Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2)

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Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2) Page 6

by KC Kean

  I had to stop her when she tried to come at me with her red lipstick, and instead my lips are coated in a pale pink gloss. My brown hair is simple in a bun at the top of my head with a few loose tendrils floating around my face.

  What concerns me the most is this damn outfit. I love my body, but I don’t usually wear anything so revealing, unless it’s lingerie.

  A red two piece set. The top is basically a sexy bikini top with thin shoulder straps and a large bow tied in between my breasts. The skirt barely covers my ass and is asymmetrical. High waisted, it ruched over my hips and wrapped around the top of my thighs with a loose frill trim.

  It is gorgeous, and I feel sexy as hell, but you can still lightly see the cut down my chest. From my collarbone it leads a straight line down, below the hem of my skirt.

  “Red, do you not think my cut is a little too obvious?” I shout to her in the other room.

  “Luna Steele, you will own that mark like the survivor you are. Do you understand?” She demands as she saunters in. I turn my gaze to her. She distracts me, offering a twirl in her dress.

  “What do you think?” She asks, ruffling her lightly curled hair.

  A cobalt blue bodycon dress hugs her curves like a second skin. Low cut to show her girls off, and finely detailed lines structure the whole front. The back is where the extra sexy is. Criss-crossed straps cover her back in different directions leaving a lot of her back exposed.

  Guys are going to be visualizing pulling that zipper down all night.

  “You look gorgeous. I think I need to bodyguard you.”

  “Don’t you even, Luna. Now come take a picture with me.”

  She marches into the lounge, leaving me to follow her. I grab my heels and my clutch which is only big enough for my phone and room keys.

  “Are you sure we have to wear heels?” I whine, taking a seat on the sofa to put them on.

  “Yes, Luna.” She sighs, as though I’m an annoying child. “I told you, there are dress codes. This isn’t some normal college party where you can wear denim and flip-flops. It’s about making a statement, so put them on.”

  I sulk in silence, as I fasten the clasp on my strappy sandal heels. Standing, I take a few tester steps to get comfortable. I don’t know why they have to be so damn high, but my moaning is just annoying her so I control myself.

  “Take a selfie with me, Luna. Now.”

  She’s standing in front of the floor-length window, with her arm out-stretched ready.

  Wrapping our arms around each other, I smile while she clicks away. Giving me an extra squeeze she steps back, pleased with herself.

  My phone pings, and when I open it, it’s a picture of us. We look happy, like we are actually eighteen and enjoying life. I love it, instantly setting it as my lock screen.

  “Let’s go, the SUV’s are waiting,” she says, opening the front door wide to all the guys coming out of Roman’s room at the exact same time.

  Fuck me.

  I think I just self-combusted.

  Is it possible to climax without any stimulation, except from what your eyes are consuming?



  Holy. Shit.

  I have to take a second to make sure I’m actually breathing with the way my heart is pounding erratically.

  Fuck, how can she get any more beautiful than she already is? Standing before me looking every inch the goddess she is has left me speechless.

  All I can picture is her hot as sin body riding me, with her pretty pierced nipples in my face. Man, I need to fuck her from behind, hold the globes of her ass as I thrust into her. The thought of my cum running down her leg again, marking her, only adds heat to my vision.

  Looking at the guys around me, they all stand frozen in place too. Oscar makes a whimpering sound gaining my attention, and he’s already looking right at me.

  “Have you seen this, man? I’m about to explode.” He looks down, and my eyes follow.

  He’s literally holding his junk through the skin-tight black jeans, knuckles white with the tightness of his grip. I’m not ashamed to say that turns me on even more because he’s not exaggerating, and I’m not far behind him.

  Red’s giggle has me whipping my head back in their direction.

  “You guys are too funny, but can we get a move on?” she asks with an over the top eye roll and starts dragging Luna towards the elevator.

  It takes us a second but we’re all rushing behind them at once. Six of us in here doesn’t give much room, and we’re all trying to nudge past each other to stand as close to Luna as possible. Red is standing near the panel of buttons and presses for us to start moving. Luna is standing beside her, and the four of us are basically hovering as close as possible.

  She hasn’t said a word, but I’m not stupid, the lust in her eyes is obvious. We just need to remind her of what we had, what we can still have.

  “You look stunning, Sakura,” Kai murmurs beside me, forcing her eyes to him. It takes her a moment to meet his eyes as she slowly drags her gaze up his body. Her eyes are blown. Fuck. That’s hot.

  She doesn’t answer him, just offering a smile instead. Seems someone else is struggling to form sentences here too, and no one else utters a word.

  Roman is wearing a tight black polo top with skin tight black jeans, and with his thighs, they look ready to burst, so hot I can’t help but wet my lips. Oscar is wearing a baby blue shirt with the top few buttons open, and his black jeans. He wasn’t kidding earlier when he said he was going all out.

  Kai’s loose-necked black top and jeans show off an edgier side than we’re used to seeing. I’ve thrown on grey jeans, and my feather tattoo peeks out beneath the fabric of my white short-sleeved shirt.

  The elevator comes to a stop, and Red is the one that has to get us all moving again. We follow her lead silently, all of our eyes watching Luna’s ass sway in front of us. It’s mesmerizing. Oscar is literally tripping over his own feet to get close to her, with Kai and Roman not far behind him.

  The SUVs that are used to chauffeur everyone to the party are sitting idling outside. There aren’t many people around. These parties start surprisingly early and people actually like to arrive on time to get the most out of it. A Byrne’s party is a good time.

  A driver holds the door open for the closest SUV, and Luna climbs in first, while Red turns to glare at us.

  “You can ride over there with us, but you’re not lingering around. Do you understand? We’re having girl time that involves shots and grinding. You can drool over her in the corner or something.”

  She points her finger at all of us and climbs in beside Luna, who typically sits in the corner so none of us could actually sit next to her, except Red, of course.

  Roman pushes all of us out of the way so he can sit facing her. Kai goes to follow in after him but Oscar shoulder barges him. I’m standing in complete shock at their actions, yet I still manage to slip in before Kai, who has to take the last seat next to Red.

  We’re all frowning at each other, as the SUV pulls away, clearly blaming each other that we aren’t closer to Luna. I’m disappointed by the short journey we’ve got, I’d like a little more time in her presence.

  I can see she doesn’t know where to put her eyes, not wanting to look at us but unable to stop herself.

  “Baby girl, you look so good right now I could eat you up. Literally, how about we dump these losers and I can make that happen,” Oscar says, attempting to use his purr on her. I can’t stop a little snicker from escaping, and he sends me a glare.

  That only makes it worse, forcing out a full laugh as the others join me. Even Luna covers her mouth and looks out of the window, trying to hide her amusement at it all.

  “Stop laughing, assholes. Luna, what do you say, baby?” He pushes on, wagging his eyebrows. Luna just gives him a classic roll of her eyes.

  “You already sent me a dick pic, Oscar. I’m good for now, but thanks.” She barely holds his stare, before she’s fidgeting
and crossing her legs the other way round.

  She isn’t fooling anyone. It’s clear her pussy’s in need of a little friction, but she’s too stubborn. She’ll refuse herself the pleasure, and us along the way.

  “It was a good picture though wasn’t it, Luna?” He says as he leans forward to place his hand on her bare thigh.

  Lightning fast Red stops his hand from touching Luna, and suddenly twists it to the left at the wrist, causing him to scream out.

  “What the fuck, Jess?” He shouts, clearly shocked like the rest of us, except Luna of course, who’s openly grinning at the whole thing.

  “Did I or did I not warn you that I would show you some of the new moves Luna has been teaching me if you touched her?” She answers him, a pleased gleam in her eyes.

  “Okay, jeez. You wanna let go now?” He glares back at her. She takes her sweet ass time looking to Luna who nods, before letting go.

  The girls go straight in for a high-five and giggle together, which only deepens Oscar’s frown.

  “Nice move, Jess,” Roman comments, offering her a gentle smile. Even the moody asshole is impressed, and she offers him a smile in return.

  I look to Kai, who is leaning against the window, taking everything in around him. He seems extra quiet and brooding right now, and as much as I want to check he’s okay, I won’t ask with everyone around. He catches my gaze and offers me a silent nod, communicating that he can see my concern but he’s fine.

  I hope so.

  Being in her presence without touching her or basking in her light is harder than I thought it would be, and we’re all struggling with it.

  The SUV comes to a stop, and all the strobe lighting filters in through the windows. It’s like a rainbow exploded in here or something with all the different colors flickering around.

  I can see Luna trying to take it all in, and no one moves. No one wants to be separated from her. That is, until Jess claps her hands.

  “Laters,” she squeals, before reaching over Luna to push the door open. The music instantly fills the space around us.

  Luna takes a final look around at us before stepping out, Red following straight behind her. The rest of us don’t move an inch, watching her saunter through the crowd.

  “We’re so fucked, guys,” Kai says, and all we can do is nod in agreement.

  That’s my Queen. I just have to make her understand I’ll be whoever she needs me to be, as long as it gets me by her side.



  The sun has set, casting shadows all around us as a gentle breeze leaves a trail of goosebumps against my skin.

  They sure transformed the hell out of these usually empty grounds. The Library stands alone with plenty of open space surrounding it in the daytime. If I look to my right I can see the hedges of my secret garden. I need to find five minutes to sit in the tranquility of that place as soon as possible.

  Everything else that surrounds me could lead you to believe we are nowhere near the Library. There are five giant gazebos set up, all color coded. A few are opened up while others are fully closed off.

  The SUV has dropped us off outside of the white open-planned dance floor, which is a completely elevated stage, with lights fixed into the floor. It almost reminds me of some old school John Travolta shit, but it hasn’t bothered everyone already on there grinding against each other.

  Looking to my right there is a blue open gazebo filled with different seating arrangements. With high bar stools and fancy velvet booths to bean bags scattered everywhere. I want one of those booths. Red better not try and get me on a damn bean bag in this outfit.

  Further along is a purple open setup lined with bars and snack stands. God, they’re not missing anything out here.

  What piques my interest the most are the two closed off gazebos to the left of the dance floor. One is fully caped in red materials while the other is blacked out. There are people restricting entry and monitoring the flow of other people stepping in and out too.

  Red links her arm through mine and starts pulling me towards the drinks, but I have to ask about the other restricted tents.

  “What’s going on over there, Red?”

  Before she can answer me Trudy herself is stopping in front of me with a smile on her face. She looks completely different. It takes me a moment to fully recognize her. Her blonde hair is up in a bun like mine, and her smokey eye makeup makes her green eyes pop.

  Her black dress seems almost modest at first, long-sleeved and stopping midthigh with an open panel in between her breasts. When I pay more attention, nearly all of the dress is sheer material, offering a glimpse of her body underneath. The fabric thickens over her chest and ass, so at least her modesty is protected. I love this girl's boldness.

  “Luna, I’m glad you could make it,” she says to me before turning to Red. “Jess, right? We have Science and L.F.G. together.”

  “Yes, and we do. Luna was just asking what the deal was with the restricted areas. You want to explain to her?”

  Red runs her hand down her dress, not with nerves but more like relief, as she smiles back at Trudy. They clearly know of each other, and are happy enough in the other’s presence, but it’s obvious they haven’t really mingled before.

  “Oh, you mean the good stuff? I’ll give you a mini tour.” Trudy offers with a wink. She looks between Red and I for a moment before stepping around us. “I can tell there’s no room in the linking for me. So, would you like to follow my lead?”

  With that she walks just slightly in front of us, towards the black zone first, and we follow behind her.

  “I really am glad you came. It’ll reinforce what went down the other day, showing everyone we stand by each other. I would like to talk more, but for now I’ll show you a glimpse into my world. I also want to mention that Wren is here with her followers. I have eyes everywhere, so we’ll know if she tries to make a move,” she says, maintaining eye contact as we cover the distance to the entry.

  I offer a nod in response which is enough for her. It’ll have to be. I may be on her turf right now, and I’ll respect that, but I’m the one running the bigger picture.

  As the tall guy monitoring the door stops us to chat with Trudy, I glance around, my eyes uncontrollably searching out the guys. It doesn’t take a moment for them to come into view. They’re in the purple gazebo getting drinks, but they’re all watching me.

  Glancing away quickly, I turn back to the entryway in front of us. Trudy finishes her discussion and the guy holds the curtain back for us.

  Following her lead, Red squeezes my arm as we enter. I check she’s ok and she just offers me a smile. I’m surprised with what I see.

  Half of the room is covered in cushions with people laying across them, relaxed. There must be close to fifty people scattered across the space, while the other side is lined up table after table. Someone manning each station with cash tins on one side and different bags on the other.

  “This is our drug supply. We offer guests exactly what they want and a safe place to enjoy it,” Trudy says, waving her hand in front of her.

  Huh, this is not what I expected.

  I’m obviously not surprised that Featherstone has people run drugs, but Trudy has this running smoother than I’ve ever seen. Back home, there were back street drug dealers and people dying from dirty needles. Well, that’s the side I caught a glimpse of anyway.

  “Do you dabble? I can offer you a sample of whatever you like. I don’t personally, I prefer to keep my nose clean and make sure we run a tight operation, but no judgement here.” She stretches her arm in offering, making sure to look at Red too, but I shake my head.

  “Thanks, but I prefer fighting and sex, they are my version of hardcore drugs,” I say with a smile, hoping she isn’t a little crazy and tries to force some down my throat. This will all end real quick if she does.

  Thankfully, she offers us a smile and turns back the way we just came.

  “Let me show you the red area, then you can e
njoy yourselves.”

  I follow behind her, as I look to Red.

  “You okay? You don’t have to bore yourself with this if you don’t want to,” I offer, but she just rolls her eyes at me.

  “I’ve been to these parties before, Luna. I’ll have your ass on that dance floor soon enough.” She giggles at herself as we step up to the red entryway.

  “Are you ready for the highlight?” Trudy grins as the guy guarding the space pulls back the curtain.

  It’s much busier in here. It’s like a casino, large tables set up with different games playing out and bodies crammed in around them. Cheers can be heard from the far end. A red carpet leads a pathway right down the center.

  Following Trudy’s lead down the middle, the lights start to dim as we move away from the bright lights above the tables. She stops in front of me and I come to stand by her side.


  They cover all the bases at these parties, huh?

  Before me are at least twenty people, in pairs or bigger groups, having the biggest orgy I’ve ever seen. It’s quite impressive really. I don’t recognize anybody, but it humors me that I’m paying enough attention to know that. They’re all scattered across pillows and what seems to be a floor completely made out of mattresses.

  I hope they have a good time, it definitely seems like they are.

  The closest group to us is two guys and two girls. One of the girls is being fucked from behind, while going down on the other girl, who’s simultaneously having her mouth plowed. The guys are really giving it some effort too. I’m impressed, and now slightly turned on.

  I’m ready to get out of here, have a dance, maybe even a small drink. Then I can head back and please myself.

  “You seem to have everything taken care of, Trudy. I like your style.”

  She glows under the compliment.

  “I’m glad, I think we can make this work between us, Luna. I’ll see you out. Please enjoy whatever your pleasure. Sadly, I have some business to attend to, but if you need anything just say the word. Either my brother or I will come as quickly as possible.”


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