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Tempted by Brothers [Temptation, Wyoming 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Zoey Marcel

  She walked around in a daze as she tried to come up with something to do to distract herself. The trashcan was full so she took the bag outside and tossed it into the dumpster. Maybe she should go hang out at Tiger’s Eye with Dane and Carson.

  Amber turned and jumped in her skin when she saw the humongous lion standing there staring at her. Her thundering heart warred with the decision to go into cardiac arrest to escape the inevitable mauling, or to stay strong so she could run for her life.

  She’d heard that there were certain animals you weren’t supposed to run from. Were lions one of them?

  She stood perfectly still, hoping the creature went away of its own volition.

  No such luck. The tawny beast took a step forward with its massive paw, growling low and ferocious in his throat. Lions, as stunning as they were, looked evil in the eyes. This creature looked even more so in his golden eyes.

  When they turned to glowing orange and he choked out a subtle roar, Amber threw all that “don’t run from predators” advice right out the window and bolted. A horrifying roar rumbled deep in the lion’s chest, and she heard the sound of padded paws galloping and dirt flying up behind the charging animal.

  She peeked back over her shoulder and screamed when the powerful lion lunged at her and knocked her to the ground. The sudden impact forced the air out of her as the feral big cat clawed at her. She felt stabbing pain on her arms and saw red, but the creature didn’t seem to be doing his worst damage. It was almost as if he held back with her and merely played rough with her.

  Another roar came from a different animal and she thought she heard snarling. The lion turned his head and then bolted when a giant black bear and a huge black wolf charged toward him. They attacked the lion, but once he threw them off he blew a torch of flames to ward off the bear and wolf. Then the lion instantly became a dove and flew the hell out of there.

  The black bear made that distinct whiny bear groan and bolted toward a hose attached to the outside of a house. His paw became a hand long enough to turn the faucet on and then changed back into a big, furry paw. The ebony beast barreled toward the small fire and doused the flames with the spray of water from the hose.

  Amber noticed the wolf was gone, but a few seconds later Jack Dillinger was by the bear’s side helping him put the fire out. Something in Jack’s dark, brooding appearance and his way of dressing reminded her of someone who would sit in a coffee shop and contemplate art or quote Shakespeare. The tattoos on his arms and the shocking rumors about his past made the alpha wolf shifter seem like a badass as equally as he did an artistic trailblazer.

  He had a small Fu Manchu and soul patch, and a scant beard lined his jaw. His dark brown hair was shaggy, but not really long or curly at all.

  A siren could be heard and Mark Montego, one of the sheriff’s deputies flew out of a police car and was by her side in an instant. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded shakily, letting him help her up. “Thank you.”

  “Somebody said you got attacked by a lion?”

  “Yeah, but I’m okay.”

  His attention dropped to her bleeding arm. “You mean except for the bloody gash on your arm.”


  “Come on. Let’s get you to the hospital.”

  The black bear was gone, but Marshall Keaton came out from behind a tree, buttoning his fly and then pulled on his shirt. He was husky in a bulky muscles kind of way with an attractive level of padding added that said he feared neither fried chicken nor the gym.

  His blond hair and the male quality of his face were attractive in a down-to-earth way. What little she knew about him was that he was a firefighter who loved all things outdoors and was into computers. His interests seemed reflected in his surfer, sexy-nerd features.

  “What the hell was that?” he asked. “That lion’s eyes were seriously fucked up.”

  “It was the Preacher,” Jack replied.

  Marshall scoffed. “That didn’t look like any preacher I’ve ever seen.”

  “He’s from hell.”

  “How do you know so much about him?”

  Jack turned to look at Marshall. “We were friends a long time ago and on a few occasions we fucked.”

  “What?” Mark spun around to face them.

  “In a nonsexual way,” Jack said quickly.

  Mark snorted. “How the hell do you fuck in a nonsexual way?”

  “Perspective,” Jack teased.

  Mark glared at him. “I have to get her to the hospital. Jack, walk with me.”

  On the way to the police car Amber heard Marshall ask, “Then you know what he looks like?”

  “I’m afraid not,” Jack answered. “The Preacher can change appearance. He’s nearly impossible to track.”

  Mark held the car door open for Amber and she got in.

  Jack placed a hand on Mark’s arm. “It was centuries ago, mate, and long before you.”

  Mark walked around the vehicle. “Was he good?”

  “Terrible,” Jack said quickly.

  Amber subconsciously laughed at this, but she was still in a state of shock.

  “Eh, I’ll just bet he was.” Mark got into the car in an injured huff and turned the engine on.

  Jack bent over and draped his arms on the open window’s edge. “Mark—”

  “Jack, I’m taking her to the hospital.”

  “Look at me.”

  Mark heaved an annoyed sigh and turned his attention to his pack’s alpha wolf.

  “No man’s as good in bed as you.” Jack winked at him, grinning when Mark blushed.

  “That’s better,” Mark said, losing the battle to his relieved smile. “Now seriously, we’ve got to go.”

  “Don’t bleed to death on the way there, miss,” Jack told her.

  Amber smiled a little. “I’ll try not to.”

  “Way not to freak her out, Jack.” Mark started to drive away.

  “See you at home, mate. Prepare your ass for me,” Jack called after him.

  Mark drove faster, face flushing with color. “Geez. Just pretend you didn’t hear that.”

  Amber smiled. “Hear what?”

  He grinned and then frowned with concern, reaching into the glove compartment for more napkins. “Here, keep pressing with the napkins. I don’t want you to faint or anything.”

  By the time they got to the hospital parking lot the cuts on her arms had closed and were almost healed.

  Mark blinked in surprise. “I didn’t realize you were a shape shifter. How come you didn’t shift when that lion attacked you?”

  She hung her head, feeling stupid. “I didn’t think of it. I don’t even know how to shift. I was only claimed today and the other night.”

  This was seriously spiraling out of control. Soon the whole town would know that she was going out with the McCanns and sleeping with them.

  “It’s okay. Who claimed you?”

  She hesitated.

  “You don’t have to tell me, but I won’t repeat it if it’s a secret. If you’re a wolf shifter I can tell you how to shift.”

  “I’m not a wolf shifter.”

  “Well, then you’d better ask your mates. Sometimes it’s different between species. Do you want me to call the McCann brothers?”

  She grimaced. “How did you know?”

  “I didn’t, but I smell their scent on you and they weren’t at the scene of the attack so I figured you were with them before it happened. I’ve got a good nose.”

  “I guess.” Amber closed her eyes. “Please don’t tell my guardian.”

  “I won’t, but someone probably called him when they found out you were in danger.”


  “Don’t you think you should go inside and get checked out anyway?”

  “I’ll be okay.”

  Mark didn’t start the car. “I really think you should be examined.”

  She unbuckled. “Okay.”

  * * * *

  Amber was free of broken bones and after careful
examination the doctor said she was fine.

  Stan Edwards, her guardian, came rushing in, appearing distressed. He threw his arms around her and held her tight. She hugged him back, feeling safe and nurtured like she had with him as a teenager. He’d always been good to her.

  He pulled back and searched her face with his hands on her shoulders. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. It wasn’t bad.”

  “Someone from the police department called me and said you were attacked by a lion.”

  She nodded, wishing her arms had taken longer to heal.

  He lifted her arms and studied them. “A lion attacked you and this was all the damage you sustained? I’m grateful of course, but these scratches aren’t even bleeding. Sharp claws during an attack would have drawn blood. These scratches appear to be healing rapidly.”

  She bowed her head, cursing his aggravating brilliance. “I got lucky.”

  His enchanting pale blue eyes narrowed, chastising her.

  Crap, he’s onto me. He has to know that I was claimed by the McCanns.

  Mark had a notepad and pen out. “Now that the doc is through with you, I just need to ask you a few more questions. What did the lion look like?”

  Jack snickered. “Thank God you’re pretty, mate.”

  Mark rolled his eyes. “I mean did it look like a regular lion or a freaky-looking hell monster version?”

  “I knew what you meant,” Amber said. “It looked like a regular male lion, only bigger. Then its eyes changed to glowing orange, and when Jack and Marshall went after it, the lion breathed fire and then turned into a dove and flew away.”

  Stan’s brows popped up.

  Mark continued jotting down what she said. “Okay. What did the dove look like?”

  “An ostrich,” Jack muttered with a snarky grin.

  Mark shot him a look. “Amber.”

  “It was too far away to tell at that point. I only assumed it was a dove because that’s what Austin saw in his room earlier. Did he tell you about that?”

  Mark nodded. “It’s being looked into. Did this flying, fire-breathing bird-lion leave anything behind, like an object of some sort?”


  “Okay. Well, I’ll fill the other guys in. Thanks for letting me know.” Mark turned to Stan. “Are you giving her a ride home or should I?”

  “I’ll drive her home,” Stan decided.

  “Officer, did anybody you’ve investigated tell you about the Preacher?” she asked.

  “They did. Thanks for checking. We’re looking into that, too.” Mark gave her a nod as he turned to leave with Jack. “Take care of yourself.”

  “I will. Thanks for the ride.”

  “You bet.”

  Jack murmured something to Mark that made him blush. Amber was surprised that she heard it. Her shifter abilities must be kicking in slowly but surely. What Jack said to Mark sounded like, “Are you wearing the ass plug I bought you?”

  Mark nodded with an embarrassed smile on their way out of the room. Jack grinned and shut the door behind them as they left together.

  Amber thought they looked hot together and that it was adorable how much Jack seemed to enjoy embarrassing Mark and making him blush.

  She tried to act natural around her guardian, but she could tell by the look in his stern eyes that he was onto her.

  “Thanks for giving me a ride home.”

  Without a word Stan turned her face to the side and tugged the collar of shirt aside so he could glimpse her mating mark. His fuming scowl put a sinking feeling in her stomach and made her guts churn.

  “Did they both claim you, Amber?”

  She hesitated and then nodded slowly without looking at him.

  “You deliberately disobeyed me.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know they were going to do that.”

  “You shouldn’t have been with them in the first place. I told you not to.”

  “I just like them, you know, a lot. And they like me. It felt so good to be loved.”

  Stan stopped his pacing and threw a glare at her. “Is my love not enough for you?”

  “It is. I love you, too. They love me in a different way is all, and they make me feel beautiful and desired.”

  He opened his mouth to say something but decided against it and heaved a sigh instead. “They’re players, Amber. They will eat you up and spit you back out when they’re done with you.”

  “No. They like me. I know they do.”

  “Why, because they told you they did?” Stan rolled his eyes. “Do they know about the will?”

  Amber frowned. “Yeah, but they liked me before I told them.”

  “How do you know they didn’t pretend to be ignorant to convince you that their feelings were genuine?”

  Her spirit sank. She’d doubted their sincerity a couple of times, but not because she thought they were trying to trick her. She simply figured that it had to be the money because she didn’t believe she was worthy of men like Dane and Carson.

  “Is it so farfetched that anyone would want to be with me for life?” She wasn’t sure if the question was directed at Stan or herself.

  “Of course not.” Stan’s cross countenance eased into one of pure sympathy and affection as he took a seat again and scooted his chair nearer to hers. He took her hand in both of his. “You’re a wonderful catch, little one. No one knows that better than I do. You’re a sweet, lovely, wonderful woman I’m proud to know. I just want you to end up with someone worthy of you.”

  She gave him a weak smile. “That’s sweet. I just really like Dane and Carson. They seem really into me, too. I don’t know. Maybe in time it could turn into something.”

  An icy shield went up and Stan rose suddenly, wearing his former scowl. “No. You will not marry them, Amber. I forbid it.”

  “Why? I like them and they’re willing to wait. I think we would be really happy together.”

  He looked disgusted with her. “What, you and two men? Do you think I spent years training you into an obedient, intelligent, sophisticated young woman only to have you turn promiscuous on me all for the sake of money?”

  His words scourged her with injury and guilt. “I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me, but isn’t who I marry supposed to be my decision?”

  “Not if you’re incapable of making an intelligent one.”

  Her jaw clenched and she crossed her arms, wishing they weren’t so plump. She lowered her arms down by her sides in disgust, feeling down again and a gloomy cloud of unworthiness hovering over her. Would the damned feeling ever go away? It hurt badly, held her back. She knew it did, but for the life of her she didn’t know how to get rid of it.

  “I don’t want you to end up alone and jaded with a broken heart,” Stan told her seriously.

  “Oh, you mean like now?” she grumbled, sighing when he gave her one of his authoritative looks. “I’m sorry. I know you want what’s best for me, but in my heart I feel—”

  “You don’t feel anything!” he snapped, grabbing her jaw so tight it made her lips pucker.

  His angry reaction startled her. She got that he was upset with her for disobeying him, but she couldn’t help how she felt.

  “I don’t want you seeing them again.” He glared at her in warning when she tried to talk. “Let me rephrase that. I forbid you to see those men again.”

  Her eyes felt misty. “But—”

  “I have the power to deny you your inheritance should I deem you unfit for it according to the terms of the will. Do you remember?”

  She averted her eyes, feeling trapped and despondent. “Yes.”

  “Do you want your inheritance? Do you want to please me, little one? Don’t you think I deserve your gratitude after all I’ve done for you?”

  She let her gaze drop and nodded miserably.

  “Good. You’re moving back home with me.” He let go of her chin.

  “No. I won’t.”

  “Excuse me?” He
gripped her jaw again, looking pissed.

  “I just, I need my freedom.”

  “You can’t be trusted with it. Either you come home with me or I will disinherit you. Is it worth losing a million dollars only to find out I was right about those men in the end?”

  Well, he had a point there. That crap would suck big time. But surely he was wrong about the McCanns. Wasn’t he?

  Her eyes welled. “Please. I love being with you, but I’ve been good for so long. I need my apartment and my jobs. If you don’t want me to see them again I won’t.” The words caught in her throat and a tear trickled down her cheek. “Just give me another chance.”

  “You’re mated to them now, Amber. If you’re still a virgin you won’t be for long.”

  “I will. I’ll be good. I swear.”

  “What assurance do I have?”

  “I really want my inheritance and I don’t want you to be upset with me.”

  He gave her an appreciative smile and his eyes shimmered with deep fondness. “I don’t want to lose you. First unworthy boyfriends and now this near-death experience with a lion.”

  She took his free hand in hers. “You won’t lose me. I’ll get a roommate and we’ll use the buddy system.”

  His complexion shadowed. “Last time you had a roommate he wound up dead.”


  Amber’s hope sank when she saw the impulse to recant on her guardian’s face. “I’ll be okay.”

  “If you want to continue living on your own I want you on the hormone-suppressant pill for shape shifters.”

  She blinked at him, lips parting in astonishment. “You mean the one that suppresses mating heat?”

  “Yes, I want you on the maximum dose so your wayward impulses are completely suppressed.”

  Her words came out in a sad, feeble whisper. “I won’t have a sex drive?”

  “Not while you’re taking the highest dosage of the pill.”

  Well, that sucked.

  Stan gently lifted her chin, likely attempting to encourage her with his tender gaze. “On your thirtieth birthday I will allow you to stop taking the pills so that your sex drive will return to you. I think after going several months without distracting hormones it will broaden your mind and allow you to see things differently.”


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