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The Jade Lioness

Page 15

by Christina Courtenay

  Without giving her a chance to protest, he took her hand, lacing his fingers with hers, and pulled her out from the protection of the waterfall and over towards the pool. Temperance gasped with further embarrassment and scanned their surroundings, in case they were being watched, but thankfully there didn’t seem to be anyone else about. Kazuo stopped by the edge of the pool and sat down, tugging at her hand until she did the same.

  ‘Now take it slowly. Ease your limbs in bit by bit, or else you’ll scald yourself,’ he told her, sliding his feet towards the surface. The water in the pool was steaming gently, and when Temperance followed his advice and dipped a toe in she found that it was very hot indeed, boiling almost.

  ‘Ow!’ Midori had told her about this type of spring and the scalding heat, but Temperance hadn’t quite believed her. Now she realised it was the truth.

  ‘You get used to it. Just wait.’

  Kazuo was right and after a while her body accustomed itself to the boiling temperature of the spring little by little. He was hardier than her and managed to ease his entire body in long before she did, which left her sitting on the side with nothing to shield her from his view. She crossed her arms over her chest self-consciously. He leaned his head back on one of the stones near the edge of the pool and contemplated her from beneath half-closed eyelids.

  ‘You don’t need to feel ashamed of your body, you know,’ he said, almost conversationally. ‘It is exquisite. Quite, quite beautiful in fact.’

  Temperance refused to meet his eye and managed to slide into the water at last. She made sure she sat as far away from him as possible before replying.

  ‘It’s not that I’m ashamed of it,’ she murmured, ‘but it is wrong to show it to a man who is not my husband. At least, that’s what I have been taught and it’s how we do things in my country.’

  ‘I see. To me it is just a natural state. It is how we are born and most bodies look the same.’

  Temperance was fairly sure that wasn’t the case, except perhaps in the broadest of terms, but she didn’t feel able to argue with him. This was obviously how things were done in Japan and as she was here, she would have to become used to their customs.

  Kazuo edged towards her until he was sitting very close, so close his thigh touched hers. ‘You do not find it abhorrent to look at me, I hope?’

  ‘No, of course not.’ Temperance couldn’t tell him just how far from the truth that was.

  ‘That’s good. I wouldn’t want to scare you.’ He grinned at her and touched her nose with the tip of one finger. ‘Here, lean on me and close your eyes.’ He pulled her head gently down towards his shoulder. ‘Isn’t this just wonderful?’

  Temperance obediently shut her eyes and gave herself up to the pleasure of the moment, too tired to do anything else. He was right again. It was heavenly and her limbs felt completely relaxed, almost as if they were dissolving in the hot water. Her skin was turning rather pink and rubbing her fingertips together she could feel them beginning to wrinkle, but the enjoyment far outweighed such minor concerns and she sighed with contentment. Sitting next to Kazuo like this felt so right. She wanted to remain there forever.

  She had no idea how long they stayed in the onsen, but eventually they emerged from the pool, as carefully as they had gone in. ‘You don’t want to rush,’ Kazuo advised her, ‘or you might pass out.’ He helped her into her robe, then put on his own and took her hand in his. Looking slightly sheepish, he added, ‘I have a confession to make.’

  ‘Oh? What?’

  ‘I hope you don’t mind, but I told Hanano-san that you are my mistress.’

  ‘What? Why?’

  ‘Because I wanted to make sure that we were put in the same guest house and also in order to protect you from other men. If I am known to be your patron, they will respect that and keep their distance.’

  ‘I see.’ His words made sense, but still made Temperance feel slightly uncomfortable.

  ‘I just thought I’d better tell you in case anyone says anything. It would be best if you pretended to fill that role whenever we are with the others.’

  ‘Very well, if you think it’s necessary. But what about my appearance? I forgot to tell you that I inadvertently looked at Hanano-san’s wife earlier and I think she was frightened by my eyes.’

  ‘Don’t worry. I also told Hanano that you are an albino, hence the pale hair and eyes. I’m not sure he believed me, but he pretended to nonetheless. He will inform everyone else, I’m sure.’

  ‘I suppose that could account for my strange looks,’ Temperance grudgingly agreed.

  ‘It is something they understand and at least it’s not illegal. They’ve probably never seen an albino before, so they won’t have anything to compare you with.’

  ‘Have you?’

  ‘Yes, as it happens, and he didn’t look anything like you, but who’s to know? Now we had better dress and join Hanano and his family for supper. It would be impolite to keep them waiting and I’m looking forward to a proper meal.’

  Temperance nodded in agreement, but her thoughts were not on food. Instead she wondered if Hanano and his clan would really be fooled by such a simple explanation, but yet again, she had to trust that Kazuo was right.

  What other choice did she have, after all?

  The evening air was cooler up here in the mountains, and after a well-cooked meal and some time spent with Hanano’s family, Temperance knew she would sleep well that night. Her body had had to work extremely hard during the past few days and now she was looking forward to the comfort of a futon. Kazuo held her hand again on the way back to their lodgings to keep her from stumbling. The meal had been stiffly formal, and they’d been offered sake, the potent rice wine. As it would have been impolite to refuse, Temperance had imbibed as many cups as had been poured for her. Now her head felt rather strange and her legs seemed to have a will of their own. She tripped over a stone and felt Kazuo’s hand steadying her.

  ‘Watch your step. It’s difficult in the dark, I know.’ She thought she heard laughter in his voice, but she ignored it. He had drunk sake too, so surely he must be feeling the same?

  ‘Are you sure we’ll be safe here?’ she asked Kazuo when they finally reached the guest house. ‘Your cousin wouldn’t betray you to Tanaka, would he?’

  ‘No, you heard what he said. Tanaka is extremely unpopular hereabouts. Besides, Hanano-san would never act dishonourably as he owes my father a debt of gratitude. I should have remembered that earlier.’

  ‘How so?’

  ‘My father helped him out once when he was in dire straits financially. Hanano was never able to repay him, but it didn’t matter. They are kin and as such will always protect each other. That includes their families too.’

  Inside the guest house Temperance headed for her little room and was surprised when moments later Kazuo followed her in, carrying his bedding. ‘But what are you doing?’ she asked.

  ‘I think it’s best if we sleep together, just in case there is any danger. You don’t mind, do you?’

  Temperance opened her mouth to protest, then realised she had become so used to sleeping next to him that it would feel wrong not to. ‘No, I suppose not. If you think it’s best.’

  ‘I do.’

  He placed his own futon next to hers and lay down. When she did the same, he wriggled over so that his back was against hers, just as he had done every night, but suddenly it didn’t seem enough to Temperance. She wanted more. The sake humming through her veins melted all her inhibitions and made her feel bold, carefree and utterly daring. Without thinking she turned around and put her hand out to stroke his back, then felt, rather than saw him, move round.

  ‘Temi-chan, what are you—?’

  She cut him off by kissing him, softly, languidly, and felt his body stiffen before he responded. ‘Temi,’ he murmured. ‘This is not a good idea.’

  ‘It’s just a kiss,’ she whispered against his lips and used her tongue to entice him into opening his mouth, just as Nyoko had taught h
er. She felt vaguely guilty and immoral, but smiled when he didn’t protest any further. The woman had obviously been right – men liked this and come to think of it, so did she.

  It was a kiss that lasted for a very long time, until Temperance’s limbs started to feel as weightless and tingling as they had in the onsen earlier. Somehow she ended up lying underneath him, which felt completely right, and Kazuo’s hands gently explored her body. She made no protest when he slipped the robe off her shoulders so that he could trail kisses down her neck.

  ‘You are so lovely,’ he whispered, and she shivered when his mouth touched the sensitive pulse underneath her ear. She felt an answering shudder in him when she put her hands on his warm chest and let her fingers splay out slowly, but when she allowed them to stray further down, caressing the hard planes of his stomach, he captured them with his and held her still. ‘No, please, don’t tempt me further. I think we had better try and get some sleep now, don’t you?’

  She knew he was being strong for both of them and a part of her was grateful, but at the same time she felt bereft. She wanted him, all of him, and it no longer seemed important that he wasn’t her husband, nor was he ever likely to be. What man in his right mind would want to marry her now in any case? To all intents and purposes she was already a fallen woman, having spent weeks alone in the company of various men. Therefore she might as well behave like one, she reasoned.

  It was ironic though that she wanted to give herself to this man when only weeks ago she’d dreaded this very thing happening with Tanaka. What a difference it made to be with the right person.

  But Kazuo wasn’t the right one for her, not really. How could he be when they came from such different worlds?

  So she held back and accepted his refusal for what it was – the act of a true gentleman.

  Kazuo lay awake for ages, staring into the darkness. His body was on fire and he wanted nothing more than to turn back to Temi and make her his, but he knew that he couldn’t. Shouldn’t.

  He closed his eyes and relived the kisses they’d just shared. She had shocked him when she put her mouth on his so unexpectedly, then used her tongue to ensnare him further. Those were whore’s tricks, something she must have learned while staying at Imada’s house, but although no decent man was supposed to want his wife to act that way, Kazuo had enjoyed it immensely. And he was surprised to realise that he didn’t think any the less of her for playing the courtesan. He still wanted her for his wife and couldn’t see the pleasure in having a spouse who simply submitted meekly night after night. No, he would far rather have someone like Temi, who took the initiative and tried to please him.

  He wondered what other tricks she had learned at Imada’s tea house, then wished he hadn’t thought along those lines as the fire inside him flared up anew. He clenched his fists to stop from groaning out loud. This wouldn’t do, he had to stop this madness.

  The worst part was that had she been a Japanese girl, he wouldn’t have hesitated. However different their status, he could have found a way to marry her later or keep her as his mistress, but how could he possibly do that to a foreigner? Even if he could make his father accept such a thing, where would they live? Wherever they went, she would be in danger from the authorities and he couldn’t see a way around it.

  Taking deep breaths he tried to calm his body, but sleep was still a long time coming.

  Chapter Fifteen

  ‘How long are they going to keep us waiting, for heaven’s sake? It’s been days!’ Haag complained, pacing back and forth in the spacious room the foreigners had been allocated to socialise in.

  If he had been Chief Factor he would have insisted they be received much faster. They were, after all, the envoys of a foreign kingdom, not just lowly traders.

  ‘The Shogun is probably doing it on purpose, just to show us he’s the one with the power.’ Noordholt shrugged, seemingly not too bothered. It annoyed Haag that the man was always so unflappable and patient. So superior. Unbearable!

  Noordholt wouldn’t be quite so smug when Haag denounced him to the Japanese authorities and took his place. That was now his plan and he’d find a way to evade Noordholt’s watchful eyes in order to do it. It would mean getting rid of the deputy chief as well, but Haag would cross that hurdle once he’d dealt with Noordholt. There were always ways and means. However, he wasn’t doing anything until he had Temperance back. Everything else paled into insignificance. The longer he had to wait, the more he wanted her. He had to have her, the little bitch.

  If only he could find her.

  Haag was becoming frustrated beyond measure. He’d had no luck finding anyone who’d seen or heard of a foreign woman and he was running short of funds. At this rate he would have to try to steal some of the silver Noordholt had brought, but he’d rather not except as a last resort. The Chief Factor was cannier than most men and might guess who’d taken his precious funds.

  ‘Well, has there been any word about Mistress Marston from your concubine’s relative or the spies he was proposing to hire?’ he asked, not bothering to hide his impatience. ‘What did she call them, ninja?’

  Noordholt shook his head. ‘I hardly think he’ll be using ninja just to find out some information. They’re trained assassins. But to answer your question, no, I’ve not heard anything yet. Japan is a big country and no doubt it will take time to find any information.’ The Chief Factor hid it well, but Haag could tell he was extremely worried about his young kinswoman and frustrated at his inability to act. He was in an impossible situation, reliant on others to search for her as he couldn’t officially be seen to do anything. He sighed as he added, ‘Besides, whoever took Temperance won’t want her to be found, so perhaps they’ve disguised her or at least hidden her away. She may even have been spirited off to another country altogether, although God forbid!’

  Haag added a silent ‘amen’ to that sentiment. It would be most annoying if the stupid girl had gone missing for good. He had no idea how long he’d be forced to stay in Japan, but he would much prefer to do so with a European woman to see to his needs, rather than the native ones. And not just any woman, it had to be her. It had become a matter of honour now. No one, but no one, got away with making a fool of him. Temperance must be made to pay for that and for trying to escape him. Besides she was the only woman he’d ever wanted with such intensity. He had no idea why, but he simply couldn’t get her out of his mind. She was like opium, a drug he’d tried once before realising how it made him crave more.

  ‘You speak the language well. Can’t you make some enquiries yourself in secret?’ Haag asked.

  ‘I’ve tried, but I’m getting nowhere. The people here don’t seem happy to talk to a foreigner like myself, even one who speaks Japanese. And you know I’m not supposed to.’

  ‘Well, why don’t you bribe them? I’m sure a few coins would loosen plenty of tongues.’

  Noordholt sent him an irritated glance. ‘I did say I was offering a reward for information, but no one has come forward. Bribing people won’t work. They’d just pretend to know something and pocket the money. Waste of time.’

  Haag disagreed but swallowed his counter-argument. Once Noordholt had made up his mind about something, he was remarkably difficult to shift. There was nothing for it – Haag would have to do the bribing himself. With the Chief Factor’s coins.

  Temperance and Kazuo left the little village a few days later, taking a circuitous route across the mountains rather than heading straight for the east coast post road between Kyoto and Edo.

  ‘It would have been faster to go straight to the Tokaido Highway, which runs along the East Sea,’ Kazuo explained, ‘but I don’t want to take any unnecessary risks. The longer we stay out of sight, the better I think.’ There had been no sign of any pursuit and they surmised that Tanaka had either given up looking for them, or had gone the wrong way and thereby lost their trail, but nevertheless Kazuo was still wary. ‘We will join the highway about a day’s walk away from Edo, but until then it’s safer for u
s to stay away from major routes.’

  ‘That sounds eminently sensible to me,’ Temperance replied. She was quite happy to stay away from civilisation for as long as possible. ‘How long will it take us to reach it?’

  ‘Two weeks, perhaps three. It depends how far we travel each day.’ He glanced at her, a slightly worried expression in his eyes. ‘It is really a question of how strong you are. Walking all day, every day, is arduous in the extreme as you have already found out, and there is nowhere we can stop for a long rest. We have to keep going.’

  ‘Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.’

  ‘We’ll take it slowly at first, to give you a chance to build your strength. You must promise to tell me if I am going too fast.’

  Temperance nodded, but she had no intention of holding him up. She would walk as fast as he wished, whether her body agreed or not. She felt she had already delayed him enough and after he’d told her of his father’s illness, she’d been as aware as he was of the necessity for speed.

  Quite apart from all the walking ahead of her, Temperance was sorry to leave the little village. Slumbering in the seclusion of its mountainside hideaway, it had seemed like a haven of tranquillity. She knew she would miss the comfort of the guest house and most especially the daily baths in the wonderful onsen. She told herself that this was not because she wouldn’t have the opportunity to enjoy the sight of Kazuo’s physique, but because the hot water made her feel more invigorated and rested at the same time than she had ever felt before. The less she thought about Kazuo, the better, as she knew nothing could come of it.

  He had spared her blushes by not mentioning her daring actions that first evening, and she’d made sure she only took the smallest of sips from her sake cup after that. They spent each night back to back as before, neither making any move to touch the other, and Temperance kept her yearning for more to herself. She felt ashamed of having acted in such a wanton way and reminded herself of her father’s strictures on loose women.

  ‘The Devil constantly puts temptation in our way, but we must fight him with all our might. We cannot let him win,’ he had thundered, when informed of the scandalous behaviour of one of their neighbours. Temperance knew that if he was watching her from heaven, he would be thoroughly disgusted.


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