You and Only You

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You and Only You Page 17

by Young, Brooke

  Her smile dissolved immediately when she realized that it wasn’t Jack. She reminded herself of several things: 1) Jack was not actually a bank consultant so why would he be here 2) Jack is probably drowning in paperwork given the excitement of the arrests that occurred at the beginning of the week and 3) Jack betrayed her. Her shoulders slumped down why do I want to see him so badly then?

  She gloomily made her way to her room and contained her tears until she was in the privacy of her room. She buried her face in the pillow and cried. Just when she thought her reservoir was dried up, she cried some more and eventually fell asleep on her tear-streaked mascara-stained pillow case.


  When she awoke the next morning and saw the mess her mascara made on her pillow, she was glad she remembered to bring water-proof mascara for the wedding ceremony.

  The weather was gorgeous so Berkleigh showered, washed her face, applied sunscreen all over her body that Jack had been eager to satisfy two weekends ago. She put on a sexy turquoise bikini and a black cover up and went to relax by the pool.

  While she was tanning by the pool, a wrapped package was delivered to her room. It was her gift to Emily and her husband-to-be, Todd. Another unexpected delivery was waiting in her room when she went up to get ready for the early evening ceremony.

  Berkleigh stared at the desk in her room that was with adorned three dozen red roses with a card that simply said, “Save a dance for me.”

  Jack? It couldn’t be…but he did get me three dozen red roses when I visited him. Her mind was whirling. Berkleigh wasn’t sure what to think of the delivery. What if someone saw her at the pool and had the flowers sent up to her room because they happened to know she was attending the wedding or was it just a coincidence? I mean look at what Jack was able to pull off in Hawaii.

  She took extra care getting ready, just in case, cautioning herself that she might be getting her hopes up and setting herself up for major disappointment. Her makeup looked perfect. She sprayed herself with the perfume Jack seemed to have loved.

  After slipping on her single shoulder coral dress, she styled her long blonde hair into curly waves and pulled it to the side that accentuated her exposed slender shoulder. The dress hugged her breasts and flared out in the skirt, perfect for dancing. She slid on her opened toed nude colored shoes that showed off her toenail polish that matched her dress.

  There was a high probability that she would get as many looks as the bride, if not more…but she only wanted to capture the attention of one person…if he’s even here, that is.

  She grabbed her gift and clutch that matched her shoes and headed toward the location that the ceremony was to be held. The evening weather could not have been more perfect for an outdoor wedding.

  She found the gift table and set her present on it and proceeded to an escort who sat her several aisles back on the bride’s side. Her heart was beating fast, she was trying not to appear anxious or look around but couldn’t help turning to look through the crowd that was being seated behind her on a couple of occasions.

  She saw no sign of Jack and realized she had gotten her hopes up so convinced herself to relax and enjoy the wedding.

  Soon enough Pachelbel’s Canon D started playing on the speakers and the wedding party marched slowly down the aisle. This gave Berkleigh the opportunity to turn around and casually scan the other attendees one more time. Jack was nowhere to be found, her heart sunk.

  The bride was stunning. As she watched Emily and Todd exchange vows, she envisioned her and Jack at the altar.

  Mentally chastising herself, For God’s sake Berkleigh, you have got to get a grip. This is why you don’t let men in; then you don’t get hurt. Stop fantasizing and romanticizing about a relationship that never truly was. He USED you. Stop it! That seemed to do the trick- a little bit.

  The ceremony was brief, but heartfelt and beautiful. As the newlyweds took photos together with their families and the rest of the wedding party, all the other guests were escorted to a beautifully lit, very romantic setting outdoors where the reception would take place.


  The reception area had light hors d’oeuvres and an open bar. Berkleigh ordered a glass of red wine and found her seat. She set her clutch and glass of wine down on the table went and got some light eats, sitting down and introducing herself while other guests made their way to her table, which was also theirs for the evening. They made small talk and Berkleigh found herself having a good time after all. She was getting a lot of looks from single male attendees, but she had always been immune to that kind of attention and didn’t notice but the others at her table most certainly did.

  The wedding party finally made their way to the reception area and the DJ made the announcement, “Ladies and gentlemen…for the first time as husband and wife, I’d like to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Todd Kennedy.”

  The crowd went wild as the happy couple entered the dance area holding hands. The DJ started the song they had picked out prior and they started their slow dance. Berkleigh couldn’t help but think if it were her and Jack’s wedding, they would do a hot, little salsa number, not a traditional slow dance as she finished her second glass of wine, she was feeling warm and fuzzy.

  After the bride danced with her father, Ken- which caused Berkleigh to get choked up as she knew that she would never have that moment with her own father- and the groom danced with his mother, the DJ invited everyone to join the blissful couple on the dance floor.

  Some other ladies at the table encouraged Berkleigh to join them on the dance floor, so she obliged. It was a fast song and she was having a good time. In fact, she had forgotten about her mysterious delivery to her room.

  They danced for quite a bit, then the DJ put a slow song on and Berkleigh started to head to her seat when a stranger asked her to dance. With a kind smile, she thanked him but politely declined. She had no desire to dance closely or intimately with anyone…but Jack. She knew all she needed was time, but not enough time had passed yet.

  The servers began setting plates in front of each guest from their pre-picked menu selection. Berkleigh chose the Chilean Sea Bass, it melted in her mouth and was full of flavor. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the citrus-flavored broccoli mixed with the sea bass along with a bed of rice. At least I can pick my food well, unlike my men. She giggled silently as she sipped on her third glass of wine.

  As dinner concluded, the plates were cleared, and the DJ invited everyone back out to the dance floor to do some country line dance. Berkleigh happened to know it, was feeling good and thought why the hell not? She made her way to the makeshift dance floor and was having a fantastic time…until that DJ played a damn slow song again.

  As she sat at the table, she opened her clutch to freshen up her lipstick. When she was returning it to her purse, she saw a text message displaying on her locked home screen…JACK!

  Her heart skipped a beat and she felt warm all over. “May I have the next dance, Babydoll?”

  She dropped her phone on the table and looked around. Finally, spotting him, he was standing near the DJ, smiling and holding a single rose. Berkleigh, in a complete state of shock, got up and made her way to him. Working her way through a crowd of people embracing on the dance floor but barely breaking eye contact with him. He looked so incredibly handsome in a charcoal-colored tailored suit that highlighted his amazing physique…and Berkleigh knew what that physique looked like completely naked.

  Jack’s eyes smiled at her, but his hands were trembling. Oh, how he had missed her. From his point of view, he could not tell what she was thinking based on the look on her face. She appeared as though she was urgently trying to get to him, but for all he knew it was to cuss him out for not leaving her alone. Of course, he knew she wouldn’t cause a scene. She was breathtaking, stunning. His heart pounded out of his chest as she reached him.

  Neither said anything for a moment. They just looked each other in the eyes, hers welled up with tears. Suddenly, Berkleigh broke the silence as she gen
tly wrapped her arms around his neck and planted an extremely passionate kiss on him. He immediately returned the intimate gesture, their eyes closed, fully in an embrace, oblivious to anyone around them. As their kiss finished, she leaned her forehead on his lips and closed her eyes. He leaned in toward her ear, so she could hear over the music, “You look absolutely stunning tonight. God, I have missed you so much, Berk. The last 10 days have been complete torture for me.” He then handed her the single rose.

  She smiled and accepted the rose, “So you are the one responsible for the mysterious three dozen roses that were delivered to my room, huh?”

  “Actually, had you counted… only 35 roses were delivered. This one completes the final dozen.” he looked at her adoringly, “you have to dance with me for this final one.” He pulled it from her hand and set it on the DJ’s table.

  Just then the song that played on his porch came on; John Berry’s ‘You and Only You’.

  “May I have this dance, Berk?” he asked with pure love in his eyes.

  “Of course, you can,” she said lovingly.

  They held hands as they made their way to the dance floor and held each other tight as John Berry pleaded to his one and only. As the chorus came on, Jack sang along in Berkleigh’s ear, “All I need is one more chance to prove my love for you… I’ve tried my best to live without you…You hold the power in your hands…You and Only You…can make these broken dreams come true.” His voice was majestic, sexy and sincere. Berkleigh had tears in her eyes as he privately serenaded her in the very public setting.

  As the song concluded, Jack looked into her eyes and saw complete forgiveness for what he had done.

  “That was beautiful, I didn’t know you could sing,” she smiled sweetly and whispered in his ear. “Jack, I have missed you terribly. I wanted to be so mad at you…to hate you…but I can’t. I love you with all of my heart.”

  A salsa song they had previously danced to played loudly on the speakers. Berkleigh arched her eyebrow, grinning.

  Jack shrugged smugly in a joking manner and laughed, “What can I say, if I can ‘charm the CIA’s way onto U.S. soil’, I sure as hell can get the DJ to play a couple of songs for me.”

  She laughed as he grabbed her and whirled her around. They were completely in-step with one another. It didn’t take long for the entire wedding to stop and watch the gorgeous

  couple dance perfectly with one another around the dance floor. As the song finished, everyone cheered as Jack dipped Berkleigh and then planted a romantic kiss on her. Berkleigh just laughed, always the charmer.

  The DJ went back to playing his regular wedding playlist, they walked over to his table. He handed the rose to Berkleigh and $100 bill to the DJ discreetly when she wasn’t looking. Jack winked at the DJ. He couldn’t have pulled this off without him. The DJ smiled as he looked Berkleigh up and down and gave Jack the ‘thumbs up” sign.

  “Berk, can we go somewhere to talk?”

  “I’d like that,” she said agreeably, “Let me go grab my clutch.”

  She walked to her table. The ladies who were sitting with her were smiling, “Who’s that sexy man you were dancing with?” She followed their eyes and saw Jack and Ken talking.

  “That’s Jack. He’s my…” she paused, “…boyfriend.” Their mouths gaped open as she grinned and waved goodbye.

  She joined Jack and Ken’s conversation.

  Ken complimented them, “You two! Where’d you both learn to dance like that? You looked amazing out there.”

  They both said, “Thank you,” in unison.

  “Hey Berkleigh, it’s a special night so I don’t want to talk business, but good thing you resigned from TGS before the huge controversy. Did you suspect anything with them? Is that why you left? That was huge in the news, couldn’t believe it!” he exclaimed, “I thought Adam seemed like a good guy.”

  She shook her head, “I had no idea until it was happening, Ken, then she said emphatically, “trust me. I would’ve felt an obligation to give you all a heads up.” She looked at Jack and, in that moment, truly understood why he couldn’t say anything to her in Hawaii or while she visited him in Virginia. She, too, was one of the good guys and couldn’t let her clients- a few, like Ken who happened to be her friend- be involved with such a corrupt company. She smiled lovingly at Jack and then turned back to Ken, “Emily looks beautiful and so happy. Congratulations, Ken.” She said goodbye to Ken, then Jack led Berkleigh, with his hand on the small of her back, toward a set of stairs.

  His touch caused a bolt of electricity to flow through Berkleigh, which caused a dizzying effect on her. She wavered slightly so he grabbed her arm to offer her support.

  “Are you okay?” he asked caringly.

  She looked into his beautiful, compassionate eyes, “Oh, I am way more than okay.”


  They walked hand in hand down a resort path that led toward the beach, not far from the reception.

  Berkleigh gasped when she saw what was waiting for her. A blanket with two small candles lit, an opened bottle of wine, two wine glasses and Jack’s iPhone playing smooth jazz. He had paid a hotel employee who was off-duty at the time to guard his stuff and light the candles when the employee saw them coming down the path following Jack’s instruction to disappear before they reached the beach.

  He poured them each a glass of wine, she removed her heels and sat on the blanket, Jack joined her. They stared at the ocean and listened to the waves crashing into the beach for a while, not saying anything when so much needed to be said.

  She broke the silence and whispered, “You look very handsome tonight, Jack.” Then she looked quizzically at him. “You weren’t at the wedding ceremony, were you?”

  He shook his head and responded quietly back, “I was, but at a distance…” he paused, “my timing needed to be right for this to work for us. I hid in the shadows until it was time. I was glad to see you having a good time dancing though before I texted you. I was equally as happy that you turned that one guy down. It would’ve ripped my heart to pieces to see you slow dancing with another man.” He sighed, “I swear that I never meant to hurt you. I just want you to be happy. I want to be the one who makes you happy.”

  She looked at him, “I know, Jack. It was a lot of information to take in. So much had changed in a blink of the eye for me. I was scared and hurt, but I know now you didn’t mean to hurt me. I was ‘collateral damage’ for something so much bigger than me and believe it or not, I’m actually okay with it- given what was about to happen.”

  “You were never collateral damage, Berk. Never,” Jack stated emphatically. “John and I racked our brains day and night trying to figure how to keep you out of this entirely. There simply was no way because we knew the date was getting dangerously close for the attempted act of terrorism. I swear to you that I simply wanted to introduce myself at the conference and see if you seemed to know anything about the international division, but everything and I mean everything that I feel for you…” there was a flicker in his eye, “was and is completely real.”

  Berkleigh reflected on the past 10 days or so and shook her head, “You have no idea how many times I wanted to call or text but couldn’t bring myself to do it.”

  “I knew you needed time and space, I respected that. I called Emily and told her how badly I screwed things up with you- without going into detail of course- and asked if you would be attending. She confirmed that you had sent in your RSVP and agreed that I could request a couple of songs as long as they weren’t too inappropriate for a wedding, you know like something about breaking up.” He shrugged and smiled, “It’s a really good thing I’ve known the family since I was five.”

  “You are smooth, Jack. I’ll give you that,” she smiled and then a puzzled look came across her face, “I have a question about the guys at TGS. They all made at least $500K per year and Adam probably made over $1 million per year. What would incent them to throw that away and choose to participate in an economic attack against their ow
n country?”

  “I can’t talk too much in detail about the investigation as its on-going but from what we gathered from some communication we intercepted they each stood to make tens of millions. Greed can cause a person to get involved in some very nasty things, that’s for certain,” he said.

  She shook her head in disbelief and then whispered, “Thanks for being one of the good guys.”

  He set his wine down and turned his body toward hers. He held her face in his hands gently and kissed her passionately. Her mouth was warm and tasted so good to him.

  He pulled away from their kiss to ask her a question. She noticed he seemed nervous, which she found odd, as he never came across as nervous. “Berk,” he started, “The thought of losing you devastated me. It’s kind of embarrassing to admit but I cried every night when I got home as I sat in my rocking chair and looked at yours…empty. It tore me apart to my core,” he hesitated as his voice cracked. “The only other time I grieved so badly was when my mother passed away. I love you and don’t ever want to be without you again.”

  He looked her straight in her eyes so she could see how sincere he felt, “I know we went through a lot the last 10 days and we haven’t known each very long at all, but you have my word that I will never lie, cheat or intentionally do anything to hurt you,” he then hesitated but decided to go for it. “Will you please consider moving into to my home and making it our home?” he asked with tears in his eyes.

  She was surprised to say the least, but echoing his sentiment, she did not want to spend another night away from him if she could help it. Silent as she rationalized to herself about why she should tell him ‘yes’, she considered that she could easily rent out her home in California fully furnished since his house was already tastefully decorated by his mother, the rental would generate some income for her. Plus, she didn’t have a job, so the timing couldn’t be better, and simply why shouldn’t she? She loved his home, her rocking chair, his bed, his heart beat and him. She loved him with all that she had.


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