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Immortal Heat (The Guardians of Dacia Book 1)

Page 23

by Loni Lynne

  "Half brother to be precise," Therron spoke up.

  "We need to stop him before it's too late." She followed Draylon to the main door.

  They all stood on the front stoop of the portico into the Delvante Gardens.

  It was too late.

  Rick saw the devastation, friends he'd known for centuries lay scattered about the compound and probably further on through Dacia. He knew what this was. He'd been waiting for this moment in time since Zamolxis first spoke of it, but still, it seemed so sudden.

  "Aiden!" he called out. His voice echoed unnaturally through the gardens as storms rallied and Dacia shook under foot. He stood near the alter. He would be ready or as ready as he could be during such a drastic time.

  "Looking for me, brother?"

  The voice spoke behind him. Sacrilege among the Dacians of old. No one, not even the elders or the prophets, not Zamolxis himself came to the alter from behind. Rick held his tongue though.

  "You do realize I have the medallion—both parts in fact," Aiden jeered.

  "I didn't doubt it. Otherwise you wouldn't have felt so empowered to attack Dacia."

  "You came and desecrated my fortress and needlessly killed my people…I only thought it was fair."

  "You captured one of my friends, tortured him and left him for dead."

  "Your Zmeu was only being used for bait. I would have released him as soon as Marilyn Reddlin returned to become my apprentice."

  "Never," Rick spat out as Aiden began to circle him like prey.

  "She's special to you. I wonder why? I know she's the daughter of your chief financial officer at Livedel, that was no problem to find out, but what about her in general makes her so important to you and a threat if she is within my company?" He stopped, "As Alice said as she fell down the rabbit hole, 'Curiousier and Curiousier.' What is she to you, Rick?"

  "It's not what she is to him that should be a concern, Aiden, my love—"

  Both men turned to see the alter once again desecrated by another form coming into the circle from the wrong direction. Nonni stood there hunched over at first, but her voice had taken on a youthful tone. Her body began to straighten and her girth thinned. Her peasant clothing turned into gossamer, nearly translucent, petals of material. Like a Grecian goddess she stood there before them, tall, pale and as beautiful as she had once been.

  "Sariana," both men whispered, one in awe and one in hatred.

  "That was one of my names. But I am also known as Zamrana…the daughter of Zamolxis."

  She stepped forward and studied the two brothers, sizing them up. "Trust me, I had no love for the idea either, but I am the daughter of a god." She shrugged and snorted. "You think you have it bad?"

  "Marilyn Reddlin is Rick's biological daughter, Aiden." She held up her hand to stop the words from his mouth. "I know…infertile. But it was time, as time has ordained. Rick had no more clue twenty-five years ago than you do right now." She went over and sat on one of the concrete benches.

  The goddess's gaze at Rick had him sweating. Her eyes narrowed. Standing, she walked over and stood in front of him.

  "And you." She tapped his cheek in a light slap. "You think Marilyn is all your doing?" She threw back her head. "Ha!" Sariana looked back at him under those sultry, gypsy lashes. "You sent me away after I came searching for sanctuary from this idiot." She cocked her head in Aiden's direction. "You wanted nothing to do with me after all the trouble I'd caused, the annihilation of the very species that kept you all safe in battle, the species the gods had gifted your people as a blessing.

  "It was all a great plan of the gods. It was a test…I was a test. Could anything cause the greatest race of people to destroy themselves? A simple woman from a privileged home, selected to be the mate of the leader of the Zmei. But there was a twist. Seduce the son of the leading chieftain of the Dacians and see how he responds. If he is a true leader he will understand his lover's need to become the bride of the Zmei, if not…" She shrugged.

  "My father knew the outcome. That is why I was sent. I became pregnant with my Zmei mate's heir and managed to keep it with me through the battle and my exile from Dacia. Though no longer Zmei, my child maintained the DNA of the honored ones, and while raised among mortals, passed the gene on each generation until the time was right."


  "No. Diane is my offspring. She contained the very seed that you impregnated. Twenty-five years later, the child's true self is revealed…Marilyn is the last mate of the Zmei."

  "What will happen?" Rick asked. The world wouldn't be able to handle a rebirth of the Zmei clan.

  "That is up to what happens in the next few moments."

  "Nothing as far as I'm concerned," Aiden called out as he made his way around to the special pedestal in the center of the garden. "There will not be a future for the Zmei because I will rule Dacia and the ancient ways will be destroyed."

  Rick went to stop him, but Sariana stayed him with her hand.

  Aiden placed the two pieces of medallion together in the center of the pedestal where centuries ago it had been one. Nothing happened. The earth still shook, the winds and rains still howled around them, lightening flashed over the valley in the distance.

  Aiden looked around in confusion, but Rick and Sariana stood perfectly still as if they'd been expecting this. Fellow Dacians began to emerge from the compound to avoid the possible collapse of the building.

  The sunlight which was supposed to rise remained hidden behind clouds as dark as night.

  "Well, Derzelas is definitely pissed." Sariana sighed.

  "What's going on?" Diane stepped forward.

  "Wait…wait…he's coming," the goddess instructed with assurance. An old man emerged from the surrounding darkness. He looked as old as Methuselah, dressed in the furs and simple linens of the ancient Dacians.

  "Zamolxis." Aiden breathed in awe and shock.

  He was smiling broadly until he came upon Aiden standing near the medallion's podium.

  "Rick," he started, "you were supposed to be the one to place the medallions together."

  Rick bowed low. "I know, my lord. But there has been a change."

  "You are giving up the lands and title to your brother?"

  Rick shrugged. "It is his birthright after all." He waved his hands around and looked at Aiden. "All of this is now your domain, Aiden. Just like you always wanted. Dacia is now yours." He bowed to his brother.

  Aiden glowed, and Zamolxis shook his head in wonder. "Well, now that I've managed to be released by Bendis, she's not going to be happy with whoever set me free."

  "What do you mean?" Aiden asked, his smile slowly diminishing.

  "Well, she's probably going to deny you her light and power for one thing, maybe…maybe not. She's fickle, but then most goddesses are." Zamolxis walked over to his daughter. "So are you finished with your little experiment of living the mortal life, my daughter?"

  Sariana stood up and gave her father a sweet peck on the cheek. "Yes father. It has been a long time."

  "Time is irrelevant to us my dear."

  "Yes it is," she turned from her father back to Aiden. "Oh, and one more thing…" Sariana waved the crew watching from the steps on over. "Now that the medallion is back together, so is Dacia." Zamolxis stepped closer, too. "Now it is yours to oversee, Aiden. But at a cost. You may not leave the portal to attend to your affairs. And to make sure things are as they should be, we now have the new generations of Zmei to keep watch over your ruling."

  Draylon and Marilyn stood together and suddenly morphed into their Zmeu forms with a wave of Zamolxis hand. They took off in flight, screeching their arrival to all of Dacia, representing their place in the land they'd originated from.

  The Dacians, and even some of the remaining vamps, ooohed and ahhed over the fictional beasts. They came in for a landing, the black beast easing gracefully into the gardens to stand beside the goddess, but the smaller, scarlet one had a little trou
ble with finesse and took out the rose trellis and the water nymph on the fountain. Rick winced at his daughter's lack of skill in front of the god.

  "These are the Zmei I am sending to watch over Dacia. They will make sure you are treating your subjects honorably and with respect as they help to rebuild the clans," Zamolxis ordained.

  "What about my people?" Aiden asked.

  "You mean the vampires? Oh they will still be around—unfortunately, the majority are on the outside of Dacia though, except for the few who survived with you this night. They will have to learn to fend for themselves now. If you have true feelings for your fellow vamps, you might look to Rick to help you guide them and help them to adapt and live among the mortals in the real world."

  "You mean I am stuck here in Dacia?"

  "This is the land you've always fought to have. That is what the medallions were all about," Zamolxis explained. "This is all there is left of Dacia and you are here until you wish otherwise…but 'otherwise' may not be to your liking."

  "This is all that I have? But this isn't the real world. This is an alternative timeline created as a sanctuary," Aiden rambled with disgust.

  "And it's all yours, brother," Rick said.

  "I don't want it. I relinquish my entitlement." Aiden sneered angrily.

  Stillness settled in the air as if they waited breathlessly for the fury of the gods to rain down upon them all. Draylon turned from dragon back to man.

  Stepping forward he bowed humbly in front of Zamolxis. "My Lord, Dacia is the land of my family. This is the sacred ground of my forefathers. You sent us here to protect the Dacians and that is still my desire in whatever form I can be of assistance. If no one wants this land, I will tend to it as you once ordained."

  Rick stepped forward. "Draylon, you do realize that if you do, you will not be able to leave Dacia. Now that the medallion is once again back together the portal will close forever."

  Zamolxis looked down at his Zmeu. "Rick is right. Are you willing to give up everything you've had in the last millennium on the outside?"

  Having changed back, Marilyn stepped forward and bowed at their god. "Yes, we are."

  Draylon looked at her.

  "My whole life I've felt I never really fit into society—now I know where my true destiny exists."

  "You and Diane did well, Rick. You should be proud." Zamolxis turned to Rick and then to Diane. "You both should be proud."

  He turned his attention back to the young couple standing naked and vulnerable before the all powerful god. "Are you positive about your decision?"

  They both nodded and agreed verbally.

  "Then I pronounce you, the Guardians of Dacia. You will uphold the truths of our past, secure the vision of the future and rebuild, strengthen and replenish the faith of the Dacians as the laws allow."

  It wasn't quite a ceremony, but it was a proclaimed declaration by their god. Rick was still uncertain of what he needed to do. But it looked like Dacia would now be in proper hands.

  "What about me?" Aiden stepped forth. "I am a leader of my own people. And I want retribution for the desecration of my property and clan."

  Sariana stepped forward, placing a hand on her father's arm. "This was an unfair test all those years ago. And the rules you set down when the Great Divide took over declared that neither clan could kill or destroy upon the other's property. Both parties were wronged here recently, but I do think rebuilding Aiden's fortress is the least you could do."

  Zamolxis growled low in his throat and finally relented. "All right. But if that is the case, Aiden will be on the outside again and controlling his vampires." He looked to Aiden. "Sorry, I can't remove the curse—it's not mine to remove. You'll have to take it up with Derzelas. But I don't want you running around without supervision, either.

  "I am keeping you confined to Romania. You will maintain your image as professor of Romanian History and Romania's Minister of History. Your clan will have to learn to adjust to their environment. But there will be no more inhumane treatment of your kind. You will learn to have them adjust to the life in a civil manner. And you know what I am talking about. I will have Zamara keep an eye on you from time to time."

  Sariana was about to object but a stern look from her father put her lips into a pretty pout.

  Zamolxis nodded to Rick. "All right, you know what needs to be done. I will give you forty-eight hours for your people to make their decisions before I close the portal."

  Rick held the attention of his clan that stood around. "Zamolxis has spoken. The portal to Dacia will be closed forever in less than two days. You must decide whether or not to stay or leave here and learn to adapt into the mortal world. You are welcome at any of the Livedel facilities around the world for guidance and support."

  Marilyn stepped forward. "Wait!" She held up her hand and approached Zamolxis. Rick waited breathlessly. Marilyn hadn't been instructed in dealing with a god.

  "You can't close Dacia forever. I won't be able to leave to visit friends or family if they decide to leave."

  Rick walked up to her, hoping she hadn't angered Zamolxis by questioning his ways. "Sweetheart, the medallion being placed together on the podium makes it so."

  "No. I disagree." She shook her head at her father. "The medallion was supposed to bring the clans together…not shut a portal. The clans still aren't together and may never be. A thousand years didn't make a difference, but it did bring us all to this moment."

  Marilyn turned back to their god. "Is it possible to keep the portal open so those true Dacians, whether from Vamier's clan or from the Delvante side, may come here in peace to celebrate, worship and eventually combine their efforts to become united in their own way? This is the land of their forefathers and they may wish to carry on the traditions."

  No one spoke. Zamolxis' studied Marilyn as if she had three heads. She was part Zmei—it wouldn't surprise Rick at all. Zamolxis' turned to Rick.

  "I'm sorry, my lord. I hadn't had time to teach her the proper protocol…" Rick began.

  The god raised his hand. "No…no…she's right. Nothing has really changed, and yet she's looking towards a peaceful solution, bringing tradition and history as our great connection back into play." He narrowed the distance between himself and the young woman. "What do you propose?"

  Marilyn looked around nervously, biting her lip. Draylon stepped up beside her and their eyes met. They were communicating with each other. A quirk of a smile threatened to explode from her, and she nodded at her mate.

  At the podium, she carefully removed the two pieces of the medallion. Taking one to Aiden, she handed him half before turning to Rick. "Father, this is yours." She handed him the Dragon piece instead of the wolf. "You are the one who saved the Zmeu. You are the prophet. Uncle Aiden." Aiden looked up when he heard his name. A look of surprise crossed his face. "I've given you the wolf side to remember where your roots lie and also as a reminder that you will be welcomed in Dacia in peace only."

  "I'll be damned." Zamolxis laughed heartedly. "Zamara, your mother was right. It takes a woman to keep the peace…or at least try. We men, mortal or immortal, can be hardheaded at times. Hell, it only took me a couple thousand years to figure that out."

  "Well that's settled then. The portal remains open, the pieces of medallion are where they need to be and it looks like there's going to be some changes around here. So I'll leave you to it." A knapsack and bedroll fell from the sky and landed at his feet. He blew a kiss up to the faded moon peeking through the thick cloud cover. "I'm off. I've got things to do now that I am back for awhile. Thought I would see how the world has evolved. But I'll be checking in from time to time to see how My People are getting along." He paused. "Just a word of warning, don't piss off any other gods if you can help it."

  Everyone still stood around in awe, not sure what to do.

  Draylon stepped forward. "I suggest we get our Vamier brethren inside before Derzelas decides to return. There is cleaning up to
do after the massacre. But we would like to extend an offer of peace inside the walls until we can come up with a new, modern day reform that is agreeable to all parties in general."

  Draylon offered his hand to Aiden. Rick wasn't sure his brother would take it. He still stared at the half of the medallion. "I was given the dragon half of the medallion centuries ago to remind me of my atrocities against the Zmei—the wolf part was our father's emblem." Aiden's voice shook with emotion as he looked up at Rick.

  It was the first time he'd said 'our' father…ever.

  "Then it is time you had it, brother." Rick held out his hand, too. Aiden looked at both Draylon's and his.

  Aiden tentatively stepped forward, and the three men exchanged hearty handshakes and nods of optimistic approval. "It's been centuries of war and distrust." Marilyn came forth. "I don't expect everything to be resolved…but it looks like a good start."


  Marilyn worked right beside some of the Dacian wolf clan who'd agreed to help out in rebuilding Aiden's fortress—the one she'd torn down trying to free Draylon. It was a peace offering they'd agreed on the day of the bonding when Vamier had his people clear the deceased from the Delvante Compound corridors.

  "There's a message from your father." Draylon stepped up to her, his dark suit too pristine in this atmosphere.

  "Read it to me, I'm in the middle of clearing this pile of rubble."

  She directed a bulldozer in to lift another load of stone and concrete as she cleared the last of the smaller debris with a shovel.

  "You look so adorable in a hardhat and all smudged—"

  "Careful there, Draylon—you're much to pretty to be splattered with a shovel of dirt," she warned. "What's my dad say?"

  "Things are going well at Livedel. He's settled into his office and new house. Your mother is finally talking to him in the board room at least but is still torn between coming back here to Dacia and staying in Frederick."

  Please, gods…let my mother stay in Frederick.

  "I heard that." Draylon smiled. "And I couldn't agree more."


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