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Leo's Desire (Written in the Stars Book 2)

Page 11

by Sundari Venkatraman

  Chaahat was lying low until the fashion show got over. She had to prove what she was capable of before she went chasing after Shaan. The not very garrulous Dipika had been chattering on and on over the past two days about the media coverage that had been planned. It had never been as big as this, at least not under Amber Modelling Agency’s umbrella. The top ten fashion magazines of India as well as a few other foreign magazines were sending their reporters and journalists to cover the event. That truly was a feather in the agency’s cap.

  And oh yeah, Chaahat had been hearing a lot about Nishaan Ahuja, the man who was a big name in the Delhi business circles; the man who resembled Shaan. She planned to ask him outright if the two of them were related to each other.

  There was a hum of anticipation in the green room from seven in the morning, with half-dressed models running up and down, without a thought to the hovering make-up men, hairstylists and photographers. The show was to begin at eleven and the hotel was booked to capacity. It was going to be a full house. In fact, Dipika kept saying that people were going to spill outside the multiple doorways to the hall where the show was being held.

  Chaahat sifted through all her costumes, lining them up in the order she was to wear them. One whole day to show off her modelling talents, wearing the best clothes from top fashion designers in the industry. She had even been allotted precious jewellery from high end brands and then there were those stylish shoes and other accessories. While she had always revered the fashion industry, she had still been amazed by the number of little things that needed to be brought together to run a successful show.

  “I can’t find anything,” a woman screeched loudly, standing in the middle of the room, wearing only her bra and panties. Her hands were fisted on her hips while she teetered on four-inch heels in blood red.

  “Shit! Here’s the tantrum throwing queen,” said Natasha, the model using the dressing table right next to Chaahat. “She’s Alia with an ego that’s bigger than the earth itself.”

  Chaahat smiled at Natasha, not saying anything in reply, as she continued to deal with her make-up. The two of them had become friends during the many practice sessions. While the hairstylists did their hair and make-up artists gave final touches to their make-up, the basics were taken care of by the models themselves. And Chaahat preferred to be as independent as possible.

  “Hey you! What are you doing at that dressing table? It’s mine.” Alia had walked up to Chaahat by now, shouting at her, even as her expression turned nastier than before.

  Chaahat could smell alcohol on her breath as the other woman raised a hand as if to strike her.

  “Easy!” Krish caught the raised arm and brought it down firmly. “What’s the issue, Alia? Why are you here at all? You aren’t part of this event.”

  “How dare you?” Alia turned around to snarl at him, even as she tried her best to pull her hand out of his firm grip. “Amber Modelling Agency has got where it has thanks to me. How can you even suggest that I’m not part of the event? Where’s Dip?”

  “She’s on stage, doing the final checks.” Krish’s voice was quiet, in total contrast to Alia’s piercing shriek. “I think you should leave, Alia. You’re drunk…”

  “Says who? And what if I am? You know only too well that I am the best model you have. You’d better send that chick on her way and let me have my corner,” she insisted, pointing in Chaahat’s direction.

  It was a wonder that Chaahat’s hand was steady as she applied foundation to her face and neck, her strokes even, even as she took deep, calming breaths. She had a good mind to whack the other woman on her head with the wooden hairbrush lying on her dressing table. But that wouldn’t earn her any brownie points and it also looked like Krish had the situation well in hand. He was speaking soothingly into the other woman’s ear as he led her out of the greenroom. Phew!

  “That was actually no big deal.” There was laughter in Natasha’s voice as she spoke to Chaahat. “You must thank your lucky stars that she didn’t pull your eyes out of their sockets.”

  Chaahat rolled the said eyes, an amused expression on her face. “That bad, huh?”


  The girls continued to chat as they completed their make-up before pulling on their outfits for the first item. They were to go on stage with six other models—four women and two men.

  When the bell rang, Chaahat was more than ready. Oh yes, she had been readying herself for this moment since the past few years.

  Dipika was disappointed more than anybody else when the single sofa at the centre remained empty throughout the first half of the show. Chaahat would have been too, if only she had known who that seat had been meant for. Nishaan Ahuja had called Krish Sanyal to tell him that he had been caught up in meetings and hoped to reach in time for the last session of the evening.

  The lights over the audience’s seating area were dimmed for the finale as music exploded from the highly sophisticated sound system. A spotlight beamed over the single model who stepped on to the stage. Chaahat was dressed in the latest bridal wear, a pair of deep pink palazzo pants that shimmered with tiny brilliants woven into the cloth. A figure hugging top with the same shade of pink merging and flowing into a gorgeous shade of flaming orange fell from her shoulders till a few inches short of her ankles. It was closely embroidered in gold and semi-precious stones. A veil of translucent chiffon, in both shades, covered her head like a turban, the longer end trailing over her left shoulder. She wore an abundance of jewellery, all diamonds and gold, from an exclusive brand.

  Lights popped as cameras flashed when they caught the moment for eternity—the sultry expression on the model bride’s face, her downcast eyes, shining pink lips and swaying catwalk—all bringing forth applause from the 200-odd guests. They all stood up to give her a standing ovation when Chaahat reached the very tip of the ramp that was the closest point to where the audience were seated. She suddenly lifted surprised eyes to note the man who had got up from the single sofa in the centre, her eyes going wide in recognition. What the hell was Shaan doing here? Her heartbeat picked up tempo as Chaahat smiled, a mysterious smile, that enthralled the audience who clapped all the harder, her steel grey eyes clinging to the honey gold gaze of her lover.

  She raised both hands spontaneously to her lips and blew a kiss in his direction, making him grin widely, even as he raised a hand to bring his thumb and forefinger together in a gesture of appreciation.

  Chaahat couldn’t get anywhere near Shaan for the next hour as photographers and journalists vied for her attention. Dipika did her best to bring some kind of order to the chaos as she fixed up appointments with fashion magazines who wanted to do interviews and shoots with the latest star of the fashion world. She gave up after a point and climbed on the stage and clapped loudly, speaking on the mike.

  “I can understand your excitement, folks. And I am sure Chaahat is equally thrilled with all the attention. But please do understand that our models have been up since six in the morning, getting ready for this show. It’s close to ten now. Let’s break for drinks and dinner. You are welcome to catch all your favourite models tomorrow, for photoshoots and interviews. Come on, guys, give the girl a break.” She got off the stage and personally saw them all out, along with Krish.

  “That was simply amazing, Chaahat.” Dipika gave her favourite model a warm hug. “Do you want to face the wolves or would you rather go to your room and order room service?”

  Chaahat grinned at the other woman, shaking her head. “I’m too excited to rest. Tell me something, was that Shaan who was sitting right in front centre? I…”

  Dipika frowned for a second before light dawned. “Not Shaan. He’s Nishaan. Nishaan Ahuja of Ahuja Constructions, who’s our main sponsor.”

  “Are you sure?” Chaahat looked above Dipika’s head to search the room. The man was nowhere in sight. A small sigh shook her slender body. If it was her Shaan, she was sure that he wouldn’t have disappeared, not again, not now.

  Dipika nodded.
“Do you wanna change before dinner?”

  “You bet. You go on. I’ll join you as soon as I get out of these.”

  “Oh, and Chaahat, wear that little black number and red stilettos. We want to knock their eyes out, remember.”

  Chaahat laughed. “Sure, we do.”

  She went back to the greenroom and removed her bridal finery with the help of an assistant, ensuring that the jewellery was all stored into the boxes they belonged to before handing them over to Smita, who was Dipika’s second-in-command. She applied make-up removal cream to her face and neck before going to an adjoining bathroom and taking a quick shower, scrubbing her body and face clean. No, she wasn’t going to address the deep feeling of disappointment when she had found out that the man she had blown a kiss to, wasn’t Shaan but someone who closely resembled him.

  She would be in Delhi the day after tomorrow. That’s when she planned to catch up with Shaan. She wasn’t sure if she was going to give him a surprise or if it would turn out to be a shock. But meet him, she would.

  Chaahat sat once again in front of the mirror, in bra and panties of sheer red lace, as she applied her make-up skilfully, just a little bit of colour to her cheeks and gold eyeshadow. She left her naturally curling eyelashes alone before applying dark brown eyeliner following the outline of her eyes. She pouted her lips and applied a dark red gloss to them, the same shade as her high-heeled pumps. Finally, she pulled the strapless gown of black silk that hugged her body from her bust to mid-thigh, a slit at the back to enable her to walk freely.

  Chaahat smiled into the mirror, knowing fully well that she looked like a million bucks.


  The man who was sitting at the bar and looking at the people milling around thought exactly the same thing when he saw Chaahat walking in through a side door, his lips turning up in a charming smile as he stepped down from the barstool and made a beeline in her direction.

  How eagerly Nishaan had awaited this moment, meeting Chaahat after more than five months. His life had been busy all this time, more than it used to be at the farm. But not one day had gone when he hadn’t thought of Chaahat, of the night they had spent together. He had time and he was patient. And the waiting had truly been worth it. He was so glad to see that she had listened to him and taken the treatment that had restored her health and how. He had been attracted to her even then. But now, oh my God, she was too beautiful for words. He had been awed by the graceful woman who had walked down the ramp, each step bringing her closer to him. She was perfect, his Chaahat. He could see the healthy glow on her face and couldn’t wait to have her in his arms. Oh yes, he had fallen for her, head over heels, all over again.

  Chaahat stopped in her tracks the moment she saw Nishaan Ahuja walking towards her, her heart jumping crazily. But how! She had been sure that she had deep feelings for Shaan. How could she be attracted to another man just because he closely resembled him?

  “Hey babe!”

  Her eyes went wide on hearing his voice. OMG! It was Shaan, her Shaan, in the flesh. And was he a sight for sore eyes! “Shaan! It’s really you.” She flew into his arms, uncaring about the eyes that turned in their direction, excited beyond measure when he gathered her close with equal enthusiasm. She didn’t have to lift her head far, not in her high heels, as she pressed her mouth to his, kissing him hungrily.

  It was the applause that brought them apart as many of the guests clapped enthusiastically. With great reluctance, Nishaan removed his lips from Chaahat’s, his golden eyes roving over her face and figure, still holding her in the circle of his arms. “I don’t really need to ask how you have been.” His voice was a rough whisper, meant for her ears only.

  Chaahat smiled into his eyes. “No, you don’t.”

  “Alright, I can see that you’ve already met Nishaan.” Dipika had just walked up to them, with a plan to introduce the two of them.

  Chaahat turned to the other woman, her eyes shining with joy. “I told you this is Shaan.”

  Dipika shook her head. “I think there’s some mistake, Chaahat. This is Nishaan Ahuja of Ahuja Constructions. Remember I told you how they are our main sponsors?”

  Just when Chaahat was shaking her head, Nishaan interrupted to say. “Both of you ladies are right. I am Nishaan Ahuja. It’s just that Chaahat knows me as Shaan.”

  Chaahat turned startled eyes to the man who had his arm around her waist and was holding her close to his body. How could that be? Shaan had been living on Dev’s farm for more than a year. Nishaan was supposedly a successful businessman, probably a billionaire. How could he have been at two places at the same time?

  “Will tell you all, soon. But you first tell me what you’d like to drink.” Nishaan’s lips brushed against Chaahat’s ear as he asked her the question, making her shiver in response.

  “Lemonade. Fresh, if they have it.”

  “Sure. And you, Dipika, what would you like to have?”

  “A margarita, please.”

  “Excuse me, ladies.” Nishaan walked up to the bar and placed their orders along with his and returned immediately, his arm snaking around Chaahat’s waist.

  Krish joined them soon and the four of them spent the next hour chatting and discussing the show. “It’s our best yet, right Dip?” Krish asked his sister.

  “Absolutely.” Dipika nodded vigorously, her silky hair tumbling over her shoulders.

  Chaahat looked at her suddenly to ask, “How come you haven’t given modelling a shot?”

  Dipika grinned. “It’s really not my cup of tea. I love to organise stuff and that’s the challenge that keeps me going.”

  Chaahat gulped when she felt Nishaan brush a hand over her thigh under the table, her breasts going taut with need. She pressed her head back on his shoulder, finishing her lemonade at one go. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m bushed. I think I’ll go get something to eat. Anyone wants to join me?”

  “I will.” Krish got up to go. Both Nishaan and Dipika joined them as they filled their plates from the sumptuous multi-cuisine buffet.

  Nishaan saw Chaahat’s plate, an amused look on his face, his eyebrow going up in query when their eyes met. “No more starving?”

  Chaahat shook her head. “Nope. I value food as I’ve never done before.”

  “You are serious.” There was awe in his voice as he picked a piece of starter with his hand and offered it to her. She held his wrist, opening her mouth to let him pop the piece of paneer into it before swiping her tongue over his fingers, lingering longer than necessary, her eyes looking deeply into his, giving him a sultry smile when she noticed the way his honey gold gaze glowed with mounting desire.

  Krish gestured to Dipika with his eyes and said softly, “I’m sure they don’t want us hanging around.”

  “You’re right.” Dipika whispered back, before raising her voice to say, “Chaahat, Nishaan, would you guys please excuse us? We’re going to sit at the other table.”

  “Sure,” said Nishaan, not taking his eyes off Chaahat.

  She smiled into his eyes, asking, “Where’s your plate?”

  “I’m going to have you for dinner.”

  Chaahat almost choked on the piece of paneer that she was swallowing, her eyes going wide.

  “Why are you surprised?” His eyes crinkled with laughter.

  She smiled slowly, shrugging. “I’m not. Surprised, that is. It’s just that…” She stopped, looking into his eyes searchingly.

  “What? It’s not at all like you to hesitate before speaking your mind. I actually recall you saying exactly what you thought, always.” He grinned at her, a mischievous look on his face as he sat next to her at a table, feeding her titbits while munching away at the bites that she fed him in turn.

  “How come you suddenly want me for dinner while you haven’t been in my life since the past five months? You didn’t even bother to contact me. You…”

  He pressed a finger to her lips, shaking his head gently. “All in good time. We’ll talk to your heart’s content
. But just now, I need action. My body’s screaming for you.”

  Chaahat pushed away her nearly empty plate and stood up. “Let’s go. I’m dying to have you screw me.” She whispered the last two words against his ear, unlike her usual self, making him laugh softly.

  “I hope you haven’t changed too much,” he said, a hand at her elbow as he led her out of the bar and restaurant.

  “I’ll let you discover that for yourself,” she said, pressing her lips to his rough cheek as they walked up the stairs. She didn’t even know which floor they were on when he opened the door to his suite, falling into his arms the moment he shut the door.

  “Chaahat, babe. You look fabulous. The treatment has done you a lot of good, I can see.” He pressed his lips to her forehead, his hands rubbing her back impatiently. It wasn’t easy to stop himself from tearing her clothes off her and thrusting his throbbing manhood into her soft wetness. Oh yeah, his body’s reaction to Chaahat’s was way different from how it had been with Mita. He was painfully aroused.

  “Shaan, can you please fuck me hard, this very moment?” Chaahat moaned, moving away a little to pull her lace panties down and kicking them out of the way. Her hands were at his fly, pulling down the zip the very next second. “Damn you, how many more layers do you men wear?”

  Nishaan’s laugh turned into a groan of need as he helped her tug his manhood free, before he pushed her against the wall. She swung a leg around his waist just as he thrust into her, revelling in her enthusiastic response as he pounded away, losing control absolutely. It wasn’t long before they groaned as one as they reached a thundering orgasm, the likes neither had ever felt before.

  Chaahat would have fallen down to the floor if Nishaan hadn’t held her up in his arms, his muscles bunching as he lifted her and carried her to the bedroom that was beyond. They hadn’t got even a couple of feet inside the suite before their need for each other had overcome everything else.


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