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At Home In Corbin's Bend

Page 86

by Maggie Ryan

  Pulling his lips from hers, he looked over her shoulder, trying to make sense of the two hooks that were giving him trouble.

  "Allow me," she gasped, reaching back. In one swift movement, the bra was loose. He would have to ask her later how she did that. Small fingers plucked at the buttons on his shirt and he forgot about her bra.

  Leaning down, he kissed her again, sharp, rather fumbling kisses as he tried to keep his mind on things. It was vastly difficult to do. Kissing her took so much of his concentration, but there were also her breasts. Oh, damn, her tits fit perfectly in his palms, and the nipples jutted against him. A desire to do something he'd always thought about but had never done struck him. Cory never considered whether he should or shouldn't do it. He just did.

  Walking forward, he backed her up to the bed, grinning when she squeaked and fell backward. He instantly leaned over her, his lips wrapping around the hard red nipple sticking out of her light olive-toned breast. And sucked.

  "Oh, Cory!" she cried out, arching her back and shoving her nipple further into his mouth.

  Well, hot damn.

  Grasping the button of his jeans, he had it undone and the zipper down quickly. After kicking his shoes and socks off, his pants hit the floor ten seconds later. Releasing her tit from his lips, he crawled up onto the bed and looked down at her. Her eyelids were half closed, her cheeks were a delightful pink, and her breath came in sharp pants, just like his own. "I want you," he said honestly, looking down at her breasts and stomach. She was exquisite.

  "I want you, too," she said, reaching down and unbuttoning her jeans. Hopping off, he grasped her shoes and pulled them off. Her socks followed before he grasped the ankles of her jeans and pulled. A squeal ripped from her mouth as he almost yanked her off the bed, and he caught her before she fell.

  "Shit," he said in apology, looking up into her face, expecting her to be annoyed or angry. Instead, she chortled; her head thrown back, her gorgeous hair bouncing as she laughed loudly. When she looked up, she reached forward and rumpled his hair.

  "You're stronger than you look," she said, with a wink.

  Grinning, he nodded as he pushed her back onto the bed and grasped the top of her jeans, pulling them down her legs gently. This time they hit the floor without any danger of her falling as well. She slid backward and he climbed onto the mattress next to her, glad he had a queen-size. All they had on was their underwear, and damn if he didn't want it gone and to be inside her.

  Only… Looking up into her excited gaze, he paused. "Did you want your spanking? Or did you want to have sex?"

  She blinked. "We can't have both?"

  Slightly embarrassed, he nodded as he sat back on his feet. "Yeah. If I spank you first, that can lead to sex. I don't think either of us will be up for the spanking after."

  "Spanking first then," she murmured. When he nodded, she rolled over, showing off her derriere, which was covered in the barely-there red and white panties she was wearing.

  "Santa?" he guessed, looking at the white frill along the edges.

  "Yep," she replied with a giggle. "I hoped they'd bring me luck today." Glancing over her shoulder, she grinned even as more pink entered her cheeks.

  "You're so beautiful," he whispered, leaning down to kiss her again. For a moment, as his lips met hers, he almost forgot about the spanking, but his hand drifted over her lower back, and as it crested her rear end, he felt a need stronger than he'd ever felt before. Lifting up his left hand, he brought it down with a resounding whack!

  She gasped as her eyes flew open, and he waited to see what her reaction would be. He didn't have to wait long.

  Chapter 3

  Kenzie wanted to tackle him. That one painful swat had awakened in her the same passion she felt when he stuck his tongue down her throat. Pulling her lips away, she said the only word she could. "More."

  Cory's hazel eyes lit up, streaks of gold showing in their depths, and he grinned, nodding. He got back up on his knees, which allowed her to truly look at his body. Absolutely gorgeous. More of a swimmer's build than a bodybuilder, but she preferred that. She was already tiny. If he'd been a body builder as well as his height being just under six feet tall, she would have felt dwarfed. Instead, she just felt protected. Her eyes drifted down his torso to his underwear. Simple black boxer briefs. She wasn't sure why, but they fit him. And oh my, they fit his dick, which pushed out the front.

  "Ready?" he asked, and she looked up into his face and nodded eagerly.

  A spanking. She was finally going to get a spanking. This was perfect.

  Cory started lightly, much lighter than the swing he did a few minutes ago. She barely felt each swat, and wondered what he was doing, but was content to lie on his bed and let him go at it. A nice warmth spread across her skin and she let out a soft sigh. Well, this was lovely. Kind of like a spank massage. As she relaxed into it, he increased his swing, and she jolted as another hard thwack fell on her ass.

  Pain sizzled at the point of impact, but almost instantly turned into warmth. With each new smack, the warmth grew, until her entire rump felt like a sunburn. When he stopped, she looked over, disappointed as it hurt but felt good—and she really wasn't ready for him to stop. Expecting to find him sitting back, she was surprised to find his fingers at the edges of her panties. "May I?" he asked, slipping his fingers under the edge. Oh. He wanted to take them off. Lifting her hips off the bed, she barely kept back a grin as he slid them off, down her legs, finally pulling them off her feet.

  "I've never done this before," he admitted. "I've spanked, but, um, never like this. If I do something that doesn't feel good, let me know."

  Thinking that sounded strange, as the spanking didn't necessarily feel good at first, but almost instantly morphed into amazing, she just nodded, heat filling her face as he pulled her legs apart slightly. Oh, dread. Sure, she had just gotten waxed last week, but he was looking at her… there. That was embarrassing. No guys ever looked between her legs unless it was to line themselves up. It was intimate, something she had only shared with him. Which just made it amazing. A little of her worry left.

  Tentative fingers slid between her thighs, tracing her outer lips. As one digit found its way between them and stroked from her pussy to her clit, a strange sound left her lips, something she could only describe as a mewl. Guys never did this. They never sought to make her feel as good as they did. Where the hell had he learned it all?

  The pad of his finger slid over and around her wet nub, making her toes tingle. Just as she fidgeted a little at the feeling, his other hand came down on her rear with a loud whap!

  With his other hand stroking up and down her pussy, she had no way to even make sense of the feelings running through her. It hurt, but… it hurt so good! The constant rubbing, the heat as his hand came down on another patch of already scorched skin, the gush as her pussy squeezed in excitement; it was overwhelming and positively wonderful.

  "Cory," she whispered, in a voice that didn't even sound like her own. It was husky, and full of more emotion than she was quite ready for.

  "Yes, baby?" He'd never called her a pet name before. Warmth bloomed through the rest of her body in response.

  Strong fingers slid inside her and she arched, crying out as his hand came down right in the crease between her buttocks and thighs. Every muscle squeezed as she came, shocking her as she had never had an orgasm quite like it. Usually, her highs were brought on by her hand in the middle of the night when nobody was around. She came, and then she slept. Not now. Cory thrust his fingers in and out of her passage, rubbing up against something that kept her going. His hand slammed down continuously across her ass in a beat she now thought she'd love to hear forever.

  Kenzie realized everything had stopped. His one hand rubbed her lower back, and his other brushed lightly over her arm. "Are you okay?" he asked gently. Turning to him, she looked into his face. He looked concerned.

  "Okay doesn't cover it," she admitted. "That was amazing."

cern turned to pleasure. "Really?" His eyes lit up. "I mean, I thought it went well, but I've never done that before, and nobody told me you'd scream at the top of your lungs when you came."

  Her mouth dropped open. "I screamed?"

  "Like a banshee."

  Self-conscious, she buried her face in the pillow. "Well, isn't that embarrassing."

  He half leaned over her, and kissed her shoulder gently. "Now that I know it wasn't a bad thing, I loved it."

  "Really?" She peeked at him over her shoulder. He seemed to be telling the truth.

  "Definitely. That was amazing. What did you think?"

  Turning so she could talk with him face to face, she gasped as her hot ass came in contact with the bedspread. "Wow, didn't expect that," she murmured, reaching back and lightly touching her hand across the over-heated surface. "I liked it," she said honestly. "No, I loved it. It was better than I had dreamed of, though I'd like to know how the pain can be pleasurable."

  Grinning, he lay down, with his elbow propping himself up. "From what I gather, a lot of the people who like getting spanked like it for that reason."

  "Well, we at least know I'm not crazy," she said with a laugh.

  "If you are, I am too. I enjoyed doing it."

  Pulling her hand away from her rear, she reached out and slid it down his abdomen, toward the edge of his briefs. His cock still jutted out nicely. "You mentioned something about sex earlier?" she said, trying to sound sultry though she didn't think it came out that way. This was the problem. When she'd been turning tricks to keep herself alive, she hadn't had to sound sultry; all she'd had to do was show up. Even though she'd thrown that life away two years ago, Kenzie hadn't realized she didn't really know how to seduce a guy she actually cared about. And she really did care about Cory. In her heart, she knew she already was in love with him, but was scared to say so. What if he didn't feel the same way?

  "Feel up to it?" he asked, in obvious relief.

  "Definitely. But," she added, "my ass is a bit hot to be on the bottom. So, we can either do it doggie style, or I could be on top?" She said it hesitantly, as while Cory knew about her past, she hated to have him know just how much she'd done. Next to most of the girls her age, she'd had sex far more, and she knew it. It wasn't until dating Cory, though, that she had truly regretted that time of her life. He didn't seem to blame her for it, but it didn't stop her own feelings of being a whore from coming out.

  "I'm up for both later on, but for now, mind if we do doggie style?" he asked hesitantly. "I'd really love to watch that beautiful red ass while we… um..."

  She grinned. Cory could foul mouth with the best of them, but she had noticed that his whole gentlemanly routine usually foreswore cussing around her. "Fuck," she said with a wink. "While we fuck. And you bet."

  Grinning, a wicked light lit up his eyes. "Cool. And maybe I can spank you at the same time."

  Her first reaction was, "I'm too hot now!" but as that was followed by her cunt clenching and liquid dripping out of her core, she elected not to say anything. Just the thought of him spanking her while thrusting his cock inside made her tremble with desire.

  Cory hopped off the bed and quickly removed his briefs; his cock, red, with the foreskin already pulled back, popped up, bouncing against his abdomen. Kenzie'd always had a thing for uncut guys ever since her first, and seeing he was made her leap up onto her elbows and knees.

  Clearing his throat, he gave her a slightly goofy grin. "I promised you I'd show you my tat."

  "Oh!" In her frenzy, she'd almost forgotten. Nodding emphatically, she watched as he lifted his left foot onto the bed, showing her the inner expanse of his thigh. Right at the top was a small black and red tattoo. She had to scramble over to the edge of the bed to see it. Unable not to, she reached out and traced the heart. It had a single name. "Who's Clark?"

  When he didn't answer, she glanced up at him. His expression was inscrutable. "My twin. We were born conjoined. We had all our own organs except for one." Taking her hand, he held it over his heart, where there was a tiny scar she hadn't noticed before. "I don't know how my parents made the decision, but basically within a day of our birth they had to decide: try and save one of us, or lose us both. They chose to try. I spent my first two years in the hospital under all sorts of operations."

  "I'm sorry," she whispered, tears pricking at her eyelids. What a horrible thing to have happen.

  "It's okay. Most people react that way, but I never knew Clark. It isn't like I lost a twin later in life, which would be horrific." He slid his hands into her hair. His fingers combing through her locks felt good. "But when I was fifteen, I felt the need to have a permanent reminder of my brother. Thus, the tattoo."

  "Why there?" It seemed there were better, less painful areas to get one in.

  "It isn't something I want just anyone to see," he admitted. "Only those most important to me." Something in his eyes made her eyes prick with tears again, only for a much better reason. "Now," he said, his voice deepening and taking on a timbre she was unfamiliar with, but which sent her heart racing. "Get into the middle of the bed. I'm going to fuck you into the mattress." Something about his use of the term made her drool, and she bounced into the middle of his bed, sliding her legs slightly apart.

  He grabbed a small box and pulled a box of condoms out of it. The fact the box was unopened made her happy. Sure, she knew he had been with other girls, but for some reason, the unopened box of condoms felt important somehow. After covering his cock with the rubber, he climbed up onto the bed behind her.

  It had been a long time since she'd let a guy take her this way, and she wanted it. Kenzie wanted it bad.

  Strong thumbs pulled her pussy lips apart and he rubbed his cock up and down her opening, getting it nice and wet. "Your ass looks amazing," he moaned. "It's the most wonderful shade."

  "You'll have to show me later," she suggested, arching when the tip of his cock slid inside and he pushed. While not the biggest man she'd ever taken, he filled her unlike anyone else. As his balls bounced lightly against her, he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her shoulder before pulling back and landing a hard smack on her rump even as he pulled out and thrust back in.

  It wasn't coordinated. In fact, it felt awkward, but it was the best awkward she'd ever felt. There was no rhythm, but every time his hips collided with hers and his hand came down on her buttocks, it felt right, and she began to press back so that her hips and his collided with a bang each time. The air was filled with all manner of sounds: the wet sound of sex, slaps as skin met skin every time he thrust forward, and the smacks as his hand continued to make contact with her derrière.

  When he grunted and collapsed on to her back, trembling, Kenzie smiled. That was the best non-orgasmic sex she'd ever had. Or so she thought. She was still up on her knees as one of his arms held her up. To her immense surprise, his other hand slid around her and between her legs, rubbing roughly over her clit. "Cory!" she gasped, unprepared for the onslaught to her sensitive, throbbing button. It didn't take long for her to come, and he grunted as her pussy squeezed his cock over and over. When he pulled his hand away, he released her, and she slid down onto the bed off his cock.

  He climbed off the bed, and before long had removed the condom and come back to bed, helping her under the covers and sliding in beside her. As she curled up next to him, Kenzie had never felt so at home in her life. She looked forward to the next couple days.

  Chapter 4

  It's so lovely here," Kenzie commented, as the two of them walked toward Benjamin and Jonathon's home. "You would think with the fact I live in Boulder that I'd be used to all the snow but somehow, it's prettier here."

  Cory grinned, but then again he'd been grinning since they'd woken from their nap. Kenzie's ass was still a delightful shade of pink, though the heat had dimmed mostly, but the main reason he was grinning was because he'd woken to her mouth around his dick. At twenty-one, he'd never had a good blow job, at least not before now. The girls he'd dated h
ad been willing to give him a lick or two, but most weren't interested, and even those who were, hated the appearance of his uncut cock. Turned out that him being uncut turned Kenzie on. And the girl knew how to give good head. He was still reeling.

  He hoped that if he spanked her again she'd suck him tomorrow. Hell, Cory wanted her to suck him for a lot longer than that. Having her in his bed was as close to nirvana as he could imagine. And it kicked to the front of his mind something he and Brent had talked about just six months before.

  "If you decide to buy a stake in the cooperative, we'd be thrilled to have you." He'd handed Cory the information he would need for a down payment, and what his loan would cost him over time. Cory knew his parents were willing to help out. They would charge less interest over the life of the loan, and he would be able to get into his house sooner. Until now, he figured maybe by the time he was twenty-five. Now, he wondered, if things worked out with Kenzie, he might want to get a place sooner. He rather liked the thought of waking up to her every morning, blow job or not.

  "So how long have they lived here?" Kenzie asked, as they turned onto the street where Benjamin lived.

  "I think they were one of the first couples to move in. My family moved in six months later. The people on this street are as much family as my blood relations," he admitted, looking around. "I spent a lot of my time here when I wasn't in school."

  "Must be nice," she whispered, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  "I can't image how lonely it must have been for you," he admitted, "but now you can build the same kind of family."

  She nodded, but he didn't think she was convinced. Cory had to admit he had a hard time grasping her life as a teenager. He'd talked with his father, with Benjamin, and with Brent about it, because he was afraid to come across as insensitive or an idiot. His mentor and the man he considered an uncle had been the most helpful. They'd seen girls in Kenzie's position, and had emphasized trust over everything else. It hadn't taken long for him to understand. The girl was skittish about a lot of things. But over the three months they'd been dating, she'd opened up to him in ways he doubted she'd opened up to anyone else before.


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