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Welcome to the Family

Page 2

by Caroline F Levy

  Regarding me intently, tipping his head to one side. “So, Angela, what do you think of my restaurant?”

  An image of a clock with the second hand stuck as they do when the battery is about to stop comes to mind. I sit for what feels like an eternity. There is only one word to describe the place. “Beautiful.”

  Smiling a smile that lights up his whole face making him even more breathtaking. “Thank you.”

  He must be good at whatever it is he does. He looks so young to have a place like this. Perhaps it is a family run business. Could there be more men as glorious as Jack out there in the world? I can see his lips moving, is he talking to me? I need to pull myself together, or I will be in with less of a chance at getting the job.

  Realizing he is asking if I would like something to eat or drink. “They do not usually serve food until ten, but the chef is in, and always happy to oblige. He starts cooking for the staff in a short while. We make it a point to have everyone well-fed before they start work. After all, the smells this place produces are enough to make anyone's mouth salivate”

  I do not wish to impose, it does not feel right. My mouth waters as I smell the char-grilled juicy steak cooking. I have always liked my meat on the rare side. I am hoping that my stomach does not complain about being empty. “A glass of water would be good thank you.” Even though the smell is making my mouth salivate I avoid taking something I have not earned. He regards me, quizzically, did my stomach rumble, or is he reading my mind and wondering why I will not take something I have not paid for.

  “As you wish. Onto the interview then.”

  Walking out of Antonio’s just after nine. I cannot believe it is so late. Jack had some unusual questions, but I think I managed okay. He offered to get me a cab home. As I quote, he said. “The streets are not safe in this day, and age.” He only looks to be in his late twenties, but he speaks like someone a lot older. He must have had a different upbringing from me. That will be why he is so successful and running a restaurant at such a young. Must also be the reason he speaks as if he is a lot older than he is. In some ways, he reminds me of Father Gerald. Although I would have to say, Father Gerald would never have made me blush like that. Dismissing the thought immediately. It would be too disturbing to put them both into the same category. I refused the cab, it is not in my budget. I may have crossed my fingers and told Jack I had someone meeting me. Frowning at me it was as if he could tell I was telling a fib. I did not say where I would be meeting them, but I still managed to feel guilty at my misdirection. For a moment I feared he might ask me whom and where. I could see the turmoil of knowing I would be out alone going through his mind.

  So now I find myself walking towards the nearest bus stop, adrenalin pumping. No matter how many times I have been out on my own after dark I still get nervous.

  As I get further away from the restaurant I stop and change into my trainers, they look out of place with the dress, but I couldn’t care less. If I need to, at least I can run in these. I have never been one to put fashion before comfort. My inner alarm starts tingling, the sensation spiraling up my spine. It is as if someone is watching me. Looking around, there is not a soul in sight. I am overreacting. Carrying on towards the bus stop. I will only have a couple of minutes to wait. I have been looking after myself for years. This is child’s play compared to sleeping on the streets. Slowing my breathing I relax. It has to be my nerves playing up after the tension of the interview. After all. There is no way Shaun would have left me alone, pool night or not. I know he is rough around the edges, but he cares for me too much to leave me in any real danger.

  Chapter Three

  Three days have passed with no word from Jack Jones. Perhaps I did not do as well as I first thought. I must have blown the interview, I carry on seeking a new job.

  Sitting in my favorite chair I surf the job pages. Just as I am about to open a promising looking add I get another email notice pop up.

  Butterflies start to flutter, not wanting to look for fear of rejection. I would ask Shaun to look for me, but he is still sleeping off the effects of darts night, or should I say the two days he did not come home for. Here goes nothing.

  With clammy hands and a racing heart, I open the email.

  I think I may have given Shaun a heart attack, as my squeal echoes around the room. Bouncing around in the chair as if I have won the lottery. I laugh as he jumps from the sofa as if he is ready for a fight. He must have thought someone had broken into the flat. Pointing at the laptop as my voice has left me. Glaring at me he rolls his eyes, mumbling that I am a stupid twat, as he lays back down. I can see he is reining in his temper before he looks over the room to me. “Whassup; did ya’ delete ya’ CV or som’ink, luv?”

  I am still pointing, so he sits forward. “Breeve’, Angie, and tell me whassup?” Squealing again I jump up and wave my hands about, twirling around like a child on Christmas morning.

  Voice barely above a whisper “They offered me the job!”

  “Na’, can’t ave’.”

  My heart stutters as I stop dancing around, the silly grin falling from my face.

  All I can think is, well, that is nice! I do not say anything. I just stare at the wall behind him and shrug my shoulders. There is no point in expecting anything else when he is in one of his moods. The problem is. There is barely a time between the moods now.

  I am still dancing in my head. It is hard to keep the grin from splitting onto my face once again. Unfortunately, the look on Shaun’s face tells me I need to be quiet. I do not want to be arguing with him. I am stunned I got the job. After a few minutes of torturous silence, he mumbles, “Well dun.”

  I cannot wait to tell Father Gerald, Annie, and Joe. Hopefully, they will be happy for me. The warm fuzzy feeling subsides a little as I realize I need a wardrobe that will suit my job. The problem is. I am not exactly sure what that job role is. Besides, if Jack is anything to go by. I am going to be well out of place in my jeans and trainers. The email does not specify a dress code. The address is downtown, the posh part I have never been to. I will have to check there is a bus that goes that way. Maybe I can finally learn to drive. For now, a new wardrobe is my top priority.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  I had no idea shopping could be so much work, and so expensive! Shaun will freak if he finds out how much I have spent, not sure why though, it will be me paying the bill. I just hope he will be at the club when I get home. At least I can stash it all away in the wardrobe and he will never know. He normally does not take an interest in what I buy. Unless it is food or his beer that is. I just hope it stays that way.

  How can I feel so excited and nervous at the same time? My stomach is churning. I still want to jump up and down at the mere fact that I got the job. I start work on Monday. I squeal every time I think about it. The beginning of a new career, I hope. I Just wish Shaun would be happy for me. He has been so moody since I went for the interview. If I had not known, he was out playing pool that night. With the way he has been acting, I would think he had watched Jack kiss my hand. He has started staying out later and later with each passing night. Any excuse to go, and he disappears. I am finding it harder and harder to stay awake until he comes home.

  I hate going to bed without him. Although, going to bed alone is much better than arguing. Therefore, in the end, I give up. Yet again, I go to bed alone.

  Chapter Four

  Ihave never been here, but I somehow know this room. It is beautiful, deep plum walls and cream carpets. You know, the carpet you leave footprints behind you. The furniture, what there is of it, is a crisp white but it has an age to it. I can smell cinnamon, like the smell you get from one of those posh candles. I love sniffing them while I am in the shops. Alas, my budget does not stretch to buying one. Hopefully, that will change with this new job.

  I am drawn towards the bed, it has luxurious silk sheets that look soft enough to sink into and never want to leave. As I near to the bed I realize just how big it is. Sliding my hand across sheets
I can feel the luxury.

  I am sure my heart just stopped beating. Noticing someone lying on the other side of the bed, giving myself a quick pinch, I wince. No, not sleeping, Jack. Seeing the expanse of his well-defined chest rising and falling rhythmically, as his breaths enter and leave his toned body. He has the most beautiful dark eyes and they are looking directly at me. Full of, is that want? Throat drying as I realize he is naked. Those wonderful eyes, drinking me in as if I am some beautiful and wanton woman. Turning around to check if there is someone else is standing behind me. It is at that precise moment, I notice my lack of clothes. I may have blushed, all the way from my toes, to the tips of my hair.

  “Angel. Why so shy?” Him calling me ‘Angel’ has my stomach tied in knots. A wonderful warm heat pooling in the pit of my stomach with a physical ache.

  As I slowly get up on my knees I find myself on autopilot crawling across the bed towards him. I am a moth to a flame. Knowing there is a danger, but still, I work my way towards him. I cannot stop, even if I want to. And believe me.

  Right now, the last thing I want to do is stop. Knowing I am going to get burned but I just cannot help myself. I feel a need to be at his side. Pulling at my very core. Tipping his head to one side as he did the first night we met, he watches me. Pure lust is all I see on his face.

  One minute Jack is watching me, the next it is as if he has taken flight. Swooping down like a bird of prey and capturing his prey.

  Breath hitching in my throat, the veracity of his action taking me by surprise. I had not seen him move. Gulping for air I so desperately need, otherwise, I will black out, and not staring into the dark pools regarding me. I can feel the rise and fall of my chest each time I breathe as my nipples brush against his chest. Moving in closer, my heart skipping a beat. Is he going to kiss me? His breath warming me as he sweeps his lips just above mine without pause. Carrying on with featherlight touches to my neck the sweetness of it causing my skin to tingle, but never making contact. Expectation pulses between us, the heat within the pit of my stomach is near to reaching boiling point. Can a girl spontaneously combust from just a mere felling?

  The sound of my heart beating rapidly within my chest is loud enough it sounds as if someone banging on a door. I hear whispers of how he has waited for what feels like an eternity for his Angel. “How delicious you smell.” Working the lightest touches down my neck, lingering a while, just above my racing pulse. My heart hammers as if it will break free from my chest at any given moment. Wanton and panting with anticipation. Moaning as his lips touch my skin. It is as if an electrical current has slammed into my body. My entire being ablaze with an overpowering heat, so searing it makes it hard for me to catch my breath. Heat coils and slides over every part of my exposed body. Feeling as if at any moment I will explode into a million pieces is overwhelming.

  Hot lips working their way down my neck, across my shoulder, and painfully slowly towards my breasts. Feeling the warmth of his breath hitting my skin. Bucking as his teeth scrape my inflamed skin, finally, his lips slide over my nipple drawing me into his mouth. Grabbing at the quilt little electric shocks traveling throughout my body. As he sucks and nips with abandon. I want to cry out, but my voice has left me. Biting down hard enough on my lip to draw blood. Sensations on overload as my muscles contract, to pull at my core. So delicious. If he carries on for much longer, I am sure he will make me come. I am a pile of raw nerves beneath him.

  “As you wish my Angel, just let go.” I feel bereft as he pauses kissing me. Being with him feels wonderful, so natural as if it is meant to be. My voice returns and a moan echoes around the room. Chuckling he looks at me as if I am I am a delicious morsel he needs to devour. Winking he resumes kissing and nipping, giving my other nipple as much attention as he had the first. My skin vibrates as he whispers. “Come, my Angel.”

  One last hard tug with his teeth, while pinching my other nipple with his thumb and finger. I am undone, I cannot hold back anymore. All reasoning has left my body I am a million particles floating in ecstasy, no longer a whole.

  Screaming as I feel the earth move. Shaun is shaking me. I try to focus and look up at him. His expression is one of anger, a feeling of pure dread soon replaces the heat running throughout my body. I think I may well be in trouble.

  “Whassup babe. Ya’ gave me a fright, screaming like that. Muss’ av’ bin’ sum’ nightmare?”

  I glance at him. A silent prayer of thanks as I realize he has no idea the dream was an unbelievably hot dream the furthest you could get from a nightmare. How on earth am I going to be able to work with Jack if I keep having dreams about him? I can see from his expression, Shaun is expecting an answer.

  Shrugging as casually as I can manage. “It must be my nerves playing tricks on my mind about starting the new job.” His smile reassures me he is pleased with my answer. I am just grateful; he has no idea of why I am so nervous. I am looking forward to, but also dreading Monday evening arriving.

  Chapter Five

  Icannot believe how quickly Monday has come around. I am becoming more anxious as the time nears for me to leave for work. The fact I still have no idea what I will be doing does not help. I tried calling, but the phone number has no way for me to leave a message. What was bizarre was about an hour after I tried calling I received an email from Jack. It literally said, “Just bring yourself along, all will be explained.”

  At least I am not catching the bus alone my first time, Shaun decided he needed to come and check the place out. As the bus nears I can see he is a little impressed. The building is of a modern design. Much to his disappointment, all the windows have a black tint to them, so we cannot see inside. I am pleased he is showing a little pride as I got off the bus and said my goodbyes. It could have been wishful thinking on my part, but I am going to keep that thought in mind and think he is happy for me.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Well, here goes nothing. I am so glad I bought the new clothes. If nothing else, I think I look grown up. Even professional. Cheeky Shaun said I look like an old gal when I walked into the living room. If he ever finds out how much I spent, he will go mental. I want to make a good impression. It does not hurt to push the boat out now and then. These shoes go well with this blue suit.

  The red blouse and matching beads show I have a unique personality, even if I do say so myself. I have never been one for clothes shopping, but I could pick up the habit easily.

  Just hope I do not break my neck on any shiny surfaces, as the heels are high for me. Tomorrow, I will have to remember to wear my trainers to and from home. I can see me having sore feet by the end of my shift.

  The place is huge. I am so glad I am going to be met at reception, and do not have to go anywhere else for my induction. I think. No, I know I could easily get lost. All I have seen so far is a long corridor, and many, many doors. As I wait, my thoughts wander to Jack. He seems nice. Okay, hot. The hot that makes a girl giddy and not think straight.

  Shaun is still suspicious about why Jack offered me the job, which I find hurtful and insulting. I got good results from my exams. I was in the top five percent, but I have chosen to ignore it. We have had enough trouble in our relationship. The jealousy is getting hard to deal with, however being alone in the world does not appeal to me, so I am trying to keep us together. Shaun came along, and I felt a connection, having similar backgrounds made it feel right. It was fate. Saying that, no matter what Shaun feels, I would not have refused the job. I had a feeling I just could not say no, which is weird, especially as I still have no clue what the job is. As I said to Shaun, who am I to question? If we ever want to get a better place to live or even a car, I would be silly of me to say no.

  I arrive to find the place empty, where is everyone? The place has a look of being vacant, it must be a minimalist look, but then again, it is evening. Perhaps they find it easier to conduct the inductions when there is no one around. I hear footsteps approaching from down the corridor. Before I can see anyone, I have a feeling I know wh
o it is. And there he is, Jack. Looking drop-dead gorgeous, just as he was in my dream. I need to stop thinking about that. I can feel myself coloring up. Jack grins at me as if he finds something amusing, he is watching me a little too closely for comfort. Is that a smirk on his face? Jeez, it is as if he knows I am having naughty thoughts about him. As for the dream. Do not think about it. Think work thoughts!

  Jack strolls up to me and takes my hand in his kissing it as he did the first time we met. I blush, yet again, I need to get myself under control. I need to learn to stop blushing if that is possible.

  “Good evening, Angela. I am glad to see you found us without too much trouble.” He is doing that looking-from-my-toe-to-my-hair-thing again, a smile playing across his face. “Your counterpart will be here shortly, to show you what’s what.

  We have asked you to come into work later than your normal working hours, so you can meet her. You will work with her for a few weeks to learn what the job entails.”

  The tip-tapping sound of what I imagine are stilettos echoes down the hall. Followed by a vision of what I can only describe as a goddess walking towards us. Jack turns and greets her in what, I now see, is his way of saying hello to the opposite sex. She is breathtakingly beautiful. As tall as me, slight of build, with curves just where a man likes to see them. She has stick-straight red hair falling down her back to her tiny waist. Stopping in front of me, my breath hitches in my throat. Her smile could bring light to the darkest night. I notice the smile is for me. Jack introduces her as Megan, my counterpart.

  I have this fleeting moment of jealousy. How could I even think about having those types of thoughts and dreams, when Jack has a woman as stunning as Megan in his life? Megan glances at Jack.


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