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Shining Armor

Page 32

by Halle Dean

  Truss narrowed his eyes and spun around to walk towards her. She backed away, keeping both hands on the small, metal and wood box. Warner wondered if she had to keep it aimed at Truss perfectly in order for it to work. He tried to get up, but pain shot from his wrist, all the way up his arm, and he collapsed back to the ground. Fortunately, Mason had managed to get to his feet and come to Melody's rescue.

  "This is the end for you, Truss," he said, aiming his sword at the sorcerer's throat.

  Warner started to feel relieved that things were going so well, when he saw Mason's sword bounce off of a trap spell. Mason narrowly avoided hitting himself with the sharp edge of his own blade. Warner reached out to find that he, too, was trapped. Everyone seemed to have a trap spell cast around them. The only exception was Katherine.

  "What is going on here?" she demanded.

  "Katherine, please," Warner said desperately. "You must allow us to kill him."

  "Barry? Why?" she asked. "What did he do?"

  "Well, Barry is already dead, actually," Melody said. "This is Truss."

  "Release me, Katherine," Truss said. "That is an order."

  "Why do you wish to destroy them?" she asked.

  "He's evil," Mason said. "Let me free so I can stop him."

  "But, he's the leader of the Magics Society," she said.

  "The Magics Society is gone," Warner said. "George and Barry are both dead. Most of the leading members are dead. Truss is some sort of magic demon and he's going to kill us all unless we kill him first."

  "But—" she started again.

  "I will let you live, if you free me," Truss interrupted, glaring at her. "I will kill the others either way, but you will survive if you are obedient."

  Katherine looked conflicted and confused. Warner was starting to panic again. Was she going to side with Truss? That would be the end. Everything rested on her decision.

  "I..." she said. "I don't..." She looked at Warner, who was putting as much sincere emotion into his pleading gaze as he could manage. "I never wanted to hurt anyone," she said. "Aaron was my friend, and he did not turn out well. Warner was my friend, even though I was never sure if he was good or not. But Barry, or whoever he is…" She looked resolved as she looked at Truss. "He has always been evil. I know it. I knew it when I joined the Magics Society, but I thought I could look past that in order to learn more about magic."

  "See?" Truss said, smiling. "I can bring you many good things."

  Katherine pursed her lips as her eyebrows pulled together. "No," she said slowly. "I don't think that's how it is. I think I was able to learn despite evil. And I'd love to see how much easier it is when I don't have to be on edge all the time." Truss' expression twisted into rage as she smiled at Warner. She turned to Mason and nodded seriously. "Be sure he's truly dead," she told him. "I don't need him to come after me."

  Mason nodded in agreement and Katherine shimmered and vanished. All the trap spells went away and Mason prepared to swing again. With surprising agility, Truss ducked and rolled past him before he got the chance. He knocked the magic suppression device out of Melody's hands and it smashed to pieces against a tree.

  "Dammit," Mason said, turning to swing at Truss, but only slicing through thin air.

  Truss had vanished into The Void, and Warner was afraid that he had gone after Katherine. However, he appeared again, directly behind Warner. Warner spun around quickly and blocked the magic attack sent at him. Unfortunately, the attack was a wide range and everyone else was knocked off of their feet. Warner didn't have time to make sure the others were all right.

  "You've caused so much pain," he said, throwing spells and blocking attacks. He had not gained much magic energy back yet, and he knew he couldn't keep up for long. "But you won't be causing any more."

  "We shall see about that," Truss snarled.

  His attacks were becoming more frequent, while Warner's were becoming less. It was only a matter of time before Truss gained the upper hand. When that happened, Warner would be done for. The time came sooner than Warner was expecting. He tripped over a root and fell backwards.

  I can't believe I'm dying because of clumsiness, he thought.

  He was sure it was over when a bright light flashed in front of him. He sat up to see Sophie standing in front of him. Blood dripped off of her, but she was holding her own against a barrage of spells. She was projecting a shield and holding fast to it, wincing as each attack hit it. When a particularly powerful spell hit, she flew back and crashed into Warner.

  He grabbed her and rolled them over to protect her from the next spell. It hit his shoulder, but, fortunately, did minimal damage. He jumped to his feet and turned back around, copying Sophie's idea of using a shield. He glanced around to see that only Mason seemed to be stirring. Everyone else was out cold.

  "Why didn't Katherine stay and keep him in a trap," Mason grumbled, getting to his feet.

  "She has never been terribly bright," Truss remarked. "Her sorcerer magic was the only reason she was accepted into the Magics Society."

  His attacks were still going strong. Warner wondered just how much energy he had stolen and how many people had died because of it. The leeching spell was one of the worst to exist. Warner had vowed never to use it, but it was tempting to try it on Truss. Warner would have to get close enough to touch him, however, and that was unlikely. With Mason there to help, Warner was sure that a sword would be the best way to defeat him. The last of his magic energy was fading.

  "Give me your sword," Warner said over his shoulder.

  "What?" Mason asked. "Are you serious? Use your own."

  "I dropped it over there," Warner said. "Trust me; I have an idea."

  Mason looked wary and, for a moment, Warner thought he wouldn't hand it over. But then he flipped it around and held the hilt out for Warner to grasp. Warner sighed in relief and took the sword, just as the remains of his magic drained away. The shield vanished and he ducked behind Mason.

  Mason flinched as Truss' spells shot towards him, but they dissolved, doing no harm. Truss faltered, seeming confused by Warner's actions, and Warner leapt out. Truss panicked and shot a spell towards him, but Warner dodged it and stabbed the sword into Truss' chest. The old man stood still for a moment before collapsing to his knees.

  "No," he said, blood gurgling in his throat. "I must win."

  Feeble spells flew towards Warner, creating minor cuts and bruises. He yanked the sword out of Truss, causing more blood to pour from the wound.

  "You've lost," Warner spat.

  "I have not," Truss wheezed. "You will... die..."

  "No!" Melody shouted. Warner turned around to see her panicked expression as she roused everyone. "Hurry," she insisted. "Get up."

  Warner looked back at Truss in confusion. He had fallen prone on the grass, no longer moving. Then Warner noticed that his body had started to glow a faint red. The light grew brighter and brighter and Warner realized too late what was happening. Melody grabbed his arm just as the explosion went off.

  Warner's eyes were shut tight and he was tensed up, but the sensation he felt was not what he was expecting at all. His lungs burned and he felt lightheaded. He opened his eyes to The Void, which he hadn't expected to see again. As soon as he saw it, it was replaced by the castle courtyard. He looked around in confusion as Melody released his arm. She stood next to him, along with Mason, Alex, and Blue.

  They had escaped Truss' final attack through The Void. Warner was relieved for only a moment before he realized that someone was missing. His heart nearly stopped, but then he saw Sophie lying at Melody's feet. He scooped her up off of the ground into his arms, continuing to ignore the pain of his broken wrist. She was breathing, albeit faintly.

  "You saved us," Warner sighed in relief, smiling over at Melody.

  "I need to rest," she groaned, holding her head in her hands.

  Mason pulled her into a tight hug and she leaned against him.

  "What happened?" asked Layla, who was standing beside Blue
, over by the statue, which was scattered in pieces.

  "We won, I think," said Alex.

  Warner could hardly believe that they had a moment to rest. He stood there, still panting as he help Sophie close. Did he dare believe that it was all over?

  "Warner," Sophie mumbled. "Did we die? It's so bright out. Are we in Heaven?"

  "No," he breathed, laughing a little. "At least, I don't believe so."

  "Good," she said. "I was hoping there would be less pain in Heaven."

  "We must get you to a healer," he commented.

  "Yes," she said.

  "We won, though," he told her with a smile. "Truss is dead. We're finally done with this whole mess."

  She let out a sigh of relief. "We can go home, then," she said. "We can be a family." Her voice was getting fainter and Warner started to worry.

  "Yes," he said softly. "For now, sleep and save your energy." He turned to the others. "We need a doctor," he said. "Immediately."

  Melody shook her head. "I can't transport us all again," she said.

  "Can you at least take Sophie?" he asked.

  Melody pulled away from Mason as Warner set Sophie down on a bench. Melody took her hand and looked around. "Meet us in town," she said.

  With that, she and Sophie vanished. Warner practically collapsed to the ground. He was sore all over and had countless injuries. He had spent so long pushing through that he wasn't sure if he could ever stand up again after being off of his feet. He didn't have anything else to worry about.

  Sophie and Melody were safe. He had managed to keep both of them. He tried not to think about all the people that hadn't made it. It was time to shut down his mind and relax. Mason wouldn't let him, though.

  "Come on, Warner," he said, helping him to his feet. "We must get to town and fix your plentiful injuries."

  "Did you just use his given name?" Alex asked. "Are you over your fear of friends?" Mason glared at him and he guiltily added, "Uh, sir."

  "You should be careful, Alex," Warner grinned weakly. "I'm sure he'll have all kinds of exercises for you when the knights are reformed tomorrow."

  "Tomorrow?" Mason spluttered.

  "I'm only joking," Warner smirked. "We'll start next week."

  "You're not funny," Mason said.

  Warner shrugged, wincing at the pain it caused. "If you say so," he said. "I find it pleasant to be able to joke again without the fear of being attacked at any moment."

  "That is a good point," Alex remarked. "We need a little humor to work out all the stress we've been through recently."

  "I think we need rest," Mason said.

  "And food," Blue said, nodding.

  "I am hungry," Warner agreed.

  "Let's hurry up and get to town then," Mason said. "Soon enough, we'll no longer be fugitives."

  The other knights laughed, but Warner couldn't help but genuinely smile at the thought. He was going to be able to be with Sophie again. No more running and hiding. He could raise his daughter. After five long years, he was finally free to be himself.


  The castle was practically bursting with people. Guests were everywhere and servants were trying their best to keep everyone contained. Children ran about, laughing. Sophie couldn't have been happier.

  Warner, on the other hand, seemed very nervous. He sat on the edge of the bed, hands clasped together and eyes focused on one point on the floor. Sophie smiled and sat down beside him. She adjusted his clothes and ran her fingers through his hair.

  "Sophie, I can't do this," he said.

  "Don't be disheartened," she said, taking his hand in hers. "You've easily done much more difficult things."

  "Fighting is easy," he mumbled.

  "You've almost died many times," she said, rolling her eyes. "This isn't going to kill you."

  "Don't be so sure," he said. "I'm not up to this."

  "You were a fine knight captain," she pointed out. "This is simply a few steps above that."

  He held his face in his hands. "Leading a dozen knights isn't anywhere near the same as leading an entire kingdom."

  "You won't be alone," she smiled.

  He looked at her in that way that made her heart flutter. He leaned toward her and rested his forehead against hers.

  "I love you," he said.

  They had been married for three months, and still that phrase made her blush.

  "And I love you, Warner," she said. "And I know we can do this, together."

  He smiled and kissed her forehead. "I can do anything with you by my side."

  There was a loud knocking at the door and they both looked up.

  "Daddy!" Ella's voice said from the other side. "Aunt Melody said to hurry up!"

  "We're on our way, sweetheart," Sophie said as Warner got to his feet. He held his hand out and, when she took it, he pulled her into a hug. She didn't want him to let go, but she knew the ceremony was waiting on them. She gently pushed him back and straightened their clothes again. "Let's go," she said with a smile.

  * * *

  As she expected, Warner was stellar during the coronation. It had taken time to settle things, but once the people understood the truth, they had accepted him readily. People remembered him from when he was knight captain, and most had loved him then. Many citizens approached him after the coronation, saying how glad they were that everything was sorted. Even more thanked him for dethroning Edric, but he pointed them towards Mason for that.

  Mason had been reinstated as knight captain and was keeping an eye out for new knights. He had only found a few so far, but they were promising. Sophie was glad that things were going well. Warner may have had reservations about being king, but she knew he was a good leader.

  "Your Majesty, I have a request," Mason said, approaching Warner.

  Warner's eyes widened and he shook his head. "No," he said. "I refuse. You cannot call me that."

  Sophie laughed at his affronted expression. Mason looked confused.

  "What am I to call you then, sir?" he asked.

  "What about, 'Warner'?" Warner suggested. "What happened to that?"

  "You were not my direct superior then, sir," Mason pointed out. "Now you are the leader of the entire kingdom."

  "And your friend," Warner said. "I refuse to respond to you calling me by titles."

  Melody skipped over with a grin on her face. She grabbed Mason's arm and looked up at him.

  "Lane, you're supposed to be dancing with me!" she said, starting to pull him away.

  "I'm trying to speak with your brother," he protested.

  "Speak later!" she demanded. "This is a celebration!"

  "Very well," he said, rolling his eyes.

  He allowed himself to be dragged away, leaving Warner and Sophie laughing. Sophie had found herself laughing quite often. Everything had been surreal for a while, and then sad, with all the funerals. It was finally getting to where she could think about everything without feeling depressed. It helped to be together with Warner and Ella again.

  They had spent a minimal amount of time planning the wedding, weary of not being with one another. Sophie's dress had been created years previously. Warner had worn his old formal attire. Melody had been excited to be wearing a nice dress again, being the maid of honor. Mason had simply wished to relax, for once, but he had donned his own formal knight clothes to be Warner's best man. However, all anyone had truly cared about was Ella.

  Most people had been previously unaware of Ella's existence, and it had not been a joy to explain. But everyone had been so pleased to learn that their princess was alive—and that Warner was not a traitor—that Ella's age was largely overlooked. It had helped that she was as delightful as possible in her little gown. She was very polite, though incredibly shy. After the ceremony, she had hardly let go of her father's hand for a moment—until she'd spotted Tatsuo Moto and Petunia.

  "Where is Li?" she had asked excitedly and repeatedly until they had pointed him out, over by the other children.

  She ha
d been jealous of the other little girls talking to Li, and had promptly dragged him away. Warner had joked that she reminded him of Sophie. Sophie had blushed and failed to come up with any sort of adequate defense. Warner had seemed so happy about everything that day. He had laughed and joked and smiled more than Sophie had seen in a long time.

  The day of the coronation was different. He still seemed nervous talking to all the subjects, even after they had accepted him. Sophie stayed by his side to reassure him for a while, but she eventually had to mingle and talk to people on her own. It took him some time, but he managed to relax by the end of the night. He was even smiling as the celebration died down.

  "So, King Warner," Melody smirked. "Enjoying your new title?"

  Warner rolled his eyes at her as Sophie and Mason laughed.


  Everyone turned to see Ella leap into Warner's arms. She had jumped from several feet away, but he caught her easily. They had grown used to her powers developing. Strange things happened often. She would jump an unbelievable distance, or fall and land on a magical cushion of air, and not seem bothered by it. Sophie worried that the compulsion magic would fade before she learned any control. She didn't seem to entirely understand what she was doing.

  Almost as soon as she was in her father's arms, her eyelids began to droop. She laid her head on his shoulder as Tatsuo and Petunia walked over. Li trailed behind them, looking as if he wished to speak with Ella, but he seemed wary of Warner.

  "No need be afraid," Petunia told the boy. "Warner is friend." Li blushed a little and walked forward. "Speak," she encouraged.

  "Hello, sir," Li said, shakily and still with a heavy accent. "I can see Princess Ella?"

  Warner smiled and Li visibly relaxed. "Tomorrow," Warner said. "She's sleeping now. You won't be going back to Milvona for a few days. You'll have plenty of time."

  "We'll go on an adventure," Sophie agreed.

  Ella stirred a bit and mumbled the word 'adventure' before falling back to sleep. All the adults laughed, while Li looked disappointed. Layla walked over as everyone started to disperse. Sophie stayed back as Warner took Ella up to her room. Sophie still tread carefully around Layla, but thought she seemed in good spirits.


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