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THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2)

Page 9

by John Price

  “OK, OK, enough with the history already. What the heck is it? Why are we talking about it? Operation Four Winds needs to get kicked over to the Oval Office, like now. Our Christian crazy man is still in place and ready to go ballistic. But he’s so full of psycho drugs that he could melt down any time. We have some back-ups, but they’re not nearly as believable as Fred. His background as a Christian leader makes him the right guy to authenticate the car bombings. So we need to get Four Winds over to the Oval Office for approval, as I said, like now.”

  “I hear you, Madam Secretary. I’ll just summarize my memo attached to the final draft of Operation Four Winds. In 1962 the Pentagon wanted to invade Cuba. They needed a false flag series of events in order to justify the invasion. And here Madam Secretary, is where it gets really interesting. Operation Northwoods was approved by each member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including the Chairman, General Lemnitzer. That’s of special interest because Operation Northwood proposed faking attacks on Gitmo, Miami and Washington, DC. The Pentagon wanted to paint up a US fighter jet to look like a MIG, then use the MIG to shoot down a drone aircraft, claiming that the plane shot down was a civilian aircraft full of vacationing students, which they would actually divert to an airbase, and then cover it up. They also planned to blow up a US Naval vessel in Cuban waters, and then blame Cuba for the deaths….”

  “Stop Carl! Stop. You’re going too fast. I’ve never heard of any of this. Have you confirmed….”

  “Yes, mam, the letter signed by General Lemnitzer is attached to my report. In the March 13, 1962 JCS letter the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs refers to ‘pretexts which would provide justification for US military intervention in Cuba’. In the plan itself it refers to ‘a logical build-up of incidents to camouflage the ultimate objective and create the necessary impression of Cuban rashness and irresponsibility on a large scale’.”

  “OK, move on, Carl, I get that they wanted to justify invading Cuba. But a minute ago you referred to specific faked events. Cover that again, please, but I want specifics. What actions did the Pentagon actually approve? Details.”

  “Northwoods consisted of six parts. The first was to fake Cuban attacks on the US Naval Base at Guantanamo. The plan included using friendly Cubans dressed in Cuban military uniforms who would invade the base, start fires, burn aircraft and blow up ammunition. The invading fake troops were to be captured, while other friendly Cubans outside the base were to lob mortars into the base causing damage to buildings and equipment and also they were to storm the main gate. Lastly, the plan included blowing up Navy ships in the Gitmo harbor entrance and another near Havana, with, get this, the Navy conducting funerals for ‘mock-victims’. The ship to be blown up near Havana called for an air/sea ‘evacuation of the non-existent crew’ ” Lists of the fake dead were then to be published in the US ‘to cause a national wave of national indignation’.”

  “Humph. That’s really interesting, Carl, in light of what Four Winds is going to do. Just shows there’s nothing new under the sun. Earlier you said something about terrorist attacks in the US. What was that about?”

  Carl Goren looked down at his notes while also thinking to himself that for the first time since this Secretary took over DHS he felt he had her full attention. In past conferences in her office she invariably hovered over her laptop, while also thumbing texts into her cell phone, barely acknowledging his presence. Today, with his Northwoods disclosure Carl finally had the Secretary’s full attention, “Madam Secretary, the plan approved by the Pentagon called for terrorist attacks in Miami, other cities in Florida and in Washington, DC. Attacks were planned on Cuban refugees living in the US, including wounding the refugees, with the injuries being ‘widely publicized’.”

  “Wow. Are you sure you didn’t have this 1962 false flag plan available when you wrote Four Winds? “

  “If you think that’s eerie, listen to this. Northwoods included ‘exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots’. How about that for a parallel with Four Winds? “

  “Incredible….Carl…. I’ll fully analyze all aspects of Four Winds, of course, before I sign off and courier it over to the White House, but how many car bombs did you end up recommending? I know we talked about as many as ten. What did you end up with?”

  “We kicked it around a lot, but we finally came back to just six car bombs. Six, located across the country in the major cities we decided on, seems a number that a radical Christian conspiracy could put together and pull off. Any more than six might imply that some larger organization did it, you know, like the federal government. The right wingers and talk radio kooks will say the bombs are false flags, anyway, but more than six would add some fuel, so to speak, to their fire. We picked New York, DC, Atlanta, Chicago, LA and Houston, subject to change, of course.”

  Alright, I’m way over on the time set for this discussion. Anything else you haven’t told me about Northwoods? I’m obviously fascinated by what the federal government was doing to concoct false flags a half century ago.”

  “Yes, Madam Secretary, two things. The main reason you’ve never heard of Northwoods is that when the plan hit President Kennedy’s desk he shot it down. A few decades later former Secretary of Defense Bob McNamara denied that he’d ever heard of anything about Northwoods, even though he was SecDef at the time. Secondly, we haven’t discussed Northwoods’ faked aircraft incidents. Four Winds doesn’t involve any aircraft, so are you interested. Maybe….”

  “No. It’s not relevant, so, just give me a readers digest quick summary. You said something about vacationing students?”

  “Northwoods called for two aircraft false flag events. The first was to charter a flight to a South American country with a route over Cuba, the plane being full of college students on holiday. An airplane was to be acquired from the CIA and painted to exactly match the appearance and number of a civilian aircraft. The two aircraft, one being a drone, the other full of passengers ‘with carefully prepared aliases’, were to take off at the same time flying towards Cuba. Then the passenger-carrying plane was to land at Eglin air base in Florida, with the drone to fly over Cuba, sending out a MAY DAY signal of attacks by Cuban MIG aircraft at the appropriate location over Cuba. The drone would be exploded by radio signal. The plane at Eglin was to be returned to its original condition. Obviously, the students purportedly killed in the crash weren’t real people, hence, the reference to aliases. No one would actually die, though the world was to be told otherwise.”

  “What was the second aircraft false flag?”

  “Four or five F-101 US aircraft were to fly within twelve miles of Cuba. One of the pilots was to hang back from the other aircraft, then falsely radio that he had just been jumped by unfriendly Cuban MIG aircraft. He was to drop to a low altitude and land at Eglin. His aircraft was to be ‘quickly stored and given a new tail number’. The pilot and the aircraft would then ‘have disappeared’. A submarine was to release F-101 aircraft debris in the waters near Cuba. The other pilots would believe a ‘true story as far as they knew’.”

  “Uh-huh. OK. But since we’re not using aircraft, at least not yet, I’ll remember it if we need a false flag later involving aircraft. Most Christian or gun nuts aren’t pilots but everybody has a car or a truck, of course. So, its car bombs. Six of those little devices should be all we need, really. In case you haven’t noticed, the crazies on Capitol Hill are going after our boss, so the White House wants all of this expedited. Good job, Carl. I’ll e-send you a courtesy heads up when Four Winds is approved….Oh, one more thing….I don’t need to repeat this, but I will. Make sure that the DC car bomb is across town. Keep it away from these offices. Got it?”


  Small Group Bible Study, Home of Hannah & Gary

  Birmingham, Alabama

  “Wow! Scott, tonight’s lesson knocked me for a loop,” exclaimed Liz, as the small group collected their coffee and iced tea and started their Bible study. “I have a dramatically different view of my own country now that
I’ve studied and researched the prophecies. It’s not a very pretty picture, is it?”

  “Liz, I’ll refrain from offering my own opinions until I hear what you all have to say. The key question is this - prophecy uses the phrase the ‘great whore’, or the ‘great harlot’ or ‘great prostitute’ to describe the rich, powerful and influential end times nation that we’ve been studying. Is this phrase too harsh, particularly if we apply it to our own country, to the United States of America? Any thoughts?”

  “That’s kind of a strong description, Scott, don’t ‘cha’ think?” Hannah asked.

  “Hannah, there’s no question that it’s strong, kind of like a garlic milk shake, but the question is whether it’s true. What do y’all think? You’ve read what John wrote as he described Babylon the Great. In Revelation 14, 17, 18 and 19 he said that this end times nation would be the mother of abominable things and filth. That it will make the nations of the world drink the maddening wine of her adulteries which corrupted the earth. That’s not a pretty picture. I’ll admit that the first time I started studying this issue I instantly rejected the idea that the verses could possibly apply to my country. You know, my country right or wrong….But, my real country, according to scripture, is in heaven. So, let’s face facts as they are. Does anyone see how America could be the mother of abominations of the earth, as John wrote in Revelation 17:5?”

  None of the small group appeared to be very anxious to answer Scott’s open-ended invitation to criticize their country….Scott waited….Finally, Beau’s wife, Audrey, considered the sweetest natured member of the small group, spoke up, “Scott. I was like you….till I started praying about it….the very first thing that I thought of was how America led the world in declaring it legal to abort babies in the womb. Before Roe versus Wade, only two countries, Finland and Great Britain, allowed abortion, but only under extremely limited circumstances. Two doctors. Life of the mother. That sort of thing. But, then….boom….the highest court of the world’s leading nation declares abortion on demand legal. Since then the US has killed over 56 million American babies, but the global death toll from abortion totals over one point two billion, that’s with a B, worldwide, total since Roe. Mother of abominations, indeed.”

  Tom added, “Plus, Audrey, don’t forget that over the years since the Roe case the US used its money, taxpayer money and otherwise, to induce other countries to change their laws to allow abortion. Some Catholic countries, like Chile, refused the bribes and kept their pro-life laws, but many did change their laws to allow their infants to be slaughtered, because the US financially pushed what it called ‘family planning’. What an abomination….It makes me sick at my stomach.”

  Liz said, “The saddest part of Jeremiah 51:7 is the past tense statement. ‘Babylon was a gold cup in the Lord’s hand’. That’s truly sad. God knew ahead of time how this end times nation would be used for great spiritual purposes, but….then there would come a time when the golden cup would be full of ‘abominable things and filth’, as John wrote in Revelation 17. Look I’m as big a patriot as anybody in America, but that doesn’t mean I’ve got to lie to myself about what’s happened to my country.”

  Beau agreed, “Liz, once the US decided to tell God He wasn’t welcome in our public schools…couldn’t even be mentioned, and once we kicked God out of our court houses and state houses, what did we expect would happen? He’s a gentleman; he’s not going to push Himself in where He’s not wanted.”

  Scott asked, “Besides abortion, does anyone see where America could legitimately be called the source, the Mother, of other abominations?”

  Beau asked sarcastically, “Well, duh, how about pornography, filthy movies and television, legalizing same sex marriage, our drug culture, even witchcraft….what abomination haven’t we promoted to the world? Step back and pretend that you’re God….OK, I know that’s easier for Tom than most of us….just kidding, love ya’ Tom. But, seriously, pretend you created America, funded it, prospered it, made it the wealthiest, most powerful, influential country on the globe. In return, it was a major source of missionary efforts around the earth, great ministries, wonderfully used by God through the decades….but….then, this nation in the middle part of the last century started acting like it never even heard of God. Get out of our schools, keep away from our government, don’t come near many of our homes and even our churches. As bad as these things are, we then became the world leader in killing God’s created infants in the womb, promoting adultery and divorce in movies and TV, buying billions of dollars of illegal drugs from south of the border, pushing witchcraft and sorcery. If I were God I wouldn’t put up with that very long, I’ll tell you.”

  “Beau, that’s the point, isn’t it? God has put up with our abominations for a really long time… the fifty year plus range. Why is that?” Liz asked.

  “Liz,” Beau replied, “I think I understand what God foretells through the five Old and New Testament Prophets who gave us prophesies about the Daughter of Babylon. He doesn’t say that the nation will be destroyed because of its abominations. The number of immediate deaths may be determined by its abominations, like fifty six million aborted babies. He does say, though, that the future destruction will come because it betrays Israel, leading to bloodshed in Israel.”

  Scott, sensing that the evening’s discussion was winding down, said, “Good place to stop, guys. Next week we’ll look at what Beau was talking about. What does Babylon the great do to deserve destruction? The week after that we’ll look at who might be used to bring about the destruction and how they would do it. Let’s break up now into our prayer groups. Hannah says there are a few toffee bars left.”


  Solid Word Baptist Church

  Lansing, Michigan

  Had the Pastor of the Solid Word Baptist Church of Lansing, Michigan known what would happen as a result of his decision, he would have never allowed his barber to hold a meeting in his church on that fateful Friday evening. The Pastor had known his barber since they attended high school together. Consequently, the Pastor knew that his friend and barber was active in both the Michigan Tea Party and the state’s leading gun rights organization. The church seated over five hundred, using the two rows of seats in the small balcony. A count of those who attended the Friday night meeting showed that over seven hundred had crammed into the sanctuary to hear what they could do to take their country back.

  Organizers of the Friday night meeting used the internet and a local conservative talk show to invite people to attend. As a result, the meeting not only attracted people who were concerned about what they had been reading in e-messages about Communists in the White House, it also attracted three undercover federal agents, wired to record every word spoken. Many words were spoken. Each was recorded, transcribed and promptly circulated in DC to those who had a great deal of interest in what was said by angry Americans in Lansing, Michigan.

  Most of the words said were by scared Americans. Scared that their country had been covertly taken over by people who were acting contrary to their best interests and those of America. Scared that they might lose their futures as free Americans. Scared that they had been so easily fooled in the Presidential campaigns, twice. Scared that it wouldn’t be easy to take back their country. But, more scared that if they didn’t try to take it back, even if by armed force, their children and grandchildren were doomed to a collectivist, socialist future.

  After almost three hours of heated, passionate rhetoric the Pastor’s barber closed the meeting. His final words were the words most circulated in the nation’s capital the next day. Standing before the crowd, many of whom were weeping, holding out his extended arms, he said, “My friends….my neighbors….my family….my fellow believers, in many cases….and my fellow patriots….we have only one choice. None of us wants to give up, to give in to these sneaky, thieving Commies. They may have taken over the government, they have fraudulently grabbed the White House and the media, and who knows what else, but they haven’t yet taken ove
r our hearts. America’s dead soldiers, and sailors, and airmen and marines, and all who gave their lives for their country and freedom, are looking down on us to see if we can keep what they have given us….Will this free country remain free?….Or, instead, will we give it over to the followers of Karl Marx and watch it be destroyed in front of our very eyes?....As for me, I would rather die than let it be known that I was a coward….that I was not willing to take up arms to take my country back. We can do nothing further tonight, except pray. But tomorrow, talk to your friends, family and everyone you know. Tell them what you’ve heard. Tell them to get ready! The time to fight for America will soon be upon us. God bless and good night!”

  The words spoken in Lansing accelerated the commencement of plans already in place in Washington, DC.


  Churchill Downs

  Louisville, Kentucky

  Roy Henry had been a sniper while a member of the United States Marines. He was good at what he did. Since returning to civilian life Roy had maintained his skills. On his small farm just outside of Mount Vernon, Indiana Roy had constructed a shooting range with a berm behind his targets to catch bullets. He practiced weekly, each time lengthening the distance to the target. Eventually, Roy could hit the bull’s eye of a standard paper target from several thousand feet away. His favorite firearm for sniping was a Barrett M82A1, which cost him more than his Ford 250 turbo diesel pick up truck.

  Once Roy was convinced that his country had been taken over by Communists Roy knew he couldn’t just sit idly by and let them get away with it. His first decision was who to take out to have the biggest impact on restoring his country. He knew that the nation’s highest elected officials, the President, the Vice President, top leaders of Congress, Supreme Court Justices and other such officials were protected by hundreds of federal agents. No way could he accomplish a clean execution. Then it occurred to Roy that taking out an enabler of the Communists in the White House could have the effect of reducing their power as well as sending a message. Roy watched five straight nights of evening news shows on the nation’s three leading networks and cable systems; though he nearly broke his television by throwing what was at hand when he heard what he considered to be blatant lies and misrepresentations.


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