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At Home In Corbin's Bend

Page 66

by Maggie Ryan

  That was the right thing to say. Traci made it better. "Then I think we should get lots of practice in, don't you? After all, we've already established my tendencies to strive for perfection."

  "I'd be happy to assist you with that, Ms. Jackson."

  Every part of Traci's body tingled with anticipation as Sean scooped her up and carried her through the dimly lit hotel room, illuminated only by the small desk lamp. No man had ever picked her up in his arms like this and it felt so romantic.

  Sean laid her on the king sized bed. He stopped to gaze down at her, scanning her as if to make sure she was still doing okay. Traci had never felt like she was the center of a man's universe before, yet that was exactly how Sean was looking at her and it took her breath away.

  They silently drank each other in as Sean moved first to unbutton his shirt, untucking and discarding it carelessly in a heap on the floor. Traci loved her first glimpse of his broad shoulders, muscular arms and toned chest covered with just the right amount of dark chest hair. Sean toed off his shoes next, before he sat on the bed at her side.

  He reached for the hem of her dress, slowly inching the fabric higher to expose her pale lace panties. His exploration included a kiss to her belly button, bringing renewed ticklish giggles. His boyish grin as he resumed undressing her ought to be outlawed. The anticipation building within her was making Traci light headed.

  She sat up briefly and allowed him to pull her sundress over her head. Sean threw it carelessly on the growing pile of abandoned clothes next to the bed.

  Sean surged forward to grab each of Traci's breasts in his palms, squeezing and molding them until her nipples protruded against her matching cream lace bra. She moved to undo her bra, but Sean stopped her.

  "Oh no. That's my job. In fact, I think you should put your hands right here, out of the way."

  Traci knew he had no clue how much he'd turned her on by taking her hands and pulling them above her head, stretching her out vulnerably, subconsciously asking her to turn her body over to him. Her body responded, her core contracting in anticipation.

  Sean resumed the job of undressing her by lifting her upper body slightly to unhook her bra before he slowly unwrapped her breasts, pushing her bra up her arms and out of the way of his hot gaze. His thumb brushed each nipple, playing with her until it was impossible for her to hold back her moans. He upped the ante by lunging forward to suck a hard nub into his warm mouth, grazing it with his teeth, which triggered sensations that compared to a lightening bolt striking.

  His other hand strayed to cup her pussy through her damp panties. Sean applied pressure to her clit, which caused Traci to buck her hips off the bed, desperate for more friction. She reached for him and laced her fingers through his thick dark hair to hold his face to her breast, but he tsk'ed her.

  "Naughty. I think I told you to keep your hands above your head, didn't I?"

  His demanding command of their first intimate session excited Traci. A deep-seeded desire to please him bubbled up as she stretched her arms above her head again.

  Sean stood as his fingers unbuckled that fine leather belt she had admired earlier. His eyes never left hers as he pulled the belt out of its loops, the flick of leather filling the quiet room. Traci hadn't considered that he might spank her tonight so she was relieved when he dropped the leather to the floor and reached to unbutton and unzip his pants. He dropped them to the floor, which left them each only in their underwear. Sean wore boxer briefs and Traci allowed her eyes to stray to the package straining to escape. He was big enough that the tip of his erection was peeking out above the elastic waistband.

  Sean tortured her by making her wait. Instead, he reached out to slip two fingers into her panties, slowly lowering them down her legs, and tossing them to the floor.

  Those same fingers slid through her folds. Sean grinned when he discovered how wet she was. His briefs hit the pile next, leaving him naked. Traci wanted to reach out to touch him, but held position – her hands above her head as he'd asked. She watched him slowly stroking his hard length while devouring her with his gaze.

  He knelt on the bed at her feet and moved her legs apart before diving down to latch onto her already-wet pussy. Traci about bucked off the bed, the sensations were so amazing. He started with slow, long licks, but within seconds he was lapping her with gusto, sucking on her sensitive nub until she succumbed to her first orgasm at the hands of Sean Campbell. She said a short prayer in the hope that she had just experienced the first of a lifetime of orgasms with this man.

  He looked down on her with a heated gaze. He was about to claim her when Traci panicked.

  They needed protection. "Sean, I don't have any..."

  Sean smiled a guilty smile. "Would it sound ungentlemanly of me if I told you I took a walk on my lunch hour today to the local drug store?"

  Traci grinned. "Oh thank goodness. That doesn't sound ungentlemanly. It sounds responsible."

  "Even though it proves I've had my eye on you all day, hoping this might happen?"

  "All that proves is that I'm not the only one feeling this attraction between us and that makes me happy."

  Sean leaned down to the floor and fumbled in the pocket of his Dockers and came out with several condoms. He threw all but one on the nightstand before he ripped the last one open. He slid the protection on his cock. Where he had been moving with careful deliberation before, Traci detected his control cracking as he stretched above her, holding himself on his elbows to keep from crushing her with his body.

  Traci felt so connected to Sean when he took her outstretched hands in his and laced their fingers together first before piercing her core with a fast insertion of his cock. They each cried out at the sudden burst of pleasure. He withdrew slowly, but then crushed forward into her again and again, each time pressing a bit deeper... a bit harder ... until his pace was a steady, fast piston. As if the feel of him wasn't consuming her, the sounds and smells of their heated coupling surrounded them.

  Traci's entire body was on high alert. She had never felt so joined to another human being as she did to Sean as they shared the intimate act of making love for the first time. They had started with wild abandon, but with each thrust inside her, it was as if Sean was touching her very soul.

  She closed her eyes and focused on the pleasure of their coupling. He was hitting that magical spot inside her over and over. Her moans grew in intensity and Traci briefly worried if she should try to contain herself, not wanting to seem out of control. Sean recognized she was holding back.

  "Traci, honey. Open your eyes for me. I want to watch you come."

  Her eyes fluttered open and were met with Sean's steely grey eyes filled to the brim with emotion. He was as lost in their connection as she was. As their eyes connected, Sean changed the intensity of his thrusts, claiming her body—demanding her surrender to the moment. Traci stopped holding back and allowed the pleasure to consume her. Her loud cry as she came was met by the sound of the bed pounding in a hard rhythm against the headboard, treating her hotel neighbor to a soundtrack of sex.

  Sean continued to plunge into her, extending the pleasure of her orgasm while immediately building her next one. The manly grunts from his exertion joined Traci's whimpers of pleasure. His eyes pierced her, surely as hard and deep as his stiff cock and turned this moment into the single most exciting of her life.

  Without slowing, Sean grinned a mischievous grin. Traci had to ask. "What's so funny?"

  Sean's thrusts were getting faster. He managed to choke out a reply. "Going... to the... drugstore... for condoms... wasn't... the only... thing I did... on my lunch hour. Your presentation today... had me... so turned on. I confess... I had to go upstairs... and stroke one off. Thank God I did... or I wouldn't have lasted... thirty seconds tonight."

  Traci conjured a picture of Sean, his large erection in his hand, stroking himself until jets of cum shot out. The feel of that cock as it claimed her body for the first time had her nearing her next release. His words exci
ted her.

  "So, maybe I should confess that I did the same thing last night... when I got to my room after our date. I couldn't stop thinking of you."

  "Oh shit, that did it." With one long groan, Sean reached his climax. Traci had never seen a sexier sight than the man above her looking down on her with a look of completion. Tears sprang to her eyes when she realized she was leaving town in less than two days.

  Dread of getting her heart trampled began to overshadow the intimacy she'd felt toward Sean just moments before. He rolled them to spoon and pulled her against his chest while he draped his leg over her to snuggle close. It felt damn good.

  Traci reminded herself not to think of this affair as anything other than a fun and sexy romp with a really handsome guy she'd met while away. She wished she was the kind of woman who could say, “what happens in Chicago stays in Chicago.” There were so many good reasons she needed to protect her heart. Sean was on the rebound. She was the first woman he'd dated since he lost his wife. He lived in Chicago. She lived in Corbin's Bend. Most importantly, Sean was vanilla. As lonely as she'd become the last year, she'd never even considered being part of a relationship that didn't include DD. She knew herself enough to know she wanted... no needed a dominant man to lead her—to hold her accountable. She highly doubted Sean was interested in that kind of relationship.

  I sure as hell hope I know what I'm doing. I thought I got my heart broken at last year's conference. Leaving is going to be hard.

  Sean closed the door with relief. When he'd called his mother-in-law, Beverly, a couple of days ago to ask if she could come pick up Ashley for a rare school-night sleep over, he'd expected the third degree. Maybe it had been the seriousness of his tone of voice or perhaps the rarity of his request. Whatever it was, he was relieved that both Ashley and Beverly hadn't pried into the reasons behind Sean's unusual request for a night away from his daughter. He had no doubt Ashley would blab the news to her grandma that her father was dating again, but selfishly, he was happy not to have to broach that subject himself.

  There wasn’t much time to get a handle on the unexpected emotions he'd been struggling with since literally bumping into Traci only two days earlier. He walked to the small wet-bar and poured himself an early cocktail, hoping to settle his nerves enough to think more clearly.

  Sean hadn't even been thinking about dating again when he'd met Traci, and yet she had him tied up in knots in just two short days. He was despondent over the fact that she'd be leaving the next day, and that made him angry at his own reaction. She was just supposed to be a fun distraction. Someone who could maybe get him off the sidelines of life to start thinking of something other than just work and his daughter.

  His thoughts drifted to the night before. He'd had a semi-erection all day, unable to push aside the memories of their passionate time together. Surely Traci was as tired as he was today, having only slept in short spurts between making love and talking the night away. Reluctantly, he had relocated back to his suite when the sun was coming up to make sure he got home before Ashley realized he'd been gone over night.

  Sean looked forward to tonight with equal measures of excitement and dread. He knew they were playing with fire by spending so much time together when neither of them was in a position to make this relationship be anything more than a fun fling. Regardless, the thought of spending the entire night with Traci in his arms had that semi-erection turning to rock. With a grin, he remembered burning through the small three-pack of condoms he'd bought with the hope of needing at least one. Today, he had gone to the drugstore again, this time to purchase a jumbo box of protection.

  That wasn't exactly the action of a man expecting to say goodbye in less than twenty-four hours. His brain knew it was irrational to have such strong feelings for someone he'd just met—someone who lived thousands of miles away, to boot. Add to the mix their age difference and the fact that he doubted he could be the kind of HoH she was looking for, and he once again pondered how he was going to steer a course that wouldn't find either of them getting hurt.

  Her tentative knock came five minutes early. He took a moment to shake off his doubts before opening the door. The sight of her made his breath catch. She'd dressed in perfectly snug jeans and a summer halter that showed off her toned and tan arms. The fabric pulled snuggly across her ample bust that he had enjoyed getting to know intimately the night before.

  Sean pulled her into an embrace and kissed her bare neck before brushing her ear lobe with his lips as he invited her in. "You're a sight for sore eyes. I'm glad you're here."

  He pulled her inside before closing the door. She felt stiff in his arms. Trying to warm her up, he pressed her back against the heavy wood door and gazed into her caramel brown eyes. Where she had been responsive the night before, tonight Traci was on guard... reserved. He understood, yet he hated it.

  "You hungry? I have dinner warming in the kitchen."

  "You cooked?"

  "I ordered."

  "Must be nice. I love to cook, but hate cooking for one." She looked past him to scan the room. "Where's Ashley?"

  "She's sleeping over at her grandparents’ tonight. They're going to get her to school tomorrow."

  He saw conflict in her eyes and suspected she had been counting on Ashley's presence to keep them from having the privacy to delve too deeply into the confusing emotional ride they found themselves on.

  "Come on in. Let's eat. I opened a bottle of one of my favorite Italian wines to go with the pasta feast Chef prepared for us tonight. I can't wait to see what you think."

  "I'm sure I'll love it. I've loved all of the wines you've chosen so far."

  "We'll see. Tonight's is a bit heavier."

  They were near the already set dining table when she replied, "Heavy sounds good. I almost ordered a cocktail before coming up."

  He was about to help her sit, but stopped and turned her toward him instead. "Why would you feel like you need to drink before seeing me, Traci?"

  "Oh, I don't know. Let's face it; last night was pretty intense, Sean. I'm not really used to dating, let alone sleeping with, a man I've only known for a day. I don't want you to think ill of me."

  He had expected her to feel vulnerable after their passionate time together, but he hadn't expected her to worry that he might condemn her for giving into the same base attraction he had. Sean reached out to cup her face and made sure she was paying attention. "I have thought of you... almost constantly today... but never, not once, did I think worse of you for letting me spend the night with you last night, Trace."

  "I've thought of you all day today too, Sean."


  He felt her tremble as he gave her time to formulate her response. "And nothing. Nothing has changed. I'm still going home tomorrow. You still live in Chicago. I still live in Corbin's Bend. As wonderful as last night was, I need to stay focused that we're just having fun." The look on her face told Sean she wasn't having any fun at all. The tension rolled off her as if she were barely holding her emotions in check.

  "So what if I asked you to delay your flight home? At least spend the weekend here so we can try to get a handle on what's going on."

  Sean could tell she hadn't expected his request. How could she? He hadn't expected to ask her to stay himself.

  She remained closed off. "I don't think that's a good idea, Sean. Three days is almost worse than one day. Five days will be worse than three."

  "How can you say that?"

  "Because let's face it. This is going to end. There are way too many things preventing this from turning into anything serious, Sean. That means that getting closer to you is only going to make it worse when it's time to move on. In fact, maybe I should just leave now. It's not too late for tonight..."

  "The hell it's not. Like it or not, it's already too late for me to just shrug my shoulders and say 'bye and good luck' to you, Traci." Sean tried to tap down the erratic emotions controlling him.

  He saw confusion registering in her brown eyes
. "So, you've been considering changing jobs and moving?"

  "No, and you know I haven't."

  "Well, neither have I. How about leading a DD relationship? You ready to step up to that challenge too, Sean? Because I'm telling you now that's a requirement for me. I'm not ready to settle for a relationship that doesn't include domestic discipline. I know myself. I want... no... I need to be guided by an HoH. You may have never seen me losing it, but I can assure you that you aren't ready for that."

  Sean felt anger bubbling up. "How do you know that, Traci? How can you possibly answer for me what I will or won't be able to handle?"

  "My brother, Troy, loves me more than anyone else in the world and even he is at his wit's end with me, Sean. You've only gotten a glimpse of that this week."

  "The only thing I've seen this week that I'd like to change is a beautiful woman who lacks confidence in herself. I watched the audience as you spoke yesterday. You are an amazing, intelligent woman. I wish you could see yourself as I see you, Traci."

  "Thank you. That's nice of you to say, but I'm just a distraction, Sean. You have Ashley. She has to come first. You have your life together here and an amazing career running this hotel. I know this time together, it's just a fun distraction."

  "Distraction? Seriously? Don't think I don't know what you're leaving off the list of reasons why you don't think this is going to work between us. You don't think I've got what it takes to be the kind of man you need, do you, Traci?"

  Her pupils flared. He knew he'd struck gold. She finally replied, "I never said that, Sean, but let's face it. You said it yourself, you'd never heard of domestic discipline before you met me. Never even thought of using physical discipline within a relationship."

  "Maybe not, but I've been thinking of it non-stop since reading your research. Since listening to your impassioned speech. Since burying myself inside you, knowing we were as physically close as we could be, yet still sensing there was an intimacy still missing. It took me hours of reflection to finally realize what it was."


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