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A Time for Change

Page 5

by Marquaylla Lorette

  Before Chelsea’s battle could begin against Charity and Jadelyn, James and Ace had already started taunting, teasing, and making bets against her. It just made Chelsea want to prove them wrong and fight harder, like they wanted her to.

  “Why are the two of you teasing her about quitting before the battle began?” Greg asked.

  “If you tell Chelsea she can’t do something, she performs even better than she was going to, trying to prove you wrong,” James answered.

  From all the back and forth letter writing James knew how Chelsea was. She would write to him telling him how she had to prove Ace wrong about something he thought she couldn’t do since she refused to at first. Ace would write him about the same thing telling him how he tricked Chelsea into doing something.

  Ace, Trevor, and Eli all nodded their heads in agreement with James.

  Charity was the first to move in the battle; she dropped low and tried to sweep her feet under Chelsea’s. Chelsea did a back flip to avoid being swept to the ground by Charity’s feet. Without warning, Chelsea flipped back over and landed directly behind them. By the time Charity turned around Chelsea had already did a spinning kick and was stopping it just before it connected with Charity’s head. Chelsea, Charity, and Jadelyn went blow for blow, holding back their strength from the punches and kicks they were throwing at each other. They went on like this for another thirty minutes, each holding their strength back.

  For over an hour after Chelsea’s practice was called, she and her mates battled against the other two couples all together. They would have still been going if both Chelsea’s and Ace’s parents hadn’t stopped them.

  Chelsea, Ace, and James were heading out to dinner with Chelsea’s and Ace’s parents. They were going to catch a late show alone after the dinner ended. They wanted as much time alone as they could before opening the school. Ace and his mates knew it was only a matter of time before they started receiving threats because of the school, and James being part lion shifter as well.

  Chelsea slipped on her one shoulder, black, knee length dress and silver heels. Ace and James both dressed in a silk black button up, the only difference was Ace’s slacks were black and James wore gray. They had all gone to different showers in the house but came back to their bedroom to get ready.

  Just as Chelsea was slipping on her dress and earrings, her father yelled up the stairs for them to hurry before they missed their reservation. All three of them quickly rushed down the stairs, out the door, and onto James’s trike. Chelsea sat on the side where the golden-brown wolf was painted and Ace sat where the dark-brown wolf was painted. James waited until they both clicked on their seat belts before pulling off. Thirty minutes later, they were pulling up to Paradise Cuisine.

  Chelsea had helped her family’s construction company design and build the restaurant after the old one had suddenly burn down.

  The restaurant was a one story square building painted burgundy on the outside. The inside had gold pillars throughout the entire restaurant. The bar was located on the right side of the restaurant with oak wood floors and a matching bar and barstools. On the left side was the dining area; their tables were lined with white tablecloths laced with gold trim, which matched the chairs’ gold upholstery.

  They had just made it in time for their reservations. They took one of the square tables at the back of the restaurant. Chelsea’s and Ace’s parents, as well as their parents’ tri-mates, all had come to meet James.

  Ace’s father, Cornelius, who was also the First Beta, was the first to speak. “As you already know, I am Cornelius and this is Ace’s mother, Grace, and our tri-mate, Leslie.”

  James stood, hugged Ace’s mothers, and shook his father’s hand.

  Chelsea’s father, Gabe, who James had already met the first day, introduced Chelsea’s mother, Faith, and their tri-mate, Serenity. James greeted them the same way he did Ace’s parents.

  “James, I want you to know we are all your parents now. You can come to any of us, just as Ace and Chelsea always does. Jadelyn’s and Eli’s mothers, as well as the women at this table, were best friends with your mother. When she mated with your father, we all accepted him into our circle of best friends, including our mates. Anytime you or Charity would like stories or pictures of your parents back then, don’t be afraid to ask any of us,” Serenity said as they waited for their food,

  “Thank you,” James said. He knew Serenity was welcoming him into their family in her own way. He could tell the others wanted to say something similar by the look in their eyes, but Serenity beat them to it.

  “Your father and mother were two of the strongest shifters I had the pleasure of knowing. When the other shifters on the Isle started harassing them, we all invited them to stay at the Alpha or Beta house with us. Needless to say, they refused and your father said they wouldn’t let anyone run them out of their home,” Cornelius said just as they food arrived.

  Ace, James, and Chelsea admired James’s parents and wanted to be just as tough as they were when it was time to open the school and all the threats would happen.

  They lightly chatted over dinner and soon headed over to the bar, where each of them sat in front of the bar on one of the barstools and ordered one drink.

  “James, where did you learn to fight like that?” Gabe asked to make conversation. He hated when it was quiet, just like his daughter.

  “My father showed me how to tap into both my lion and wolf shifter abilities at the same time, with the help of Aishe, as she talked him through helping me. Charity, Eli, and I also trained with professionals on different fighting techniques throughout the years as well. Joining the police force is what helped me with my training the most though,” James answered.

  “How about you three battle against me, Gabe, Baron, Jake, and our mates. We will have all of you in shape and ready for the battle in no time,” said Cornelius.

  “Okay, we will meet you all in the Alpha’s backyard tomorrow at noon. We can use all the practice we can get, even if Chelsea doesn’t think so,” James said.

  Charity rolled her eyes at James as they all stood. James and his mates said good-bye to their parents before walking across the street and into Paradise Theaters.

  Ace was buying Charity and James their favorite candy as they went to find their seats. Ace didn’t think he would ever find his other mate let alone be at the movies with him. He was truly happy and finally understood the weird connection he felt with James since he was sixteen as he read his letters. Ace took their sweets and drinks and made his way to the movie his mates were in.

  During the movie, James sat in between Ace and Chelsea and held their hands throughout the movie.

  In the middle of the movie, Chelsea laid her head on James’s shoulder and said, “The neighbor across the street is the killer,” as they were still watching the movie.

  “Chelsea!” Ace and James yelled at the same time as they both turned to look at her.

  “Just because you have seen the movie already doesn’t mean blurt out the ending before we get to see it,” Ace said.

  “I have never seen this movie before. It is just basic deductive reasoning and common sense who the killer is,” Charity said.

  “I wish one of us had the power to glue her lips shut permanently,” Ace said.

  “You and me both,” James said as both he and Ace chuckled. Chelsea thumped them both in the back of the head before turning back to the movie. They found out Chelsea was correct as the movie ended.

  When the movie was over, Ace asked James if he wanted to see something neat at the beach. Ace had the power to create a mirage and he was going to create a beach for his mates. When James said yes, they all walked toward the trike and made their way to their secret location. After they arrived there, Ace closed his eyes and created the perfect beach and sunset for his mates.

  “The tide is going to come in soon, how about we ride some horses before it does.” Ace said as they stood there and watched the sunset, just the three of them as they were
holding hands.

  Two black and one brown horse suddenly appeared out of thin air. James and Ace helped Chelsea onto the brown horse before climbing on their own. They galloped bareback on the horses along the shoreline toward the sunset.

  Chelsea loved how the wind blew through her hair and her body followed the sway of the horse’s trot as she found peace on the back of the horse while going in a steady pace. She loved it and felt as if she was in heaven until Ace decided to smack her horse on the ass causing it to rear and start a faster trot. Chelsea was mad, she was just finding her inner peace when Ace did that, so she waited until he was close to her. Chelsea reached over and returned the favor to Ace. Before Ace could react, she turned her horse toward the ocean and rode into the water.

  Ace waited until Chelsea was in the water deep enough before making the horses all disappear, dropping her in the water in the process. Chelsea jumped up, scooped water into her hands, and threw it at Ace, soaking the top half of him in the process. Ace ran in, picked up a laughing Chelsea, and dunked her back in. While under the water, Chelsea reached out, grabbed James’s ankles, and tugged hard enough to pull him under.

  When James got up and realized Ace was the only who hadn’t been dunked under the water, he began making his way toward him. Ace saw James coming for him, he laughed, and took off in the other direction while Chelsea and James chased after him, laughing, until they caught and dunked him in the deeper waters.

  Ace chased James and Chelsea up the shore and tackled them from behind. They continued to play in the ocean until huge waves came crashing in on them, sweeping all three of them to the shore.

  When the water receded, Ace’s and Chelsea’s bodies were half on James and the other half was sprawled out on the sand. Ace could feel the heat now radiating off both Chelsea and James. He couldn’t wait any longer, he had to touch and taste the both of them. Ace leaned down, tilted James’s head up with his right hand, and licked James’s lips from corner to corner.

  “Let me in,” Ace whispered against James’s lips.

  James pulled back, their lips barely touching. “Come and get me,” James whispered to him and grinned.

  Ace smiled, crashing his lips against James’s mouth, pushing his tongue in, exploring every inch of James’s mouth.

  Chelsea’s body was set on fire watching her mates in a hot, scorching kiss. It was as if her hands had a mind of their own, one minute they were caressing James and the next she was stroking his cock. Her mind was in a fog because she didn’t even remember unzipping James’s pants or pulling out his cock. Chelsea captured James’s lips with hers when Ace pulled back, never missing a beat with her stroking of his cock. James moaned against Chelsea’s lips as she continued stroking, tightening her grip to make her strokes harder on his cock.

  Ace pulled out his cock and stroking himself as he watched his mates in action. He began stroking harder when he noticed James’s hands pulling up Chelsea’s dress. Ace’s felt his cock growing even harder in his hands when James’s fingers slide up and down Chelsea’s slit in a slow sliding motion as she continued stroking James.

  “God, I have to taste you,” Ace heard James whisper as James pulled back from his kiss with Chelsea.

  “Fuck, I need to taste you, James,” he said when he noticed the pre-cum dripping from James’s cock and Ace licked his lips. Chelsea backed up, and Ace dropped to his knees in front of James, pushing James’s pants the rest of the way off, then pushing him so he was laying on his back. Ace keeping his eyes on James, engulfed his cock in his mouth, James’s moans spurring him on, Ace was in heaven. His own cock feeling as if it was about to explode and his entire body burning as if on fire.

  James moaned and grounded out between clenched teeth, “Chelsea, come sit on my face. I need to taste you.” Chelsea did what she was told and crawled over to James and straddled over his face, her knees spread, one on each side of James’s head. James lifted his hands up to the back of Chelsea’s thighs, running his hands up and over her ass, reveling in the feel of her skin. He slid his hands until he gripped her hips, holding her in place as he swiped his tongue through her folds, receiving his first taste of her, he growled, “Oh, I could get addicted to your taste, babe.” James continued to fuck her pussy with his tongue as Ace sucked James’s cock.

  Ace kept his eyes on his mates as he bobbed his head up and down on James’s cock, stopping every so often to run his tongue of the tip, tasting James’s pre-cum. He watched James drive Chelsea closer to orgasm, as she rode James’s face. He continued to drive James closer to orgasm, sucking hard on his cock a few times, then lapping at his slit, then teasing the underside of his head, always changing the rhythm. He grabbed James’s balls and fondled them.

  He could tell James was close, he felt his balls draw up, and heard James moan from the center of Chelsea as he continued to bring Chelsea closer to the edge. When Ace heard Chelsea orgasm, he sucked hard on James’s cock, sliding a finger back to his anus, circling the tip around James’s rim, then slowly pushed his finger, breaching the ring, causing James to shout out as the orgasm racked his body. Ace swallowed over and over until James was spent and his flaccid cock slipped out from between his lips.

  Ace sat up after he swallowed all of James’s cum and looked at his mates in awe. Ace watched Chelsea collapse to the side of James, her chest heaving from her orgasm that stole the breath from her lungs. He then looked at James as he laid there, a smile spread across his face, enjoying his own release. Ace knew he was going to be with them for the rest of his life, and he felt like the luckiest person in the world.

  After Chelsea and James calmed down, Chelsea turned her head to look at James and whispered, “How about we take care of Ace together? He is still hard and looks like he could use some relief,” with a mischievous glint in her eye. James nodded his head in agreement. They both got up to their knees, and Chelsea crooked her finger for Ace to come over to her.

  Ace replied, “You come over here.” Chelsea looked over at James and shrugged her shoulder and James nodded back. The suddenly, James launched himself at Ace, tackling him where he was, and pinning his arms down on the ground. “Shit, you can jump,” said Ace.

  “We could have done this the fun way, but you had to try to take control, but you’ll soon learn, Ace, that you can’t always have the control,” James said to Ace with a smirk on his face.

  After Chelsea closed her mouth from the shock of seeing James jump like that, she crawled over to where James had Ace pinned and looked down at him with a smirk on her face, too. “Guess this is going to be torture for you, not able to control this, coming when we let you, tsk, tsk,” as she chuckled.

  She helped pin him down so James could reverse his direction, pinning him down with his legs, facing his cock. When James was in place, Chelsea crawled down his body so she knelt between his legs. He watched as she leaned forward, and kissed James, licking his bottom lip for entrance. James opened his mouth to her and Aced continued to watch, as his mates tasted each other. He relaxed his body and crooked his neck to the side, obtaining a better view of the carnal kiss between his mates. Fuck, that’s hot.

  Chelsea pulled away with a dreamy smile on her face. Hearing James chuckle brought her back to reality. Chelsea threw a smirk to James and then looked down at Ace’s hard cock. She looked back up to James and said to Ace, “Are you ready?”

  “Bring it,” Ace said with a cocky tone. Together, James and Chelsea lowered their heads to his cock, starting at the base, they both licked up until they reached his slit and lapped up the pre-cum, each taking turns with their tongues. Reaching forward, they kissed each other, tasting him on each other, they both groaned. Pulling back, they hummed their approval and went for more. This time Chelsea reached between his legs to grab his balls, rolling them in her hand. With her other hand, she slid it down between his legs, massaging his perineum on her way to his back hole, circling it repeatedly, pushing her finger to her first knuckle through the first ring of his muscles and pulling bac
k out, only to repeat. He relaxed at their ministrations, giving himself over to them.

  James leaned down and quickly engulfed his cock to his root, sucking hard back up to the bulbous head, then slowly making his way back down, over and over, not giving him the time to adjust to what he was doing. Repeatedly, James and Chelsea brought him to the brink, only to stop, and then start over, doing something different every time.

  Finally reaching his breaking point. “Please,” he begged, unable to take any more of their teasing. His mates were driving him crazy, he bowed his back to get James to take him further in his mouth, and James only chuckled. “Please let me come, please,” he begged again and again. James gave a look to Chelsea and he could only hope that it was time to finish him off. With a nod of understanding, Chelsea repeatedly tapped his balls, startling him, while James worked his mouth up and down his cock.

  He was in ecstasy, as James’s repeatedly sucked him to the back of his throat and then would swallow. He was so close, when his balls drew up and he felt the familiar tingling run up his spine, he knew the torture was over. He came with a shout and James continued to suck, swallowing every drop of his cum. He fell back to the ground, no strength left in him from the powerful orgasm he just had. James and Chelsea laid down next to him, soothing him as he caught his breath and came back to his body.

  “See, you don’t have to control every situation,” said James.

  He looked over at James and smiled. “Just so you know, you both can take control any time you’d like.” Chelsea giggled at that.

  All three got up, walked to the edge of the water. “How about we go swim for a little. We can clean off and relax after the intense romp,” said James. Ace and Chelsea agreed. They waded out into the water until they were immersed thigh deep, then dove under the waves, splashing each other, having a fun, relaxing time.


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