Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2)

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Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2) Page 7

by KC Kean

  And do what exactly? What could she offer that I wouldn’t be able to do myself?

  I don’t say any of that, instead I offer her a smile as she leaves us at the exit with a smile. She’s instantly being dragged away to deal with a group who are apparently not following the rules.

  Is it home time yet?

  “Shots time!” Red screams, squeezing my arm.

  Great, fucking fantastic.



  Red drags me to the bar area where the guys are standing. Seeing us approach, they turn to watch us, Roman’s eyes are undressing me and assessing me all at the same time. Like he needs to check nothing happened in those tents, but he can’t get past the idea of me naked. I can’t look him in the eyes right now, he made me vulnerable earlier and now I feel awkward.

  They all do, I couldn’t function on the way over here, not even to tell them to fuck off. Which is what I should have done.

  “Who’s getting the shots in?” Red says, loud enough to be heard over the music. They all perk up at her words, but Oscar is the quickest. Slamming his hand down on the bar top he gains the bartender’s attention, even though he’s serving someone already.

  “I want six shots of Tequila. Actually, just give me all the supplies, it’ll be quicker if I do it myself.” He looks back to wink at me as the guy drops the glass he was already holding to meet Oscar’s demands.

  I’m cut off from looking at Oscar, when I feel two hands grip my waist and spin me around. I’m facing a guy I’ve never seen before. Clearly he’s got himself some liquid courage, by the smell of alcohol on his breath and the slight stumble in his step.

  Instantly my instincts takeover and I notice three guys standing behind this prick as support. They’re obviously adding to his confidence because this douche suddenly has some balls if he thinks he can just fucking touch me like this.

  I don’t react straight away, I want to see what this fucker has to say first.

  “Little Miss Luna fucking Steele, hmmm? Tyler promised us a good showing in The Pyramid. Said he’d fuck you to death, but here you still are.” He licks his lips as he looks down at my body, clearly turned on by the thought, and it makes my skin crawl. “If I can’t have what I was promised, I’ll just take it for myself,” he sneers down at me, as his free hand lifts to touch my scar down my chest.

  Before I can even get a hit on him, Parker has his arm wrapped around his neck from behind, like a guillotine, as he growls into his ear. I can’t hear what he’s saying but the rage on his face takes me back. All I can do is stand and watch, as my breathing becomes heavy with the adrenaline now pumping through my body.

  The crowd around us are all watching the scene unfold, none of them seem surprised by any of this or care enough to get involved.

  The sweet and caring guy I know Parker to be is not who everyone else sees. I think I forget their reputation and abilities because I see their softer sides. They really are assholes to everyone else, the power they hold keeping everyone at arm's length.

  As the guy goes lax in Parker’s arms, I look around him to where his group of friends are. Not more than ten feet away from us, the rest of my Aceholes are wreaking havoc without even breaking a sweat. Allowing me a glimpse into what they are known for.

  This is not helping. Why am I even trying to protect them when they can handle themselves like this?

  Kai hits one of them straight in the face, blood instantly splattering around him. While Oscar is pummeling the shit out of another beside him. Blood coats his knuckles as he doesn’t relent. Roman drops the guy he’s holding and pulls Oscar back.

  I’m not impressed I missed the fight because I was so fixated on the first prick, now I’ve missed all of the action.

  The bloodied state of them should not turn me on. My need for them increases with their protective aggression. I’m pushing them away and they still want to defend me.


  Not going there. This is for the best.

  Parker drags the guy over to the others on the floor and tosses him on top of them like he’s nothing but a used condom. Then he’s marching back over to me, not once hesitating to get up in my personal space.

  His hazel eyes aren’t on mine, they’re on my chest, looking at where the guy stroked me, as he brings his lips to kiss the spot. Replacing the memory with his own searing touch.

  His finger lifts to the start of the mark near my collarbone, and slowly trails down the path it leads, stopping at the waistband of my skirt. I can’t move, his touch has frozen me in place. Watching the rage take over his face, he finally brings his eyes up to meet mine. The anger that lingers burns deep.

  “If that fucker wasn’t dead already, I’d have killed him with my bare hands.” Parker’s words are quiet, but deadly, clearly talking about Tyler. His fingertip is still resting at the top of my waistband, on the last part of the scar he can see. The combination of his words and his touch has me struggling to respond or push him away.

  Roman steps up next to Parker, running his eyes over me to make sure I’m okay, while Kai observes me from a distance. All their eyes on me are adding heat to the fire, making me feel like I can’t breathe.

  I find myself searching for Oscar, but he’s strolling towards us with the bottle of Tequila as Red carries the tray of shot glasses, salt and wedges of lemon.

  Like none of that just happened.

  As they place everything on the nearby table I look at Red, trying to get her to understand that I’m struggling here. My need for them is rising uncontrollably, I have to get out of their space to calm down. Searching my face she offers a little nod, and stands next to Oscar.

  “One shot, then it’s girl time on the dance floor, understood?” She sasses, and Oscar reluctantly sighs.

  “Fine, better make it a good one then.” The smirk on his face taking over.

  Kai and Roman both come to stand around the table, not saying a word as their eyes burn trails over my skin.

  Parker gently turns me around and stands himself at my back.


  I’m trying to stand my ground, but that’s difficult when I can feel his shaft pressing against my ass. His legs slightly parted to stand on the outside of both of mine. His hands aren’t touching me, but my core really wants them to.

  Roman grabs my left hand and licks the inside of my wrist as Kai suddenly grabs my right hand doing the same. With them both touching me and Parker pressing me in, I can’t fight it. I’m Luna fucking Steele and I’m standing here all submissive and shit, but my body refuses to move.

  Oscar slowly stalks around the table. I catch a glimpse of Red who’s smirking at me, she’s loving this, likely encouraging it. I’m going to remember this moment, and pay her back one day.

  As Oscar comes to stand in front of me he hands Parker a shot, while Roman and Kai each pick one up off the table. Leaning in, he licks my collarbone to my right, as Parker licks my left shoulder. I shiver uncontrollably.

  Salt is quickly sprinkled on all the spots they’ve marked me with. I know what’s coming and I’m lost to the sensations taking over my body.

  “3 .. 2 .. 1 ..” Red calls, then all at once they’re all licking the salt off. Holy fuck. I can barely catch my breath as they all take their shots and grab a slice of lime from the table. I think I might explode.

  Oscar steps back with a shit-eating grin on his face, aware of the effect they’re all having on me, and it forces me to shake out of it.

  Bypassing the usual Tequila process, I grab the final shot off the table and throw it back in one swift move. I don’t even cringe. Tequila reminds me of the last time we were all together, and it must remind them too with the heat in their eyes. Keeping my eyes on them, I call out to Red.

  “You ready to dance, Red?”

  “Hell yeah I am,” she cheers, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the dance floor.

  Thank god, I need a second to cool down.

  They really are Aceholes.
/>   Red pulls me to the center of the dance floor, as ‘Change My Heart’ by Ummet Ozcan and Laurell comes on. She’s instantly singing the song out loud as she moves her body to the beat. I do love this song. Everyone says fighting is like dancing, but for me, it’s the other way around, seeing as I learned to fight first.

  The space is crowded with bodies, grinding and swaying together. I have no idea who these people are that surround me, and as hard as it may be, I try to make myself relax and move to the music.

  The flashing lights above us are enchanting, lifting my hands above my head I join Red. Clearing my mind, I get lost in the rhythm, and sing the chorus aloud with everyone around us.

  I don’t pay attention to those around us, but I can tell they’ve noticed me. We’ve suddenly got plenty of room to move. I won’t complain, you’ve got to have balls to approach us.

  The song finishes and Billie Eilish ‘You should see me in a crown’ booms through the speakers, causing Red to squeal with joy.

  “It’s your song, Luna.”

  No it’s not? The confusion on my face sets her into action.

  Stepping back further, and causing the other dancers to also move, she starts to sing the song at me, ass swaying and her finger pointed straight at me. Every fucker is looking, but she doesn’t care. Even those that can see from the nearby gazebos are looking. Fuck that, if they’re going to look I’ll give them something to watch.

  My hips roll deeper, my hands leading a show against my skin too as the song plays and Red continues to sing. When the chorus hits the second time, I fucking sing it too. So fitting, I mean every damn word.

  I see my Aceholes standing at the edge of the dance floor, eyes locked on me, filled with desire I want to get lost in.

  Nope. They’re not my Aceholes.

  They are a distraction.

  Twirling, I grab Red’s hand and we dance together, not caring about everyone else.

  After a few more songs I’m ready to relax. As I’m about to attempt to convince Red to stop, Trudy is approaching.

  “Please girls, one dance. I think the only way I’ll get five minutes to do so is if I’m with you, because no one will interrupt me.” The pleading in her eyes has Red answering for us, grabbing her hand to join in.

  I let go, staying with them, but not as close. I like Trudy enough, and I’m glad we’re on good terms, I’m just not holding hands and dancing like I’d die for her.

  Doja Cat ‘Candy’ blares through the speakers, and I agree to one more song, everybody in here is going to be up dancing now. Dancing along with everyone, I catch sight of the guys again, and some fucking girl has her hands on Oscar. Who the fuck does she think she is?

  I stop dancing, glaring in their direction. Who is this bitch?

  I can feel my feet begin to move on their own accord, but stop again instantly when Oscar drags her hands off him and points in my direction.

  The girl’s eyes widen in fear when she sees me looking as Oscar takes in my stance, understanding dawns on his features. The smug ass grin on his face infuriates me more than the fucking girl.

  Spinning back around to Red and Trudy, I turn straight into another body. An arm wraps around my waist to catch my fall as they pull me in against their chest. Hands raised ready to push this fucker off, I pause when I realize it’s Trudy’s brother. He must be able to tell that I’m instinctively ready to attack because he slowly steps back to give me some space, dropping his hands from my body.

  “Hey, you reckon I can walk away from this meeting today, or am I going to need to be carried out again?” His grin let’s me in on the joke, making me relax, and I play along.

  “Mmm, I’m not sure yet, but I’ll let you know.”

  “Aiden, nice to meet you under better circumstances.” He holds his hand out to me, all formal, and I shake his hand.


  “Duh, I know that. Everyone knows who you are,” he says, with a roll of his eyes.

  Something over my shoulder catches his attention for a moment. I’m about to see what it is when he places both of his hands on my shoulders.

  “Honey, you’ve got yourself some delicious men staring you down. I wish it was me, but alas it is not. I think the closest I’ve been to Kai Fuse paying me any attention at all was back in Freshman year of high school when I stood too close to him at a urinal. I was 14 and horny as shit, and all I wanted was a peak at his meat to dream about. Sadly, he looked at me like I was crazy.” His hands are still on my shoulders as he pouts down at me.

  I can’t help but laugh. A full belly, head thrown back, laugh.

  “Aiden, I do believe you are missing out,” I say with a wink, as I grab his wrists to get him off me. He’s not harassing me, it’s just uncomfortable with a stranger this close.

  “I can tell. He’s looking at me worse now than he did then, that’s for sure. I think all four of them boys want to maim me. If only they knew I would prefer to see them naked, huh? I mean you’re hot and all but not worth me going straight for,” He grins wider. “Want to have a little fun? They look like they need to relax.”

  Glancing to Red, I can see the concern in her eyes as she assesses the situation while Trudy can likely sense what her brother is up to and just shakes her head.

  “It’s your death wish.”

  I can’t help it. If my pride won’t allow me to fuck them, then it can at least let me fuck with them.

  “I doubt it’ll take much. Make sure no one wears black to my funeral okay?” He smirks as he leans in to whisper in my ear, placing his hands on my waist.

  “5. 4. 3. 2 …” He barely says two, before he’s being ripped off me and thrown across the dance floor. Everyone is frozen in place waiting to see what happens next. Seriously, they can’t go around hitting everyone who fucking touches me.

  Looking at the Acehole who did it, I’m not surprised to see Roman seething in front of me. Hands fisted at his side as he breathes heavily, trying to control himself. Fucking idiot.

  Red and Trudy are with Aiden who is laying on the floor wearing a shit-eating grin.

  “Are you okay?” I ask as I approach, shaking my head. I don’t apologize, he knew what was going to happen and he chose to do it anyway.

  “All good, buttercup.” He offers me a thumbs up, and the whole thing just makes Roman growl louder.

  “Roman, back off.”

  “Back off? Are you joking? No one touches you unless I say so. He’s lucky I don’t break his fucking hands,” he growls, crowding my space.

  I look to my left to see the others are standing beside us, not far off Roman’s level of rage. They’re not going to be of any use to me then. I sigh and steel my back, I won’t take his overbearing shit, especially when we aren’t together.

  “Screw you, Roman. You don’t get to say shit. It’s my body, I’ll do what I please and there’s nothing you can do about it. Remember? I’m not your problem,” I hiss at him, and he just starts to chuckle as he gets right in my face.

  “You think I don’t know he’s not into pussy? I know princess, and he still doesn’t get to touch you. Do you understand?” His usually bright blue eyes are dark, swirling with emotion as his eyebrows pinch together with frustration.

  “You controlling, egotistical Acehole!”

  I’m done. I’m not listening to any more of this shit. I step towards Red when he grabs my arm and stops my movement.

  What will it take for him to listen to me?

  I lift my left arm and turn to swing at his chest, not wanting to ruin his handsome face. This is what we both know, violence, but he catches my fist with a smug look on his face.

  “Princess, I couldn’t give a shit what you think I am, you’re mine. The fact that you still call me an Acehole tells me more than you know. You think I don’t know you, baby? You want me, you want all of us, but you’re too much of a pussy to admit it,” he growls in my ear, and I can’t control the goosebumps that trail down my neck at the graze of his lips.

  Screw h
im for thinking he knows everything. I raise my knee and hit him square between his legs. He instantly releases me and keels over a little. He doesn’t deserve my kick ass fighting skills when he’s just being a dick, so instead he gets the cheap shot.

  “Fuck, princess,” he splutters.

  The other guys finally approach, but I’ve had enough.

  “Red, are you okay if Oscar gets you home?” She looks between us all for a moment and nods silently in agreement. Thank god.

  Parker tries to stop me, but I shrug him off. Without another word I turn and stalk the fuck out of there, glaring at every asshole who looks my way.



  A path clears in front of her as she stalks off. I give her a moment, watching to see where she might be going. As soon as she turns left instead of heading for the nearby SUVs I know where to go.

  “I’ve got this, guys,” I say glancing around at everyone. They all offer a nod in response, while Jess attempts a stern glare at me with her hands on her hips.

  “Don’t pull a Roman, okay? I can’t help you idiots out when you act like that.” She glares and I agree. Roman is too hot headed most of the time, and even more so when it comes to Luna.

  “Do us proud, bro,” Oscar shouts as I follow after her, not wanting to let her out of my sight.

  I allow her the space and peace she needs, and she doesn’t look back once. She either knows I’m following or doesn’t care that she’s alone in the dark out here. Likely both. My Sakura is fearless and full of strength.

  The moment she turns off the path and into the grass, she’s slipping her heels off. She steps into our little secret garden and I’m surprised to find it lit with what looks like solar paneled lights. There are little fairy lights on the inside of the hedges, which I hadn’t noticed the last time we were here. Larger lamps are scattered throughout the space, giving it the perfect glow.

  I watch her as she stands for a moment, loving the feel of the perfectly trimmed grass beneath her feet. Slowly making her way to the gazebo she flicks a switch and it lights up. That’s when I realize, I never noticed the lights the last time we were here because they weren’t there.


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