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At Home In Corbin's Bend

Page 21

by Maggie Ryan

  She glared at him over her shoulder. “I thought we were just going to talk.”

  “And we were, until you started being uncooperative and having a snarky little attitude. I’m trying to talk to you now, and you’re not saying anything.”

  “I’m not your puppet, I don’t just go around repeating whatever you want me to say. I have my own opinions.”

  He frowned. “I know that. But, sweetheart, what your body is telling me, and the words that are coming out of your mouth are two very different things.” His fingers rested on her wet mound, and she whimpered in frustration.

  “You like it when I take charge, but you’re too stubborn to admit it.”

  “It’s a fluke—just crazy post baby hormones or something.”

  “Okay, darling, if that’s the way you want to play it. It’s too bad, though, because we could have had a lot of fun.” He brought his hand down hard across her bottom, right over the crease between her cheeks, watching as the skin flattened under the force and sprang back up slightly pinker than before. She shrieked and bucked, her hands flying back to cover herself. He simply took the offending limb and pinned it against the small of her back before continuing.

  Her breath left her with a sharp little whoosh as the palm of his hand fell flat against her tender crease. He could see what his dominance was doing to her, whether she was ready to admit it or not. He was more than happy to concentrate on the task at hand, which was roasting her perfect little bottom. His cock stirred, tight against the fabric of his slacks as he watched the milky flesh turn pink and warm under his palm.

  “You don’t have to admit that you like it, but you do have to accept it, because that’s the way it’s going to be from now on.” He stopped spanking and began to rub, conscious that she had had enough. He saw the tension leave her, and she melted across his lap.

  “Fine,” she muttered grudgingly into his leg. “I like it, but I don’t like that I like it.”

  He bit back a smile. That was good enough for now.

  “Anything else?” Her tone was full of snark, but he knew it was just false bravado, as opposed to an actual attitude. This was not easy for her, and all things considered she was handling it very well.

  “Yes, lots. But they can wait for another day.”

  He claimed her pussy with his hand, his fingers delving into her soft folds, and she cried out as he flicked her clit, pinching ever so lightly while his fingers dove deep inside her.

  She wiggled against him, scrambling in a frenzy of desire until she found his zipper and freed him. Freeing herself of his grasp, she slid to the floor in front of him, and took him in her mouth, sucking greedily as she stroked his shaft. He grabbed her hair tightly, fighting for control as he murmured his deep appreciation. She cupped his balls in her free hand and gently pulled, tremors of need pulsing through his stiff member. She was sucking frantically with such lusty fervor that he was going to come much too soon if she kept it up. He reached down and took her hand, gently pulling her into his arms and lowered her onto the bed. Kneeling between her legs, he buried his face between her thighs, breathing in the heady intoxicating scent of her arousal. It was her turn to receive pleasure, and he was more than happy to reciprocate.

  Chapter 7

  She awoke the next morning to the sun streaming in through the window and the familiar sounds of Hazel jabbering to herself in the next room. She stretched languorously across the bed as she took a mental index. Her bottom was deliciously sore, just the right amount, and her pussy still tingled with the memory of the very thorough fucking he had given her. She blushed instantly at the memories that assailed her and wondered when she had ever behaved so wantonly in her life. The only way to describe how she felt this morning was completely and utterly satiated.

  She lay there for a few more minutes as she contemplated her day. Surely, she thought, Beau couldn’t have been serious about leaving her a list. He had just been in the moment, acting all hot and dommy. And surely she didn’t need to go into the shop today. She had brought all the financials home with her, and she could finish up from home.

  Hazel’s chatter was getting louder and more impatient, so she pulled herself out of bed and put her robe on before padding across the hall to the nursery.

  “Hi, sweetie!” she exclaimed with a big smile, grabbing her out of the crib and holding her close. “You slept all night! Such a good girl, yes you are. And Mommy got a lot of rest, and now you and I are going to have the absolute best day together!”

  She kept up the happy one-sided dialogue as she changed and dressed Hazel, happily planning out their day in her head. She was feeling wonderful, and full of energy and ready to take on the world.

  As they made their way down the stairs, the scent of hot fresh coffee filled her nostrils. She deposited Hazel in the swing and padded over to the coffee pot.

  Her heart sank when she saw the piece of paper propped against her coffee cup.

  Good Morning Darling Wife,

  You looked so peaceful and I didn’t have the heart to wake you before I left. I hope the coffee I made is still hot and fresh by the time you find it.

  This is day one of our new arrangement. I know that you already have a lot on your plate today, but I have a few more things to ask of you.

  Finish the financials and pay Laney when you go into work today. There’s a roast in the fridge. Put it in the crockpot for dinner. Make the beds, fold the laundry that’s in the dryer, and clean the bathrooms.

  That’s it, my love. It’s not a lot, and I know you are more than capable, which is why there will be consequences if it is not taken care of when I return.

  I love you.


  She couldn’t help but scowl as she re-read the letter. Apparently, he had been more than serious. About all of it. She had been willing and ready to write it off as some hot, sex-crazed game. Now that she knew that wasn’t the case, she didn’t know how she felt about it.

  “Well, that’s just fabulous,” she mumbled to herself as she fixed her coffee and a bowl of rice cereal for Hazel. “That should take up all of our day.”

  She downed her coffee and hurriedly fed Hazel enough cereal to satisfy her, topping it off by scattering a handful of cheerios across her tray. She ran through her morning chores as quickly as possible, getting the roast going, and the laundry put away and moving onto the bathroom. Her chores took twice as long as they usually would have, as she had to stop and take care of her daughter and find ways to keep her entertained as she worked, but before too long it was nap time. Hazel went down easily and slept just long enough for Ginger to finish the required book work.

  By then it was already one thirty, and if there were no meetings or events after school, Beau would be home around four. The only thing left on her list was to go to The Ginger Paddle.

  Her stomach clenched and her hands turned to ice as she thought about going into work again. She had missed the lunch rush already, so maybe it would be okay. It’s just an hour, just one. I can hide in my office the whole time, she mentally coached herself. I just need to go in, give Laney a check, and check up on things. I’ll make some phone calls or clean the office. Her stomach growled, and a lightbulb went off in her head, giving her the perfect solution to her work induced anxiety problem.

  I’ll just go in and have lunch. A quick easy lunch, I’ll check in on the place and visit with Laney for a bit. That’s all. I can do that.

  Her breathing slowed, and the color returned to her cheeks. After all, it was just lunch. She was almost looking forward to it.

  It took her less than fifteen minutes to get herself and Hazel ready and drive to the Ginger Paddle. When she got there, she was relieved to find the parking lot was almost completely empty. Besides Laney’s car, there were only two others, and unless she was mistaken, they belonged to Julie Renton and Terri Sims, Laney’s best friends.

  Feeling relieved and hungry, she hurried in with Hazel in tow.

  “Wow! Twice in two days? What�
�s the occasion?” Laney quipped when she saw her.

  “Very funny.” She smirked at her cousin. “As it happens, I brought you something,” she teased, waving the envelope in front of Laney just out of arms’ reach. “Unless of course, you don’t want it…”

  “Gimme!” Laney exclaimed, snatching the check from her grasp and tucking it in her pocket. “Now I can go dress shopping!”

  “Can you make me some lunch first? I’m starving, and it’s been way too long since I had one of your famous sushi rolls.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere, Cuz,” Laney teased back. “What will it be?”

  Ginger perused the menu with a wicked grin. Ordering the uniquely named rolls to match your day and mood was quick becoming a Corbin’s Bend tradition, at least for the women. Ginger had never played along, but this time she found she couldn’t resist. “I will have… a spanko roll, and an HOH roll,” she told her cousin, grinning broadly at the surprised look on Laney’s face.

  Laney eyed her quizzically for a second before taking it in stride and stalking towards the kitchen.

  “Ginger, it’s so good to see you out and about. It’s been forever!” Ginger wasn’t one to make friends as easily as Laney did, but she had always liked Julie Renton.

  Julie had an easy going friendly demeanor like Laney’s, but unlike Laney, she could reel it in and knew when to be a little more reserved around people who didn’t share her outgoing flair. Ginger had always appreciated that about her. She also had a knack for knowing what people needed. After giving Ginger a hug, and cooing over Hazel for a few minutes, she winked at Ginger, before glancing at her watch, and exclaiming, “Oh, wow! Look at the time. Hey, Terri, didn’t you say you had a meeting soon? We better get going! Bye, Laney, we’ll have to catch you later.”

  Shortly after, Laney emerged from the kitchen with their lunch. Setting the tray on the table in front of Ginger, she made a grab for the baby. “Hand her over! I have just enough time for baby cuddles and girl talk before I have to get back to work.”

  Ginger happily obliged, digging into the sushi. She rolled her eyes upwards as the first bite of the spanko roll melted on her tongue. “Oh, wow, that’s amazing! Why haven’t I tried that one before?”

  Laney just smirked at her. “Because, you’re predictable, dependable, you never stray from the expected. Which brings us to today’s big question. Why change it up now?”

  “I think I’m becoming a spanko!” Ginger blurted between bites.

  Laney was quick, turning her head just in time for the soda spraying out of her mouth to hit the wall rather than Ginger’s face.

  “I’m sorry, what now?”

  “I think, I’m starting to be, you know, a spanko,” Ginger whispered.

  “What do you mean starting to be? You weren’t already?” Laney looked genuinely confused.

  “Oh, god no!”

  “So, why do you think you are now?” Laney lowered her voice to a whisper and leaned forward.

  “Lately, when Beau talks about, you know…spanking, I get…turned on.”

  Laney just stared at her blankly. “And this is…something new?”

  “Of course!” Ginger exclaimed, feeling scandalized.

  “I see. Why did you move to Corbin’s Bend exactly?”

  Now it was Ginger’s turn to be confused. “Because we wanted to be free to be open about the fact that we had a domestic discipline marriage. You know this.”

  “But you’ve seriously not ever, until recently, been turned on by spanking? At all, ever?”

  “No, of course not. Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m just confused. So, why do you do it, spanking, I mean?”

  “To help our marriage, and to have tangible consequences that help make me into a better person. Isn’t that why you do it?”

  Laney frowned. “Are you serious? Ginger, you have to know that I am like, a major spanko.”

  “What, really?” Ginger felt as if she were about to cry. This conversation was not going at all the way she had imagined.

  “Of course, almost everyone here is in some way or another.”

  She was shocked, there was no other word for it. “So, you mean…everyone here is kinky?” Laney laughed at her, and Ginger realized she had made kinky sound like a bad word. “But if they like it, then how does it help them?”

  “That,” Laney said with a wink as she stole a slice of the spanko roll off Ginger’s plate, “is one of life’s great mysteries.”

  Not having an answer to her current dilemma was setting Ginger on edge. Had she really been the only non-spanko in Corbin’s Bend? Laney hadn’t been able to believe that she had chosen a domestic discipline lifestyle simply for the added discipline.

  That’s exactly how she had seen it, simply another way to have self-control. Beau helped her control her control issues. When she thought about it now, she realized how ridiculous it had been. Even then, she had to have control over how much control he had.

  And now, she had essentially given up all power completely to her husband, and she felt more at peace than ever. To her analytical mind, the whole thing was a big mess, a total mind-fuck.

  She wanted to undo all the changes of the last six months and go back to who she was before. Self-sufficient, confident, and capable of it all. The perfect home-maker, the perfect business owner, and the perfect wife. But she wasn’t that person anymore, and she had no idea how to get her back. It felt like she had gone to the hospital one person, and come back an indecisive, anxiety-ridden, shell of herself. And kinky, to boot.

  The worst part now was that she liked it. She loved the freedom of knowing what to do each day, and not worrying that she wouldn’t get it all done, or spend hours worrying about what to do first, and how much she could manage to do while Hazel napped, or whether to cook dinner or take a nap with her. Each and every decision had been an agonizing one that had resulted in her burying her head in the sand and doing none of it. And then, hating herself because nothing was getting done. It had been a vicious circle, and she was thankful to be rid of it.

  And the spankings! They were glorious. Laney had assured her that she only felt that way because she hadn’t been in any serious trouble, and that spanko or not, a punishment spanking was a whole different ball game. It felt crazy, but she almost couldn’t wait to find out. For the smallest minute, she had even contemplated doing something naughty so that Beau would have to punish her. She had come to her senses, but still the thought of being bent over his knee, or over the bed, and spanked hard had her walking around in a constant semi aroused state. Ginger had never seen this side of her husband before, and she honestly thought she couldn’t get enough of it.

  If she didn’t know better, she would swear they had performed a lobotomy on her at the hospital. She had even said as much to Laney, who had just laughed, and winked and made some comment about pregnancy changing your body’s chemistry in weird ways. Though, she admitted, she had never heard of it changing a non-spanko into a spanko!

  Ginger was still musing over the strangeness of it all when she heard Beau’s key click in the lock. Her stomach gave a jump as his tall lean frame filled the doorway.

  “Hi, honey.” Beau dropped his jacket and briefcase in the doorway and walked over, greeting her with a kiss. “How was your day?”

  Long. Confusing. Productive. Frustrating. A dozen possible answers formed, but what she said was, “Fine.”

  “Hmmm.” Beau was looking at her strangely. “Did you finish your list?”

  “Yes,” she replied testily. She didn’t know if she was annoyed that she was checking up on her, or that she had indeed finished it.

  “I see.” Was it her imagination, or did Beau look a little disappointed as well? “Did you go into work? Give Laney her check?”

  “Yes, and yes.” She had, she told herself, fighting off a twinge of guilt, gone into work. She just hadn’t done any work, but she had been there. Besides, she reasoned silently
, I would have done work if there had been any to do.

  “How was Hazel? Did you take her with you? Everything go okay with that?” Beau continued to question her.

  “Yes,” she assured him with a smile. “Everything was fine. Hazel was a perfect angel.”

  “Okay, good.” Beau seemed a little on edge himself. “Is dinner almost ready?”

  “Yes! About twenty more minutes! Now will you quit with the twenty questions?”

  Beau sighed, and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head. “I’m sorry. You did good. I’m proud of you. It’s just, the last few days have been incredible, and I was almost hoping I’d have a reason to spank you tonight.” He paused, as if realizing how terrible that sounded. “I’m sorry, again. That’s terrible of me.”

  Ginger stifled a laugh. “No. Don’t.” She put her hand up to stop him. “I’ve been thinking the same thing all day. I almost went back and undid my own work!” She guffawed loudly. “Seriously, Beau, what is wrong with me? With us?”

  His arms wrapped around her waist, lifting her off the floor. “There’s nothing wrong with us. We’re just making up for lost time.”

  “I guess,” she muttered into his chest, feeling unsure.

  Beau set her down gently and took her face in his hands, looking at her intently. It took all her strength to meet his gaze.

  “Maintenance tonight.” His voice was decisive, and full of finality.

  Ginger gasped softly. “But it’s not Monday!” They had always done maintenance on Mondays.

  “No, it’s not Monday. But that’s the beauty of our new arrangement. We can, and will, make changes. Seven years is a long time to do things exactly the same way.”

  Her mouth formed a little “o” of surprise, not quite sure how to process this information. She liked schedules, and predictability. Monday maintenance was something she had always been able to count on, like clockwork, and knowing it was coming up had always been comforting to her. She feared without a plan, she would spiral out of control mid-week.

  Beau just smiled at her as if he were reading her mind. “It will be fine. It’ll keep you on your toes.” He patted her bottom with a smile before leaving the room and coming back with Hazel in tow.


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