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The Club Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 5

by Jason Lenov

  The whole time she was still holding me with her fist, my mouth still pressed to her sex.

  Finally, she let me go and stepped out of the shower. She turned and winked as she wrapped herself in a towel. “Thanks, babe,” she said. “That was smokin’ hot!” She winked again and stepped out through the door.

  I stayed on my knees in the shower for a while, letting water splash across my back and wondering what it was I’d done.

  Chapter 7

  The whole week Kim couldn’t stop talking about the club. She made us go and get our health records on Monday and fill out the membership forms so they were ready to go.

  I was also excited but my excitement was tinged with worry and bouts of paranoia about what was to come. It seemed a little strange that Kim wasn’t suffering from the same thing. Thursday at dinner, with Kim prattling on across the table about what it was going to be like, I couldn’t keep it in any more.

  “Can I ask you something?” I asked, stopping her in mid-sentence.

  “Uh, sure,” Kim replied. She put down her fork, as if she knew things were going to get serious.

  “Are you worried about this at all?”

  “Worried about what we’re going to do?” Kim asked.

  “Yeah. I mean, sometimes…sometimes I worry about it. About whether it’s the right thing, you know?”

  Kim sighed, then dabbed at the corners of her mouth with her napkin. “Daniel, do you want to change your mind? It’s not too late to…”

  “No it’s not that,” I said quickly. “I was just wondering. Sometimes I just get to worrying. That this is the wrong thing, that it’s going to change things between us. It’s not that I want to do anything differently. I don’t. I just…I guess I was just wondering if you ever felt that too?”

  Kim tilted her head and gave me a sympathetic look. She got up out of her chair and came over to sit next to me. She put her hand over mine. “Daniel of course I worry about that sometimes. But I know that nothing could ever get in the way of us. I love you so much and I’m so happy you love me as much as you do. I was so worried after that night with Kyle. I’m so happy we’re still together and I just want to do what makes you happy, okay?”

  It was exactly what I’d needed to hear. And she was right. Nothing would ever get between us. She’d cheated on me and I was still with her. Not only that but we were having the best sex of our marriage because of it!

  I smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

  Kim patted my hand and went back over to finish her dinner, picking up what she’d been talking about without missing a beat.

  The next night we were standing outside next to an office supply store waiting at a black door. It swung open and we were greeted by a smiling woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties. “Good evening!” she said. She stepped aside and waved us inside.

  Kim handed her the envelope with our health records and application forms.

  The woman scanned them, then looked up and smiled. “Right this way. I’ll get these entered upstairs.” She led us up a flight of stairs to the second floor.

  The lighting was dim and the decor and color scheme matched that of the web page. Purple velour pillows dotted black leather couches.

  The place was nothing like the dance club we’d been inside the previous week. The music was low enough that you could have a conversation. People were sipping drinks and chatting.

  “I’m Amy,” the young woman said, turning to us. “This is the lounge. It’s mostly for getting comfortable and getting acquainted. If you decide to take things a step further, there are various rooms at the back, just beyond that curtain.” She pointed to a black curtain that hung from the ceiling, covering about half of the space.

  “The only real rule is that no always means no. How will you be paying today?”

  I pulled my wallet out of my jacket. “Credit card alright?”

  “Just fine!” Amy said with a smile. “Would you like to run a tab at the bar?”

  “Uh…sure,” I replied.

  “Wonderful. I hope you have a great time!” She spun around and walked over to a small desk tucked into a corner. She took out the papers and started entering the information into the computer.

  Kim squeezed my arm. “Well?” she whispered. “Are you ready?”

  I hated to say it but the whole thing was a bit of a turn off. There were a lot of older guys hanging around the bar. A few older couples tucked into corners chatting and looking drab. I wondered if there was more going on behind the curtain. “It’s kind of…lame, isn’t it?”

  Kim sighed and rolled her eyes. “At least give it a chance, Daniel. Come on. Let’s get a drink.” She grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the bar.

  Once we’d ordered our drinks we installed ourselves on one of the couches in the corner of the room. It wasn’t long before one of the older guys, a man with glasses and a trim white beard and silver hair, walked up to us. “Mind if I sit down?” he asked with a smile.

  Kim gave me a nervous glance before scooting over. “Sure,” she said with a giggle. She cuddled up closer to me.

  “Just so you know that’s my wife over there,” the man said, pointing to a woman who also looked to be in her fifties. She was at the bar talking to a black man that was about half her age. “My name’s Ron,” the man said, stretching out his hand to shake.

  “Kim,” Kim said, shaking his hand.


  “Pleasure to meet you two. Let me guess, it’s your first time?”

  Kim burst into giggles again. “Are we that obvious?”

  The man smiled and laughed politely along with her. “There is a certain look about newbies, that’s for sure. We’re from out of town. Here visiting Barbara’s family. She had to get away.”

  “Where are you from?” Kim asked.

  “Peterson County,” the man replied.

  “Oh which town?” Kim asked, smiling.

  Ron smiled back. “No offence, you seem like lovely people but Barb and I really try not to say. You never know these days.”

  “Oh,” Kim replied, “fair enough.”

  “So what’s the itch you were hoping to scratch tonight?” Ron asked.

  Kim looked at me and squeezed my hand, then looked back at Ron. “Daniel wants to see me with another man.”

  Ron gave us both a thoughtful smile. “A man after my own heart,” he said, winking at me. “That’s Barb’s idea of getting away.” He nodded over towards the bar.

  The black man that Barb had been talking to had moved substantially closer to her. As she spoke he would move in and kiss her neck every so often.

  “I take it you haven’t had the pleasure of seeing Kim with a powerful black cock stuffed inside her yet, have you?”

  The question stirred a primal instinct within me, one I’d never felt before. I turned to look at Kim.

  She, too, had been affected by what Ron had asked. She was watching Barb and her soon to be lover chatting and flirting and her pose had taken on an aroused edge.

  I could tell she was imagining what it would be like. I saw it in her eyes. She was thinking of having that fat, black cock inside her tight pink pussy. I could almost smell her excitement.

  “What do you think, Kim? Would you like that?” Ron asked, nudging her closer to the possibility.

  Finally, Kim looked at me and blushed. “I…” She chewed on her lip a little and let herself look back towards Barb and handsome black stranger.

  I put a hand over hers. “You can say yes,” I urged. My cock had hardened into a column of flesh just thinking about what it would be like watching Kim get fucked.

  Kim nodded. “I think…I don’t know…”

  She was toying with the idea but something was holding her back.

  “Would you two care to join us in the back and see what it’s all about?” Ron asked.

  Kim’s eyes lit up. “Okay. Yeah, sure. That sounds good. If…if you’re alright with that?” she asked.

  “Fine,” I repl

  As if on cue, Barb turned and took her black stud by the hand. She started walking towards the large black curtain that hid the rest of the club.

  We all stood up. Ron led the way and a few moments later we slipped into the room Barb had ducked into.

  The lighting was even lower here. There was a huge bed in the center of the room and chairs scattered around the walls, presumably for observers like us. Kim and I found a dark corner and hunkered down to watch the show.

  Ron took up a spot opposite us, drink in hand, ready to watch his wife get fucked.

  Barb didn’t waste any time. “Darling,” she said, smiling at Ron, “this is Tyrel.” She didn’t pay any attention to us. She unzipped her dress and it fell away revealing an unusually trim body for someone her age. Braless, her only undergarment was a hot pink thong wedged in the cleft of her firm ass. She sat down on the bed without removing her heels and spread her legs.

  Tyrel knelt in front of the bed, pulled the thong to one side and pushed a middle finger into her cunt. He fucked it in and out of her a few times before stuffing another inside her.

  Barb watched him, seeming fairly neutral about what was going on. It was only when he pressed his mouth against her pussy and started to lick that she let her arousal show. She reached up and took a nipple in each hand and started twisting and pulling at them. A few moments later she closed her eyes and began to mewl.

  Tyrel gave her a good long licking between the legs. By the time he pulled back her gash was glistening with his spit and her juices combined.

  “Don’t take it easy on her, Tyrel,” Ron piped up from across the room. “Barbie likes it rough. Don’t you doll?” He flashed her a grin.

  “I’ll take it any way it comes. Better than feeling that little nub you call a pecker worming into me.” She burst out laughing.

  Both Kim’s and my eyes went wide and we stared at each other, shocked at what she’d said.

  Ron seemed to take it in stride, however. In fact he almost seemed to enjoy the dig. His cock was hard, I could see it from where I was sitting. Maybe humiliation was a part of their little game.

  “Alright,” Tyrel said, standing up. “You like it rough, huh?”

  Barb shrugged and rolled her eyes.

  Tyrel dropped his pants with one hand and grabbed a fistful of her hair with the other.

  Barb gasped. Ron smiled behind her.

  Kim and I stared, mesmerized by the taboo scene playing out right in front of our eyes.

  Tyrel dragged Barb off the bed and onto her knees on the floor.

  Her nipples hardened and she shoved her hand between her legs and started rubbing even as she grimaced at the pain of Tyrel’s grip on her hair.

  “You like dark meat, huh?” he asked, hauling his cock out of his underwear.

  My eyes went wide at the sight of it. To call it a cock was to do it a great disservice. Hose would be a more apt description. It hung nearly to his knees, glistening in the darkness like polished ebony. A single vein crawled down the side.

  Tyrel lifted it and slapped Barb across the face. The smack resounded in the small room.

  Ron smiled a little wider.

  “Open that mouth,” Tyrel ordered.

  Barb, suddenly the obedient whore, opened her mouth as wide as she could and stuck out her tongue.

  Tyrel fed her inch after inch of cock. When he pressed against her throat he stopped and took her head in both hands. “Now suck.”

  Barb grabbed the root of his cock with both hands. Hanging on for dear life as he began to fuck her mouth, her cheeks hollowed as she began slurping and sucking on his hardening cock.

  “Fuck,” Tyrel growled. “That’s good. She got velvet in that mouth or something?” he asked, flashing Ron a grin.

  Ron shrugged and smiled. He couldn’t take his eyes off Barb and his cock throbbed in his lap.

  I finally looked at Kim. She was sitting bolt upright in her chair, staring at Tyrel fucking Barb’s face and I’d never seen her look more excited.

  She must have felt me watching her because she turned to look at me.

  “So?” I whispered, “What do you think? Would you try it?”

  Without a moment’s hesitation Kim nodded and emphatic “yes,” then went back to staring at Tyrel and Barb.

  At that moment Tyrel pulled Barb off his cock and let her come up for air. A thick rope of spit and bile clung between her lips and the tip of his cock. She didn’t take her hands off his shaft for a second. After a few quick gasps, she gobbled his dick back into her mouth.

  She began bobbing back and forth on it, staring up at him, looking desperate as a teenager for his approval.

  Tyrel took his hands off her head and let her take over, putting them behind his back.

  Barb got to work like a porn star. Rubbing his shaft with one hand she yanked down his underwear with the other, exposing two apple sized testicles. She ran her hand over both of them before cupping one.

  Tyrel seemed to barely notice. He stared down at her, his dark expression revealing nothing about whether he was feeling any excitement at all.

  Barb continued to diligently fuck him with her face.

  It was only when his nuts pulled up against his body and one corner of his mouth curled in a slight snarl that I realized he was having an orgasm.

  Barb made a gurgling sound and a spray of ejaculate shot out from the corners of her mouth.

  Tyrel reached around and put a hand on the back of her head. “That’s it. You take that nut,” he said, his voice tight from the climax.

  Barb gazed up into his eyes. The muscles in her throat flexed as she gulped down all he had to give, the excess dribbling out around his cock.

  Watching that powerful cock flexing, knowing it was spewing his hot seed into her, all I could think of was what it would be like to see it inside Kim, delivering it’s potent load to the deepest part of her body.

  When I looked over at Kim again, there could be no doubt that was what she was thinking about, too.

  Tyrel removed himself from Barb’s mouth and tucked his cock back into his pants.

  Barb turned and crawled up onto the bed where Ron was waiting. He had stripped and was lying on his back naked, cock in hand.

  Barb stood over top him, one foot on either side of his head. She’d kicked off her heels before climbing up. She spat. A thick glop of Tyrel’s ejaculate landed on Ron’s cheek. Barb lifted her foot and mashed it against his nose.

  Ron began to pump.

  “Okay, this is a little much for me,” Kim said.

  Tyrel had dressed and was making his way out of the room. He caught our eye and waved us towards him.

  Kim and I got up and slipped out of the room behind him.

  “Y’all want to find another room?” Tyrel asked, eyeing Kim.

  My cock engorged. Was this going to be it? Was I going to see Kim take another man, a black man at that?

  “Sure!” Kim said with an eager nod.

  Chapter 8

  My chest tightened at Kim’s reaction. She’d practically bounced and clapped her hands together at the offer. It was hard to believe she was so into it.

  “Come on.” Tyrel turned and found a door with a green light turned on. He walked in and held it open for us. Then he swung it shut and flipped the deadbolt shut. “What do you all like?”

  “Uh…” My mind started to race as I struggled for an answer.

  “We’re new,” Kim said, grinning.

  Tyrel cracked a smile. “No shit?”

  “No,” Kim giggled and shook her head. “No shit.”

  “Never had another man in that pussy?” he asked, glancing down at Kim’s midriff.

  She giggled, covered her mouth with a hand and looked at me, blushing. “No,” she said.

  “Damn man!” Tyrel said, looking at me. “You keepin’ that shit all to yourself? That ain’t fair!”

  Kim’s laughter was interrupted by Tyrel grabbing her by the arm and pulling her close.

She gasped.

  I sucked in air.

  Suddenly her lips were against hers, her body pressed against his.

  Wave after wave of adrenaline rushed through me at seeing this.

  The tension melted from Kim’s body as she got more comfortable with his kiss. Her hands wandered up his arms and around the back of his neck. Then one went down his back, the other up the back of his head.

  My cock throbbed, hard as iron, a filthy salute to watching Kim being seduced by Tyrel.

  “Mmm-mmm,” Tyrel growled as he pulled away from Kim’s lips. “That’s some sweet sugar.”

  Kim was breathing heavily, her breasts heaving, pressed against his chest.

  Tyrel released her and took a step back. “Seein’ as how it’s your first time you most likely want it special, am I right?”

  Kim glanced at me and nodded.

  “Let’s hike that skirt up. See what we got in there,” Tyrel said. He hooked his fingers under the hem of Kim’s dress and pulled.

  As it slid up, revealing more and more of her naked body, Kim raised her arms to let him pull it over her head.

  Her eagerness and obvious excitement at what was happening were as disarming as they were a turn on. As much as I wanted to see it, I was also filled with worry at what it would be like. The worry sharpened my arousal.

  Tyrel pulled Kim’s underwear down, coming to kneel in front of her. He looked up and smiled. His black hands caressed her pale skin. “You a goddess,” he said.

  Kim blushed.

  Tyrel grinned. He leaned forward and kissed her mound. “Let’s get a taste of that pussy,” he said quietly.

  Kim, still blushing furiously, couldn’t stop staring at Tyrel. She stepped wider, exposing her soft folds to his wandering hands.

  I saw her tremble as the tips of his fingers brushed against her sex.

  His tongue flicked out and dipped into her hot cleft.

  Kim inhaled sharply, her chest rising as she did.

  “Fuckin’ honey,” Tyrel growled. “Get down on that bed.”

  Kim stumbled backwards and Tyrel caught her by the ass right before she fell. He laughed and guided her a few more steps back, then lowered her onto the bed.


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