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The Devils Baby

Page 17

by Cilla Lee

“I know we look the same but....” I shake my head

  “Niya she's your twin apart from the freckles on her nose your twins trust me” she says again, I look at Colt

  “Can you see that”

  “Maybe a little baby” I watch as Zoey and Tucker take off and smile “Come on baby I'm hungry, met at the Grill” Colt says he kisses me again as him Stryker and Tank walk to their bikes. By the time we get there the guys have all washed up and are sitting with drinks in their hands

  “Have you ordered already” I ask them

  “No baby where waitin' for you two, I got you and Chelsea a coke” he places each drink in front of us, when the waitress comes back we order our food and Zoey tells me and Chelsea about what she's done this morning at the garage, I smile because she's so animated about it

  “So Niya Colt said you enrolled me in the high school”

  “I have”

  “When do I start?”

  “I thought we'd let you decide”

  “Really and if I don't want to go to school”

  “Zoey” she laughs rolling her eyes

  “Just kidding I'll start on Monday do they have a shop class”

  “Yeah squeak they do Colt and I use to be in it” Stryker says and I look at him

  “Squeak” I ask and Stryker smiles but Zoey rolls her eyes

  “She was sick of us callin’ her Niya”

  “Why wou…. Forget it” I say knowing why they were calling he that

  “Stryker shut up, I told you not to call me that” they all smile

  “Sorry squeak once ya get given a name it’s yours to own”

  “Well pick something cooler than pip squeak”

  “Sorry to bad” she gives him the stink eye and we all laugh

  “Anyway, what’s shop class like”

  “It was pretty good our teacher Mr. Torres was pretty good don't know if he's still there but he was a good teacher”

  “What other subjects do you like Zoey” Chelsea asks her

  “I love math’s and science” Colt laughs and we all look at him

  “What?” Zoey asks

  “Niya's loves that shit too” they all look at me

  “What?” I say

  “Niya loved math’s and science she even graduated early cause she was so smart” Colt says and I feel a little embarrassed

  “Would have finished even earlier if my dad wasn't such a prick” I say and everyone looks at me

  “You like math’s and science” Zoey asks ignoring the prick comment

  “Yeah equations and elements algorithms nothing better”

  “Oh my god Niya did you like school, did you have loads of friends” I shake my head no

  “No honey I hated school and I was invisible, I even went to school with Colt and Stryker and they never noticed me” everyone looks at them

  “You two didn't notice Niya in school” Tucker asks

  “No, we never saw her once” Stryker says

  “You didn't have any friends” Zoey asks me sounding a little sad

  “No not one”

  “Oh Niya” she grabs my hand and squeezes

  “It's fine school just wasn't my thing, but I did enjoy home schooling, I never really minded being alone”

  “I'm glad you got away from our dad if that was why you didn't have anybody”

  “Me to honey” I squeeze her hand back just as the waitress puts our food on the table

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Living the past couple of weeks with my sister have been great, all of my things arrived yesterday and Colt and Stryker brought them into my room for me. I'd kept as much as I could of my mother’s things, not any of the big things. I'd donated all of the furniture and just kept the important things photos all of her jewelry and some of her clothes nick knacks that she loved.

  (knock knock)

  wipe my tears away I answer “Come in”

  “Hay.... oh, Zoey are you ok” Niya says coming into my room where I'm sitting on the floor surrounded by boxes

  “Yeah I'm good it's just hard you know seeing all of these things again”

  “Oh my god” I see she'd picked up a picture of mom and I

  “That was for my sixth birthday mom had gotten a petting zoo for my party I was so into animals and wanting to save them all and be a vet and work in a zoo she'd gone all out it was a really great day” Niya just stood there looking at the photo running her finger over mom’s face

  “I waited for three days for her to come home” she whispers

  “Niya” I pull her into a hug

  “Come on and we sit on the bed” we go through all the boxes together and I tell her about mom and how she would talk about her and how much she missed Niya it was cathartic for both of us and by the time we'd gone through them all it was late

  “Where's Colt it's almost eight?”

  “Razor called a meeting tonight so he’s at the clubhouse than after he might sleep at the clubhouse but we'll see him tomorrow for the party if he doesn’t come home”

  “He sleeps there” I ask her

  “Sometimes he has a room there”

  “A room like a bedroom”

  “Yeah honey they all do”

  “Do you”

  “I use to but now Colt and I share a room”

  “You use to live at the clubhouse” she nods her head

  “But aren’t there prostitutes and women there” she smiles making me frown how can she trust him not to cheat

  “Women yes there called club-whores”

  “And you trust Colt” she nods her head again

  “I do” she says

  “Ok so tomorrow it’s a Halloween party do we have to dress up”

  “You can if you want to but we usually save that sort of party for new year, but some come dressed up”

  “Do you want to dress up” I ask her (I love Halloween)

  “I will if you will” she says and I smile

  “Can we dress as witch’s mom loved Halloween” I tell her

  “I know” she says frowning

  “Oh, Niya I’m sorry”

  “It’s fine how about we get up early tomorrow and go costume shopping” I smile at her

  “That sounds great”

  “Good, um Zoey tomorrow when we get there, I don't want you to be nervous but you stay with me or Colt or Maggie ok”

  “Niya your scaring me, should I be worried”

  “No honey nothing like that it's just... well there are things that go on at the clubhouse that can be shocking if you see them”

  “Niya I've watched Sons of Anarchy” she laughs at me


  “Honey that's a TV show, what really goes on at a biker club...let’s just stick together tomorrow ok”


  “Good how about we order pizza and watch a movie”

  “Yay movie night” she smiles at me and pulls me in for a hug



  Where all sittin’ around waitin’ for the last of the guys to get so we can have Church. We haven’t had a meetin’ in a few weeks and Razor says we all need to be there.

  “Hay stranger” Pixie says coming up to me

  “What do you want Pixie?”

  “No little woman tonight” she asks me

  “It's none of your fuckin' business”

  “Well aren't you in a mood” I jump up so fast when she grabs my dick

  “What the fuck Pixie?”

  “What? I thought you wanted it”

  “From you no thanks I'd rather stick my dick in Tucker than you” everyone laughs and she storms off

  “What was that about?” Tucker asks

  “Nothin' just fuckin' sick of her shit, aren’t you guys sick of fuckin’ the same old and I mean old pussy” I look at Pixie standing next to Nash at the bar her face goin' red

  “Fuck yes” Tiny says “We need to take out the trash and get tight pussy in here”

/>   “Nash man you hearin' us” Tiny yells, he turns around


  “We need to get rid of the old pussy and get some new girls” I swear Pixie looks like she ganna blow a gasket, when Nash looks sideways at Pixie and looks her up and down

  “I think we might” he says and she storms off down the hall to her room and we all laugh

  “Ok motherfuckers what was that about?” Nash says as he sits next to Tiny Stryker, me and Tucker me and Stryker look at each other

  “Well?” I lean forward and so do all the other guys and I tell them about Star, Pixie me being set up and Pixie threatening Niya

  “Fuckin' cunt” Tucker says

  “Why hasn't this been brought to the table?” Nash asks

  “The girls wanted to get Pixie themselves”

  “And you agreed to that, fuck Colt” I shrug my shoulders

  “It was Niya's call”

  “Pixie belongs to the club man we should have had a vote”

  “Is all the bad luck Pixie's been having the girls” Tucker asks and Tiny me and Stryker laugh

  “Fuckers I was scratchin' my balls for two days cause of their stunt” we all laugh at him

  “So, the cards, her hair, her being super glued to the toilet, her hair loss, the chilli in her body wash, her car reported stolen all of that was the girls” the three of us nod

  “Motherfucker that bitch has been an even more of a bitch lately her fuckin' moods are off the charts I thought she was ganna bite my dick off the other day when she was suckin' it” Tucker says

  “Don't know about the moods but the girls done all the rest” I say

  “It needs to be brought to the table tonight” Nash says and we all nod in agreement


  The last of the stragglers finally get here and we all head into the meeting room where we have Church

  “So, motherfuckers I've had people grumbling about getting new pussy” Stryker and I look at each other (Razor must be a mind reader)

  “Is this what the meetings about pussy” Cuff says

  “Yeah it is” Razor says

  “Look Smokey came to me the other day and she wants out”

  “I want Pixie out” I say and some of the boys look at me

  “Why?” Chance asks and I look at Stryker he nods his head and I tell all the boys about what she did to Niya and me

  “She's always been a cunt” Dover says

  “I need you all to know if she's out she ain't leavin' breathin'” we all look at Razor surprised (he’s never put a hit out on a women)

  “What about Smokey?” Cuff says

  “Scoop offered her a place at Mission City”

  “And you told her she could go” Tiny says

  “Yeah if she wants to leave than she can go, so, any objections” everyone shakes their head

  “And when is the new Pussy coming” Tiny asks

  “Trust you to ask” Cuff says

  “It's a fair fuckin' question”

  “I've got four new girls coming next Tuesday”

  “Are they from another Chapter” Cuff asks

  “Nope fresh clean and new to the mc world boys so treat’em right”

  “Are you ganna tell Niya” Nash says to Razor

  “No, it's club business”

  “And Pixie” I ask

  “She’ll be taken care of soon enough” he taps the table again and we all get up



  Looking at myself in the mirror I smile I’m my green skin fake nose and my Theodora Oz costume fits amazingly the tight bodes with the clasps up the front, the black boots all the way to the thigh and the skirt that’s all ripped makes it look fantastic along with the spikey shoulder pads the black choker and a large black pointy witch hat sets it off. I turn around and smile my black and dark green lipstick sets it off perfectly.

  “Oh, Zoey you look great” Niya says walking in and I smile

  “No Niya you look good” She has on a peach and gold dress with large gold accessories a large gold crown and a long gold wand with golden glitter and highlights on her face making her shimmer

  “The two OZ sister’s” she says smiling and coming to stand next to me. I swear if there was a play about the wizard of Oz we’d be its main characters I rub her belly

  “Are you up for tonight” I ask her and she nods

  “Yeah, we’ll only stay for a few hours, plus Razor doesn’t like minors at the clubhouse so”

  “That’s ok I don’t mind”

  “Well than Theodora lets go party” she says looping her arm through mine and I pick up my broomstick on the way out the door.


  As we pull up to the clubhouse the front gate is open and where stopped by a guy in a Hockey mask, he’s dressed as Michael Myers from the Halloween movie. When he sees us, he takes the mask off and I swear I almost faint he’s so gorgeous.

  “Niya dam you lookin’ good and who is this beauty with you” Niya laughs

  “Why thankyou Jaxson, this here is my sister Zoey” he looks at me and winks

  “Well darlin’ have a good night” he taps the side of the truck and we drive in and Niya parks. The sight is something, people are dressed as all sorts of things

  “Well I’m glad we dressed up we would have stood out” Niya says smiling

  “I thought they only dress up at New Year” I say and she laughs

  “Come on let’s see who else dressed up” we walk in through the doors and I see a large space the music is loud and people are drinking and laughing everywhere people stop Niya every few seconds and she introduces me

  “Oh, there’s Colt” she yells and pulls me through the crowd and I notice some of the guys staring at me a little too much

  “Colt” Niya yells out and I see Colt standing with Stryker, there not dressed up at all but Colt has a fake knife sticking out of his head

  “Baby” he says pulling Niya to him and kissing her, I blush a little bit because I’m not use to that much personal attention married people give each other.

  “Pip squeak” Stryker says and I give him the stink eye

  “Stop calling me that” he steps back and looks me up and down shaking his head

  “Dam brother I don’t think she should be here” he says to Colt and Colt looks at me

  “She’s fine you can’t see anything, Zoey you stick with one of us” I nod

  “I know Niya already told me”

  “Good you two want a drink” he asks as Stryker puts his huge arm over my shoulder

  “Just a soda thanks” we both say and he heads off towards the bar where I see Jaxson again but he’s taken his costume off (dam he’s sexier)

  “What ya lookin’ at squeak” Stryker asks looking towards the direction I was looking at but I turn

  “Nothing just taking it all in” I say covering my ogling

  “Oh yeah you sure you weren’t checkin’ the Prospect out” I spin around and look at him

  “No” I lie and he smiles

  “Sure, you weren’t”


  We spend a few hours at the party and I’m hit on by at least ten guys who were all told to fuck off and leave me alone curtesy of Colt and Stryker “I need the restroom” I whisper to Niya

  “It’s just down that hall third door on the left do you need me to come with” I shake my head at her

  “I’ll go with her” Lena says I’d met her earlier already meeting Tank at the garage and I really liked her she was amazing, she was so into fashion hair and makeup something that I’ve never really bothered with but I liked her instantly. We head down the hall and a few men whistle at us but Lena ignores them pulling me with her into the third door. My ears sound weird when the door closes and I rub them

  “It’s the loud music” she says and heads into one of the stalls and I head into another one


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