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You and Only You

Page 3

by Young, Brooke

  The steak was perfectly cooked, divinely seasoned and melted in his mouth. Berkleigh relaxed and felt grateful that Jack invited her. She thoroughly enjoyed their conversation throughout dinner. They discussed sports, cooking, and traveling. She briefly mentioned that her parents divorced when she was eleven and that she never saw her father after the divorce was finalized but she indicated she was fine with that.

  Neither had ever been married. They found out they had a lot in common-both enjoy salsa dancing, love the beach and reading. When talking about their family, Berkleigh spoke highly of both her mother and older brother. Jack talked sweetly about his sister, who was few years younger than him. Deep sadness entered in his eyes when he discussed how he had lost his mother only a short two years ago to breast cancer, “My dad is my rock. He took such great care of my mom, especially in her final year. If I’m half the man he is, I know I’ll be alright.”

  Berkleigh noticed Jack’s sincere love for his family. Ugghhh, he is sweet, sexy, respects women and loves his family. Can he get any hotter?

  They finished their dinner, the entire bottle of wine and split a crème Brule. Berkleigh’s entire body felt warm and tingly all over, a little was attributed to the wine, but the majority she credited to Jack.

  As the evening came to an end, Jack asked, “Are you ready to go?”

  No, I could stay all night in this private room, drink wine, continue to have our heart-felt conversation and stare at your handsome face, but she said, “Sure, but we need to pay the bill.”

  Jack smiled genuinely, “It’s already been taken care of.”

  He stood, pulled her seat out for her and gently grabbed her arm as she stood. He took in her fragrance, knowing it would linger in his mind long after their night ended.


  As they exited the elevator, Jack playfully nudged Berkleigh’s shoulder and said with a twinkle in his eye, “You know, I had a real good time tonight, thank you for joining me.”

  She flirted back and said, “Thank you for dinner, you sly thing. I don’t even know when you had the opportunity to cover the check.”

  “Ha ha, I’m like James Bond, I’m very cunning,” he joked.

  There was an unquestionable mutual connection. She looked up at him beneath her long eyelashes expectantly and he couldn’t help himself any longer. He wasn’t like Stan, she liked being around Jack and they were both clearly attracted to one another. What’s a little kiss?

  He embraced her in his strong arms and softly said, “Until tomorrow, Berkleigh.”

  Gently cupping her face, he looked into her mesmerizing eyes that appeared to hunger for him, and then she closed them in anticipation.

  She inhaled his scent as she wrapped her arms around him, not wanting the evening to end. “I wish tomorrow was now,” she whispered quietly back.

  He leaned down, his heart pounded, every part of his masculine being had been ignited. Just as his warm lips touched hers, his cell phone rang.

  They both pulled back as if being ripped from the moment, he grabbed his phone from his pocket, looked at the caller ID, groaned exaggeratively and said with very apologetic eyes, “I’m so sorry but I have to take this.”

  He kissed her cheek, turned back to go to his room, and answered his phone without looking back.

  Berkleigh stood at her door completely bewildered at how suddenly the evening took a turn…for the worst.

  “This is Jack, hold on,” he answered sharply, he went into his room and she could hear that his call continued in what seemed to be a hushed but agitated tone.


  After a quick, intentionally frigid shower, Berkleigh changed into sexy, peach-colored sleeping shorts and a matching top that hugged her nicely-shaped breasts.

  Re-thinking the last two minutes of the ‘date’, she let out a low, frustrated moan and grabbed a bottle of water out of the mini-bar.

  Too amped up from the ‘almost kiss’, she smiled naughtily and went to the second drawer of the dresser and pulled out her vibrator. Never leaving home without it was her naughty, little secret. It was 2014, after all, not the 1950s. She was not repressed what-so-ever, especially sexually speaking. Despite her lifelong distrust toward men, a healthy sexual appetite has never been an issue for her except for repulsive, married bankers. But Jack wasn’t married, was he?

  After removing her shorts, she got comfortable on her bed, slid aside her hot pink panties and began to caress herself as she turned on her

  battery-operated buddy. Her thoughts immediately drifted to her hotel neighbor and the slight amount of stubble on his face. She was on the instant edge of an orgasm but wasn’t ready to finish so quickly so she distracted herself with other thoughts. A recent awful date, work, Jack’s cologne….no! Redirecting her thoughts…food, sports, landscaping at the Grand Wailea, Jack’s handsome smile….ugghhh! It was hopeless…his warm touch, large hand, his thick, brown hair, 6-foot 3 athletic build, the big bulge in his jeans, gorgeous, chiseled face, his deep, gentle voice, oh good Lord, the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled…mmmm, was over for her. Berkleigh let out a low, relieving, drawn out moan as she fantasized about his beautiful mouth exploring her entire body! Lying on the bed for a few minutes, she day dreamed about what she knew would’ve have been an amazing kiss.

  Once dressed, she went outside and listened to the waves crashing into the beach struggling with thoughts, I don’t normally even allow a guy to kiss me on the first date, was this even a date, I mean- I just met the guy! I really like Jack… and he did rescue me. We seem to have so much in common, plus he is handsome, generous, polite, and sexy in a ‘James Bond’ sort of way. In some ways he is almost too smooth. I mean he had a perfectly good explanation about how he knew my name and the company I work for, but he WAS meeting with men I didn’t recognize and what is with these private phone calls?

  The ocean’s own back and forth battle with the sand represented her own internal conflict about Jack. She closed her eyes and her mind went back to the ‘what would’ve proved to be the most amazing’ kiss of her life, she was sure of it.

  He is the sexiest man I have ever met, she took a deep breath and in the soft, Hawaiian breeze she swore she smelled his cologne again. For a second, her mind tried to force her revisit the unpleasant situation with Stan, but just like she when was seven, she instantly blocked it out of her head telling herself she was fine.

  Interrupted from her private thoughts, she noticed his voice, a harsh but still whispered tone; he must’ve opened his own balcony door. She could not make out his words, but the conversation continued to be heated.

  To avoid creating more suspicion about Jack in her already, paranoid mind and to accord him some level of privacy, Berkleigh made the decision to call it a night.

  Not long after she laid her head on what felt like the most comfortable pillow ever, she fell into a deep sleep, where Jack deeply penetrated her dreams.


  Jack, frustrated with the person on the other end of the call, “I’m working on it, these things take time. The plan is in motion that’s all you need to know right now.”

  He paused for a response and then replied with, “fine, yeah, yeah, I get it. I’ll be in touch. By the way…you called tonight at the most inopportune time ever!”

  Jack pushed ‘End’ on his cell phone and threw it on his bed angrily. Glancing at the clock, it was close to midnight, he knew he should be hitting the sack, but he needed to calm down, so he changed into black, Nike running shorts, black flip flops and headed down to the ocean.

  In the dark, midnight sky, the large, white moon gracefully reflected off the water.

  Jack took a seat in the sand, staring at the black, rolling waves, deep in thought and looking for answers.

  What a night! I, mean, yeah, I was tasked to get know Berkleigh better to see what she knows, if anything. I didn’t expect this at all. I didn’t expect to hit it off so well. Berkleigh is fun, interesting smart, gorgeous, and has the
sexiest smile of any woman I know! Not to mention the rest of her, she is simply beautiful. She seems like the real deal, man. Plus, someone has hurt her terribly, I can just tell. It was written all over her face and deep in her eyes. If she gives me time, I will make that hurt go away. If only she really knew who the real Jack Ashford was- would she still look at me dreamily like she did right before we almost kissed?

  He started to feel angry at himself, why did I ever let myself get into the lifestyle that I did? He sighed as he realized how his career choice complicated things more often than he cared to admit.


  Berkleigh awoke the next morning, feeling mixed emotions, excited with the anticipation of seeing Jack at the breakfast networking session but unsure how to interact with Stan, who probably wouldn’t recall his grotesque actions.

  She listened to country music on her iPhone as she took a little extra time styling her hair. Increasing the amount of eye shadow applied to further highlight the blue in her eyes and curling her eyelashes a few seconds longer emphasizing their fullness and length. She spritzed herself with extra Acqua di Gio as she noticed Jack taking in her scent last night as dinner concluded. To finish up her typical morning routine, she took her daily birth control pill. Even though she was not in a serious relationship, she continued taking her prescription to be on the safe side.

  Wearing a summer, business dress that complimented her slender frame but still maintained a professional feel, she checked herself in the mirror, nodded with approval, grabbed her Kate Spade tote and headed to the breakfast meeting.

  As she entered Meeting Room Haleakala 3, she quickly scanned the room for Jack, but he was nowhere to be found.

  Berkleigh made a face that reflected her disappointment and proceeded to the breakfast buffet where they offered an omelet-to-order station. She ordered an egg-white omelet full of veggies and lean ham for protein and poured herself coffee and fixed it with milk and sweetener.

  She spotted a few clients sitting at a round 8-person table who eagerly waited for the opportunity to extend an invite to her. She graciously accepted, took a seat, and enjoyed the lighthearted conversations. Fortunately, Stan was nowhere to be found as he was probably still in bed nursing a nasty hangover.

  The breakfast networking session wrapped up an hour later. Berkleigh chewed on the inside of her mouth, feeling disappointed that Jack never showed.

  It was not until the evening happy hour event, that she finally spied Jack talking to a mutual client of theirs.

  She was mad at herself for feeling frustrated, since she barely knew him. It seemed to her that he didn’t care enough about their evening before at Duos and the almost kiss to make an appearance throughout the entire day to see her. Not able to get the end of the night off her mind, she wanted more, she wanted it to come from Jack and felt unapologetic to herself about that fact.

  As if he felt her presence, Jack turned to see an incredibly stunning Berkleigh standing in the middle of the restaurant with an unreadable look on her face staring back at him.

  He looked gorgeous in his charcoal-gray, pin-striped suit, crisp, starched white shirt with a pink tie. Oh, good Lord, just when I thought this man could not be more handsome, he wears a PINK tie. He looks so distinguished and confident, I love when a man is willing to wear pink, she thought.

  He smiled and waved her over and she held up a finger as if to indicate, “Give me a second.” She proceeded to the bar to order the house chardonnay. Jack watched her long, slender legs beneath her short red cocktail dress as she walked away from his direction toward the bar. Big blonde curls fell softly over her shoulders revealing an opening to the back of her dress. Her back was lean, tan and very sexy.

  After the bartender handed her a glass of wine, Berkleigh turned to see Jack’s eyes still on her with that same twinkle as the night before when they had exited the elevator after their pleasurable dinner.

  She started to make her way toward him but allowed herself to be stopped along the way with friendly hellos and light-hearted chatter with attendees of the conference. Tonight, the bankers seemed to be on better behavior than the previous night so Berkleigh felt a little more relaxed in their presence. She chalked the good behavior up to less drinking assuming they all drank too hard the first night.

  Jack constantly kept an eye on her with a slight smile on his face, amused that she was noticeably taking her time to get to the area in which he was conversing with several bankers.

  As she approached his side, he shifted the hand that held his glass of scotch on ‘the rocks’ and wrapped a powerful arm around her shoulders and turned her into him so everyone else was immediately out of ear shot.

  He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Finally, are you trying to torture me?”

  She batted her long eyelashes, “What do you mean, Jack?”

  He jokingly complained, “It took you twenty minutes plus to actually make it over here, you told me ‘one second’. You look absolutely stunning tonight, Berkleigh.”

  She blushed at his compliment and said, “You’re not bad, yourself. I love the pink tie, by the way.”

  Smiling at one another, she pulled away from his gentle hold and inquired, “Where have you been all day? I missed you in the breakout sessions.”

  He diverted his eyes, which would’ve been unnoticeable to everyone except Berkleigh who was making direct-eye contact with him, “Uh, I had some fires with corporate to put out. I spent all day on the computer in GoToMeetings and on conference calls in my room.”

  “Oh. Well, I guess you didn’t miss much, all these conference speakers are the same. If you’ve heard one, you’ve heard them all,” dismissing them with her hand.

  He whispered, once again ensuring privacy, “What are you doing tonight after this happy hour event?”

  To avoid coming cross as desperate to be around him, she hesitated to wonder if she should tell him that she already had plans. The reality was Berkleigh wanted to spend some more time with Jack, especially if what he had in mind was one on one time. “I don’t really have any plans, I guess I was just going to sit on my balcony, enjoy a drink and listen to the ocean. What are you doing?” she questioned.

  His had a twinkle in his eye, having practiced all day as to how he would ask her to join him on a romantic walk on the beach. He figured she would accept, but was unsure, seeing as they barely knew each other. “I was thinking that you and I could take a walk alone on the beach, away from everyone. I could bring a bottle of wine, a couple of glasses and some towels. We could find a place to relax and enjoy the sunset. I promise to leave my phone in my room,” he arched one eyebrow, questioning her interest in his idea.

  Recalling how his cell phone screwed up the almost-kiss with her the night before, there was no way he would allow that kind of interruption again.

  “Hmmmm, that sounds wonderful,” smiling as she considered his invitation, “Count me in.”

  He leaned in and gave her a casual kiss on her cheek; she reddened and looked around to see if any of her clients seemed to observe the public display of affection, no matter how slight. No one seemed to be paying attention to either of them.

  “Great. It’s a date. How about you meet me outside our doors in 30 minutes? I want to change into a more comfortable tie.” They both laughed at his joke.

  Berkleigh replied, “I’m looking forward to it. I’m going to quietly slip away so I can go change. See you soon, Jack,” she purred quietly.

  He nodded appreciatively imagining how great she must look in ‘comfortable’ clothes.

  As she walked away, she swayed her hips a little more than normal knowing she had an admirer watching her derrière.

  She couldn’t help but glance back and Jack made it a point to acknowledge that he liked what he saw; the gleam in his eyes was back.


  Berkleigh pulled her blonde locks on top of her head and took a shower to quickly shave her legs and any other area she felt necessary.

  First ap
plying the hotel’s private-labeled lotion all over her smooth, tight body, a tropical scent that could only be described as ‘Hawaii in a bottle’, she then carefully selected a delicate black thong accompanied with a matching push-up bra to go underneath her chosen outfit. Not wanting to be presumptuous that something would happen between them because she really was not that kind of girl, but she was also realistic and wanted to look perfect, just in case. She did not sleep around a lot, she simply wasn’t inhibited sexually when she was with someone she liked, and she liked Jack.

  After freshening up her make-up and tousling her hair to add body, she slipped into petite, white denim shorts that emphasized her bronzed, sleek legs, a black lace top that covered her in the right places, leaving just enough to the imagination. Completing her ‘I’m ready for a walk on the beach look’ she slid into her black sandals that had genuine Swarovski crystals on the straps, which complimented her beautiful pedicure.

  She smiled approvingly at herself, glanced at her watch and determined it was time to meet Jack.

  As she exited her room, he was leaning casually against the wall waiting for her.

  “Just when I thought you couldn’t look any more beautiful than you did earlier and yet, you do,” he exclaimed.

  She offered a smile that genuinely showed that she appreciated his flattery.

  “And you are looking as handsome as ever, Jack,” she said flirtatiously.

  Jack was completely decked out in Tommy Bahama attire. His burnt-orange silk button up shirt accentuated his tanned, good-looking face, he wore white cargo shirts that were neatly ironed and dark brown flip flops.

  He sported the casual look as well as he did the business-man look.

  Reaching down, he grabbed an oversized bag that looked as though it had been purchased from The Beach and Pool Store, one of the hotel’s shops and casually swung it over his shoulder with ease. It appeared to be filled with a turquoise-colored beach blanket with white Hawaiian flowers and a bottle of wine that was peeking out of the top corner.


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