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Page 21

by K'wan

  Throughout the whole evening, Felon and Eve made it a point to avoid eye contact. They conversed with the rest of the group, but there was no intimacy to it. Cassidy excused herself to go to the lady’s room, leaving Eve with Butter and Felon. At least she hadn’t left them alone. Things were awkward, but everyone was having a good time. That all changed when Carlo walked in.

  “Fuck invited this nigga?” Butter said venomously.

  “Fuck should I know? It was your little plan,” Felon answered.

  “Butter, don’t start,” Eve warned. “I gotta use the bathroom.” Eve got up and went to warn her friend just before Carlo made it to their table.

  “Sup, fellas?” Carlo greeted them.

  “Chilling, Carlo,” Felon replied.

  Butter just nodded.

  “I see you guys are in here having a good time,” Carlo said, inviting himself to a seat.

  “It was kind of a private party,” Butter said, staring directly at Carlo.

  “Oh, was I interrupting?” asked Carlo, but he made no move to get up.

  “Nah, you’re good,” Felon cut in. “We’re just having some drinks for my birthday.”

  “Your birthday? This calls for a celebration.” Carlo motioned for the waitress and requested three more bottles of champagne. “It’s not every day a man gets to celebrate one more year on earth.”

  “It’s just another day to me, man,” Felon said.

  “What, are you kidding? It’s a freak’n joyous occasion. Some guys don’t get to make it to their prime.”

  “We wouldn’t know nothing about that,” Butter added to the mix. “Me and my niggaz is gonna live forever.”

  “Wishful thinking.” Carlo smiled.

  On the other side of the lounge, Eve and Cassidy moved silently along the bar. Cassidy had thrown a fit when Eve delivered the news about Carlo being there. She was having a good time, and he was sure to blow it. Eve convinced her that they should just leave and make up a story to tell Butter and Felon another time. In all truthfulness, Eve just wanted to be away from Felon.

  They slipped back and forth through the crowd of people, trying to find Sheeka so they could go. They spotted her across the room, lounging with Teddy, and moved to retrieve her. Cassidy had successfully made it to where her sister was sitting without being seen. Now all they had to do was slide out and no one would be the wiser. That’s around the time when Butter’s drunk ass blew it up.

  “Cas!” he shouted from across the room. “Where you going, ma?”

  Cassidy turned slowly in his direction and smiled. Carlo was sitting on the other side of Felon, but she could see him staring at her. This was the last thing she needed. If Butter was going to find out about her and Carlo, she didn’t want it to be like this. There was nothing she could do about it at that point but put on her game face.

  “You leaving?” Butter asked as Cassidy approached the table followed by Teddy and Sheeka, with Eve bringing up the rear.

  “Nah, I was checking on Sheeka,” Cassidy lied.

  “I wasn’t gonna hurt her,” Teddy joked.

  “Hey, Cas,” Carlo spoke up.

  “What’s up?” she said with a weak smile.

  “Y’all know each other?” Butter asked, surprised. He kept looking from Cassidy to Carlo. Eve just put her head down.

  “Sure we do,” he said, smiling.

  Butter saw the sarcastic look on Carlo’s face, and Cassidy wouldn’t look at him at all. Suddenly it all made sense to him. “Hold up. This is why you stopped fucking wit me?” asked Butter, pointing at Carlo.

  “Hold up, Butter…”

  “Hold up my ass,” he cut her off. “Cassidy, you fucking with Carlo?” Her silence was enough of an answer for him. “Muthafucka!” Butter rose from his seat, holding the champagne bottle. Big Steve took a step in the direction of the table, but Teddy blocked his path. He didn’t draw his weapon, but his eyes told Steve that he wouldn’t hesitate. The situation was about to get very ugly. Just as the violence was about to pop off, Felon rose and stood between them.

  “Ease up, my nigga. Don’t do it like that,” Felon said, placing a hand on Butter’s chest.

  “Don’t do it like that?” Butter slurred. “What about how they did it?”

  “Butter, I’m not your girl. It’s not like I was creeping on you by seeing Carlo.” Cassidy said defensively.

  “Cassidy, don’t even try to justify this shit. Yeah, you might not be my man’s girl, but you were fucking him. Now you’re fucking his partner? Yo, shit like that can get a nigga killed.” Felon said venomously.

  “It ain’t that serious, Felon. It’s just a piece of trim.” Carlo said mockingly.

  “Fuck you!” Butter snapped, trying to get at Carlo.

  “Cool out,” Felon said, restraining Butter.

  “You watch your fucking self,” Carlo warned, pointing a finger at Butter. “Felon, you better teach this guy some manners before he gets himself fucked up.”

  “Everybody, calm the fuck down! Carlo, hold them threats,” Felon demanded. “Ain’t nothing popping off in here tonight. Butter, put the fucking bottle down. Now!”

  Butter’s face was still twisted into a mask of rage. Cassidy had hurt him very deeply. He would’ve dealt with it a little better if she had gone outside his camp, but she had the nerve to fuck someone he did business with on the regular basis. The more he thought about it, the madder he got. He knew that if he didn’t put some space between himself and the turncoats something was going to happen.

  Eve watched the exchange, holding her breath. She knew that something would end up happening because of Cassidy’s poor choices in men. At first she thought Butter was going to press the issue and crash Carlo with the bottle, but to her surprise, he just kicked the table over and headed for the door. As he passed her, she could see the hurt in his eyes. Not really caring to be around for the fallout, Eve slid out behind Butter.

  “What kind of bullshit is this?” Felon asked, looking from Carlo to Cassidy.

  Carlo shrugged. “Hey, your boy flipped out.”

  “Carlo, you knew he was seeing Cassidy, so why fuck with her? You violated, son.”

  “Felon, Butter is your boy. I do business with you, and you do business with him. I ain’t got nothing to do with that arrangement,” Carlo said. “I was attracted to Cassidy, she was attracted to me, and the rest is history. I don’t hang with the kid, so how did I violate?”

  Technically, Carlo had a point. He and Butter did business together, but it’s not like they had a personal relationship. Cassidy was looking for a come-up and Carlo was giving her what she wanted; he was just getting some pussy in the exchange. That still didn’t change the fact that what they did was fucked up. Butter had genuine love for Cassidy, and she totally disregarded it by the snake move she pulled.

  “Felon, I know you’re tight, but I didn’t mean any disrespect. She told me that she didn’t mess with him like that,” Carlo told him.

  “Yo, Cas. I’m real disappointed in you. You’re supposed to have more class than that,” Felon said coldly.

  Cassidy was momentarily speechless. The words stung, but coming from Felon’s mouth made them hurt more. They had grown up together and shared many a good time over the years. She thought about crying, but didn’t want to give either of them the satisfaction. “Fuck this,” she said, storming out the door.

  Carlo called after her, but she never stopped. Felon just flared his nostrils and stared at Carlo. Sheeka looked around, wondering what had just happened, and went to join her sister.

  “I had so much love for that girl, Eve,” Butter sobbed into the bottle. He had held his cool when he was inside the lounge, but once he was alone, he let himself go. Eve had walked up the block and found him on a stoop, sobbing.

  “It’s all good,” she rubbed his back.

  “I ain’t all good,” he insisted, guzzling from the bottle. “I know Cassidy is a girl that likes to have nice shit, so I tried to give her what she wanted. I guess my pap
er wasn’t long enough?”

  Butter continued to rant while Eve tried to console him. A few minutes later, Eve saw Cassidy and Sheeka come out of the lounge. Cassidy stared in their direction, but Eve waved her off. There was no telling what the alcohol and his sorrow would cause Butter to do if he saw her. Eve motioned that she would call Cassidy, to which she nodded and left.

  The next person to come out was Felon. He paced back and forth in front of the spot, trying to kill a Newport in three pulls. He glared over at Butter but didn’t move in their direction. Even from a few yards up, Eve could see the hurt in Felon’s eyes. He looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. In a sense he did. Carlo had been a valuable asset to them and their cause, but the bad blood between him and Butter was threatening to spoil that.

  “How is he?” Felon asked, finally approaching them.

  “He’ll be a’ight,” Eve responded.

  “She dissed me, fam,” Butter slurred.

  Felon wanted to bark on Butter, but he knew his friend was going through something. This was the reason why he didn’t want to get close to anyone. The hurt a female could inflict on you was worse than a gunshot. Gunshot wounds heal, but broken hearts could only be treated.

  “Get up,” Felon said, helping Butter off the stoop. “Time to go home.”

  “Fucking played me!” Butter yelled, nearly causing Felon to fall over.

  “Let me help you,” Eve said, taking Butter’s other arm.

  “Damn, that nigga twisted,” Teddy said, approaching the spectacle.

  “Shut up and go get the car,” Felon snapped. Teddy laughed and did as he was told. “I got it, Eve.”

  She sucked her teeth. “Stop trying to be so fucking hard and let me help you get him home. I care about Butter too.”

  Felon glared at Eve but didn’t try to force her to go. Together they helped Butter into the back of the truck. Teddy drove while Felon sat in the passenger’s seat. Eve rode in the back, keeping a damp paper towel pressed against Butter’s forehead.

  “I’m sick of niggaz!” Cassidy shouted, taking her clothes off.

  “Stop yelling,” Sheeka complained from her bed.

  “I’m for real,” Cassidy said. “I’m tired of these muthafuckas and the headaches they bring with them.”

  “Face it, you slipped up. You bought this headache on yourself, big sis. What made you think you could dangle both of them niggaz and not get caught?”

  “I wasn’t dangling nobody. Butter wasn’t my man, and Carlo was taking care of me. I ain’t do shit wrong.”

  Sheeka yawned. “Then why are you so damn mad?”

  “I’m not mad. I’m sick. Sick with men and all their shit!”

  “So you gonna switch to girls?” Sheeka joked.

  “I said sick, not crazy.”

  “Cas, forget about that shit. It was fun while it lasted.”

  “Fuck both of them. I’m that bitch,” Cassidy declared, climbing into her bed. Butter and Carlo could both go to hell. It would only be a matter of time before something else came along. The sisters talked for a while longer, then decided to turn it in. Before long, they were both fast asleep and men troubles were totally forgotten.


  Eve and Felon dragged Butter through the apartment door. He was damn near out on his feet, so it was no easy task. To make matters worse, he stank to high hell. On the way home, Butter had started throwing up out the rear window of the truck. Dried vomit stained his chin and the front of his shirt. With some effort they managed to get Butter to his bedroom. They tossed him on the bed, but he continued snoring. He was out like a light.

  Felon proceeded to remove Butter’s shoes so he could sleep comfortably. Eve watched, admiring Felon for being such a good friend. This was one of the reasons she was so attracted to him. Felon was a hood nigga, but he was also very compassionate. She watched his muscles rippling beneath his shirt as he performed his task. Eve found herself reaching out to touch him but pulled back. She quickly exited the room, leaving Felon to his task.

  Carlo sat in the middle of his living room, snorting cocaine and drinking Dominican rum. He couldn’t believe that Butter had tried to raise up on him. Butter had to know that if he laid his hands on him, it was a death sentence, but he had tried it anyway. It was amazing what the power of the pussy could do to some men. Cassidy had great pussy, so Carlo totally understood.

  Speaking of Cassidy, what was he to do about his little ghetto flower? Carlo knew it would only be a matter of time before the black bitch became a headache. Cassidy was a pro in bed and after some coaxing, even participated in some of Carlo’s little games. He hadn’t got her to sleep with him and another woman yet, but it was on his list. He had fun with her, and thought that he might even keep her around for a while. She was angry, but it would blow over. Toss her a few dollars and she’d be right back on his dick. She might not have snorted or smoked, but she was an addict like the rest.

  Eve was sitting on Butter’s couch, sipping a glass of juice, when Felon came out of the bedroom. She had kicked off her sandals and was flexing her toes in the plush carpet. Felon hadn’t noticed them in the club, but in soft living room lights he surveyed her air-brushed toenails. They were the same silver and black orchid print that coated her nails. Felon managed to tear his gaze away from her long enough to make his way to the bar. He poured himself a glass of Henny and joined her on the couch.

  “I see you made yourself at home,” he joked.

  “I figured you were gonna be a while. Besides, me feet were starting to hurt,” she said, wiggling her toes.

  “I know how it be with the bunions.” He nudged her.

  “Boy, please. Ain’t nobody got no bunions.” They shared a brief laugh, then there was silence. This was the first time they had been alone together. She pretended to be watching the television, but she was really looking at Felon. In that light, he still looked like the teenaged boy she used to pull heists with. From his flawless black skin to his angular jaw, he was still as intriguing to her as he had been back then.

  Felon could tell Eve was looking at him. If there was one thing he learned from being in the streets, it was to be able to tell when someone was clocking you. Felon could feel his palms beginning to sweat. It was funny how even at that age a girl could make him feel like that. Maybe it was being so close to her, or it could’ve been the liquor, but Felon could feel heat mounting in his gut. Usually they had someone to act as a buffer, but this particular evening he and Eve were alone.

  “What you looking at?” he said, catching her off guard.

  “I ain’t looking at you,” she said, sticking her tongue out. Between the heat and the alcohol, Eve found herself feeling playful.

  “You know your face could freeze like that.”

  “Bullshit.” She fanned him off.

  “It’s true.”

  “Well, you know your liver could rot, drinking that shit,” she shot back.

  “As if you care,” Felon said, emptying his glass and getting up to get another.

  “Cut it out, Felon. You know I got love for all y’all crazy asses.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” he said, returning to the couch with his glass, “but that ain’t the kind of love I’m talking about.” Felon shocked himself with that statement. He had been thinking it, but he hadn’t intended on saying it. The liquor had loosened his tongue and he had put it out there. He couldn’t take it back now.

  Cassidy was awakened by the chirping of her cell phone. She sucked her teeth in frustration, because she had just dropped off to sleep not long before. Without looking at the caller ID, she answered it with a major attitude.

  Sheeka too was awakened by the late-night call. She wondered who the hell it might be calling at that hour, but with Cassidy, you never could tell. She lay there, pretending to be asleep, while Cassidy exchanged heated words with whoever was on the other end. After about five minutes of going back and forth, Cassidy ended the call. Glad that her sister’s late-night dram
a hadn’t cut too deep into her rest, Sheeka dropped back off to sleep.

  “Felon, what you talking about?” Eve asked, knowing full well what he meant.

  “Baby girl,” he said, gathering his courage, “how long we gonna play this game?” He touched her thigh gently.

  “Felon, your ass is tipsy. Let’s not go there right now.” Eve tried to get up, but he pulled her back down. He used a little more force than he intended and she landed on his lap. He thought she was going to pull away again, but to his surprise she didn’t. They sat there for a while, gazing at each other.

  “Evelyn, why don’t you want me?”

  She opened her mouth to answer, but nothing came out. Looking into his beautiful brown eyes, Eve couldn’t think of anything but the emotions that she had kept locked away for so long. Eve wanted to tell him how she felt. She wanted to tell him that she had wanted him for as long as she could remember, but the words escaped her. This is when Felon did the unexpected.

  Slowly he leaned into Eve’s space. She wanted to pull back, but her heart wouldn’t let her. Before she could ask him to stop, their lips met. Felon kissed her deeply, tenderly. Tiny shocks shot from her toes to the top of her head. As if moving of its own accord, her tongue met his and performed a lover’s dance.

  Felon eased her back on the couch and undid Eve’s blouse. He kissed her neck and worked his way down to her breasts. Just above her left breast there was a tattoo of the number 20 with wings on either side. Beneath the tat, she still carried the bullet wound from the night of her parent’s execution. When he unclamped her bra, her breasts popped out and called to him. They sat up like two golden mounds. Her already erect nipples stiffened even more under his gentle kisses. They explored each others’ bodies with fingers and hungry kisses. She gently nibbled at his neck, causing Felon to moan in ecstasy.


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