out with us tonight? We’re going to Rudy’s.”

  “I don’t think so, Lisa. Thanks for asking, though. I think I’ll do the bubble bath girlie thing tonight.” Carly ran a hand through her hair and looked at the ends. She needed a trim.

  “Well, if you change your mind, you know where we’ll be. Just come on over.”

  “Thanks, Lisa. I’m going to chill tonight. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Carly hung up and headed for the bathroom.

  She ran a bath with her favorite bath salts and piled her hair on top of her head. After grabbing a couple of magazines and a glass of wine, she slipped into the nearly scalding water and relaxed against the back of the tub with her eyes closed.

  She could still feel their hands on her when she thought about it hard enough. Her dreams had all been super steamy lately. She had woken on several mornings with her hands between her legs all wet and sticky.

  Carly couldn’t decide between the two men which one she liked the most. She didn’t know anything about them really to even guess, but something told her she wouldn’t be able to choose one over the other anyway. They just seemed to go together. The water was beginning to cool down. She sipped her wine and conjured up images of the two men in her mind as she imagined being sandwiched between them once again. She set her wineglass on the side of the tub and began massaging her nipples. The memory of Drew sucking on them had them hard and reddened even without the added stimulation of her fingers.

  He had quickly learned that she liked them nipped and pinched. He’d even twisted them several times. He was a fast learner. Ranger had been, too. It hadn’t taken him long to realize how much she liked her cervix bumped. He’d made sure to do it with almost every thrust of his cock in her cunt.

  Carly ran a hand between her legs and fingered her clit, then massaged around it with her fingers. She slipped a finger between her pussy lips into her slit where she pumped it in and out several times before adding a second finger. The sensation was nothing like Ranger’s or Drew’s thicker fingers, but she felt the beginnings of arousal draw at her cunt.

  Threads of electricity danced along her clit as she circled it, then plunged inside her slit over and over again. The fingers of her other hand continued to pull and pinch at her nipples as she finger-fucked her pussy in an effort to relieve some of the pressure of thinking about the two men.

  She imagined them sucking on her breasts, then Ranger would move down to her pussy and suck in her pussy lips. He’d roll them around in his mouth before stabbing her slit with his stiffened tongue. She shuddered at the imagined sensation. When he circled her clit with his tongue, she moaned. Her hands wanted to grab his head and hold him there until he sucked in her clit.

  Instead, she relaxed into the feeling of his mouth at her pussy. She pumped her fingers faster and deeper as she pinched and twisted her nipples. Her climax was so close, so close. She thrust her hips up in time with her fingers and pressed her thumb on top of her clit as she imagined the two men plunging their hardened cocks inside her ass and her cunt at the same time.

  Fire shot from her nipples to her clit and back again. She quickly bit into her hand to keep from screaming her orgasm out loud. Her neighbors wouldn’t appreciate that at all. She couldn’t prevent the whimpers from escaping as she slowly stroked herself down from the less than satisfactory climax. Nothing could compare to her weekend with the two men. She was afraid that she would never find satisfaction at all again.

  She drained the rest of her wine and tossed the magazines she hadn’t read off the side of the tub so she wouldn’t get them wet when she got out. Thoroughly disgusted with herself, Carly climbed out of the cooling bathwater and snagged a towel to dry off. She had forgotten her slippers again and had to pad barefoot across the cold tile to reach the carpet.

  It was only a quarter of seven, but she didn’t feel like dressing again, so she pulled on her housecoat and slipped on the slippers she’d forgotten. Padding into the kitchen, she decided on a quick tossed salad for dinner while she watched whatever movie she could locate on TV. As luck would have it, she found a Steven Seagal marathon and settled in to a night of action thrillers. She finally dragged herself to bed around three a.m. and fell asleep before she had even turned off the bedside lamp.

  * * * *

  The doorbell rang, waking her up from a yummy dream starring Drew and Ranger. She cursed and started to ignore it, but it pealed again. She opened one eye and looked at the clock on her bedside table. It was nearly noon.

  Groaning, she rolled out of the bed and pulled on her housecoat. She didn’t bother with the slippers again. Instead she shuffled across the carpet to the living room and the front door. Without bothering to check to see who it was, she unlocked it and opened the door, and stared in shock.

  “Hey, Carly. Did we wake you?” Drew smiled.

  “Um, yeah, but, uh, come in.” She backed up, clutching her robe.

  “Look, maybe we should come back another time,” Ranger began.

  “No, really. I sat up late watching a movie. Come on in.”

  They walked inside and she closed the door behind them, wishing she had washed her hair the night before.

  “We worked all week, and today is the only day we had off. I guess we should have called first.” Drew shoved his hands in his jeans pockets.

  The action drew her eyes toward his crotch. It was obvious he was hard. She jerked them back upward. He smiled a knowing look when she did.

  “The reason we dropped by was to see if you wanted to get something to eat and go for a ride,” Ranger said.

  “Oh, that sounds like fun. I need to get dressed, though. Do you have time to wait on me?”

  “Take your time, Carly. We’re not on a schedule.” Drew reached out and ran a finger along her cheek.

  “Well, have a seat. I won’t be long.” She smiled then turned and hurried into her bedroom.

  She closed the door and searched out something to wear. She quickly settled on a pair of low-rise jeans and a short-sleeved blouse. She pulled on the boots she had worn the weekend before, figuring they were good for riding bikes. Staring into the mirror, she finally settled for pulling her hair back in a ponytail, then, remembering that she would be wearing a helmet, pulled it out and brushed it once again. She had natural curl in her hair, so it had a mind of its own. She finally gave up and opened the door to find the men sitting on her couch waiting for her.

  “Sorry, it took so long.” She walked into the room.

  They both stood up and smiled.

  “You look great, and you didn’t take long at all.” Drew pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  Before she could settle into his kiss, Ranger pulled her out of Drew’s arms into his and took her mouth with purpose. His tongue thrust against hers, then danced around inside to explore every nook.

  “Okay, guys. Let’s go get something to eat,” Drew interrupted with an amused chuckle.

  Ranger pulled back and licked his lips. “You can ride with me to eat.”

  “Right.” She couldn’t think straight now. She followed his tongue with her eyes then jerked them toward Drew. “I better get my keys.”

  She pulled out of Ranger’s embrace and went in search of her spare key. She could slip it into her pants pocket along with enough money for a cab, just in case. She returned to them
standing at the door.

  “Ready?” Drew asked.

  “Yep, let’s go. I’m hungry.”

  They stopped at a little mom-and-pop diner not far from where she lived. She had never been there, but the food was good.

  “So what have you been up to since we last saw you?” Drew asked.

  “Nothing, really. I go to work and come home, and that’s about it.” She took a drink of her water. “What about you two? You said you worked all week. What are you working on?”

  “Doing a rehab of an office building across town. We’re on a time schedule so we’re working from sunup to sundown. Would have had to work today, except that we’re actually a little ahead of schedule.” Drew took a bite of his burger.

  “Sucks to have to work so much. Do you get any time off between jobs?” she asked.

  “Actually, we do. Sometimes we won’t work for a couple of weeks, so it’s not all that bad.” He turned to Ranger. “Think we’ll have to work that weekend?”

  “I sure as hell hope not, but I guess it depends on how much we get done over the next few weeks.” Ranger shrugged.

  “We’re hoping to get a long weekend off after we finish this building before we start another project. Would you be interested in spending some time with us then?”

  Carly smiled. “I’d love to. How long before you finish this one?”

  “We’ve got another three weeks. Save that next weekend for us. It’s the weekend of June fourteenth.”

  “I’ll double-check and make sure I don’t have something going on, but I don’t remember anything. I’ll make sure not to put anything down for that weekend.”

  “Great. Are you about finished?” Drew asked.

  “Yeah.” Carly drank the remainder of her water and stood up with the guys.

  She rode with Drew next. She found she could tell the difference in them even holding on to them from behind. Ranger’s chest was wider then Drew’s, but Drew had broader shoulders.

  She also realized that Ranger didn’t say much. It hadn’t really been that obvious at their house since most of what they did was fuck, but now it was. She wondered if he was shy, or if he wasn’t really interested in her other than for sex. She decided not to let it worry her right then. She would think about it more later. Right then, she wanted to enjoy the here and now. She squeezed Drew’s waist and laughed when he revved up the bike.


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