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Shining Armor

Page 24

by Halle Dean

  "Don't say that," she said. "Wasn't he concerned when you said you were going with us?"

  "He pretend," Jace shrugged. "That why he make me heal Li and Mother and me. So no one see what he do."

  "W-what?" Sophie asked shakily. "Does he hit you?"

  "Yes," Jace said, nodding again. "I need listen."

  "No," she said firmly. "Don't you dare think like that."

  "I sorry," he apologized quickly. "I not mean anger you."

  "Oh, Jace," she sighed. "I'm not angry with you. I'll speak with your father if we ever get out of here."

  "Please, not tell him!" Jace pleaded. "Not tell him what I say."

  "You don't need to be afraid of him anymore," she said soothingly. "I won't let him hurt you."

  "He very strong," Jace warned her.

  "I'll be all right," she said. "You said he controls plants, right? I have better magic than that."

  "Bad plants," Jace said. "For bad people."

  "Bad plants?" Sophie repeated. "What kind of plants are they? What is it that they do? And who are the people he gives them to?"

  She was speaking very quickly again and Jace was having a hard time following what she was saying. He answered what he could understand, and hoped it was enough.

  "Plants kill people slow," he explained. "They pretend they safe and eat you."

  "Sweet Memories?" she asked. Jace was not sure what she meant by that. "Are they vines?"

  "Some vines," he said. "Some flowers. Some trees. Many plants."

  "Why did you say they were for bad people?" she asked. "Who does he work for?"

  "Mister Warner go to Father's work," Jace said. "House in sky."

  "He's in the Magics Society?"

  "Who is?" James' voice asked.

  Jace was confused and surprised to hear the man's voice coming from Sophie's cell. Sophie shrieked loudly, but her voice was quickly muffled.

  "Calm down," Warner's voice said.

  "You—you scared me," Sophie said shakily.

  "Sorry," Layla's voice said. "Why are you in this cell? Where are the children?"

  "Jace is in the other cell," Sophie said. "And—I don't—" Her voice started to waver. "I don't know where they took Ella."

  "It's good that she isn't here," Warner said. "Otherwise we couldn't have reached this place."

  "How did you get in here?" Sophie asked. "Where is Melody? And Mason?"

  "We have some bad news," James said. "Mason—he didn't make it. And Melody ran off. So—"

  "M-Mason is dead?" Sophie asked. "Are you serious?"

  "It's not exactly something to joke about," James said.

  "But, how did she know?" Sophie's voice was a whisper. "Ella knew. She told me he died."

  "That's very strange," Warner said. "We'll discuss that later. For now, explain why you're in this cell."

  "Edric's magic guard put us in here," she said. "They killed two of the knights and took Ella! We must escape and find her immediately!"

  "We'll find her eventually," Warner said.

  "Why are you acting so calm about this?" Sophie demanded. "Our daughter is—"

  "Your inobservance never fails," Warner interrupted. "You remember your Warner can't bring other people into The Void?"

  "My... Oh, no." Sophie suddenly sounded terrified.

  "Sorry," Layla said. "This was the only way, without Melody."

  "Bring my Warner back," Sophie ordered. "Now."

  "Not just yet," Warner said. "I'm enjoying the freedom."

  "You killed Mason, didn't you?" she accused.

  "That was actually your Warner's fault," he said, sounding amused.

  Jace was confused, but remembered that Warner had another voice in his head. He wondered if that was who was speaking. He knocked on the wall.

  "When we leave dungeon?" he asked. "Mister Warner here now."

  "Ah, the healer boy," Warner said. There was a loud noise and Jace flinched when the walls of the cell collapsed. Warner stepped over the rubble, towards Jace. "If it weren't for you healing Warner the other day, I would have complete control now." Jace backed away as Warner advanced, looking displeased.

  "I—I s-sorry," Jace stammered, holding his palms up in front of himself as his back hit the wall. He wasn't sure exactly what he had been accused of, but Warner sounded very angry. Warner leaned down to look Jace in the eye and placed a hand on his shoulder. His eyes had a dark, terrifying look to them that Jace had not seen before. "Please," Jace said, trembling. "Please. I sorry."

  "Warner, stop it!" Sophie shouted. Warner glanced over his shoulder as she yanked on his arm. He raised his eyebrows and turned to face her. Jace edged along the wall, away from him. Sophie faltered slightly and dropped Warner's arm. "You will leave him alone," she insisted, seeming frightened.

  "I'm not going to hurt him," Warner said. She scoffed, but took a few steps back. "I'm not," he said again. "I was simply going to tell him that he'd better heal me as well as he healed your Warner."

  "Don't touch him," she said. "He's been through enough." James and Layla entered the cell. Sophie glanced at them, but then trained her eyes back on Warner. "Speaking of which, his father is a member of the Magics Society. He's been controlling all of their evil plants."

  "Evil plans?" Layla asked.

  "Plants," Sophie corrected.

  "That son of a—" James started. He glanced uneasily at Jace. "I mean... he nearly killed us with those vines."

  "Father kill you?" Jace asked.

  "Nearly," Layla said. "If he truly was the one controlling those plants."

  "He control all plants for house in sky," Jace said.

  "Well, I'm going to have to speak with him," James growled.

  "Enough talk," Warner said. "We must find the magicians who locked you in here."

  "So we can save Ella," Sophie said.

  He rolled his eyes. "So I can kill them." It looked like Sophie was going to say something, but then she didn't. "I see we have no objections?" Warner said. "You can leave it to me. They killed two knights; I need to let them know I'm the only one who can get away with that."


  Evil Warner

  James had considered that Warner's sorcerer magic would refuse to give up control. He could see that it was necessary to let him out, but he was still afraid that everything was about to go wrong. Evil Warner was eerily talkative. James wondered if he just enjoyed being able to speak out loud. He hoped it wouldn't draw attention to them.

  "This side of the castle is strange now," Warner said as they snuck through the halls. "It's not as good as it used to be. I almost feel bad, since it's my fault it had to be rebuilt."

  Sophie was glaring at him, but he smirked back. James resolved not to speak too often. He knew that evil Warner didn't care for him much. He wondered where they were going. Warner seemed to know the way, but James couldn't figure it out.

  "We're nearly there," Warner said. "The knights should know more than we do about where to find the magic guard. If not, I'll take down the entire castle and we won't have to worry." He paused for a second, as if listening, but James couldn't hear anything. "I most certainly will," Warner scoffed.

  "Ella's still here," Sophie countered.

  "That's what your Warner is saying," he said, tapping the side of his head. "But why should I care? I don't know if I'll be able to get near her anyway. Better to simply demolish the place."

  "I won't allow that!" Sophie exclaimed, grabbing onto the back of his cloak. Warner glared at her over his shoulder. "I—I'll stop you," she insisted.

  Warner turned and took hold of both her arms as she tried to back away. "You know, your Warner is very upset that Melody ran away and that Ella has been captured." A twisted grin took over his face. "And he feels terrible about Mason's death. He my not have the strength to stop me this time."

  James started to move forward, but found himself in a trap spell. Layla and Jace seemed to be in the same predicament. Warner had his hand on Sophie's shoulder and was grippin
g tightly. She winced as his fingernails dug into her skin. Warner was no longer smiling. Instead, he looked confused and a bit angry.

  "Warner, please stop," Sophie whimpered as he held her even tighter.

  All of a sudden, he released her and shoved her away from himself. She fell to the ground, a surprised expression on her face. Warner looked irritated as he turned around and began walking. Layla ran to help Sophie up and James realized the trap spells had been released. He ran after Warner and cut off his path.

  "Get out of my way," Warner snarled.

  James crossed his arms. "I can't let you get away with that," he said.

  Suddenly he was soaring through the air. He landed on his back, several yards away, the wind knocked out of him. Warner strolled past and glared down at him. James couldn't move. He felt like there was a heavy weight on his chest.

  "Who do you think I am?" Warner's voice was icy. "I am not your friend. Stay out of my way or you'll find yourself dead."

  He continued walking and the weight keeping James down was lifted. By the time James got to his feet, Warner was nowhere to be seen. Sophie had tears in her eyes, but refused to let Jace heal her shoulder. It was bruised and bleeding, but she kept pushing him away. She stood up, still trembling.

  "Don't waste your magic on me," she said. "Someone else might need it more."

  "You bleed," Jace insisted. "I help!"

  "No," she said. "I'm all right. Let's go find Ella. We have to... to hurry. Warner is going to destroy the castle."

  "We have to tell the knights to get out as well," James said. "That's where Warner is headed. He may kill them."

  Sophie looked conflicted, but then took a deep breath and nodded. "We need to help them first. They could know where Ella is anyway."

  "But, if Warner is there, he may attack us," Layla pointed out.

  "That is likely," James said. "But he didn't kill us a moment ago, so perhaps he'll continue with that attitude."

  "Perhaps?" Her tone was indignant. "You promised me you wouldn't die, James Paisley."

  "And I won't," James said. "It will be all right. But I won't sit back and allow him to kill other people either."

  She huffed and crossed her arms. "If he gets too dangerous, we are leaving."

  "As you wish," James said.

  He was afraid, and for good reason. He didn't know why evil Warner hadn't killed him, but was under no illusions that it would happen again. He would need to be very careful if he wanted to get out alive. There was no way he could hold his own against Warner when he was fighting seriously. It was a beyond dangerous situation and it was very likely that Mason would not be the only casualty.

  Forty One

  The Magic Guard

  Warner was furious. He hated being unable to control his own body. He hated that his sorcerer magic was in control. And he especially hated that he couldn't stop himself from hurting Sophie. Other Warner, at least, didn't seem to be having a great time either.

  "I hate these people," he muttered as he stormed through the corridor. "I hate your foolish friends and foolish Sophie."

  Why didn't you kill them, then? Warner asked.

  I don't know! other Warner thought in exasperation. I should have! I should have killed Sophie. I could have. And I definitely should have killed James.

  Are you going soft? Warner mocked.

  "Do not antagonize me!" other Warner said aloud.

  "Warner?" Alex's voice asked. Warner looked over to see his former friend exiting the armory. He was in civilian clothes and he looked surprised and a little wary. "Princess Sophie said you'd be here. Where is Mason?"

  "Mason is dead."

  I would not advertise that so blatantly, Warner suggested.

  "What?" Alex gasped. "The little girl—your daughter was right? The princess said she wasn't."

  "How did Ella know?" other Warner asked.

  Alex shrugged. "I don't know. She said he went into a ball and Melody was sad about it."

  "How did she know?" other Warner asked again. "That makes no sense."

  "The princess seemed to think it was strange too," Alex said. Warner grabbed him by the collar. "Look, Warner," Alex said, his eyes widening in fear and surprise. "I said I don't know."

  "Where is Ella?"

  "I don't know that either," he insisted. "Edric's magic guard took her."

  "Where do they stay?" other Warner asked.

  "You keep asking me questions I don't know the answers to," Alex said. "Please, let go of me."

  "I will take this castle apart," other Warner growled.

  "What happened to you?" Alex asked. Warner scoffed and threw him aside. Alex groaned as he hit the floor, but quickly got to his feet. "What has made you so different now?"

  "I'm not the Warner you knew."

  That is so dramatic, Warner thought, wishing he had control of his body so he could roll his eyes.

  Be silent or I'll kill your friend, other Warner threatened. "Do you have any knowledge that is useful to me?" he asked Alex.

  "Patrick and Mason knew where they stay," Alex replied. "But, well—"

  "They're dead, yes," other Warner interrupted. "Is there anyone else that can tell me where to go?"

  "Joseph and Robert may know," Alex said. "I'm not entirely certain, but they're the only ones left besides me and Blue."

  "Where are they?" other Warner asked.

  "In the barracks, packing," Alex told him. "Marcus disbanded the knights."

  He can't do that, Warner protested.

  "He can't do that," other Warner echoed out loud.

  Look at you, caring, Warner taunted.

  I don't care, other Warner insisted. I simply know that it is not allowed.

  Neither is destroying the castle and murdering people, Warner pointed out acidly.

  "It's as if you wish for me to kill him," other Warner said, rolling his eyes.

  "Pardon me?" Alex asked.

  "I'm not speaking to you," other Warner said.

  "But who else—"

  "Ask Sophie." Other Warner waved behind himself as he walked past Alex. "I'm sure she's on her way here now."

  "Warner, wait," Alex said, attempting to follow him.

  Other Warner spun around and glared at him. "I will kill you if you get any closer to me."

  Alex backed off quickly. "I don't understand."

  "Ask Sophie."

  * * *

  So, you didn't kill him either, Warner mused. We have a wonderful non-murder streak going.

  You're trying to upset me so I'll make a mistake and let you take over again, other Warner thought. It's not going to work.

  Other Warner reached the knights' barracks and opened the door. The interior looked just as it always had. It was a square room with bunks lining the walls and trunks underneath the beds. There was a table with many chairs in the center of the room. An unfinished card game was strewn across the table. Clothes and other belongings were scattered about the room.

  "And I didn't think things could get worse," Robert was saying. Joseph shrugged and stuffed more of his things into his trunk than would fit. Robert rolled his eyes. "I've known you over ten years, and you still don't know how to pack properly."

  "Not that it matters," Joseph said. "I don't have anywhere to go."

  "We'll figure something out," Robert said. "Perhaps Alex was right. Perhaps Warner will come fix things."

  "Because I've fixed so many things recently," other Warner said sarcastically. Both men reached for the swords they didn't have strapped to them. "No need for panic," other Warner said. "If you tell me what I wish to know, you have nothing to fear."

  "Warner?" Robert asked, standing up. "What are you doing here?"

  "I'm looking for my daughter," other Warner said. "She's four years old and looks exactly like me. Have you seen her?"

  "Wait, where have you been?" Joseph asked. "It's been five years and you're not even going to say hello?"

  "I wasn't planning to, no," other Warner said, bored. "Whe
re does Edric's magic guard stay?"

  "At the bottom of the new tower," Joseph answered. "Why?"

  You really shouldn't tell me that... Warner groaned.

  "Joe, you can't tell him that!" Robert scolded. "Last time he was here, he killed everyone."

  "Well, this time, I'm saving all the killing for the magic guard," other Warner remarked. "So, I'll be off now."

  "Wait," Robert said. "We can't let you do that."

  "Why not?" Joseph asked. "They killed two of us. They've been making our lives hell. Why should we protect them?"

  "The better question is, do you actually believe you can protect them from me?" other Warner said.

  "You're less humble than I remember," Robert remarked.

  Warner shrugged. "I'm not who you remember," he said. "I'm sure Alex will explain when he arrives. He'll be bursting in here any moment now."

  With that, Warner vanished himself into The Void.

  * * *

  A group of cloaked men stood around a table. Warner had emerged from The Void in the shadows of the room. He guessed he was looking at the magic guard, but he couldn't see Ella anywhere. The men appeared to be discussing something in whispers. Warner moved closer, coming into the light.

  What are you doing? Warner demanded. They'll see you!

  Who cares? other Warner thought.

  I wanted to hear what they were talking about! Warner thought, irritated.

  Well, you're not in charge anymore, other Warner needlessly reminded him. I am. And I want to fight.

  You always want to fight!

  "Well, now I have the chance," other Warner said, drawing the attention of the magic guard. He grinned at them. "Sorry to interrupt," he said. "Have all of you said your farewells? I can wait a moment."

  "What are you doing here?" the one Warner recognized as Marcus asked. "This is a private room."

  "Are you fond of it?" other Warner asked. "Let us hope so. It will be your final resting place."

  Just kill them already! Warner said.

  All the men had turned and were raising their hands to begin casting spells. Warner put trap spells around all of them, but they dispelled them just as quickly as he could cast them. He blocked several spells and countered several more. The magic guard was very talented and it was becoming difficult to keep up. Fortunately, he was focusing his defense on the more serious spells. The ones that hit him only caused minor injuries.


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