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Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2)

Page 4

by KC Kean

  I feel like she’s staking her place in a battle from an old war movie or something.

  Although, it does feel like a war is coming.

  “Luna Steele, you know I’m Trudy Byrnes, a Club. What you don’t know is, I may not specialize in combat or weaponry, but my family name is the highest of a … different trade. It’s nice to finally meet you under better circumstances.” She offers a smile, as the crowd’s discussions get louder.

  “This isn’t our fucking war, Trudy!” some guy yells from the crowd. I can’t see who it came from though. She rolls her eyes dramatically.

  “There’s always one with a big mouth, am I right?” She says with a smirk, as I find my eyes drifting to Oscar. They all must have heard her because they’re grinning. I’m surprised they’ve stayed quiet this long.

  As if reading my mind, Parker steps forward.

  “There’s already a war, always has been. Maybe you should clue yourself in on where you actually are. Now fuck off.” He grinds out. There’s the Ace version of Parker I haven’t seen before, the one Red was adamant existed. Fuck me that was hot, although I instantly miss the softer side he lets me see.

  Trudy stands in my line of sight to gain my attention, clearly smart enough not to reach out and touch me.

  “Thank you, Luna. For The Pyramid, and for hopefully pulling us all through this shit storm. Here’s my number, if you need me, just call. You’d be surprised the following my name comes with. We’re having a party out behind the Library Friday night, you should make an appearance,” she says with a smile and a sparkle in her green eyes, handing me her card and sauntering off.

  Everyone follows Parker’s order and Trudy’s lead, and scatters.

  I keep my eyes focused on her for a moment, her confidence has surprised me now that we’re not in the ring. She’s not a priority on my list of allies, but she does represent a deeper connection into this world. Trudy is a true example that I made the right decision offering her an out in The Pyramid.

  A few guys follow her direction, keeping a tight shield around her.

  “You ready, baby girl?” Oscar asks from behind me.

  “Yeah,” I murmur, glancing over my shoulder at him.

  I head for the Rolls I see Ian standing at, not glancing to look who’s following. Even though Wren isn’t here right now, and one of us could travel alone, I know it won’t be me.

  “Anybody but Roman,” I say, making sure they hear me without giving the other students something to gossip about.

  “Miss Steele, I’m glad to see you back,” he greets as he opens the door.

  “Thank you, Ian. Did I miss anything while I was gone?”

  “Apart from them boys moping around like lovestruck teenage girls you mean?” he asks, with a slight lift to his lips.

  “Yeah, apart from that,” I mutter, even though my heart beats a little faster at his admission.

  “Nothing much, if I’m honest. There hasn’t been any gossip coming from higher up, but if I get wind of anything I’ll let you know.”

  “I appreciate it,” I say, as I slip into the car.

  I relax into my seat as Kai steps in beside me. He offers me a gentle smile, not pressuring me into a conversation as the car begins to move.

  His presence relaxes me, I love basking in his comfortable silence. His leather and cinnamon scent surrounds me, and I inhale it like a drug. I miss our hands connecting on the arm rest between us but I force myself to keep my hands clasped on my lap.

  As we pull up outside Combat, he finally speaks.

  “If you need any help burying bodies today, just let me know. I’m down for whatever.”

  I try so hard not to laugh at his nonchalant attitude as he says it so matter of factly. I don’t respond as I step out of the car in front of the Combat building. I prefer it out here, by Combat and Weaponry where there is so much open space and nature. Enjoying my surroundings is short lived as I hear a girl scream.

  “It’s about time you showed your face, you fucking bitch. Get over here!”

  Wren. Great.

  Turning in the direction her voice came from, I see she’s not alone. Becky is there with a few others, but obviously there’s no Tyler. Wren doesn’t look as put together as she usually does. Her makeup is thicker, if that was even possible. Her hair is ruffled too far past the bedhead look.

  I glance at Becky, whose blonde hair is scraped back into a ponytail, making it easy to spot the rope burn marks she was unable to cover on her neck. The glare she’s giving tells me there’s no appreciation for saving her life. You’re welcome.

  There’s a crowd around us, again. Some from just minutes ago with Trudy. Glancing around in search of Red, I see her step towards us, and Oscar places her strategically behind him. Now that I know she’s safe, I can address this bitch.

  “What do you want now, Wren? I don’t care for your childish antics when there’s big girl issues to be dealing with,” I say, already fed up with this conversation.

  “Bitch, you better watch your tone, before someone jumps you in the dark again,” she sneers, but her voice isn’t as confident as it usually is.

  I can’t help but laugh, it literally sprouts out of me before I can filter it. This girl, when is she going to catch on? I drop my handbag and step towards her, slowly. My laughter draws everyone’s attention further. Becky steps back a little from Wren, who’s barely holding her ground right now.

  “Girl, are you forgetting what happens every time you come at me? Where’s your boyfriend?” I glare, and her face pales. I step right up in her space, ready to show this bitch and everyone else that I mean what I say. I’ve told her enough times I’ll keep coming back harder, stronger.

  “I’m done with you and your bullshit, Wren. I’m the fucking predator here, and you’re the motherfucking prey. You’ve seen what I’m capable of. I won’t hesitate to put you in the ground, reunite you with Tyler again. You used up all my compassion when I saved your friend’s life in The Pyramid. Do you understand?”

  I’m mere inches away from her, leaning in, breathing on her face. You could hear a pin drop right now, no one daring to make a sound.

  There’s a slight tremor in Wren’s hand, as she lifts it to slap me. She’s never going to learn. I grip her wrist with one hand, while wrapping the other around her throat. Seems this is a common position for us.

  Before I can breathe another word at her Maverick Miller steps into our space, meeting my eyes.

  “Let go, Luna,” he murmurs.

  I take in his words for a moment. He knows what I can do, but he also saw my compassion because he carried Trudy, her brother and Red out of the rings to safety, at my request.

  I drop my hands and shove her back, unable to just let go. She stumbles and falls to her ass, grazing her hands on the ground as she loses a heel. I desperately want to laugh, but I look down my nose at her instead.

  “Fuck off, Wren, before I don’t listen to reason and snap your neck,” I say in a bored tone.

  “We’re not fucking done here you stupid whore,” she screeches as she scurries to her feet, taking off her other heel and running barefoot inside. I ignore her as I turn to double check on Red. She’s standing between Oscar and Parker while Roman and Kai stand on either side of them. They’ve all stepped closer, likely following my steps as I closed in on Wren.

  Red offers me a soft smile, as Kai steps forward with my handbag held out for me.


  “It’s good to see you, Luna,” Maverick says, pulling my attention back to him. His green eyes are filled with respect, as he scratches the stubble on his chin, and his messy brown hair blows with the gentle breeze.

  “I believe I owe you a thank you,” I say in response.

  “You don’t owe me a thing. I’m impressed by your approach. I spoke to Rafe over the weekend, if you need me for anything at all just say the word. Although, I would just like to state that I can do big boy jobs too,” he says with a smirk, hand outstretched for me to

  I’m not sure why he feels the need to shake hands but I reach mine out in return and that’s when I feel it, a small object. Keeping my features neutral, I drop his hand after a moment and continue our conversation.

  “You sure? You seem like the obedient errand boy type,” I say with a grin, and his eyes shift beyond me. I don’t follow his line of sight, instead heading inside.

  “Don’t think you’re sparring today, not even with Roman in the corner. You can help me watch everyone’s form.”

  “Are you joking?” I say spinning back around to glare at him.

  “Nope, but that won’t be a problem now will it, seeing as you’re so obedient and all that,” he jokes, throwing my words back at me.

  Red steps toward me, wrapping her arm through mine and leading me inside.

  “It blows my mind how you can go from nearly ripping Wren’s throat out, to cracking inappropriate jokes at the tutors, Luna,” she says baffled by the whole thing. I just offer a grin.

  Happy first day back to me.



  I spend the rest of the week surprisingly relaxed. Wren is constantly glaring the shit out of me, and I can see her brain working overtime, plotting out her revenge.

  Even the guys have respected my space, though I can see the effort they’re using.

  Trudy has surprised me, she has some damn reach on this campus from what Red has said. The Byrne’s parties seem to be pretty epic and the reason they are so popular. I’m surprised, because for one, she isn’t an Ace, or even a Diamond. It has me itching to know what her skillset is. Nobody has attempted to approach me, they’re not stupid. The control Wren usually holds over everyone is slipping.

  When I’d told Red that Trudy had mentioned a party on Friday night, she was all in. Practically squealing in delight and adamant we needed to let our hair down and be teens for a minute. Somehow I agreed with her. Glancing at my phone, I have another text from her.

  Red: Only 8 hours to go. Eeekk!! I’ll be there in 4 hours so we have plenty of time to eat and get ready. No arguments, Captain! I’ll bring Frappuccinos!

  With it being a Friday, I had an early finish while she had L.F.G. again. So, I have four hours to get shit done and relax before she crashes in here like a hurricane. I just have to survive a car ride with Roman first.

  My last lesson on Fridays is B.I.C.E. (Bribery, Infiltration, Corruption and Embezzlement) which only Roman and I have. This will be the first time since Washington that I’ll be alone with him, and I’m strong enough to admit it has me a little anxious.

  Julie, our tutor for B.I.C.E., is still talking us through her examples of bribery. It’s all she’s done, mumble on about her own examples. I actually wish we had textbooks to read or something because her stories aren’t as cool as she thinks they are. I find my gaze constantly drawn out of the window, mesmerized by the trees blowing with the breeze.

  My plans for this afternoon are running through my mind on repeat. There’s no room for error.

  There are about thirty of us in here, all sitting in pairs, and of course Roman is beside me. I can feel his gaze on me, and my body keeps trying to lean into his, wanting to feel his heat. His woodsy aftershave intoxicates my senses, putting me at war with myself.

  My brain keeps repeating ‘he lied’ over and over again to try and keep me in check, but I don’t know how much longer that’ll work.

  Julie is still droning on when the bell rings. I hadn’t unpacked a thing so I grab my bag and make a dash for the door. I need a moment to get my walls back up before we’re alone. He didn’t speak a word to me in class, but I know that’s about to change. He’s never going to stay silent when we’re alone.

  Stepping into the Rolls first, I don’t look back. I can feel his eyes on me though, and I know he’s close. The second the door shuts behind him the atmosphere that surrounds us intensifies, and I feel like I can’t breathe. His scent is even more powerful in here. I almost feel light-headed.

  I try to keep my gaze focused out the window, but his sighs tell me he’s trying to start a conversation. Finally, he grows some balls.

  “Luna, can we talk?” he murmurs, unsure of himself as he turns to face me.

  “Nope.” My inner bitch loving to pop the ‘p’ as always.

  “Please Luna, I just need a chance to explain to you …” he says, trying to reach for my hand. I can’t let him do that, I’ll give in too easily to his touch.

  “You don’t need anything, Roman. You want to give me some bullshit excuse but that’s only to justify yourself. I don’t care to hear it. So, I’d rather you not open your mouth to talk again,” I say, finally turning to meet his gaze. The guilt written all over his face does nothing to help his case.

  He slouches back into his seat, swiping a hand down his face in despair.

  “Rafe said you’re trying to kick start your memories …”

  “Wow. Just wow.” I laugh, but there’s no joy. “Roman, I don’t want to have any kind of conversation with you, let alone one about you gossiping about me with Rafe. It's a subject that has nothing to do with you at all,” I growl back, my hands gripping the edge of the arm rests.

  My palms are getting sweaty, I’m a complete mixture of anger and desire. All I can think about is Red’s mention of make-up sex, and that only angers me more. The thought of Roman naked right now, hot and sweaty, my fingers digging into the skull tattoo on his back. Fuck.

  I can see the tension in his face, and he’s breathing heavily, clearly frustrated that I am not giving into him.

  “Can I give you something?” He whispers, not rising to my argument. Fuck him. I want him to yell and scream, maybe go a little crazy, but instead he whispers.

  What would make him go so quiet like that? He’s usually just as hotheaded as me.

  His head is down, chin to chest, but he tilts his ocean blue eyes to look up at me when he notices my silence, waiting for an answer. I process his whispered words again.

  “I don’t want you to give me anything, Roman.” The defeated look on his face intensifies.

  “You’ll want this, I just don’t want to give it to you if you’re not ready.”

  It must be something linking to my past, the past he knew about and said nothing. When he’s not in front of me I miss him, and I can almost forget this bullshit. Then, the second I see the guilt in his eyes, I want to make him suffer.

  A part of me wants to tell him to shove it up his own ass, yet the smallest part of me is intrigued to know something from that time. I promised myself back in New York that I would push myself to remember and learn what my mind has forced me to forget.

  I continue to scan his face, and the slight drop of hope in his eyes has me nodding subconsciously, my heart beating faster against my chest. It’s too late for me to take it back now, and I don’t think I want to, especially when his eyes light up in relief.

  “I just want to explain to you why I have it first because it’s not mine. I won’t explain what it is or anything, just why.”

  I don’t want to hear any of the shit that’s likely to come out of his mouth, but my soul wants whatever it is more than I want to tell him to fuck off.

  “Go on, then.”

  “Not here, when we get back to Ace,” he says, swiping his hands down his pants nervously.

  “Do you have it on you right now?” I ask, frowning at him for trying to drag this out, and he gives me the smallest nod in response. “Then you can give it to me here. I have plans tonight, and I don’t have time to waste on this.”

  I’m not being cruel, I’m just not caring for his feelings either. He must be able to tell that he won’t change my mind because he sighs, before turning to face me fully.

  “So, when your father died everyone was made to believe that you had died too. Our families were crazy connected, practically one big happy family, sharing summer homes and keeping things at each other’s homes.” He clears his throat, nerves getting the best of him and
carries on. “I remember having to go to our summer home to help clear it all out. I think after everything, nobody wanted to sit in those memories anymore, and while I was there I found it. God, it always caught my attention, no matter what, and you would always give it to me.”

  The sadness that rests on his face for a moment forces me to believe his words.

  Reaching into his blazer pocket he holds it out between us.

  Cautiously, I hold my hand out beneath his, my pulse ringing in my ears, as he slowly unclasps his fist to place it in my hand. His fingers trace across my open palm, sending a shiver down my spine. I feel the weight of the item he’s placed in my hand, and slowly bring it closer to me.

  Oh my god.

  A peacock brooch.

  The vision I had on my way to Featherstone, it was about stealing this peacock. My fingers squeeze it tightly into my palm and I love the feeling of it digging into my skin, my hand molding around it.

  The memory floods my mind again, only this time I see the direction I was running in.

  I’m dashing through the grass bank, sitting above the beach below, no shoes on, loving the feel of the grass in between my toes.

  A little boy sticks his head out from behind a large sycamore tree. I notice his ruffled brown hair and bright blue eyes, his face lighting up with the biggest smile I’d ever seen. I’m overcome with the need to give this little brooch to him. To make him happy, like he makes me.

  I slowly open my eyes to see him staring at me nervously, waiting for my reaction.

  I don’t know how to react. I want to scream at him for lying, cry for the memory I just remembered, and drink myself stupid to forget it all. Instead, I clear my throat and meet his gaze fully.

  “Thank you,” I murmur.

  I can see he wants to ask if I remember, and it’s the first time I can actually say yes. I offer myself the satisfaction of a small nod in response.

  His eyes light up like it's Christmas, while his hands fidget as though he wants to reach out for me.


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