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Leo's Desire (Written in the Stars Book 2)

Page 14

by Sundari Venkatraman

  She giggled, biting the pad of his thumb before shifting her attention to his forefinger.

  “You don’t want to continue doing that. I might forget that we’re in a public place,” he said warningly.

  “Maybe that’s what I’m trying to do, make you forget where we are.”

  He pulled his hand out of hers before sliding his arm around her waist, pulling her close against his side. “You are off to Italy and Greece by the end of the month. Is that pucca?”


  “I’m planning to go with you.”

  “Shaan!” Chaahat squealed delightedly. “That’d be so awesome. We’re leaving on the twentieth.”

  “I can’t get away that early. I’ll leave on the twenty-third and join you in Greece. Will you be able to take a few days break after the shoot? We can spend time together. What say?”

  “Hmm…” Mischief shone from Chaahat’s eyes. “Let me check my calendar and get back to you.”

  “Calendar, my ass,” growled the lion, taking a bite of her shoulder.

  “Shaan…you keep doing that and I’m going to have my way with you right here on the restaurant sofa.”

  “Is that a promise?” He bit her again.

  Just then, a waiter cleared his throat, having arrived with their order. He placed the dishes on the table and asked politely, “May I serve the meal, sir, madam?”

  “Thank you, we’ll manage.”

  Chaahat laughed as she tucked into the food with relish, not worried nowadays about putting on weight. She knew how to maintain her body and remain fit.

  Suddenly, Aadarsh and Nishaan found themselves attending family parties, at least two every week. Nalini had accepted five invites before the end of the month and was also planning to throw a party at their home.

  “Mom, I’m not in town from the twenty-third till the thirtieth. I…”

  “And you tell me now.” Nalini gave her son a mock glare. “I’ve already accepted the Bhatias’ invite on the twenty-fourth. And you know I’m planning a party too. I was thinking of twenty-ninth. Why don’t you postpone your trip?”

  “Mom!” Nishaan gave her an amused look, shaking his head. “You want me to cancel an important trip so that I can attend parties. Give me a break, Mom. That’s what we seem to be doing all the time. Pop,” he turned towards Aadarsh to gather support, “what do you say?”

  Aadarsh grinned widely at both his wife and son. He really didn’t care what he did outside of working hours. He was so happy with his lot that he was ready to do whatever his wife wanted in the evenings and on the weekends. “Listen, Nalini. Nishaan’s not a kid anymore. You should consult with him before accepting invites on his behalf. Now me, I’m ready to go wherever you lead me.”

  “Very funny.” Though Nalini tried to retain her anger, she couldn’t help the smile that broke out on her face. She was happier now with her husband’s health restored, him busy with his business. She was free to enjoy herself as that’s what she wanted to do. She loved to socialise and then again, she had a secret agenda—getting her son to meet eligible girls.

  “You had better arrange his marriage soon, Nalini,” Rekha had insisted. “Nishaan is too handsome and now that he’s joined the family business, girls and their mammas will be vying to catch him in their nets. You don’t want to be stuck with some girl who’s totally unsuitable. You need to be really careful nowadays.”

  Her talk had impressed itself so much upon Nalini that she had gotten more and more desperate by the day, for her son to find the right wife.

  “So, do you plan to be in town on the first of the next month? I can give a party then.”

  Nishaan grimaced, shrugging. “If that’s what you want.”

  “Mera acha beta.” Nalini hugged her tall and strapping son, a smile on her face. She had zeroed in on the girl she wanted for her daughter-in-law and planned to invite Shreya and her family to the party. They were not a part of their circle. But, so what? They could always make new friends.

  And so, Nishaan took off to Greece, after promising his mother that he would be home for the party. He had a plan by now. For with some help from his father, he had caught on the reason behind his mother’s partying craze.

  The Ahujas’ bungalow was richly decorated on the evening of the party, with fairy lights strewn all over the garden. French windows on both sides of the house had been thrown open while the front door was also kept wide open to welcome the guests. While the invite had been for a hundred and twenty people, Nalini had made sure that the drinks and food would stretch to at least thirty more. In a place like India, RSVP did not really make sense, especially at house parties.

  Guests had begun to arrive since seven in the evening, Rekha and her husband being the first. “Shreya Udhas and her parents are definitely coming, right?” Nalini asked her friend anxiously.

  “Yes, yes. They are also looking forward to it. Who wouldn’t, Nalini? Your son Nishaan is quite a catch.” Rekha gave her friend a wide smile. “Bhai saab,” she greeted Aadarsh, shaking his hand. “How are you? I hear you are fully recovered from your illness.”

  “Illness? I don’t really know what you are talking about, Rekha,” Aadarsh laughed, turning to greet her husband, Harjeet.

  “Bhai saab is really good with jokes,” said Rekha, blushing to the roots of her hair, totally conscious of every man who came her way. “Hello Nishaan,” she called out to her friend’s son who had just stepped down the staircase, eyeing the handsome hunk admiringly. “You look very handsome, beta.”

  “Thank you Rekha aunty. But not as beautiful as you look. How do you manage to look not a day older than twenty?” he asked, giving her a wink as he flirted with her outrageously.

  Rekha giggled, slapping him on his arm. “Tum bhi na, Nishaan. So, tell me. Don’t you have plans of bringing a wife? Your mother hankers for a daughter-in-law. You are so popular. Don’t tell me you have no girlfriend.” That was a shot in the dark and she was simply chattering away, not really expecting him to reply in the affirmative. After all, she had known Nishaan in his diapers and was privy to all the family secrets. Nalini would have told her if her son had a girlfriend. That’s why the matron was truly shocked with Nishaan’s reply.

  “Marriage is a long way off, aunty. But yeah, I do have a girlfriend. I’ll introduce her to you the moment she comes.” He walked away, thoroughly entertained by the shocked look on his mother’s best friend’s face. His job was done. The news would spread like wildfire.

  The problem was that thirty-five people had walked into the bungalow right at that moment and Rekha couldn’t find a moment alone with Nalini for the next hour and a half as more and more guests poured in. She was bursting with the news about Nishaan’s girlfriend, absolutely sure that his mother knew nothing about it. If Nalini had known, she would have definitely shared the information with Rekha.

  In the meanwhile, Nishaan was all over the place, both inside the house and outside in the garden, playing the perfect host, ensuring that all the guests had drinks and starters, that no one was alone. There was a DJ at the back of the house, in a large room with wooden flooring and sound proofing. Many of the younger generation were already making use of the facility, swinging away to popular Western and Bollywood numbers. There was also a live ghazal programme right at the front, in the garden, to begin at nine, when all the Indian music lovers would have arrived.

  Chaahat would be coming late, only after ten. She was on an assignment in Delhi and would be late completing it. Nishaan took turns with dancing and chatting with the others who were scattered all over the front hall and the garden. Aadarsh and Nalini were in their element, being the perfect hosts. The caterers had excelled themselves, the variety of starters bringing forth compliments from all and sundry.

  The Udhas family arrived a few minutes after eight, putting both Nalini and Rekha in a titter, though for different reasons. Rekha had still not found a way to talk to Nalini about Nishaan’s girlfriend. There were too many people milling around
and Nalini wouldn’t thank her if the news got around to the other guests before she knew about it.

  “Welcome, welcome.” Rekha greeted Sunil and Ambika Udhas with a wide smile, frowning at their daughter Shreya, who was clothed in a jazzy salwar kameez, wearing heavy jewellery. It was an informal house party, damn it. Why did they have to dress the girl up as if they were going to a mata ki chowki? Nishaan was a modern guy, educated at Harvard. How did they expect him to fall for their girl? She kept her thoughts to herself, making the guests comfortable before calling Nalini on her cell. What a time for the hostess to disappear?!

  Nalini picked up after a few rings to ask, “What happened, Rekha? I’m in the washroom. Just give me a minute and I’ll be out.”

  “Come fast, Shreya and her parents are already here.”

  “Oh! Can you see Aadarsh anywhere nearby? And Nishaan? Can you see him?” Both excitement and panic vied with each other in Nalini’s voice as she brushed back the few strands of hair that had worked themselves loose from her chignon, touching up her lipstick, before stepping out of the guests’ washroom that was not too far away from the garden.

  She stood near the door to look over the heads of the guests to check where Rekha was, and was glad to see Aadarsh and Nishaan standing next to her, chatting with their new guests. She walked forward eagerly, impatient to find out what her son thought of his prospective bride. “Hello, everyone!” Nalini announced her presence.

  “Nalini.” Rekha pulled her friend by the arm and made the introductions. “Meet Ambika and Sunilji. And don’t miss their lovely daughter Shreya. And this is my best friend Nalini.”

  Nishaan raised a hand to a waiter and had drinks served—wine and cocktails. The amused smile on his face didn’t waver when he felt his mother’s hand on his arm as she pulled him forward. “This is my only son, Nishaan. He’s only been managing our business since my husband fell ill. He…”

  “Mom.” Nishaan’s voice was soft but firm. “Please stop saying that. Pop is hale and hearty. There’s nothing wrong with him now.”

  Nalini laughed, turning to look at Shreya and her parents. “Isn’t he a darling boy? Always protective of his parents. He wouldn’t let me talk about Aadarsh’s illness. Anyway, that’s not the point. He’s the youngest vice president of a private company in the whole country.” While what she said was possibly true, Nishaan was ready to explode at the way she was underlining his prospects. He turned to eye Shreya, who was looking at the ground. He almost felt sorry for the girl who looked barely twenty years old.

  “Shreya, would you care to dance? There’s a DJ at the back.” Nishaan was being polite. But he didn’t miss the six pairs of eyes that turned in his direction, even while Shreya continued to look down. He didn’t miss the nod she gave though. Taking her hand in his, Nishaan led her through the front door.

  Nalini’s smile turned wider. It looked like her idea had worked like a charm. But she couldn’t understand why Rekha was scowling. She pulled her friend aside to ask, “Isn’t that lovely? Nishaan seems to like Shreya."

  “Nalini, I’ve been trying to catch you alone for so long. Nishaan…”

  She was interrupted when Sunil asked Nalini, “How old is Nishaan?” And the subject got changed, just like that.

  Nishaan stood in the corridor between the living room and the DJ room. “Shreya, listen. Do you have an idea why you are here?”

  She nodded, still looking at the floor.

  OMG! This was getting dicey. He didn’t want her to imagine something totally non-existent. Nishaan was used to being open about everything. It had been difficult, the past few months, keeping his relationship with Chaahat a secret from his family. His mother had truly pushed him into a corner. But not anymore.

  “I’m not keen about this marriage proposal. I love someone else. I…”

  A small hand caught his as Shreya looked up for the first time, blowing him away by her beauty, her large, black as coal eyes, shining up at him. “Please tell me you mean it.”

  “What?” Nishaan was confused. The woman didn’t seem so shy after all. And she definitely wasn’t an innocent twenty. Nishaan would bet his last rupee on that.

  “That you aren’t interested in me and you love someone else.”

  He laughed, though still confused. “Of course, I mean it. My girlfriend will be here in some time.”

  Shreya gurgled with laughter. “I can kiss you for that. I think I’ll do exactly that.” She went on tiptoe to press her soft lips to his lean cheek. “You made my day. Where’s the washroom?” When he pointed towards it, she said, “Can you give me a few minutes? I’d love to go dancing after that.”

  Nishaan nodded his head, a smile breaking out on his face, before he threw back his head and laughed. “Go on, take your time.”

  He was still laughing when Chirag came there, needing a break from dancing for more than an hour. “What’s up, yaar? You’re laughing all by yourself.” He grinned at his friend.

  “You will too when you hear what happened just now.” Nishaan told Chirag about Shreya, making the other man laugh uncontrollably.

  “Hi again.” Nishaan stared at the woman who had walked up to them, taking a few moments to recognise her. It was Shreya, only she couldn’t have appeared more different. Gone were the salwar kameez and heavy jewellery. Her hair let loose, she wore a brief black number that stopped a couple of inches short of her knees, the make-up all changed to make her appear stylish.

  “I almost didn’t recognise you, Shreya.” Nishaan told her honestly. “You look awesome, not that you didn’t before. You…”

  Shreya gave him a wary look. “You haven’t forgotten what you told me a few minutes ago, have you?”

  Nishaan guffawed, as did Chirag. He shook his head to say, “I’m in love with Chaahat, so you don’t need to worry. By the way, meet Chirag, my best friend. And Chirag, this is Shreya.”

  “Hey!” Chirag studied the woman in front of him, the rest of the world disappearing from around him as he had eyes only for her. “Where have you been all my life?”

  Shreya laughed flirtatiously. “In South Africa.”

  “Oh really! How interesting.” Chirag took her elbow in his hand and guided her towards the other room, forgetting all about his gaping friend.

  “Bastard!” Nishaan laughed, shaking his head as he followed the two of them.

  It was almost ten when he walked back to the garden. Nalini looked up eagerly when she saw her son step out of the door, though alone. “So? How do you like Shreya?” she asked outright, a trace of anxiety in her voice. She had refused to believe Rekha when she had mentioned that Nishaan already had a girlfriend. It was a good thing that Sunil and Ambika had gone to listen to the ghazal music along with Aadarsh and the other older guests.

  Nishaan shrugged. “She’s fine, I suppose.”

  Nalini gave Rekha a triumphant look before turning back to her son. “Won’t she make you a perfect wife?”

  Nishaan laughed outright, hugging his mother affectionately. “Mom, you are determined to get me married, aren’t you? I’m sure Shreya will make someone a great wife, but she’s not for me, Mom.” He raised his head to see a car entering the compound.

  Nalini frowned heavily, unhappy with her son’s reply, before hearing the car too. She craned her neck to see who was getting out. “Who could that be? All the expected guests have already arrived.”

  “That must be Chaahat. Give me a minute, Mom. I’ll go bring her to you.” Nishaan walked away swiftly, reaching the car just as it stopped.

  Nalini turned to meet Rekha’s knowing gaze that said, ‘I told you so’, before returning to look in the direction of the car. Nishaan had opened the door to the car and held his hand to the woman who stepped out. Nalini’s jaw dropped! The woman who got out could have been a Bollywood star! So beautiful and stylish. But what was Nishaan doing, kissing her on her mouth, with so many people milling around? Forget Nishaan. Didn’t that woman have any shame? Shreya would have never behaved like this in
public. Nalini gritted her teeth when the girl’s tinkling laughter reached her ears. She had already decided not to like Nishaan’s girlfriend.

  “Welcome to my home, Chaahat. I’m so glad you could make it.” Nishaan kissed her once again, unable to resist. “You look gorgeous, even more than usual.”

  Chaahat laughed, thrilled with his compliment. “As if I’d miss the chance to spend time with you. You look dashing yourself. You look sexy in the tux and bowtie.” She pulled his head down to whisper in his ear.

  Dark red flared upon his slashing cheeks as he eyed her. She wore a dress of brilliant red, with glittering, minute, red stones worked into the neck panel. It was sleeveless and fell down to mid-calf and she had teamed it with leather, ankle boots in black. The only jewellery apart from her long ruby earrings was the solitaire ring that he had given her. “I wanna eat you up whole.”

  “Hmm…is that the agenda for the evening?” She winked at him mischievously.

  “Grr…unfortunately, no. Come along. I want you to meet my parents.”

  “Wait a minute.” Chaahat held Nishaan’s arm to stop him in his tracks. “Why do you make it sound like a punishment?”

  He grimaced, sighing at the same time. “I don’t know what it is with mothers and their matchmaking attempts. She keeps throwing girls at me.”

  Chaahat burst out laughing. “You could be telling me the story of my life. My mother keeps sending me pictures of eligible boys. I…”

  “Like that. So, are these boys good looking?”

  Chaahat laughed out loud at the grim expression on his face. “Good looking? They are all outright handsome. She thinks now that I am part of so many beauty pageants, I don’t deserve any less. These guys could be models themselves.” She looked at him from the corner of her eyes as he removed his hand from under her elbow and moved away a few inches. “What? Where are you going?” She fluttered her eyelashes at him, pouting her lips invitingly.

  “So, when is your swayamwar happening? Do I get an invite too?” Honey gold eyes spouted fire at her.


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