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Rescue Mission to the Stars

Page 17

by Philip R Benge


  Admiral Stator had now worked out all the finer points of his plan, everything hinged around one thing, the freighter and its crew must come to Mazere. He almost felt a little twinge of guilt at having to use them in such a way, and it might make his relationship with Lantana a little awkward too, but he would have to live with that. Unfortunately, his plan meant that the Earth ambassador must be invited along as well, and he would want to travel in the space cruiser. So be it, he would speak to Chancellor Krieg and state that he wished for the talks to be upgraded to a full ambassadorial meeting between the two worlds. They would discuss trade and the setting up of embassies, until his new plan reached fruition. This new plan would also make Captain Charlton very happy, for he must realise that the answer to finding his father lay on Mazere, and not here on this barren world. His meeting with Krieg was to say the least, explosive.

  “You want to move the meeting with the ambassador of Earth to Mazere, why, are you insane, surely the point of the last three years has been to stop this very thing from happening?” Krieg railed.

  “And where has it got us Chancellor, they now know of our presence in the galaxy and we are meeting with their ambassador. We have even made warlike moves on one of their starships that could still have unknown consequences.” Stator replied calmly while he waited for the Chancellor`s argument to continue.

  “But surely our future plans include the de-stabilization of their planet so that they are unable to compete with us for the riches of the galaxy. Are they not more warlike moves?”

  “Chancellor, I have studied all of the reports regarding their world and their people, if we try to attempt any more such measures against them we stand a good chance of failing, and that will mean interplanetary war. Our stable world couldn`t survive such an outcome intact, no you must advise the government to open full diplomatic relations with the people of Earth immediately.”

  Stator didn`t doubt his peoples destiny to rule the universe, but over the last three years he saw that the planet`s leaders were not going to take them there. He had read all of the reports on Earth and had seen that they were about a dynamic people who were also sure of their own destiny. His series of late night discussions with his daughter had altered his rigid views on the way he should take Mazere forward, he now realised that there were other ways of achieving the result that he wanted, ways that would not begin to dehumanise his people. And finally his meeting with the freighter captain and his fiancé had enabled him to finalise his plan to first snatch the leadership away from its current incumbents, and then to launch his new way forward for the people of Mazere. Regarding Ambassador Kennedy, Stator saw just another politician, of which the galaxy was probably full to overflowing with, unfortunately.

  “You make a convincing argument Admiral, for I too wonder about the advisability of following such actions, but surely the government will not allow me to do such a thing.” Krieg said.

  “The government will follow your lead Chancellor, especially if you also state that I am also behind such a move. Anyway, the opening of embassies will not happen overnight, and if we do agree to exchange embassies then a diplomatic presence there would be very advantageous to our people. We can use it to our advantage to procure any advanced technology that they have, by fair means or foul.” Stator argued persuasively. “I would also like Captain Charlton to accompany us to Mazere; I feel that they will provide us with a more balanced view of the people of Earth.” Admiral Stator asked.

  “Captain Charlton, but we both know the real reason why he has come here, it is to find his father, and surely taking him to Mazere will assist him in his quest?” Krieg argued.

  “We will keep them and their craft under surveillance Chancellor, everything they say or do will be known to us, in any case since their arrival they have not managed to find out anything about the missing starship, their search has been a total failure.” Stator replied in a persuasive voice.

  “It is true that we have listened in to their every word Admiral, but all they seem talk about is food or kakao, nothing of importance. They must be conversing secretly, and that surely is interesting in itself.”

  “If they do try to get information regarding the crew of the Blazer Explorer, Chancellor, then we will be able to use it against their ambassador in any way that we choose. Now I must insist that you do as I ask, you know that it will be for the good of Mazere in the long run.”

  It was later the next day that Chancellor Krieg spoke to those assembled within the meeting hall.

  “Ambassador Kennedy, my government asks if we might not move this meeting between our two people to our home world of Mazere, and continue it there with the first subject being when and where to open our two embassies?”

  “But this is wonderful Chancellor, my colleagues and I will be only too delighted to move the meeting over to your world to continue our talks. Please convey our thanks to your government.” Ambassador Kennedy replied ecstatically. Although how this sudden development came along, he had no idea.

  “We would also like to extend this invitation to the freighter captain and his crew to join us on Mazere. My people would like the opportunity to talk with them outside of the normal meeting, they being representatives of the many ordinary people of your world. It is thought that we will be able to get a much clearer picture of your world and its people in this way.” Krieg continued. Kennedy fought to keep the frustration from his face and just about managed it, but he had to try to thwart this proposal.

  “But the crew of the Intrepid could provide that insight for you, there is no reason to put Captain Charlton and his crew to the inconvenience of a longer stay in deep space.”

  “But we insist Ambassador, Captain Charlton and his crew must also come to Mazere, as people who are non Government officials, we feel that they will give us a more balanced feel about the many different people that live on your world.”

  “Then come they must Chancellor, I will tell them immediately after our meeting ends.” Kennedy said with a regret and anger that he hid very well from his hosts.

  “You represent only a portion of the people of your world, when you open your embassy on Mazere it is hoped that you will invite some of the unaligned nations on your world to be represented there. It should assist your planet to unite behind a single leader and to join us as we move forward peacefully into the galaxy in a united front.” Chancellor Krieg said with just a little concern, for he was still not one hundred per cent sure that what he was partaking in, was to the betterment of his people, or of Admiral Stator`s motives for insisting upon it.

  “Then Chancellor we had better have an extra large embassy building to house us all.” Kennedy said with an attempt at humour.

  When Ambassador Kennedy called on the crew of the Galactic Traveller, David thought that they were in trouble for one of a many possible reasons, but he still greeted the ambassador in his normal detached manner.

  “Ambassador, how can we be of assistance to you today?” David asked and managing to convey that this would be the last thing that he would ever want to do.

  “The meeting between the Mazerens and Earth is to be moved to their home world as of tomorrow morning. There we will discuss the immediate opening of our embassy, or at least as soon as one can be built. For some reason they have also insisted that you join us in your interstellar dust cart, please be ready to take off at first light.” Kennedy said, and his tone conveyed the distaste that he felt at having to issue the invitation.

  “Well that is sudden; I suppose it must have been our luncheon party the other day that finally convinced them to allow us to open an embassy on Mazere. But you don`t have to thank us Ambassador, it is all part of the package that you get when you go with the combined package of Blazer Space and Charlton Freighters.” David said lightly.

  David was trying to needle Ambassador Kennedy, and knew that he had succeeded, for he had seen Kennedy`s face as he turned away and walked back to his quarters in the small town on
New Mars. Kennedy`s anger had reached an all time high, for in one fleeting moment he too had wondered if something had happened during the luncheon party that could be behind the sudden change of heart amongst the Mazerens.

  David`s mind was also in total shock as he took in what the ambassador had said. Here was the invitation that Tony Miles had asked for, and David was sure that the presence of Sarah Jane Hardin had somehow had something to do with it. It must have been the meeting with the Admiral on board of his flagship David reasoned, for he had seen the way that Admiral Stator had reacted to her impassioned speech for the rights of not only other women, but for everyone, men included. Surely, it had to be more than the few words spoken over a hot drink of kakao that had changed everything for two worlds, something that had moved them forward one-step in their quest to find their missing family and friends. After a very disgruntled ambassador left them to return to his suite of rooms, David spoke to Sarah and the others on the subject regarding their good fortune, but no one had anything concrete to offer. Why things had gone their way, remained a mystery for the moment, and they could only agree with his evaluation of events. Admiral Stator must have requested their presence in this second meeting between worlds, and as David thought, Sarah had somehow been the reason. No one imagined that there could be another darker reason behind the invitation.


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