Book Read Free

Christian Mitchell

Page 5

by Jennifer Foor

  As I pulled my little gray Fiat down the dirt driveway I felt a sense of relief. I got this way every Sunday when I knew I was at the one place in the world where I was loved. It was funny how when I first left for college my parents would be waiting on the porch for me to arrive. As my freshmen and sophomore years passed their excitement seemed to fade.

  When I walked inside of my childhood home, I immediately smelled my mother’s cooking. My dad’s voice could be heard from his office, located down the hall of the first floor. I dropped my keys on the side table. “Hey, I’m home.”

  Before anyone replied I saw my brother, Noah, rounding the corner. He leaned against the trim and crossed his arms, giving me a once over. “What’s up, sis?”

  I jabbed him lightly in the gut as I walked by. “Nothin’ much. What’re you doin’ here? Don’t you have some hay to bale?”

  My brother had once struggled with taking over the family ranch business. It took a huge falling out with our dad, and a new love interest to change it all for him. In so many ways I envied his life. Sure, he had a hard daily routine, but he was so loved by everyone he’d ever been around. Noah never had trouble communicating with people. He spoke his mind, and was very popular with the ladies, at least he was before he met Shalan.

  His girlfriend and I had a lot of similar qualities. During her teens she’d withdrawn from a lot when she lost her mother to cancer. After meeting my brother her dreams had come true. Now she was on every radio station around for her hit single, Broken Love Darlin’. It was written about losing my brother, and how she’d never be able to move on. It was that same song that got them back together. The rest is history.

  Their wedding had been postponed because our cousin Isabella got pregnant. She wanted to be able to participate more with the wedding, so they decided to hold off on the nuptials. Now it was obviously back on, and the engaged couple wanted all the bells and whistles to make their day perfect. It was another reason I envied them.

  After my one-night stand I was more ensured that a happily ever after was never going to happen for me. As much as I wanted to sit back and daydream about having a house built on the family land in order to start a family with my dream guy, I knew it was pretty far-fetched. Not only was I single, but not in any position to remotely look for Mr. Right.

  “Where’s Shalan?”

  “She’s at the house. Mom asked her to bring some vanilla and we forgot it. I thought you were her comin’ back in.”

  “Nope. It’s just your lame ass sister.” I looked down at the hardwood flooring instead of straight into his eyes. My brother had a way with trying to convince me that I was some kind of precious beauty queen. I knew better.

  “You need to quit that, Chris. Some guy’s goin’ to try and take advantage of you if you don’t watch yourself. I get that you’re stubborn, but there ain’t nothin’ ugly about you.”

  I finally looked up to meet his gaze. His eyes were widened and baring into me. He’d made his point, and I became overwhelmed with anger. “Noah, please don’t start this again. You’re my brother, but it’s no secret that I’m awkward.”

  “Do you own a mirror?”

  Before I could answer our sister came walking down the stairs. She was wearing an all black outfit and her hair had been dyed to match. Her eyes, which were shadowed in a dark color so much that she appeared sick, peered at the both of us. I noticed immediately how heavy they looked. It had only been a week since I’d seen her last, but it was blatantly obvious she wasn’t well. “Addy?”

  Noah leaned forward to whisper in my ear. “You think you’ve got problems.”

  I shoved him. “Shut up,” I said quietly before looking in her direction again. “What have you done to your hair?” I wasn’t about to come out and say that she looked like death.

  She grabbed a chunk and ran her fingers through it. “I colored it. It’s more me.” Even her speech seemed to have slowed down.

  “Are you drunk?”

  “No, of course not.” She laughed at me before taking a few more steps toward the front door.

  When we realized she was walking away from us, Noah and I followed. “Where are you goin’? Mom’s got dinner about done.”

  She motioned with her hand like she didn’t care. “I’m goin’ out. Tell her to put a plate in the fridge for when I get home.”

  I took hold of her by the arm and forced her to a halt. “Wait. You can’t leave. I won’t let you get into a car in your condition.”

  “Fuck you, Miss Priss. I’m leavin’ and there ain’t nothin’ either of you are goin’ to do about it. Don’t give me those looks either. I hear enough from mom and dad every day. I can’t wait until I get out of here for good, so y’all can mind your own damn business.”

  Suddenly a car rolled down the lane. A guy with his head shaved hung out the window of the driver’s side. “Come on, before your daddy gets his gun.”

  While Addy jumped in the passenger side, I watched Noah marching over to take matters into his own hands. He reached inside of the vehicle and the guy started driving away. Noah jerked his hand away right before he was injured.

  “Son of a bitch!” He yelled.

  “Who is that guy? What the hell is goin’ on with our sister?” I was literally afraid for her. “What is she on?”

  “Hell if I know.” He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and began talking to someone. “It’s me. Close the gates out front. I don’t care what time it is. Close the damn gates until I get there.” He hung up abruptly before walking in the direction of the house. Before he hit the first step our father was coming out.

  “What’s goin’ on?”

  “I’ll be back in a minute,” Noah murmured before climbing into our dad’s truck and taking off down the dirt driveway.

  I looked at my father, still in shock from what had taken place. “Dad, what’s wrong with Addy?”

  His face told me everything I wanted to know. It was obvious that he was aware of her condition. “I’ve been on the phone all afternoon tryin’ to get her into a facility.”

  “A facility? Like rehab?”

  “She’s in bad shape, darlin’. Your mom’s been a nervous wreck over this. We’ve tried everything. Your sister needs professional help. She’s been stealin’ from us. First it was blank checks for twenty dollars here and there. Last week I found out she pulled all of the money out of her savings account. She tried to access her college funds, but I’m the account holder.”

  We’d had savings accounts since we were born, and I knew for a fact that we kids had been given the same amounts to deposit. Addy had blown through thousands of dollars, and she clearly had nothing to show for it. I sank down on the porch steps, in attempting to come to grips with how bad off my sister was just as Noah returned. Addy was in the passenger side, waving her hands all around as she screamed at him. Our father heard the profanities coming out of her mouth and hauled ass over to the vehicle, practically pulling her out by her black gothic looking t-shirt. She froze in place as he stared her down and waited for her reaction.

  “Get your ass in that house, and don’t even think about pullin’ a fast one, young lady. That there was the last straw. You’re out of here come mornin’.”

  “Fine, kick me out. I don’t even care,” she slammed.

  He shoved her forward, and I half expected him to pull her pants down and spank her like when we were little and drew all over the bathroom walls with Sharpies. Noah met our dad on the porch and they both watched as Addy marched inside, slamming the door behind her.

  Just then Shalan came pulling up on a golf cart. Since their new home was built only through the woods from our parent’s house, it was the easiest way of getting to and from each place without having to start up a truck or car. I think she knew from how we were all standing there that something was wrong. Noah put his head down as she climbed the first step. He spoke clearly so he wouldn’t have to repeat himself a second time with the bad news. “Looks like we’re goin’ to have to po
stpone the weddin’ again, darlin’.”

  I sighed and watched the excitement leave from her face. The two of them were never going to catch a break when it came to them tying the knot. I felt terrible for them, even though I had nothing to do with it.

  “She’s goin’ to be gone for about a month. The program will detox her and then she’ll have aggressive therapy to tame the addiction. It’s a long road until she’s back to her old self again.”

  I looked over at my brother who did his best to shoot me a half smile. I gave one back to him even though my head was in a million places. This wasn’t exactly how I pictured my Sunday going, but somehow I knew I was right where I needed to be.

  Chapter 7


  As much as I wanted to stick around after dinner it was obvious that I was just in the way. After saying my goodbyes, I headed back to my house near college in hopes of being able to sleep without worrying about my sister.

  I couldn’t have anticipated that Seth would be sitting on the front railing waiting for me to arrive. He stood up slowly and approached my vehicle before I could climb out. I let him open my door while I clutched my purse that his cell phone remained in. “Hi.”

  Without speaking he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close. It was so unexpected that I didn’t even realize it was happening until our lips brushed. He tasted of alcohol again, which in turn made me pull back in shock. Was this guy an alcoholic?

  “Sorry, I’ve been thinking about doing that all damn day.”

  I wiped my face with the back of my hand, not wanting the scent to linger for longer than it should have. “I suppose you’re here for your phone.”

  “Well, yeah, but-.”

  “Please don’t make this awkward, Seth. We both know last night was a mistake. I know you just got out of a relationship, and honestly I’m havin’ a hard time knowing that you and Amber were involved. Friendships are hard to come by, so I’m not really at a point where I want to risk ruinin’ any for some guy.”

  He seemed shocked before shaking his head with a gruffly smirk. “Go out with me.”

  “What? Did you not hear anything I said to you?”

  “Yeah, I heard you. I’m choosing to ignore it. I had a great time last night, and frankly I needed it. I’m not going to lie. I think you’re sexy, and being with you was a great reprieve. I get that you don’t want to damage new friendships, but I can assure you that Amber and I are nothing.”

  “And your ex?” I had to ask, because I certainly didn’t want her to come looking for me.

  “We’re through. That bitch has issues, and I’m done with it. Now, how about that date?”

  With my hands now on my hips I peered into his eyes, desperately searching for another reason to decline his offer. “You’re relentless.”

  “I know what I want and am confident I can have it again.”

  It was no exaggeration that this guy was attractive. I half expected his head to explode after his comment, but he just stood there relaxed, as if he had no care in the world. I didn’t know whether to feel annoyed or impressed. “Can I think about it?”

  I handed him the cell phone as I spoke.

  He looked down at it noticing that I’d turned it off. “Is it dead?”

  “No. I shut it off.”

  “Did it ring a lot?”

  “I turned it off after we spoke. I had dinner with my parents, and didn’t want it goin’ off in my purse. If you’re worried about me goin’ through it, don’t. I have no interest in your business.” The truth was that I had morals. Snooping wasn’t something I needed to do. It wouldn’t bring me happiness, so it was irrelevant.

  “Damn, well you might be the only chick on the planet.” His face was so close to mine. “Your accent does things to me. I could listen to you talk all night.”

  I sighed and responded, “That’s flatterin’. If you haven’t noticed, I’m not like other women.”

  “No, you’re not. That’s why I’d like to see you again, and I don’t mean in class. Let me take you to a movie. It’s my treat. Just come out and do something normal with me. We don’t even have to touch.”

  I don’t know why I couldn’t resist this man standing in front of me. My mind was saying no, but my body was eagerly begging to see where it would take me. “I don’t know.”

  “What’s your number?”

  “If I give you my number will you let me think about the movie?”

  “Only if I get to kiss you one more time.”

  I snatched his phone and plugged my number in before I could change my mind. Without wasting a single moment, my body urged forward as my lips pressed gently over his. I kept my eyes open, watching as he closed his. Pulling away became hard when I felt his hands cupping my face. In a matter of seconds his tongue entered my mouth and my kiss goodbye turned into something altogether different.

  I pulled away only a few minutes in, catching my breath after someone yelled out of a car window for us to get a room. Embarrassed over my public display of affection, I took his hand, leading him inside with me.

  It was wrong to want Seth after one kiss, but following the stress I’d dealt with at the ranch it was the distraction I needed. He didn’t boast as we walked through the living room, saying nothing to my roommates who were watching television. My bedroom door closed and we were right back to where we were the night before.

  Seth lifted my shirt over my head, highly intent on what was to come next. This time I refused to hold off the inevitable. Reaching for his pants, I opened the fly and shoved them down, including his boxer shorts. A stiff erection pressed over my stomach the next time our lips met. Seth pulled away only in as much time it took to lift the shirt over his head. Our teeth clanked as we kissed while marching backwards to my bed.

  I kicked my pants off my feet and backed up on the mattress. Seth stood for a moment taking in my naked body. I licked over my bottom lip, dragging my teeth as I did it. His abs were pronounced, and I got chills imagining the way it had felt to run my hands over them the night before.

  “I bet this wasn’t how you saw things going,” he teased. Seth’s body came down overtop of mine. He rolled us over, as his hand gripped the cheeks of my ass. With his guidance I began moving my horny body over his. Low groans vibrated over his lips when we kissed again.

  “Don’t talk.” I didn’t want a reason to change my mind. This was necessary for me. I craved release and he was going to give it to me. I figured this was a win-win scenario for Seth. He wanted sex, and I was giving it to him. Plus, he didn’t have to take me out to get some. In a matter of minutes we were naked in my bed.

  Once he’d located a condom and put it on, we were back on the mattress tangled together. Seth reached his hand between my legs feeling how turned on I already was. In my eyes it was embarrassing. All he’d done was kiss me, and I was eager to spread open.

  Seth had other ideas.

  He tugged on my arms, forcing me to sit up. Our gaze met and I was resolved to go along with whatever he had in mind. As he stood, I knew right away what it implied, although I wasn’t sure if I wanted to proceed. Oral sex was very personal to me, and with my not having any experience I feared that I was probably horrible at it. In all honesty it was breaking my focus, causing me to rethink having intercourse with him.

  I had a better idea to break his attention, and get him to participate in something else. With no warning I flipped my body around, getting on all fours. My ass stuck high in the air, right in front of his face. His hands spread over the skin on my ass, gently caressing each side. I shimmied as he did it, teasing him with the view. Another groan sounded from behind me. At first I felt his erection pressing at the base of my asshole. I shifted so he knew I wasn’t down for that. “Let me,” he begged.

  “No. Shut up and fuck me.” Since I never talked that way it made me feel uneasy, as if I’d be punished.

  “Say it again,” he requested as he urged himself inside of me. I gasped feeling his length filling me. I
mmediate satisfaction overwhelmed my senses. My movements back and forth made slapping sounds when our bodies hit. Butterflies ran through my body, tingling every limb. I became lost in the act of being satisfied. Nothing could break my concentration.

  My knees started to burn while continuing to grind forward and back. Fingernails dug into my hips, put there for control, only leaving to slap me hard on the cheek of my ass. The pain burned, also giving me goose bumps. “Harder,” I called out for him to repeat.

  He slapped me again, this time so close to where he was inside of me. I could feel the quivering of my muscles each time his palm made contact with my smooth skin. Clenching the covers didn’t help hold me in one place. We were banging so hard against each other that we’d moved clear across the mattress. I had sweat running between my breasts and they were making sounds as they bounced. This was the definition of fucking. It was pure consummation.

  I felt Seth tightening up, his sweaty chest pressing against the skin on my back, though a release didn’t come. Instead I was flipped over and picked up, and I wrapped my legs around his back as he carried us over to the desk. I could feel papers beneath my ass as he lowered me down. His hot breath edged closer. Soft lips crushed over mine, sucking and licking with no pattern. He was lost in the essence of unadulterated bliss, not caring about being fantastic, but racing for ecstasy. His palms coursed over my hardened nipples causing my body to go into turmoil.

  I watched as he got off on me losing control. Only moments later he stilled my body and let his head fall over my shoulder. We both stayed there for a moment to catch our breath. “Well then,” he said as he backed away from me, breaking our connection.

  I closed my legs and covered my chest with my arms. “Yeah, sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It was unexpected, but nothing to apologize for.” I watched him remove the rubber and toss it into my garbage can. He looked so handsome as he located his clothing and began redressing. I followed his lead, wanting to cover at least my most private parts. “So about that movie.”


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