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THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2)

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by John Price

  Scott, a seminary graduate, though now in insurance sales, delighted in sparring with Marty on what Tom often thought was minutia regarding the interpretation of Bible verses. When Marty and Scott would get into such a debate Tom was known to ask rhetorically, “So, guys, how many angels….exactly….have you decided, yet, can fit on the head of a pin?” Usually, after hearing Tom’s humorous, though pointed, question Scott and Marty would back off and the discussion would move on. But not always; Marty was strong in her Biblical views. Scott, who was just as adamant, would frequently chide Marty by saying, “You know, sister, there’s only one letter difference between strong and wrong. OK, maybe two, but you get my point.”

  The five couples who showed up at Hannah and Gary’s house tonight for small group knew that they were in for a spirited discussion. They had just voted two sessions ago to study a book about prophecy in the end times entitled THE END OF AMERICA. Max recommended that the group study the book after hearing about it from a relative in Florida. His cousin told him that the book applied over two hundred and twenty Old and New Testament prophetic verses to the United States. The book suggested that America is the rich, powerful and influential nation revealed in thirty scriptural clues as the Daughter of Babylon and Babylon the Great. Max, a professor at UAB, purchased the book, read it and suggested it for group study. The others in the small group, which had been meeting weekly for almost four years, agreed with Max’s suggestion.

  Scott was chosen to lead their thirteen week study of the book. He relished the chance to study prophecy, one of his favorite subjects. He also looked forward to Scott’s comments and input, as a seminary graduate. Scott asked, “Max, would you open us in prayer?”

  “Sure….Lord, we are starting a new study of your Word tonight, as You know. We ask that You guide our discussion, give us wisdom as we look at what Your prophets wrote and keep us from error. In Jesus’ name we pray…and all God’s people said, Amen.” A chorus of amens greeted Max’s conclusion.

  “This is the subject for our first lesson – Is America in the Bible? As you know from reading the study guide and the book, God alone claims the power to accurately foretell the future. In Isaiah 45:21 God says, ‘Who foretold this long ago, who declared it from the distant past? Was it not I, the LORD?’ In many ways, folks, God rests His divinity on His ability to see the future – with 100% accuracy. No other person or entity can do that. Only God. Jesus said in Matthew 24:15 ‘See, I have told you ahead of time.’ So, what we’re going to do in this study, guys, is to try and discern what God has told us ahead of time about our country, the good ol’ U S of A. First question. Is America named in the Bible?”

  The group was silent for a short time. The first person to speak was Hannah, “Well….Scott….if you mean, is the word America found in scripture, then, no, of course not. It was written centuries, millenia, before America was discovered and named. Is that what you’re looking for?”

  Beau, the group’s most knowledgable student of the Bible, responded to Hannah’s comment, “Hannah, you’re right, of course, but don’t forget that God could have included the word if He had wanted to. Don’t forget that He disclosed the name of Cyrus in Isaiah 44:28 at least two hundred years before he was born. In the same prophecy God also said that Cyrus would re-build Jerusalem some day. In Second Chronicles 36:23 Cyrus is quoted as acknowledging that he knew that God had decreed that he re-build Jerusalem, including the Temple, which, of course, Cyrus did. My point is that God could have listed America in scripture, by name, but, of course, had He done so, how many new nations founded after the prophecy had been written would have named themselves America? I’m just sayin’.”

  Scott led the group further, saying, “Just because the Bible doesn’t include the specific name America, does that mean that it’s not portrayed in the Bible? For example, in Revelation 9 John describes a future end times army of two hundred million soldiers that will march from the east, apparently a reference to China, one of the only nations with a population base that would support such a huge army. In fact, China has reserves today that are that size. So, it appears that China is portrayed in scripture, but not by the specific name of China.”

  Marty asked, “Scott, I’ve read ahead in the book a bit, so I know where this study is headed. There’s a website where you can read more at Even though the specific name America isn’t included in the Bible, you’re saying….what the author is saying….is that our country is portrayed, or described, however you want to say it, in prophetic verses that are about America. That’s the point, right?”

  “Right, Marty. But, let me be clear. It’s not my opinion and it’s not the opinion of the author of this book that counts. What counts is what the Author of the Bible wrote through His Prophets. As you know, Marty, it appears that there are thirty or so clues in the Bible describing what it calls the identity of Mystery Babylon, also called the Daughter of Babylon and Babylon the Great. The clues describe a rich, powerful and influential end times nation. We’re going to study the thirty clues to attempt to decide if they apply to America, or to a church denomination, or to ancient Babylon or maybe to some other nation in the world.”

  Liz, Max’s wife, known for generally preparing her lesson for small group, though not usually saying much, responded, “Scott. Good start. I’m really looking forward to this study. I can’t think of any subject more important than learning what God may have revealed about our country….and its future. We are sure living in scary times. Thanks, Scott.”

  “My pleasure, Scott replied, “I’m also looking forward to this study. Liz’s comment about scary times is right on….Oh, wait, one other thing….almost forgot….speaking of scary things. I received an e-mail before I left home from a Marine buddy of mine that y’all need to read. I didn’t have time to send it before I left for small group. Look for my e-mail with an attached memo called something like The Communist Takeover of America or a similar title. It’s an eye-opener. OK, men and women, let’s get dessert and break into our prayer groups.”


  National Museum of American History

  Stars and Stripes Café

  “We are now focusing our resources on those we know least about.” TSA Website

  At first, Barry couldn’t believe what he was reading. The highway contractors’ trade magazine contained a media release disclosing that the Department of Homeland Security had ordered hundreds of portable four feet by 16 feet bullet proof shelters, with stop and go lights, halide security lighting and built-in HVAC units. Barry assumed that the traffic control booths were for use at military bases. But, then it occurred to Barry that DHS doesn’t have any military bases. Plus, any military base he had ever attended had permanent traffic control booths built into the entry gates of the base. So, what the heck, he wondered, was the possible use for all those highly securitized booths?

  As a widely-read DC blogger Barry knew that he would be able to find out well before most of official Washington. His widely-read blog, DEEP INSIDE DC, regularly carried insider disclosures from federal employees who weren’t enamored with the current administration. One of his best inside sources just happened to work at the DHS. Sandy was a girl whom Barry dated back in Boston before they both moved to DC ten years ago and went to work as federal bureaucrats in different agencies. Barry had often reflected on the fact that Sandy was untraceable as his main source at DHS because the two of them had no known connection in DC. To their best of their knowledge, no one in DC knew that they had earlier dated in bean town. Sandy, like Barry, was a patriotic American who was willing to help Barry tell the truth, even at some personal danger.

  To avoid any potential for Sandy to get caught as Barry’s DHS source of inside information they never spoke by phone nor communicated by e-mail. If Sandy had something to reveal to Barry, she pulled up the venetian blind slightly on the window of her apartment facing Connecticut Avenue. Sandy’s street was on Barry’s way to his favorite coffee shop. He could just glanc
e up as he walked by her apartment building and know if she needed to meet.

  Like her fellow DHS employees Sandy was regularly interviewed, screening her as a possible insider leak in the Department. To avoid being caught Barry had trained Sandy on how to think during a lie detector test. She thought of a calm blue lake, afloat in a boat, with the sun and a cooling breeze on her face. In each interview Sandy quickly passed the intrusive questions. She always felt that she was a good actress, going back to her days in high school when she starred in three dramas. DHS interviewers didn’t seem to suspect her of anything.

  As Barry walked towards his morning 2% latte, with extra espresso shot, he glanced up at Sandy’s window. The blind was up a few inches. Barry knew that he would be meeting Sandy for lunch in the Stars and Stripes Café located in the National Museum of American History, at 14th and Constitution Avenue. Barry and Sandy meeting places for lunch were in the public restaurants located at one of the eight Smithsonian museums in downtown DC. The two varied their meeting location by following the Smithsonian’s list of eight tourist attractions posted on its website. Their last meeting at been at the food court at the National Air and Space Museum, so now it was time for the National Museum of American History. By meeting at public restaurants in crowded tourist attractions Barry and Sandy knew that they would meld into the crowds, making it highly unlikely that they would be noticed.

  Barry arrived first, before noon, and ordered a chicken and arugula wrap and iced tea. He took his food to the farthest back corner of the patriotically themed café, knowing that Sandy would find him, which she did upon her arrival right at noon. Sandy, a petite brunette, brought her spinach and mushroom quiche and diet soda and sat down across from Barry at the small two person table. Barry was admittedly somewhat easy to spot. He had a small male pony tail and usually wore a New York Yankees navy blue baseball cap and Italian sunglasses. Sandy gave Barry a quick half smile, followed by a quick glance around the café to see if she recognized any one.

  “Hi, Barry. You’re going to be glad we met. There’s some really big do-do stirring at DHS; in the TSA, specifically.”

  Barry finished chewing the bite of his wrap, then he asked, “What? How could it possibly be bigger do-do than buying all that ammo? I’m still thankful for your tip on those Requests For Proposal. Thanks to you we broke it first on my blog. So what’s up now?”

  “I assume that you already know, from this week’s trade publication, about the purchase by the DHS of those traffic control booths?”

  “Funny you should ask. I read about the control booths yesterday. My first thought was that you must know more than what the trades revealed.”

  “Sure do….Barry, you won’t believe….yeah, you will believe it. You don’t trust anything this government does, do you?”

  “I wouldn’t say anything Sandy, just most things. I’m down with most of what comes out of the Pentagon….though now that I’ve said that….I can think of a few….”

  “OK, OK….I only have 45 minutes, so….take notes. Those several hundred booths were ordered by DHS for the use by TSA on the nation’s interstate highways. They will man each booth with between four and six TSA blue-shirted employees. And, get this; each access control employee will be armed with a revolver. In addition, DHS just ordered several few hundred AR-15 rifles, enough for two weapons in each booth.”

  “Stop, Sandy….I get the weapons thing, of course. But, go back to the placement on….how did you say it? On the nation’s interstate highways? For what? How can they possibly justify….”

  “Here’s the official line. TSA is not finding any terrorists in the nation’s airports. It’s embarrassing how many billions of dollars have been spent to support the huge TSA workforce in the nation’s 503 airports with commercial service. They grab an occasional knife in some hapless passenger’s carry-on luggage that they forgot. Once in a while they even find a gun. But, not belonging to a terrorist, just a forgetful American, even a couple Congressmen, if you recall. “

  “Yeah, it is disgusting how much we spend ‘fighting the last war’, as they say. Jihadists won’t be bringing down any more airplanes in our lifetimes. So, why not just back off on groping the old women and little kids? Why not cut back on the number of TSA employees to a realistic number?”

  “Are you kidding? Reduce the number of federal government employees? How long have you covered DC?”

  Barry smiled broadly and responded, “Ya’ got me there. That’s not gonna’ happen, but back to the interstates. What does the lack of terrorist take downs by the TSA at airports have to do with these traffic control booths?”

  “Simple. The TSA will announce that the terrorist threat has shifted from the nation’s airports to its interstate highways. The TSA actually tried this line out when it set up five temporary control booths in Tennessee recently. It apparently worked, because no voices were raised in opposition. No complaints, even by the motorists who were stopped to check their papers in order to….unhuh, sure….look for terrorists. What will happen is that these several hundred traffic control….make that access control….booths will be placed at strategic locations throughout the US. They almost ordered their use after the Boston bombings, but they weren’t quite ready. The next terrorist event, false flag, or not, and you’ll start seeing the booths spring up across the country. They plan to start on the interstates between the major urban cities, then expand their use.”

  “Wait, Sandy, are you saying each motor vehicle will be stopped at each booth? How will that work? People won’t put up with that….not for a moment.”

  “Really Barry? If you had been told ten years ago that your body would be scanned, showing what it looks like under your clothing….or that eighty year olds would be groped for weapons….or agents would feel toddlers private areas….and that people would put up with it? They have a plan to make sure that Americans will accept access control points on their interstates.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “I don’t know the fine details, yet, but during breaks you can learn a lot at DHS, just by sipping your soda and sitting near your fellow employees. There is coming a major false flag event, probably a series of similar false or black flag events. They’ll be violent; a lot more violent than the shooting of Larry McAlister or Aurora or Sandy Hook - a lot more. I don’t know anything more than that. I’ll keep my ears open, of course. I should be able to find out what’s being finalized.”

  “Do that, Sandy. I’ll post this insider leak right away, but if you can get me some details on the planned black flag events that would be huge. If we can blog the truth about faked domestic terrorist events, before they actually happen, it could blow their cover and stop the whole charade. Sandy, if you can get me the details….we could both change history….and….maybe save our country from plunging into bloody violence. If they successfully pull off this fraud it could be the final nail in the good ol’ U.S. Constitution. It’ll be like all those old Nazi movies, ‘let me zee your papers”.”

  “As soon as I learn anything, you’ll be the first to know. Watch my window.”


  Federal Court House

  Dallas, Texas

  “All rise,” the Bailiff cried out calling the Court to order, “The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas is now in session. The Honorable Frederick Rodriguez, presiding. You may be seated. Visitors are advised that they will be removed from the Court Room and may be arrested should they applaud, speak or express any other disruptive behavior in this honorable Court. You are so advised.”

  “Bailiff, call the first case, please,” the Judge asked.

  “Today’s docket begins with the case of the United States of America versus John Madison II, cause number….”

  “That’s fine, Bailiff, I have the file. Is the Defendant present? You’re John Madison II? Please stand to be sworn. Is that your counsel with you? Yes, I see your appearance, now, here in the file. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth, Mr. Madison?”

  “So help me God, your honor,” Jack Madison replied.

  “Mr. Madison, we don’t use that phrase, any more. As a pastor, which I understand you are, you should know about the separation of church and state.”

  “With all due respect, your honor, my swearing to tell the truth, or anyone doing so for that matter, has little meaning if it’s not based on swearing before our God….Your honor.”

  “Mr. Madison, we aren’t here today to debate theology. This is a court of law. Let’s get to it. You have been charged by the people of the United States of America with various crimes, most arising from purported violations of the federal hate crimes act as well as the McAlister Hate Speech Act. I assume that you’ve consulted with your counsel. The purpose of today’s hearing is for the Court to receive your plea to each count of the criminal indictment. How do you plead, Mr. Madison?”

  “Innocent, your honor, on each count.”

  “As I expected, Mr. Madison. The next issue we will consider is your freedom pending trial. What says the United States on the question of a bond?”

  The U.S. District Attorney stood, and responded, “May it please the Court. The United States strongly opposes any bond for this defendant. He is a flight risk, of course. He even said to an arresting officer that he might not show up here today, saying something like “if the Lord is willing”, which the government takes to mean that he may flee, if he feels that his god is telling him to do so. In addition to being a flight risk, his hate speech would be further disseminated into this community, and the nation, if he is allowed to be out on bail. Pastor Madison’s hateful words need to be contained within a federal facility and not broadcast on the public airwaves, as he has done, so widely and hatefully, in the past. Thank you, your honor.”


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