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Welcome to the Family

Page 11

by Caroline F Levy

  Arriving back at the apartments I make my way over to the lift to my apartment. Archie stops me from pressing the button and produces a key sliding it into a slot I had not noticed before. A flap comes open and he pushes one of the buttons. We go down for what seems like an eternity. Eventually, the lift stops, and the doors slide open.

  We walk straight into an entrance as big as my living room. I look around in awe of the place. It is like walking into a hotel lobby.

  “Where are we?” I walk in further, gazing up as I do. I notice everything is white. The floors are marble, and the walls are spotless. I notice a table in the middle of the room, with a whiter than white marble top, the most beautiful flower arrangement is sitting on it. The flowers are of every color imaginable. It makes it stand out so much more, it is breathtaking.

  Lost in the beauty of my surroundings I had not noticed Archie standing by my side. “Welcome to my home, Angela.”

  Physically jumping, I am stumbling into his side. Mumbling an apology and turning away, I do not want Archie to see I match the color of some of those beautiful flowers.

  Hearing him cluck his tongue he moves towards one of the many doors leading out the room. Speaking to himself, but loudly enough for me to hear. “I have my work cut out with this one, so much like her mother it is uncanny.”

  I trot to catch up to Archie. As he opens one of the doors following him through. What a contrast. Walking into a room that feels warm and cozy; it even has an open fire alight and roaring away. I look to see two sofas facing each other; they look well used. The type of sofa you can sink into and fall asleep on.

  There is a small coffee table placed between them, piled high with books and a mountain of paperwork. There are floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, crammed full of all sorts of books, new, old, large, small, paperbacks and hardbacks. It gives any human library a run for its money, that is for sure.

  “Well, do not just stand there; you are making the place look untidy.” He gracefully settles himself onto one of the sofas, sighing as he does. Archie waves his hand as if to motion me over.

  I step in and sit on the edge of the sofa opposite him. Nervous and excited are two feelings I would never have put together before, but of late they go hand in hand. I would never think of Archie having a room like this. I thought he would be a minimalist after visiting his office. Archie can read me like one of his books.

  “I do like neat and tidy when working, but I also like comfort, for when I am not. Lesson one, my dear; never, ever judge a book by its cover.”

  Relaxing I slide back into the sofa. I was right it is comfortable.

  Archie must see the pleasure of sitting in such a comfortable seat. “I had these made a few years ago. Aren’t they wonderful?”

  I realize Archie is talking. “Hmm”

  Archie smiles at me. “Sorry, Angela, you came here for that letter I have been holding for you. I know you must be thinking, get on with it.”

  I see the table and sure enough, sitting there is a white envelope. Archie leans forward, handing it to me. I turn it in my hands. I was wrong, not an envelope, but an old-fashioned parchment paper. Well, I think it is. It is folded into three with a seal of green wax. Eyes widening. It has what I can see is the same crest as on my blanket.

  “That is your family crest, on your mother’s side of the family.” I see Archie studying me. “Your mother trusted me to never open it, but I insisted on the seal.”

  I turn it in my hands for a few more seconds, inspecting it.

  Archie pulls me out of my thoughts again. “Would you like to be alone? I can leave if you wish, but I would rather you stay here while you read it. Unless that is you wish to go home. I cannot make you stay, however, with your emotions so new to you I would rather you be near to someone if you need them”

  Seeing Archie sat there with nothing but concern for me, I know I could do with the moral support. “No, you are okay. Please stay.” Blowing out a breath to steady my nerves, I crack the seal.

  For my Angel,

  While I carried you within me, I loved you. When you came into this world. I looked into those beautiful blue eyes while holding you for the first time and I loved you. Know to this day, and until the day I die; I will always love you. I called you my Angel, a gift from up above. Your name is Angel Desdemona Ladislav. Desdemona is your grandmother’s name. You have a family that is going to love you as much as I do. If you are reading this then you have already met Archie, my cousin, and most trusted friend. Trust him to guide you, as he has me in so many ways, for so many years. It was Archie who helped me to hide you and arranged for me to disappear. It will be Archie helping you back into the world where you belong. My only regret is that I will not be there to see it. I hope that one day we will be able to meet again. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for the path I had to choose for you. Living in the human world has probably been hard and lonely. Your Father is Gideon Absinthe. Please be wary of him. You are now a grown woman with a mind of your own, and capable of making your own decisions. I found your father captivating, and yes, I loved him. I probably always will. His beliefs are not mine, and because of that, I felt I had to hide you from him. I wanted you to find your own way in life. For this, he has sworn to kill me, so I need to stay hidden; otherwise, I would be with you in a heartbeat. You need to make your own way in this world. Making your own mind up about how you feel about humanity. I hope growing up among them, you will realize that they need protection from certain elements of the supernatural community, not to be hunted and used for sport. I have left instructions with Archie on the matters of money, he will give you access to your accounts now that you know who you are. The apartment you are staying in was mine. Go to the crest on the wall in the closet and twist it clockwise. I have a hidden room there, containing my most treasured belongings. Even Archie does not know this room exists please keep it to yourself. Our family history and other papers are in there. Hopefully, they will help you to survive in this savage world we live in.

  Please take care of yourself.

  I am sorry this is only a short letter to ask you to forgive me and to say that I love you with all my heart and soul.

  Your mother,


  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Sitting in stunned silence. A single tear slides down my face. I feel the warmth of someone’s arm around my shoulder. It is Archie, sat next to me. I did not even hear or see him move. I feel him run his finger up my cheek, taking away a tear. I also see Roger sat opposite me. Stunning me as I did not hear him enter the room either. Archie must realize I am in shock, there is a hot cup of tea in front of me. I do not have the heart to tell him I do not like tea.

  Roger spots me looking at the cup and slaps his forehead, getting up and taking the cup from the table.

  “Where are you going with that? You can see she is in shock.”

  Roger puts the cup back down and sits.

  I mumble, “I do not like tea.”

  Eyes widening, he looks embarrassed. “I am sorry Roger. When we are in private, please let me know if I get something wrong.”

  Giving Archie a nod and gets up to leave the room, however, he leaves the tea where it is sitting.

  “Why would Roger not be able to tell you I do not like tea?”

  “Angela, my dear, I am an elder. Roger is just showing me the fitting respect. He will be like this with you when out in public unless you order him otherwise. I do advise you to keep it professional while in public. Being familiar with your protectors is frowned on, even though we know it is different behind closed doors.”

  I focus on Archie. I can never work this man out; such a mixed lot of messages come from him. “I must say, I find you hard to follow sometimes, Archie. Take this room. I would never have guessed you would have a room like this, but then you go on to tell me to keep myself aloof from Roger.”

  Standing he offers me his hand. “Come with me.” Leading out of his cozy room and back out into what now feel
s like a cold and stark entrance.

  We cross the lobby towards another door. As we enter, I am taken aback by the sheer size of the room. It is plain, no character anywhere, the floor and ceiling are white marble not even a seam in sight. I notice a couple of stunning oil paintings hanging, but other than that no, color at all. The furniture looks insanely expensive and uncomfortable.

  “This is what you were expecting when we went into my room, I take it?”

  I cannot help but look guilty.

  “As I said, never judge a book by its cover. This is where I bring visitors who are not friends.” Archie is smiling, that patient grandfatherly smile. “What I am trying to tell you is, we have a responsibility to keep up certain appearances. You come from a strong bloodline and are expected to set an example.”

  As I roll my eyes, Archie, clocks it.

  Within a split second, he is front of me. “Never roll your eyes at me. I am your mentor. I will direct you on how to behave in public and you will adhere to the ways of our kind. Do I make myself clear Angel? This is important.”

  Reeling at the ferocity of his behavior. I step back and within mere seconds I hear a growl coming from behind me. I turn to see Roger, claws out and stalking towards us. Archie’s fangs appearing as he hisses at Roger. I am the only one between them, I can see this is getting out of hand. I have no clue what to do. My hands get clammy and I feel my pulse quicken.

  “What do you think you are doing, Bear?”

  “Protecting my mistress and friend.”

  I splutter at this remark and they both stare at me. “Will you two please stop this, right now? What is wrong with you?” My talking diffuses the tension and both revert to their human forms.

  Roger strides up behind me and wrapping his arms around with a protective stance.

  Turning around I push him back, just enough so I can talk to him. “I love you want to protect me, and that I am your friend. But! I am not your mistress.” Spinning to face Archie.

  “My name is Angela! I am grateful to you for your guidance; however, I will not stand to be scolded like a child. Now, I have had a long day. I wish to go back to the apartment and get some sleep.”

  I stalk to the door, leaving the two males openmouthed. I hear both men trying to come after me. Holding my hands up in warning, I wish to be alone. I can hear them starting to argue again, this time it sounds like two little boys squabbling about whose fault it is. They sound like a right pair. Then I hear Archie telling Roger to come after me, to make sure I am okay.

  I can see the men in my life giving me some hassle if I let them. I felt empowered telling them off just now. I just wish I could sort out my thoughts on my parents as easily. When we have all calmed down, I will have to sit down with Archie and find out a little more information about my father.

  Arriving back at my apartment and slamming the door with a bit more gusto than I meant to. I hear it open again, I know it is Roger. I breathe, turning to find him stood with his head bowed. I have gone from hopping mad to feeling guilty in almost zero seconds. How does he do that? I need to talk to someone. I need to be honest with myself. Roger is the closest I have to a best friend. If it is the bond making me think that, then so be it.

  Entering the bedroom, I call out for Roger, who is of course there within mere seconds. I go into the walk-in-wardrobe and signal for Roger to follow. I stand in front of the coat of arms, pacing in front of it, my hand itching to reach out and turn it.

  I have several failed attempts, all the time I can feel Roger’s eyes burning into me, the question hanging in the air. I stop pacing abruptly and seize the crest, giving it a push, and sure enough, the whole wall moves.

  The whistle escaping Roger’s lips just about sums it up. “So that is why got you so upset with the letter. This is some set-up your mother left you.”

  Entering with Roger close behind me. I cannot believe my eyes. When my mother wrote there was a secret room, I was thinking a box room with a few shelves. This is beyond anything I could have imagined. It is bright and light, there is an area set aside for training. There is a full wall of weapons, Roger rubs his hands together, they must be impressive.

  I know Topline always has the best of everything, so I am surprised he is excited. Last, there is a desk, surrounded by filing cabinets and rows of shelving behind it. Slumping to the floor, there are so many files. Where do I start to look?

  Who is my mother? I was thinking my father would be the one with an interesting, if not disturbing history about him, but this is unbelievable. My mother has a secret room full of training gear, weapons and by the looks of it, lots of information for me to look over.

  Roger comes over and offers his hand to pull me up. I let him, I feel drained, so many thoughts and emotions running amuck in my mind. “Too much. I think I need to get some rest. This can wait until morning.”

  Not waiting for permission Roger sweeps me up into his arms striding out of the room, turning the crest back as we go by. The wall silently sliding into place as if the room does not exist.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Waking the next morning feeling refreshed is far from what I expected. Jumping out of bed I trot into the front room to find Roger on the sofa, looking uncomfortable. I did not even think to tell him to go home last night. If he insists on staying, I should sort out a guest room for him to stay in.

  After putting on a pot of coffee, I make my way back to the bedroom, straight to the crest in the walk-in-wardrobe. I slide the crest, and once again, the wall silently slides open. I know my destination this morning, as I stride confidently over to the desk. There is paperwork neatly stacked on the desk, looking surprisingly dust free. Sat on the top is another letter. In what I now know as my mother’s handwriting, and it is addressed to me. Angel.

  My darling daughter,

  If you are in here and sat at my desk, then you should be ready to learn about the group called Junta. I met your father while attending university, and I fell in love with him. I stupidly believed he was such a good person that he could not possibly be involved with them. Unfortunately, I was sorely mistaken.

  Our family for many years has had the task of finding and destroying members of this group. Archie will train you in our ways; he will encourage you to go to university. You have a choice! I had chosen academia until I came across your father. Now, I lead a different life to the one I intended. My only regret is not being able to watch you grow up.

  Your Mother


  I hear Roger come into the room, so I stop reading for a moment.

  “Thought you could use a coffee, but by the looks of you maybe I should find a little something a little stronger. The note, is it from your mother?”

  “Hmm –” I mumble, taking the coffee offered. “Looks like my mother was, no is, a big bad vampire hunter.”

  Hearing him whisper in awe. “Desory,”

  “Seemingly, my family has a tradition of being hunters, and if I so wish, I am supposed to be one too.”

  Roger regards me tilting his head. “Is this what you want, Angela? It is an honor to get rid of these animals and believe me, they can be just that. Animals.”

  I chew my lip while thinking, jumping up. “I think it is time to go see Archie. I will finish reading these later. Looks like I will get to know about my mother a little more easily than I thought I would be able to.”

  Leaving the room and making sure we seal it again. I stop in front of Roger and fold my arms. “This room is our secret; even Archie does not know of its existence.”

  Roger clears his throat. “I think there may be another who knows of your room.”


  “Your help; She is a lot older than The Trinity’s normally are. I just thought it was because they needed someone they could trust. However, I have heard her name mentioned in old tales. Nancy; I have a feeling she may have been your mother’s Trinity. She volunteered for the job, even came out of retirement for it. Maybe she knows about the room. She do
es spend a long time cleaning your wardrobe. It is not as if you have a lot in here.”

  “We will just have to see if we can find out. We still need to keep this between us. My mother said in her letter that she loves and trusts Archie, but the room is a secret, even from even him.”

  Roger bows his head.

  “Now what’s up?”

  “I am honored you trust me with this.”

  Clucking my tongue at him, I leave the room with a smile on my face.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Itried seeing Archie, but he is away on business. He left a message saying he would contact me later. Hmm, more like avoiding me so I calm down.

  While in the offices I ran into Megan. It seems like an age since I had spoken to her.

  She squeals as I walk into reception throwing her arms around me, then shoving me back to give me the once-over. “You look wonderful! The lifestyle suits you. I need all the juicy details about getting to play with Jack. I am so jealous. You just have to dish the dirt.”

  Rolling my eyes, I glance in Rogers direction, hoping for some help. Shrugging his shoulders all he does is grin at me. A fat lot of help he is going to be.

  Megan circles me and stares at Roger. “So, you got your calling, Bear. Good for you.” She pats him on the arm while turning back to me. “Oh, you can have a break, bear. She will be safe with me. We need some girl talk. Come back in an hour. Oh, please.” Staring at me she gives me a wicked smile, shoving Roger away as she does.


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